Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 85


Brush raised his head, and Lian Xi's eyes were directed towards the statue in the center of the temple.

"What does it mean?"

In the temple, multicolored righteousness is wrapped around the statue of the god. The vivid statue of the god did not answer his question, but lowered his eyes mercifully, looking at the girl kneeling in front of him and praying to him with no sorrow or joy.

Lian Xi clenched his fingers, he didn't understand what was going on right now, but all the things in front of him revealed a strangeness and weirdness.

His lips pursed tightly, and he stepped up and walked towards the Temple of Emperor Wen. As soon as he took a step, someone grabbed his wrist.

Even Xi turned his head.

Lu Chen pulled Lian Xi's wrist, stared at him with deep eyes, and said in a low voice: "This is his dojo, if you walk in, you will never die."

Dojo, that is, the realm of the gods. At this moment, Emperor Wensong has set up his own dojo around the Temple of Emperor Wen, and people who are idle can enter.

After a moment of silence, Lian Xi stopped and asked, "Then what happened now."

Zaochen's eyes narrowed, but he couldn't answer the question.

The immediate boss seems to have quarreled, and there is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Judge Cui said nothing, and had an idea in his heart. Holding the book of life and death, he said: "Two adults, there is no need to worry. According to the subordinates' speculation, there should be no problem with whether the girl's life is really good or not. The reason why the book of life and death did not record the cause of her death may not be a bad thing. Since she She has a deep relationship with Emperor Wensong, and even her subordinates suspect that she is the reincarnation of Emperor Wensong, why don't I wait to see this girl's past and present life together to see if she is the reincarnation of Emperor Wensong?"

This is the best way now.

Lian Xi and Caochen acquiesced, and Judge Cui received the order and opened the book of life and death again.

The judge's eyes flashed with yin and black light, he scolded in a low voice, and pointed at the blank book of life and death. Soon, lines of text appeared on it.

The watchman was illiterate, and Jiang Gui read out the records in the book of life and death.

"Zhao Wen, male, born in 1965, came from a miserable family. At the age of 7, he was sold by his parents to an old man in the village.

"Li Xiusong, female, born in 1931, came from a miserable family and was abused by the enemy, died in 1937."

"Qian Siwen, male, was born in 1874. He had a prominent family at the beginning, but later his family was in the middle of the road, and he was afflicted by illness. He died in 1911."

"Liu Wenxiu, female, born in 1653, was elected to the palace, was framed and entered into the clan's house, tortured to death, died in 1678."

The more I read it, the more beasts like Jiang Gui looked ugly, and they couldn't bear it.

It is understandable to say that a person's life is very miserable. The world has never been fair. There are always too many people who suffer from misery, and sad people are not uncommon. Everyone wants to live a better life, but there are always people who seem to be tricked by fate and struggle in a tragic and bleak life.

But if you talk about one person, it's a full six hundred years!

For six hundred years, since the first life of her reincarnation, she has suffered a lot.

Life after life, even if it is reincarnated into a beast, life is short, at most one death. But every life, every life, Xiao Liu was reincarnated as a human being. And then every life, every life... She lives a life that is worse than death!

The watchman frowned and couldn't bear to say: "It shouldn't be! Any soul, in six hundred years, should have several lifetimes that cannot be reincarnated. But not only did she reincarnate every time, she lived like this in every life. Lord Judge Cui, how can there be such a thing, I have never seen such a thing! Could it be that there is something wrong with the book of life and death?"

The book of life and death records the life and death of all living beings in the world!

The moment each soul walks through the cycle of reincarnation, his life and death are recorded in the book of life and death. Nobody can change. Of course, there are exceptions to everything. For example, the book of life and death changed Uncle Li's cause of death. It is precisely because of this that Judge Cui sent Jiang Gui to come to the world, and that's what happened next.

But when he heard the guard's questioning, Judge Cui sternly reprimanded: "Bai Wuchang, Jiangnan Road, dare to question the book of life and death?"

The magistrate's majesty was slammed down, and the watchman immediately closed his mouth, trembling and not daring to say more.

Lian Xi: "If it wasn't for an error in the book of life and death, how could this be?"

Judge Cui: "Ah this..."

Judge Cui dared to reprimand the watchman, but he did not dare to reprimand Lian Xi. The power of the bronze bell on Lian Xi's wrist is still fresh in his memory, and he does not dare to make trouble.

Jiang Gui, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke up at this moment: "There will indeed be some problems with the book of life and death."

Judge Cui's eyes narrowed and he scolded, "Bold Jiang Gui!"

