Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 86


Desolate suburbs, a small temple in the dark night.

The splendid multicolored righteousness rushed towards the mortal girl kneeling on the futon, and the twenty-four obsessive souls collided with each other resolutely. This is hitting the stone with an egg, and the weak soul body collided with Haoran's righteousness. It should have been a result of a disparity in strength and no suspense. However, those seemingly weak bodies directly defeated the power belonging to the gods!

The multi-colored righteousness was defeated more and more, and the statues in the temple gradually became lack of vitality and rigidity.

On the contrary, Xiao Liu's back straightened up. She is still so small, but a little bit, full of power.

Outside the Temple of Emperor Wen, everyone watched Xiao Liu's soul become more and more solid.

Once, this soul was devastated and bruised all over! But now, she is more and more perfect, more and more like a real soul.

But the happiness of Xiao Liu's soul means that Emperor Wen Song takes advantage of the emptiness to enter, and the chance of taking the opportunity to revive becomes slim.

Seeing that the soul obsession of the last life has dissipated the last ray of colorful righteousness, Xiao Liu no longer knelt down, she raised her feet and wanted to stand up. Seeing this, in the temple, the statue of Emperor Wensong could no longer bear it, and let out a sharp roar. The deity's Yong Xian demeanor was completely shattered at this moment, looking at the girl's soul that gradually became stronger and firmer, the deity statue suddenly collapsed, and a gust of icy wind blew through.

The five of them couldn't see anything flying out of the statue with the naked eye, but there was no doubt that Emperor Wensong had done something!

Judge Cui said in shock: "Not good, my lord, Emperor Wen Song is the last fight, he decided to directly seize the soul!"

Before Judge Cui could finish speaking, the minister turned his hand and took out the white jade seal.


The warm and crystal white jade seal flew into the Wendi Temple with a whistle. The golden light from the sky scattered from the seal and enveloped Xiao Liu's body. At the same time, Koomi took out the golden album.

This is specially used to deal with Emperor Wensong!

I saw that the golden album turned into a golden purple light "Edict" in the air. The huge Edict kept getting bigger and bigger, and it was as majestic as a mountain.

However, what everyone never expected was that the golden album actually missed this time. The golden word "敕" glowing with purple light greeted the emperor's thoughts directly, but it penetrated through and did not touch any real objects.

The golden album turned into a prototype, sluggishly floating in the air, as if he didn't understand how he could miss it.

At this moment, a steady and far-reaching bell sounded leisurely.


The bell rang, and the minister turned around, only to see Lian Xi still holding the book of life and death in one hand, and a bronze bell hammer in the other.

A huge ancient bronze bell hung in the air, the handsome and beautiful young man looked at the bell in front of him with a firm gaze, holding a bell hammer, and then...


Hit it hard again.

When the bell rang for the first time, the 24 wounds on Xiao Liu's soul radiated white light. At this time, the white jade seal also cooperated to emit golden light, and the 24 bloody wounds kept healing.

When the bell rang for the second time, the wounds on those souls disappeared completely. Emperor Wen Song's thoughts hit Xiao Liu's soul, as if hitting a high wall, he snorted dully, flew backwards, and landed on the ground, finally revealing his human form.

It was a handsome and beautiful young god in imperial robes.

At this moment, he collapsed on the ground in the temple in embarrassment.

Outside the temple, everyone still did not step into the gate, but stood outside the gate, quietly watching this scene.

As the third bell rang, Emperor Wen Song let out a roar, and Xiu Ya's face cracked a little: "No!!!"

However, as the bell rang, Xiao Liu stood up completely.

This scar-filled soul suddenly released a dazzling ray of light, and she became more solid and stronger. And with the strength of Xiao Liu's soul, Emperor Wen Song's figure finally collapsed completely, almost unable to stabilize, and dissipated in the air.

Only a crisp cracking sound was heard.

Zhao Chen felt for a moment: "His dojo has disappeared."

The dojo dissipated, and everyone immediately carried them into the temple.

When everyone entered the Wendi Temple, the radiance of righteousness in the temple completely disappeared, and Xiao Liu's soul also disappeared into the body. At the moment when the soul disappeared, the short-haired girl collapsed suddenly. With quick eyes and quick hands, the watchman supported the little girl's body and put the person on the ground.

Aware of a sight, the minister raised his eyes and looked at the god who fell to the ground and was about to perish.

The Ombudsman: "Why are you looking at me?"

The young god's eyes focused, he looked at the man in black, every word seemed to come out of his heart, and asked angrily: "I want to be resurrected, is it wrong!"

The minister raised an eyebrow lightly, but did not answer.

Emperor Wensong: "Since there is nothing wrong... Your minister, why are you blocking me!"

Judge Cui frowned and said, "Emperor Wensong, you died as early as six hundred years ago, and you entered the cycle of reincarnation!"

