Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 88


Cold autumn night, the moonlight is bleak.

The icy and biting wind blew into the small and old Wendi Temple, like a sharp ice blade, making the only mortal present even shiver slightly. With his out-of-the-way light, the minister was keenly aware of Lian Xi's movement of shrinking his neck. He didn't think too much about it, he just stretched out his hand and gently led the person in his direction.

Lian Xi was slightly startled and looked up at him.

The minister also looked down at him and raised his eyebrows calmly: You're welcome.

Lian Xi: "..."

Pushing away the man's hand, Lian Xi looked calm: "You're cold." Stay away from me.

The minister: "..."

The bodies of ghosts and gods are like corpses, extremely cold and tepid. At this moment, Lian Xi was so cold that he had goosebumps on his arms, and of course he didn't want to get close to the ice cubes.

Just when Lian Xi wanted to take out his mobile phone and hurriedly take a taxi home, suddenly, a cold hand held him. The body paused, and Lian Xi subconsciously looked up at the man beside him. The next second, his eyes fell into a pair of dark and deep eyes. The man looked at him silently, the temperature of his hand was icy cold, but his heart was beating inexplicably.

... I didn't clearly say just now that you are cold.

But what's more, he actually didn't want to break away.

The hesitation of the mind and the refusal of the body fought in the heart, and after a few seconds, the latter won the victory. Lian Xi was about to shake off the ice slag ruthlessly, but at this moment, a burst of fiery temperature suddenly came from the place where the skin touched.

"???"what's the situation? Lian Xi looked at Qichen in amazement.

Ah! In the dark night, the handsome man snorted softly: "The mere spells are not worth mentioning."

Lian Xi: "..."

Judge Cui, who was watching from the side: "..."

No, you give me back my book of life and death before you play!

The northwest wind whizzed into the small temple, and swish into Judge Cui's heart.

Judge Cui felt bitter.

The last second, he just let go and accepted the fact that the goddess in the dream had become a dead fat man and a subordinate. !

Who else could have him miserable? The career and love are not going well. For a time, Judge Cui is full of grief and anger, and he has a posture of perishing. He looked at the minister angrily, his eyes were red, and before he opened his mouth, the minister noticed his gaze and raised his head: "Is something wrong?"

Judge Cui flattered instantly: "Of course it's okay! If you want the life and death book, it is reasonable. After all, this thing does not belong to the subordinates, and the subordinates are only in charge of it."

Seeing Judge Cui's apologetic smile, Jiang Gui was speechless and rolled his eyes.

However, after all, Judge Cui had been the chief steward of the underworld for thousands of years, and he was also a very skilled civil servant before his death.

The Ottoman: "What?"

Judge Cui: "The Book of Life and Death, which records the birth and death of all living beings in the world, is naturally a rare treasure. However, my lord, no one can actively change the words on the book of life and death! You have it, and at most you use it to Find out who was like in the last life, and when will he die in this life. But my lord, if it is in the hands of your subordinates, it is an important instrument that can maintain the stability of the underworld."

The scholar judge's expression is solemn and his words are righteous. It seems that it is not hypocritical, but sincere.

Caochen couldn't help frowning: "What do you mean?"

Judge Cui said solemnly: "As the head of the four major judges, I deal with official duties every day, and I desperately need the book of life and death! Without the book of life and death, my subordinate will not be able to understand the past of life and death, and the order of the underworld will be in chaos. Sir, if you have the book of life and death, you can It is to take on a great responsibility. This thing is useless, apart from peeping at other people's past and present lives, there is only one use for stabilizing the order of the underworld." As soon as he gritted his teeth, Judge Cui showed reluctance, and he took out his own magical organ. He handed the pen to the minister, and said, "Sir, this subordinate cannot do without the book of life and death. Not only does the subordinate need it, but the underworld needs it even more. Would you allow your subordinate to exchange it with a judge's pen?"

Judge Cui's remarks were eloquent, and he almost burst into tears. After he finished speaking, the four people present turned to look at the minister. The eyes are so complex that it is difficult to describe in words at the moment.

The courtier who was watched by everyone: "..."

I look like some sort of robber

Thin lips pursed, President Zhi calmly took out the birth and death book from his pocket and threw it to Judge Cui: "I'm just joking."

Judge Cui: "..." Guess I believe it or not.

In his heart, he complained about the minister ten thousand times, but Judge Cui showed a sincere smile on the surface: "Your lord is wise and wise, and you are considerate of your inferiors. Your subordinates are fortunate enough to serve you. It is really a blessing that your subordinates have cultivated for three lifetimes!"

Mr. Gu was touted as airy, waved his hands indifferently, and ended the matter.