Jiang Gui glanced at Judge Cui silently, and continued: "There is indeed such a situation. Did Judge Cui forget, it is precisely because the fate of mortal Li Guoxin has been changed that you sent me to the world. So the book of life and death It is not predestined, but it is possible to change it. Now it is clear who this soul was 600 years ago, we already know."

Everyone did not say a word, but raised their heads in unison and looked at the statue of Emperor Wensong on the temple.

Xiao Liu is Emperor Wen Song!

The husband pondered hard and came up with a possibility: "Emperor Wen Song committed a serious crime, so after he was reincarnated, the book of life and death arranged for his soul to be miserable in every life?"

Judge Cui denied this possibility: "It can't be like this. If Emperor Wen Song really committed a heinous crime, then he should not be reincarnated. He should be punished into eighteen layers of hell and tortured."

Jiang Gui also thought about it for a while, and said his guess: "The reincarnation of gods is born different from ordinary people, so it will be very miserable?"

You actually care about this mortal. Judge Cui gave Jiang Gui a thoughtful look, and after thinking for a while, he still denied: "Six paths of reincarnation can be more just than this judge. If the gods are guilty, they will punish the gods themselves. As long as the living beings walk through the circle of reincarnation, the past life and the present life will be punished. It doesn't matter anymore. She was punished in her first life and suffered misery all her life. Maybe she was burdened by her previous life. But look at her second life, she didn't do anything wrong in her last life, and it is up to this judge to decide, They will let her live an ordinary life, how can she be so pitiful for two consecutive lifetimes?"

What's more, Xiao Liu was miserable not in two lifetimes, but in every lifetime in the past six hundred years!

Until this time, all possibilities have been ruled out, leaving only the last possibility.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the center of the temple, the noble god surrounded by awe-inspiring righteousness.

Lian Xi looked at the statue of Emperor Wensong, his lips moved, his eyes were deep, and he said word by word: "It's you who made her life so miserable!"

It's not a question, it's an affirmation.

If there are so many people in this world, why did they choose an ordinary girl like Xiao Liu, and let her live so miserably in every life. That must be because there is something special about her, and that special thing is—

Lian Xi: "Six hundred years ago, she used to be a god."

The watchman wondered: "Shouldn't the reincarnation of the gods be better?"

This is the reincarnation conjecture that Jiang Gui once said.

The underworld has speculated for some time that those newly promoted ghosts and gods after the destruction of the court, such as watchmen, are very likely to be gods before. The gods have fallen, but their souls may also be different from ordinary people. Compared with other ordinary souls, they have more opportunities to gain power and become ghosts and gods.

This speculation has not been confirmed so far, but the reincarnation of the gods is not good. How can it be bleak and desolate

Judge Cui was suspicious, and what happened in front of him was obviously beyond his understanding.

"Is he still alive?"

"Huh?" Judge Cui raised his head and realized that after the minister was asking himself, he looked at Emperor Wensong in the temple and thought: "If you go back to your lord, it shouldn't be, Emperor Wensong has already fallen, but it doesn't count. ghost."

The minister looked calm: "Then she is a living creature."

Judge Cui looked at Xiao Liu: "Of course it is."

Suddenly, Lian Xi understood what the minister meant, and said in surprise, "What do you mean?"

The minister hummed softly, he flipped his palm, and a crystal clear and moist white jade seal suddenly appeared in his palm.

At this time, everyone also knew what Yuchen was going to do.

The golden album is only useful for ghosts, while the white jade seal is specifically for living beings!

Today, the temple of Emperor Wensong is surrounded by colorful lights. Although he said "please come in", no one dared to go in easily. Because this is a god, and a god who can survive in Wangchuan for seven, seven and forty-nine days, and can compete with fate. Blindly entering his dojo is like a knife and me as a fish, subject to him everywhere.

Since he couldn't get in, the minister raised his eyes indifferently: "Just pull the person out."

At the next moment, the minister flicked his fingers: "Go!" The small and delicate white jade seal flew into the air with a swoosh, slammed the seal, and printed six golden characters in the air.

The Great Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu!

The six-character golden light did not enter the Wendi Temple, but directly outside the temple, emitting a brighter radiance.

For a time, the night was like day, and the brightness of the golden light surpassed Emperor Wen Song's colorful righteousness, passed through the temple dojo, and touched Xiao Liu's body.

It was a good time to be flattering, and the watchman blinked his eyes and said with admiration, "Sir, this is really an immortal trick, and the little one is dazzling!"

When Judge Cui heard this, he was surprised and gave the watchman a strange look.

The word "fairy means" can't be used correctly. The adult in front of him is the master of the underworld, and he is a ghost. What else can it be if it is not an immortal means? This Luo Zhongguo is really illiterate. Alas, the road to promotion of basic education in the underworld is still a difficult road ahead.