As if he didn't hear half of it, Emperor Wensong asked loudly again: "I want to be resurrected, is it wrong!"


Everyone was stunned, and looked at the watchman who suddenly spoke in surprise.

In the dimly lit small temple, this bald fat man, who was always glib, suddenly opened his mouth. A pair of small eyes looked at Emperor Wensong who fell to the ground and was about to perish completely, and the watchman replied: "It is the nature of all living beings to be greedy for life and fear of death. Who doesn't want to live, who doesn't want to live forever? But Emperor Wensong... you are already dead. !"

"No! I don't want to die!"

"You are already dead!"

"Do not!"

In a very firm tone, the watchman repeated it tirelessly: "You are already dead."

The voice stopped abruptly, and Emperor Wensong collapsed on the ground. He looked at the watchman's face for a long time, and then suddenly smiled. He smiled terribly, as if he was crying. In the end, he turned into a ray of light that disappeared in the darkness and slowly dissipated. This ending, which is six hundred years late, may have come a long time ago.

Divine Court was destroyed. Six hundred years ago, Emperor Wensong had already died.

Looking at the place where Emperor Wensong disappeared, in the small temple, no one spoke for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, Jiang Gui smiled pitifully: "Idiot, you are so bold, you actually dare to challenge the gods. If Emperor Wensong really comes back to life, you're probably the first to lick it up again. "

It stands to reason that at this time, the guard should fight against Jiang Gui, or at least slander Jiang Gui, and let him beat Jiang Gui.

But the strange thing is that the watchman only glanced at Jiang Gui this time, snorted coldly, and then silently stood behind the minister and Lian Xi.

Watchman: "What do you know, I really feel it."

Lian Xi looked at the watchman who seemed to be enlightened, and couldn't help but ask, "You feel it?"

The watchman's face was desolate, he sighed for a while, but in the end he didn't tell the past of himself and Huiniang.

It was the wife he had loved all his life, and they jumped off the cliff hand in hand. In the absence of the country, the mountains and rivers, they are just ordinary people, unable to control their own destiny, but at least they still have each other and precious love in the troubled times.

He was overjoyed to see Huiniang's reincarnated ghost on the banks of Wangchuan River three hundred years ago.

However, that is not Hui Niang.

Hui Niang is dead.

The watchman said with emotion: "If you go back to the adults, the young ones just really know that after walking through that cycle of reincarnation, they are no longer that person!"

How could Judge Cui and Jiang Gui not understand this truth? Even the watchman once told Lian Xi more than once that Meng Po soup is just a decoration and will not let you forget your past. What really makes you forget is the road to reincarnation.

The past life is not tired of the present life.

This is the Six Paths of Reincarnation!

But they are ghosts and gods, and there are no mortals in the eyes of ghosts and gods.

The watchman suddenly felt that his soul had become qualitatively elevated. He suddenly felt that he was no longer the same as the ghosts and gods like Judge Cui and Jiang Gui, and he had a noble soul. For a while, he looked at Judge Cui and Jiang Gui with a hint of pity.

Alas, sure enough, there is no common language!

Judge Cui and Jiang Gui: "..."

Jiang Gui gave Judge Cui a wink, and Judge Cui nodded calmly, signaling him to think long-term.

Oh, this fat man, he should have been beaten long ago!

"You don't seem to be the same." The minister said suddenly, and everyone looked at him in surprise. I saw him looking at the watchman with a thoughtful look.

His eyes turned around the body of the minister and the watchman, and Lian Xi asked in confusion, "Is there anything different about him?"

The minister pondered for a moment and asked Jiang Gui: "You said that the new ghosts and gods that have appeared in the last six hundred years are very likely to be gods in their previous lives."

Jiang Gui was stunned for a moment, and said in a muffled voice, "There is indeed such a thing. But this is a guess from the underworld, and it has never been confirmed."

The minister raised his eyebrows lightly: "Oh? Why can't we prove it." He pointed at Xiao Liu, who was lying on the ground and was sleeping deeply, and said, "Isn't she also found out in her past life and this life? It was found out that she is this Emperor Wensong."

"This subordinate knows." Judge Cui sighed and said, "Reporting to your lord, as we all know, this subordinate is only in charge of the book of life and death, not the real owner of the book of life and death. There is no owner of the book of life and death, it belongs to the six realms of reincarnation and is a natural treasure It's not easy for a subordinate to use the book of life and death to inquire about a soul's past and present life. At most, it can only check the past and present life of a mortal. Once this soul becomes a ghost, the subordinate's mana will not be enough, and there is no way to inquire."

Everyone guessed that the newly transformed ghosts and gods were former gods, but once they were successfully transformed, there was no way to probe the past with the book of life and death.

This becomes an infinite loop.

The new ghost may be a god in the past, but once he becomes a ghost, the past cannot be checked!

However, Judge Cui suddenly thought: "By the way, my lord, my subordinates don't have enough mana, but my lord, maybe you can."