In fact, what Judge Cui just said was half true and half false.

The book of life and death did not belong to him, but he was in charge of it instead of the Ten Temple Yama, because the book of life and death could play a great role in the daily operation of the underworld. What can Yama's gang of rice buckets do? Those who really work 996 hard every day are not middle-level civil servants like them!

After carefully putting away the book of life and death, Judge Cui finally breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that the minister didn't seem to want to go back.

Just take it back.

After such an appearance, Judge Cui, who was provoked by Fairy Guanghan, really stopped thinking about it now. After he calmed down, Judge Cui couldn't help but think of one thing, and he sighed: "The two adults, the subordinates only remembered one thing."

His hands were warmed by the courtier's magic, and when Xi heard the words, he looked at Judge Cui and asked, "What's the matter? Is it related to Emperor Wensong?"

Judge Cui nodded and said: "Exactly. Does your lord still remember, this Luo..." The voice stopped, Judge Cui took a deep breath, and continued: "This Luo Zhong suddenly changed just now, questioned Emperor Wensong, and told him that he was already dead. already."


It wasn't long before this happened, and the watchman's abnormality also fell into everyone's eyes. In the past, the watchmen were all eloquent and slicked their tongues. But when Emperor Wensong was not convinced and wanted to borrow Xiao Liu's soul to be reborn, the watchman suddenly stood up strong, blamed a god without fear, and told him over and over again: You are dead!

It is because of this that the minister said that the changer had changed.

Caochen: "His soul seems to be shining a little at that moment." After thinking for a while, Caochen said: "Like the kind in fantasy novels, enlightenment, enlightenment."

Judge Cui sighed: "When Luo Zhong had these changes, the lord still remembers that Emperor Wen Song was suddenly persuaded by him, and then kept staring at him until he died, never taking his eyes off Luo Zhong's life. ?"


Judge Cui: "My subordinates think that maybe at that moment, Emperor Wen Song recognized Luo Zhong as Fairy Guanghan 600 years ago!"

Everyone was stunned.

At this time, Judge Cui showed a strange look and said faintly: "If I remember correctly, six hundred years ago, among the dozen or so gods who pursued Fairy Guanghan most enthusiastically... Emperor Wen Song was the one who wrote the most love letters. ."

Everyone: "… "

That's horrible!

Put incense sticks on the dead Emperor Wen Song, poor people, they die in an uneasy way.

If I had known today, you might as well have died completely 600 years ago, because you will have no peace after death!

The night was dark, it was already early morning, and the temperature in the suburbs was getting lower and lower.

After resolving the matter of Emperor Wensong, everyone decided to go home directly.

Before leaving, Lian Xi looked at Xiao Liu, who was sleeping deeply on the ground, and asked, "Take her back with you?"

Judge Cui shook his head and said, "No, my lord, if she wakes up, she will forget what happened tonight."

Lian Xi frowned: "Don't you catch a cold?"

Judge Cui smiled and said, "Not even more. Your lord, look carefully at her soul."

Even Xi fixed his eyes on the light-colored soul in Xiao Liu's body that seemed to fall asleep together, only to hear Judge Cui smiled slightly: "Her soul has just been repaired. In the past twenty-four lives, each life has been desolate and lifelong, Not a good end, all the luck that was blocked by Emperor Wensong's magic and shielded from her, is now all back. The obsession of the twenty-fourth generation just now transported the energy of his life to her, plus The luck of the previous life, the luck of the whole twenty-fifth life, has returned to her own, and since then, she can be regarded as a real ordeal, and her life will be healthy."

This time, Lian Xi was completely relieved.

Xiao Liu was left alone in the Wendi Temple, and everyone returned to the Sucheng Park.

At this moment, the east is faint, and the pale fish-mammed white slowly spreads from the horizon, smearing half of the sky.

Normally at this time, the watchman should catch ghosts outside, and Jiang Gui can't be lazy. Even Xi and Guchen would go out to catch ghosts diligently, because their cheating methods were detected by the performance rankings, and they were banned directly. But now, standing at the gate of the community, Mr. Zong's eyes brightened slightly, and he turned to look at Judge Cui: "You made the performance rankings?"

"?" Judge Cui looked bewildered and asked in surprise, "Performance ranking?"

Since the watchman had an epiphany, his mind turned faster. His eyes lit up, and he immediately understood what Gu Chen meant, and hurriedly said to Judge Cui: "Lord Gu Chen is talking about the performance rankings of the ghosts of the month! The one you formulated hundreds of years ago!"

Judge Cui suddenly said: "Ah, this, indeed, return to the adults, this is indeed made by the subordinates."