But then, Judge Cui quietly looked at the minister again. He didn't understand why the minister had to take such trouble to pull out a mortal soul from the Temple of Emperor Wen.

Emperor Wensong is indeed very powerful, but compared to Emperor Fengdu, it is still not worth mentioning, just slap him twice.

Judge Cui rolled his eyes, and suddenly realized: Your lord is really merciful, and Emperor Wensong died. He didn't want to embarrass Emperor Wensong and save face for the dead.

Judge Cui bowed with both hands, and complimented from the bottom of his heart: "Your lord's broad-mindedness has made his subordinates fall to the ground, and he is ashamed!"

Zao Omi, who had no idea what was going on: "..."

In the rustling autumn wind, the handsome and innocent Lord of the Underworld snorted softly, noble and indifferent: "Watch from the side."

Judge Cui excitedly said: "Yes!"

Watchman: "..."

When I blow rainbow farts, adults ignore me!

For a time, the sense of crisis in the watchman's heart surged, and he stared vigilantly at Judge Cui, the immediate superior he once wanted to please.

Jiang Gui on the side: "..."

Two licking dogs!

Caochen and Lian Xi didn't notice the careful thoughts of the watchman and the others, they watched as the golden light penetrated into the temple and touched Xiao Liu's body. Wucai Zhengqi seems to want to stop the progress of Jinguang, but everything is in vain. It seems to be inferior to Jinguang by nature, and it has fallen behind after repeated collisions.

When Jin Guang replaced Wucai Zhengqi and wrapped around Xiao Liu's body, Lian Xi clearly saw Xiao Liu's body move. She no longer bowed her head in prayer, but raised her head stiffly and slowly.

Lian Xi's eyes lit up: "Can you pull her out?"

The minister raised his eyes and glanced at the white jade seal. The white jade seal was ordered, and immediately flew into the air with dog legs, emitting more majestic golden light.

Lian Xi: "Really useful!"

The golden light lingered on Xiao Liu's body, and he saw Xiao Liu stood up little by little, his knees were about to leave the yellow and old futon.

At this moment, suddenly, above the temple, the young god sighed softly, and a ray of radiant and colorful righteousness descended, and the golden light that fell on Xiao Liu was shattered with one blow.

The gazer's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his dark eyes looked ruthlessly at Emperor Wen Song.

Emperor Wensong: "Why did the emperor prevent this emperor from resurrecting?"

The minister didn't say a word, just stared at Emperor Wensong indifferently.

Without Jin Guang's reception, Xiao Liu knelt on the futon with a thud and continued to bow his head to pray. More and more colorful righteousness emanated from the statue and wrapped around Xiao Liu's body. But there is so much righteousness. Gradually, it is almost impossible to tell whether they poured out of the statue and fell on Xiao Liu, or poured out of Xiao Liu and got into the statue.

The statue spoke again, like a thunderous roar, deafening: "Shenjun is still alive, but this emperor is dead! In a rush day, only the ghosts and gods in the underworld are not punished by the gods. There is injustice in the sky. !"

When the sound fell, the Wendi Temple was ten miles in diameter, and suddenly there were dense clouds, and thunder snakes walked through the clouds.

The gods are angry, and the heavens have visions!

Although Emperor Wensong is dead, he is still a god. With his scolding, the watchman and Jiang Gui both bleed from their noses and mouths, their faces like golden paper. Judge Cui wasn't much better either, his face was pale, revealing an ugly color.

Even Xi, as a mortal, was scolded by the gods, and almost his entire body was blown away. Caochen grabbed him, and a strong and powerful hand firmly grasped his. Caochen directly grabbed his waist and pressed him to the place. At the same time, the golden album flew out of thin air, flying beside the two of them, resisting this. Sudden divine coercion.

After a few seconds, the wrath of the gods dissipated.

In the Wendi Temple, the colorful light between the statue and Xiao Liu became more and more dazzling, and the dojo around the Wendi Temple became stronger.

At this moment, Judge Cui and the others did not dare to move. Obviously, among the five of them, Emperor Wensong didn't even see Xi and the other four in his eyes, and he only spoke to the minister. Among these five people, he felt that only the minister was qualified to talk to him.

However, Lian Xi broke away from the minister's hand.

The minister frowned, and wanted to hold Lian Xi again. The young man shook his head at him: "I have a guess."

The minister was stunned for a moment, and no longer stopped Lian Xi.

In the dark night, under the thick clouds, a thin mortal young man stood in front of the Temple of Emperor Wen and asked aloud, "Emperor Wen Song, is Xiao Liu's suffering in the past six hundred years all related to you?"