The Ombudsman: "Huh?"

Judge Cui: "Sir, you can try, maybe you can find out Luo Zhong's past and present!"

Just do what you say, this matter is very curious about the minister and even Xi.

Before, Judge Cui handed the book of life and death to the minister, and the minister and Lian Xi opened the book of life and death together, and used it to help Xiao Liu's soul and fight against Emperor Wensong. Later, the minister used the magic weapon again, and let go of the hand holding the book of life and death, so at this moment, the book of life and death has been in Lianxi's hand.

Lian Xi handed the book of life and death to the minister, and he glanced from the corner of his eye, and in a trance, he seemed to see the pages of the book being turned, and there seemed to be words on the blank book of life and death. He was stunned for a moment, thought too much, and sent the book of life and death out.

Caochen, Judge Cui and the others didn't notice that when even Xi was holding the book of life and death, there were even words on the book of life and death.

Caochen took the life and death book, raised his eyes and glanced at the watchman.

The watchman was suddenly very nervous, swallowed his saliva, and said embarrassingly: "Sir, this..."

Caochen: "How to use it?"

Judge Cui: "You can just open it, and at the same time think about Luo Zhong's appearance in your heart."

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and the five people surrounded the small temple, looking at the life and death book in the hands of the minister.

The cold and indifferent ghost lightly pressed his finger on the cover page of the book of life and death. He lowered his eyelids and opened it with a brush.

At first the book of life and death was blank, but then, a faint golden light overflowed from the fingertips of the minister who were in contact with the page, and shone on the blank book of life and death. The next moment, lines of text were clearly revealed.

The watchman was very nervous. He was not worried about whether he was a god in the past, but worried that if he did something particularly humiliating in his life, he would be laughed at by Jiang Gui and others!

It was agreed that the past life is not tired of this life, if you really do something shameful, don't rely on him, it is his soul who did it, it has nothing to do with him!

The watchman was illiterate, so Lian Xi read it out for him.

"Luo Zhong, male, born in 1620, jumped off a cliff with his wife and died in 1644... Well, watchman, this is your life, right?"

The watchman wiped the sweat from his forehead: "If you return, return to the adults, this is the small one."

Lian Xi continued to read: "Zhu Xuan, female, born in 1592..."

Jiang Gui looked at the words on the book of life and death and said in surprise, "Are you still a princess?"

The watchman's eyes suddenly lit up: "Princess?!"

Lian Xi continued: "Died early, only lived for six years, died in 1598."

Watchman: "..."

You might as well not tell me!

Knowing that he had been a princess for six years, the watchman suddenly became excited. Although it happened hundreds of years ago, he didn't feel that those people were him, but it was still very interesting to hear it as a story, very happy.

The watchman rubbed his hands: "Sir, is there anything else?"

Lian Xi continued to look down, the more he read, the more he read. In general, on average, the watchmen have lived fairly well in each life, and they have been honored as lords for several generations, which can be said to be extremely majestic.

Finally, I read that life six hundred years ago. Unexpectedly, Lian Xi was suddenly stunned, his eyes widened, his face full of incredulity.

The watchman couldn't wait: "Sir, what's the matter, is Xiao Zeng really a god?"

Lian Xi raised his head and glanced at the watchman with a complicated expression. Then, Judge Cui and Jiang Gui also saw the words on the book of life and death, and they both froze.

The watchman was surprised.

No, why doesn't it seem right...

The minister looked at the words on the book of life and death, raised his eyebrows lightly, and asked, "Who is Fairy Guanghan. Oh? Is he Fairy Guanghan?"

Judge Cui and Jiang Gui glanced at the watchman, even though Xi had never seen any Fairy Guanghan, the real court of gods did not match the gods in the novels and TV series. But he could vaguely guess that this Fairy Guanghan is very likely to have myths and legends in the world passed on, and changed her name, such as... Chang'e or something.





Lian Xi: "..."

Judge Cui, who had seen Fairy Guanghan with his own eyes: "..."

I haven't been fortunate enough to meet Fairy Guanghan, but I have heard of Fairy Guanghan's beautiful Jiang Gui: "..."

The watchman pointed blankly at his fat face: "Ah, me? Fairy Guanghan? What the hell?"

Everyone: "… "

Judge Cui did not care about the following crimes, so he took the book of life and death in the hands of Lian Xi and Cao Chen, and closed it with a slap. The Book of Life and Death must be wrong. Right, wrong, it's wrong. It can't be... it can't be!!!"

My dream lover, my favorite Bai Yueguang, and the unforgettable fairy that I often miss when I dream back at midnight...

How could it be Luo Zhong, the dead fat man!

Do not! ! !

The author has something to say:

Watchman: [Throw a wink] Judge Cui~

Judge Cui: … … … … … … No! ! ! [There should be Yuan Hua and his Yijianmei BGM here]