This month's ghost poor performance rankings, this thing is too far away for Judge Cui.

More than 500 years ago, the resigned King Zhuan Lun was the first to discover that after the fall of the Divine Court, without the Divine Court supervising the diligent work of the Underworld, the Great Emperor of Fengdu of Beiyin, that is, the minister, suddenly disappeared. The wheel-turning king suddenly realized: "There is no punishment if you don't work!" So he waved his arm, and the other nine temples, Yamas, echoed them, and directly chose not to do it, and became lazy openly.

They also restrained a little bit, because no one knew whether the minister was dead or not, so they just fished and joked all day, worked half a day, and rested for two days. In this way, if the minister comes back someday, they can still say that they have a good job and have not been lazy all day.

But the Ten Temple Yama can be so condescending, but Judge Cui can't.

If it were really like the Ten Temple Yama, one would know to eat, drink, and play every day, the underworld would have been full of ghosts, and the world would be in chaos.

The manpower is really not enough, Judge Cui can only recruit part-time ghosts in the world, and let them help with some errands and catch ghosts. As for the performance rankings, it's just a piece of shit that Judge Cui fiddled with. Those rewards are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the ghosts and gods of the underworld. Mengpo soup and Wangchuan water are all things that the ghosts and gods of the underworld don't want, and they don't even look down on the guards. But the part-time ghosts used to hang the world are enough.

Thinking of this incident, Judge Cui rolled his eyes, and his face was full of righteousness, and what he said was filled with righteous indignation: "I have something to report to your lord!"

The minister was stunned for a moment: "What's the matter?"

Judge Cui said angrily: "My lord, I don't know, that Ten Temple Yama, especially the damned wheel-turning king, is simply not a son of man! Not long after the fall of the divine court, he didn't work well, and only used the wheel-turning mirror to supervise the living beings every day. He spends his days leisurely in the apse. Your lord, have you ever thought that although the underworld has complicated official duties and many ghosts, and the management is not very appropriate, it will not allow a ghost to be reincarnated continuously for six hundred years. And every life is so miserable, but no one finds it. It should be noted that before all the living beings in the world are officially reincarnated, they will go to the Wheel Wheel King's Wheel Hall to see his life and past through the wheel mirror. Twenty-four The world is so tragic time and time again, how could the King of Wheels not find out?"

After hearing this, the minister and Lian Xi also felt strange: Yes, according to Judge Cui, the underworld has a corresponding solution to this kind of cheating and blinding the book of life and death. How could it have been undiscovered

With tears in his eyes, Judge Cui put the eye drops on the Wheel King with all his might, and said with grief and anger: "My lord, this is all the Wheel King's fault! Emperor Wen Song's tricks can't be hidden from the wheel mirror, how could it be possible? Can't hide from the wheel-runner king? It is precisely because he is lazy and does not work again and again that he causes such negligence!"

The crowd suddenly realized.

It turned out to be the fault of the runner king!

Even Xi and Gu Chen nodded thoughtfully.

The watchman thought more. He carefully looked at Judge Cui and thought: Judge Cui is too good at licking! In order to please the two adults, he directly demeaned his former boss in person.

Jiang Gui was on the side, but he really couldn't listen anymore. There are still bruises and bruises on his face that were beaten by the golden album. Jiang Gui raised his cold eyes and looked at Judge Cui with contempt. He never imagined that Judge Cui was such a ghost! In vain, he once regarded Judge Cui as hope, thinking that Judge Cui could save him from the fire and water, what a mistake!

"What kind of eyes are you looking at, how dare you stare at this judge like this?" Judge Cui turned around, and immediately looked down at Jiang Gui in a commanding manner. Facing the minister, he was respectful. But what Jiang Gui is, Judge Cui said coldly: "Jiangnan Road is black and impermanent Jiang Gui, you have repeatedly offended today, according to the laws of the underworld, do you know what the crime should be?"

It is impossible to please Lian Xi and Gu Chen, and they have already offended him to death. Jiang Gui simply broke the jar, and he sneered sullenly: "Hehe, according to the laws of the underworld?"

Judge Cui frowned and said, "What?"

Jiang Gui laughed wildly and sarcastically said: "Judgment Cui, haven't you already surrendered to the enemy, and are still in accordance with the laws of the underworld? The head of the four dignified judges, commanding the nine great emissaries of the underworld, the eighteen black and white impermanence, Even the book of life and death was seized by the enemy, and he was compelled to do everything. Judge Cui, if you follow the laws of the underworld, you know what you should be guilty of!"

Judge Cui was furious, and his face kept changing: "You..."