In the temple, the statue moved slightly, but did not answer.

Lian Xi continued: "You dare not admit it, but the fact is that it has something to do with you!" Lian Xi looked cold, he quickly turned his head and asked Judge Cui: "Judge Cui, you said just now that the book of life and death cannot be wrong. Recording the life and death of all living beings in the world, except for extremely occasional accidents, everything else is within the scope of the life and death book, and it is absolutely fair."

Judge Cui didn't understand what Lian Xi meant, but he nodded and said, "Yes, that's true."

Lian Xi: "Liu's first life is miserable, I can understand it; the two lives are miserable, but it is not too bad. But for six hundred years, she lived a life rather than death. At the same time, she was reincarnated as a human in every life. This can not be regarded as an accident. Right."

Judge Cui looked complicated: "...It really can't be an accident."

"That is the book of life and death is wrong."

"..." Judge Cui wanted to refute, but couldn't think of a reason.

The minister lowered his eyes, looked at Lian Xi steadily, and asked, "How did the book of life and death go wrong?"

There must be something wrong with the book of life and death, but how Emperor Wensong worked on the book of life and death is something that everyone has never figured out.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He turned his head to look at the gods in the temple, and said his speculation: "I heard that Emperor Wensong used to be the god in charge of books in the world."

The voice fell, and among the five, only the watchman was still a little dazed, but Judge Cui and Jiang Gui were instantly enlightened and shocked.

Judge Cui was horrified: "How can this be?!"

Lian Xi looked calm: "This is the only explanation."

Judge Cui held the book of life and death. He looked down at the treasure in his hand in disbelief, still feeling absurd and unbelievable. He stood in front of the temple and asked, "Emperor Wensong, can you really change the book of life and death?! No, it's impossible. A treasure like the book of life and death is only controlled by the six paths of reincarnation, even the Great Emperor Fengdu can't control it, I It's just a matter of taking charge of it. You are one of the thirty-six emperors of the Divine Court, how could you have changed the book of life and death?!"

Jiang Gui sneered and said, "Judge Cui, you still don't understand."

Judge Cui didn't even bother to correct Jiang Gui's offensive tone: "Understand what?"

Jiang Gui laughed gloomily: "Of course Emperor Wensong can't change the book of life and death directly. If he could, he would not have perished as early as six hundred years ago. However, he is in charge of the world's books, so he tried his best to make a The book of life and death has moved hands and feet! It's a good trick." Jiang Gui licked his teeth, and he looked at the bright and upright gods in the temple, showing the look of looking for the same kind: "He makes his soul, every life is extremely miserable. As an emperor, you naturally know that even if the current life is miserable, as long as you go through reincarnation, you will forget about the world, you will not be tired from the past, and you will no longer suffer from suffering. And here is your genius."

Jiang Gui smiled and said: "For six hundred consecutive years, every life has been tortured, and life is better than death. Even if there is a road of reincarnation to help forget the past, but the world is gone, but those inhuman pains are too painful, they are deep It is deeply imprinted into the soul. Forget the suffering of one lifetime, and forget the torment of the tenth lifetime, but what about six hundred years? The pain of a lifetime added together has caused indelible damage to the soul.”

Speaking of this, Judge Cui and the watchman suddenly realized.

The watchman took a deep breath and looked at the statue in horror: "You are so cruel to yourself?!"

"He's not being cruel to himself. The one who suffers is not Emperor Wensong." The young man's unwavering voice sounded faintly, and Lian Xi quietly looked at the goddess in the temple who had neither sorrow nor joy, but a righteous body: "Six hundred years ago, Emperor Wensong has already fallen, how can the mortals after that be considered gods?"

The icy wind in the middle of the night, through the obstruction of colorful righteousness, blew into the temple lightly.

Yes, among those mortals who have been tortured and want to die, how can one be Emperor Wensong.

Emperor Wensong fell as early as 600 years ago. Even if he felt that the way of heaven was unfair and he should not have fallen, he still died!

Those who suffer are just mortals.

A lifetime of torture has left their souls full of holes. Perhaps they once prayed to the sky again and again in the middle of a desperate night to end their unjust life. However, what they got after all was God's neglect.

The next life is still sad and desolate.

In comparison, Xiao Liu's life has been considered safe and happy. However, it was also in this life that she did not know that her soul had reached a certain limit on the verge of collapse. Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was fate, Xiao Liu walked into the Temple of Emperor Wen and prayed to himself for a better life.

According to the book of life and death, Xiao Liu should live to be twenty-nine years old, but after the age of twenty-nine, there is no record of her cause of death.

The Book of Life and Death never goes wrong. There is no cause of death, not because of an error in the book of life and death, but...

Lian Xi: "She became a god."

At this time, Judge Cui was in a state of turmoil, and finally understood why the fate of Xiao Liu that he saw was rich and noble, or it was extremely peaceful.

Judge Cui: "Is this really very peaceful? If she can really be reborn as Emperor Wensong, then she will be the last god in the world who is still alive in the world."

Hearing this, Jiang Gui and the watchman did not refute either.

Yes, what an incredible thing for mortals to become gods. Just like Su Jiao and his uncle, both of them are Xuanxiu, but their cultivation is to cultivate the mind and the Tao, and they have never thought about becoming immortals. The divine court was destroyed, and no mortal could ascend as early as 600 years ago.

Putting away the book of life and death, Judge Cui looked at Lian Xi, and said, "Sir, that being said, this incident is really a happy event for that mortal. Emperor Wensong's soul has been tortured for so many lifetimes. , Now that I can finally cultivate into a positive fruit, it can be regarded as a complete merit."

The watchman was not reconciled, and hurriedly flattered: "Yes, my lord, this little girl is lucky, she will be a god in the future, and she is the only god in the world."

The ghosts and spirits are incomprehensible. Judge Cui and the husband have sincere eyes, and they are not lying. They feel it from the bottom of their hearts.

Jiang Gui is no exception.

Lian Xi was silent for a long time without saying a word.

Suddenly, a low male voice sounded: "You don't like this."

Lian Xi turned his head and looked at the minister. Their eyes met, and after a while, Lian Xi nodded lightly and asked, "Is it Xiao Liu who became a god?"

Judge Cui thought for a while: "It's not true, but it is. She and Emperor Wensong are the same soul, and she is only the first life of Emperor Wensong."

"She is the first life of Emperor Wensong? Now she is the real master of this soul!"

Judge Cui paused in his throat, and said in surprise, "Sir?" After thinking about it, Judge Cui defended, "You can think so, Lord Wensong, who has lived for thousands of years and has been a god for thousands of years. How many years has the little girl lived?"

"If you don't get tired of your past life, you will no longer be that person after walking through the cycle of reincarnation. Just because he lives longer, after he dies, if he wants to be resurrected, this soul has to be returned to him?"

"This… "

How arrogant it is to say that Xiao Liu is the first generation of Emperor Wen Song!

Emperor Wensong is dead, he has been dead for six hundred years!

His lips moved, and even Xi raised his eyes to look at the statue on the temple, his tone was firm and should not be changed: "So, it was never Xiao Liu Chengshen, but Emperor Wensong resurrected."

Judge Cui was still puzzled, he frowned and said, "Is there a difference? Isn't she the Emperor Wensong?"

Lian Xi didn't respond to Judge Cui's words, he turned his head and looked at Gu Chen firmly.

The minister also stared at him quietly. After a while, he raised the corners of his lips and answered Lian Xi, "She is not Emperor Wensong."

The watchman said strangely: "Is this different?"

Lian Xi was about to answer, but before he spoke, the minister said, "Why is there no difference."

Lian Xi was stunned for a moment, and looked at the minister in astonishment.

I saw the ghost in black with a calm expression and indifferent eyes, but what he said was jaw-dropping. As if remembering something unpleasant, the minister frowned unhappily, and said lightly: "It's like you fought for a long time before you beat the blue buff to a shred of blood, and the jungler suddenly came over, took it away with a punishment, and sent it back. Say 'thank you'. In the end the team won, but are you angry?"

The watchman was stunned: "Huh?"

Judge Cui and Jiang Gui: "???"

Lian Xi: "..."

"And you've played this blue buff for six hundred years." He snorted dissatisfiedly, and the minister continued: "For another example, as a mid laner, you were severely beaten by the enemy. Although you died, the enemy's skills were all available. I handed it over to you. At this time, the jungler came over and took the head lightly. I will scold you 'don't send the mage', and the team won in the end, but is this the same?"

Judge Cui: "..."

Lian Xi was speechless and raised his forehead.

The watchman couldn't help but ask, "Sir, what are you talking about?"

The ghosts and gods of the underworld don't even know how to play games, so what else can they do? ! Gu Chen looked at his three younger brothers, only to feel that these three were useless and could not communicate at all.

Caochen: "Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs. There is no difference in all things in the world."

God, never more noble than mortals!

Judge Cui still understands this sentence, however: "But sir, isn't it bad to become a god?"

Caochen raised his eyes indifferently, and said, "But... compare your heart to your heart."

Heart to heart.

The fluttering four words landed, but Lian Xi was stunned for a moment. He slowly raised his head and looked at the man beside him.

Judge Cui thought about it carefully: "Compare your heart to your heart..."

The watchman is illiterate. He poked Jiang Gui: "Jiang Gou, is it an idiom to compare one's heart with one's heart? What does it mean?"

Jiang Gui: "Huh."

Aware of the young man's stunned gaze, the minister lowered his eyes to Lian Xi. The eyes met in the air, and the minister raised his eyebrows lightly, and his tone was very casual: "Oh, it's not what you said, compare your heart to your heart."

For some reason, the heart in the chest suddenly trembled violently, and even Xi looked at the man in front of him, and scenes appeared in his mind.

"Think about it, how much you want to play games, how much those people want to complete these obsessions. 』

"all the same… "

"Your Majesty, compare your hearts to your hearts. 』

Ghosts and gods are ruthless and cannot empathize with all living beings.

But you taught me to be heart-to-heart.

a long time.

Lian Xi smiled: "Well, compare your heart to your heart."

Although Judge Cui and the three did not think there was anything wrong with the resurrection of Emperor Wensong, they all believed that this was a great blessing for Xiao Liu. It is an honor for a mortal to bring a god back to life. But since the minister said, compare the heart to the heart, the resurrection of Xiao Liu Chengshen and Emperor Wen Song are two different things, so it is two different things.

In fact, I think it is the same, but if adults say it is different, it is different!

At this moment, Judge Cui and the watchman reached a consensus.

The watchman smiled and said flatteringly: "Those two adults, what do you want to do, you will do anything you want to do!"

Judge Cui is even more real. Not only is he excellent in literary talent, but his strength is far superior to that of the guard, and he is much more useful than the guard. Judge Cui thought for a moment and said, "My lord, since this is the case, then we must stand on the opposite side of Emperor Wensong. That's simple. Your Excellency will directly defeat Emperor Wensong."

The minister was stunned for a moment: So I can beat him

On the surface, Mr. Zong remained calm: "Resolve by force?"

At this time, Lian Xi asked: "If we only use force to solve it, will it have any effect on Xiao Liu?"

"Ah this..." After thinking about it again, Judge Cui said, "This little girl has no cause of death on the book of life and death. Does your lord know what this means?"


"In the worst case, Emperor Wen Song can't be resurrected, and his soul will not enter the reincarnation of the six realms, so... the soul is scattered!"

Judge Cui thought: So I said, it would be good to bring Emperor Wensong back to life. That little girl is the one who fell pie from the sky to get this good thing and was resurrected by the gods!

Lian Xi: "Is there a solution?"

Before Judge Cui spoke, a long, long sigh came from outside the Temple of Emperor Wen, interrupting everyone's conversation.

Emperor Wensong: "God has to stop my resurrection?"

Caochen sneered: "Who asked you to steal my blue buff."

Emperor Wensong: "???"

Not knowing what to say, the high-level god said coldly: "The little judge said it right, the resurrection of this emperor is already doomed. She is this emperor, and this emperor is her. If you stop this emperor from resurrecting, she will also be lost."

"She's not you."

For the first time, the idol noticed the young man standing beside the minister, and he asked coldly and calmly, "Why not."

Lian Xi raised his head and looked directly at the god: "You are already dead. Six hundred years ago, you died in Wangchuan... Since then, in every life, it has not been you!"

Six hundred years ago, Emperor Wensong was the god in charge of books in the world. He has a graceful bearing, and although his strength is not obvious, he is also very graceful. Just like now, in the Temple of Emperor Wen, the statues gradually became clearer, revealing the appearance of a pure and unparalleled god. In contrast, the short-haired girl kneeling on the futon was ordinary. She was shrouded in colorful righteousness, her body trembled violently, and she became weaker and weaker.

One is clear and bright, and the other is wind and candle waning years.

Because in this world, Emperor Wen Song has only one soul!

In this situation, the idol asked: "We are all the same soul, mortal, you tell this emperor, how can she not be this emperor?"

Lian Xi: "Have you ever been sold to an old man at the age of seven and humiliated to death at the age of fifteen?"

How can a scholar be humiliated like this, Emperor Wen Song angrily reprimanded: "Absurd!"

"Then you just turned six years old, and on the day of your sixth birthday, the city gate was broken. A little girl who was only six years old, was she tortured to death by the cruel enemy?"

"Mortals must not blaspheme!"

"Then you were framed, thrown into prison, had your fingernails cut off, covered your whole body with a fishing net, scraped your flesh with a sharp blade, piece by piece, and executed Ling Chi?" Calm: "You don't, these are not you, and you don't know what kind of pain it is. It must be some kind of torture that is worse than death, so that you can still not forget it when you walk through the cycle of reincarnation, and it is deeply imprinted in the soul, and ultimately the soul You have been tortured to the point of being riddled with holes, so you can take advantage of it?"

Get in!

These four words made Emperor Wensong furious. Inside and outside the temple, the majestic power was even more majestic, like boiling.

In the dark night, even Xi did not change his face, and said loudly: "These were never you, because you are already dead!"

The next moment, Emperor Wen Song gave a low voice, and the surging multicolored righteousness rose to the sky and rushed towards the sky.

"This is the soul of this emperor!"

The terrifying radiance of righteousness washed over Xiao Liu's body, and she trembled even more, shaking like chaff.

Upon seeing this, Judge Cui said anxiously: "No, sir, Emperor Wen Song is speeding up his resurrection. Originally, this little girl should be reborn as a god after seven years, but because of the bell, I don't know why, this It was seven years earlier. Now, Emperor Wensong wants to be resurrected a little earlier, even if it hurts his soul, he will not hesitate."

The development of things was unexpected.

Even Xi didn't expect such an outcome after exposing the truth that Emperor Wensong was greedy for life and fear of death. He quickly asked, "How can I keep Xiao Liu's soul and write her the end of this life." It's okay to live another seven years, at least she shouldn't just die like this!

The situation took a turn for the worse, and Judge Cui panicked, but after all, he was the first of the four dignified judges. Judge Cui quickly calmed down and really let him come up with a method, and said to the minister: "Yes, sir, use the book of life and death. Try it! Although Baiyu Danzhang is strong, it is still inferior to the Book of Life and Death in controlling the death of life and death. Your subordinates can't fully utilize the power of the Book of Life and Death, but you may be able to!"

As soon as the words fell, Judge Cui took out the birth and death book and slapped it on the minister.

While he was stunned, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to catch the life and death book thrown at him.

Judge Cui's expression was grim: "Please use the book of life and death, my lord!"

The man was more active in flattering than anyone else, and he hurriedly followed: "Please show your life and death book!"

The minister: "..."

Lian Xi, who knew that the minister had amnesia: "..."

In the Temple of Emperor Wen, Haoran's righteousness became clearer.

As if ironic, the humble and weak mortal knelt on the ground tremblingly, but the delusional god who wanted to be resurrected was awe-inspiring.

Emperor Wen Song took advantage of the loopholes and secretly changed the book of life and death, creating a chance for himself. This should have been a violation of fate and heaven, but since he concealed the secret and did it secretly, heaven and earth are no longer bound, and the book of life and death even tacitly acquiesced in what happened.

For more than 600 years, not a single ghost has noticed the abnormality. And it was the rotation of that lifetime that made Xiao Liu's soul bruised and bruised and created the situation today!

Seeing that the statue of Emperor Wensong became more and more vivid, it was as vivid as if it could be transformed into a real body in the next second.

The minister held the book of life and death, and his eyes narrowed.

After a long time, he sighed softly and stretched out his hand.

Lian Xi was stunned, looking at the hand that was reaching out to him.

"You want to save her."

After a moment of silence, he even nodded: "Yes, even if she is not someone I know, I want to save her."

Because, the gods are resurrected, why should she die!

Without saying a word, the minister took Lian Xi's hand and put them on the life and death book together.

The two held the book of life and death together, and even Xi looked up at him in confusion, only to see that the minister bowed his head slightly. Lian Xi suddenly felt a little itchy on the cheeks brushed by the man's black hair, his pupils moved slightly, and for some reason, the world became quiet.

In the bleak cold wind, Chu Chen pressed into Lian Xi's ear, lowered his voice, and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear, "I don't know how to save her. But if you want to save her, then let's go together. At least...that way, you won't regret it."

His lips trembled, Lian Xi slowly raised his eyes, and his eyes fell into the man's deep eyes.

After a brief look, the two laughed.

Surrounded by mountains, on the vast land, I saw a dilapidated and narrow Wendi Temple blooming with splendid brilliance. The majestic and noble breath of the gods emanated from this old and old temple. This breath spread throughout the entire Suzhou City, and even spread to the neighboring Shanghai City and Wuxi.

The ghosts from Shanghai and Wuxi all looked in the direction of Sucheng. The four of them all had complex expressions on their faces, as if they had become accustomed to the difference in Sucheng.

Tang Zi touched his head and muttered, "Lian Xi, why are they making so much noise every day."

Hu Xiaoli is a hundred-year-old fox demon. After thinking more, the fox spirit's round eyes rolled: "This is a real thigh! Xiao Tang, I think we have to find a chance to visit them. I have been a black impermanence for a hundred years. I've never seen this battle before, it's so awesome."

In addition to the ghosts, many Xuanxiu hidden in the folk and monsters and monsters living in seclusion in the deep mountains and forests also sensed the breath of the gods.

"This is God!"

"There is actually a god, Sucheng has a god!"

Emperor Wensong was resurrected, he was in charge of the world's books, and his breath covered the three places of Suzhou City, Shanghai City, and Wuxi. At this moment, it was early morning and late at night, and the mortals who could be infected by his breath, even in their sleep, suddenly felt refreshed and the nightmare dissipated.

Because he is God.

He wants to be resurrected, and he has Haoran's righteousness to protect his body!

Is it wrong for a god to want to be resurrected

Emperor Wensong still doesn't feel that there is anything wrong with him.

He was a kind-hearted god during his lifetime, extremely prestige in the mortal world, and blessed all beings. The divine court was inexplicably destroyed, what did it have to do with him

When he is resurrected, the students in the three places in Sucheng will be rewarded, sane, and progress in learning.

He wants to be resurrected, is it wrong? !

Outside the Temple of Emperor Wen, Lian Xi and Gu Chen held the book of life and death together and opened it gently.

If Judge Cui wants to use the book of life and death, he needs to write it in blood. But at the moment when Lian Xi and Gu Chen opened the book of life and death, a golden light suddenly appeared. Thousands of brilliance turned into a bright golden torrent, rushing towards the Wendi Temple filled with colorful luster.

The golden river poured into Xiao Liu's body, and in an instant, only a crisp click was heard.

On the temple, the idol let out a roar that was no longer aloof: "Caichen, why are you blocking me!!!"

Lian Xi and Qi Chen were startled.

The minister showed a strange look and frowned: This Emperor Wensong actually knows him

In the Temple of Emperor Wen, the girl with short hair was passed by the golden torrent. She was bathed in this splendid brilliance, and suddenly, the watchman made a surprised "Huh". Then, Jiang Gui, Judge Cui... Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at the illusory figures floating out of Xiao Liu's body.

They were male and female, of different ages.

But without exception, everyone was covered in bruises and blood.

There are 24 people in total, of which only 6 seem to be teenagers, and everyone else is under ten years old!

Straws of multicolored righteousness rushed out from the statue of Emperor Wensong, trying to disperse these figures and let them return to Xiao Liu's body. However, under the protection of the golden light of the book of life and death, these figures gradually solidified, and even slowly became clear and wise.

Finally, among the twenty-four people, the oldest young man who looked to be in his thirties moved.

He was wearing a jacket, with money rattails, thin cheeks, and his whole body was as thin as a piece of paper, which would dissipate when the wind blew. But he tried tremblingly to walk to the statue of Wendi Temple, and bowed to the statue that looked down on all living beings. Then, he turned to look at the short-haired girl kneeling on the futon, showing a relieved smile.

The young man stepped forward and gently stroked the top of Xiao Liu's head with his hands. Then, he looked up at a multicolored righteousness that was rushing towards Xiao Liu, and rushed up resolutely.


This young man slammed into the colorful righteousness with his body, and disappeared together!

Then, a young woman covered in injuries. She is the second oldest among the twenty-four people, and she also walked to the statue and worshipped first. Immediately, she squatted down slowly, hugged Xiao Liu gently, then raised her head to look at the second multicolored righteousness entangled in the temple, and rushed up again.

Twenty-four wounds branded on Xiao Liu's soul emerged one by one. From the older to the last baby who can walk.

They walked to Xiao Liu one by one, blocking the multicolored righteousness that shattered her soul for her.

"You are all the soul of this emperor!"

However, the idol's anger received no response.

Twenty-four mortals who have passed away long ago, their lives were so painful that they left indelible wounds on their souls. Now, these bloody scars have been awakened, and the twenty-four obsessions remaining in the soul rushed to the colorful righteousness that attacked Xiao Liu without hesitation.

They dissipated completely, but as they dissipated, the scars on Xiao Liu's soul also healed little by little.

Outside the temple, watching this scene, the watchman slowly opened his mouth. Suddenly, a gust of cool wind blew, and he realized that he had tears streaming down his face. At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of the words that he said.

Not the same, this is not the same.

Heart to heart!

Huiniang was dead, and the ghost of the woman he saw on the banks of the Wangchuan River three hundred years ago was not Huiniang.

Emperor Wensong is dead, and these twenty-four generations who have been tortured because of you, they just want to be good people and spend their whole lives!