Jiang Gui shouted angrily and interrupted: "Judgment Cui, it's a waste of me to pay more respect to you on weekdays. Is that how you lick them! A pug who is willing to be a peerless evil ghost, this is the dignified Judge Cui!"

Jiang Gui stretched out his hand and angrily pointed at the minister and Lian Xi.

Today, he has completely given up. There is a saying in this world that it is better to die standing up than to live on your knees. He Jiang Gui is also the number one figure in the underworld, known as the first person under the judge. He has eight concubines in the underworld, and every day he is proud of himself, so impressive. Falling into such a field today, he accepted his fate.

Anyway, it was too late to lick the black and white impermanence of Su City, then he went all the way to the black, and he simply showed his loyalty to the underworld. Perhaps when he is reincarnated after his death, the Tenth Palace Yama, for the sake of his loyalty, can give him a good end.

However, what Jiang Gui never expected was that when he heard his scolding, Judge Cui was furious, as if he would take out the judge's pen in the next second and beat him all over the place. But after he finished speaking, Judge Cui's face turned black and green, extremely strange.

Judge Cui showed a strange look, frowned, hesitated for a moment, and asked Jiang Gui, "Jiang Gui, who do you think is the peerless evil ghost?"

What does "..." mean

After being a ghost for many years, Jiang Gui also has some ability to smell the wind and taste. Looking at Judge Cui's strange face, an ominous premonition came to mind.

No way, no way, it's so far, there's no way there's anything else that can be slapped in the face...

Jiang Gui raised his still slightly swollen face, and said righteously: "Who else can there be? This damned Su City is black and impermanent, it is the one who climbed up from the bottom of the eighteenth hell, the peerless evil ghost!"

Zong Zong did not change his face, and did not feel ashamed that he was a peerless evil ghost.

Judge Cui remained silent for a long time.

Jiang Gui breathed a sigh of relief and said confidently, "Judge Cui, but you can't speak?"

The next second, Judge Cui took out the judge's pen with his backhand, and then took out the life and death book. The scholar judge's eyes were wide open, like the legendary angry-eyed King Kong, and sternly reprimanded: "Well, you are a black and impermanent Jiang ghost in the south of the Yangtze River. How dare you commit the following crimes and offend the lord of the underworld, the emperor of Fengdu of Beiyin who was proclaimed by the court of God!"

When these words landed, it was like a shock, and everyone present was stunned.

Then, seeing the book of life and death floating in the air, the judge's pen turned into a sharp sword, Judge Cui said sharply: "Little Jiang ghost, dare to be presumptuous, every word you insult adults is cutting the flesh of this judge's heart alive. Ah! The heart of this judge is unbearable, how can I let Er wait for the little thief to continue to make trouble? You will accept your life!"

Jiang Gui was dumbfounded, and the words "The Lord of the Underworld, the Great Emperor of Beiyin Fengdu" were constantly replayed in his ears. He suddenly felt that the guard was not illiterate, he was! If he wasn't illiterate, how could he not understand Judge Cui's words

Without giving him a chance to react, the book of life and death bloomed, and the judge's pen turned into a sword and lashed.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch..."

Jiang Gui was beaten by the Book of Life and Death and the Judge's Pen so much that he scrambled for his teeth, but after a while, his face returned to the look of a pig's head.

Caochen and Lianxi were still stunned and did not return to their senses, when they saw Judge Cui bowing with both hands, and said indignantly: "Don't worry, my lord, this subordinate will never allow the following villains to be arrogant!"

The world was changing too fast. In the cold autumn wind in the early morning, the watchman was stunned to see Jiang Gui being beaten to the ground. Suddenly, a light flashed in his heart, and he realized it.


Is it important that Lord Caochen is the Lord of the Underworld? Not important at all! The important thing is... How could Judge Cui be so good at licking!

It's a good move to scold you, and it hurts my heart.

The watchman was suddenly worried, and the sense of crisis increased sharply.

At the same time, on the outskirts, Wendi Temple.

The sun was shining, and a round morning sun rose from the east. Thousands of rays of light illuminated the entire city, and also illuminated the small Wendi Temple in the wilderness.

The short-haired girl was lying on the cold ground, and a crisp bird chirping came into the house from outside the temple, and Xiao Liu opened his eyes in a trance. She looked at the bare beams of the small temple in confusion, her eyes were blurred, with a hint of sleepiness, and she didn't realize where she was at the moment.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew, and Xiao Li woke up suddenly.

"Hey, Wendi Temple?" She looked around and scratched her head: "Why am I here?"

After carefully recalling last night's experience, Xiao Liu finally reacted: "Oh, yes, I was going to walk home last night, but there were too many things at home, so I got a call from my mother, and I was so sad that I sneaked over the wall and entered the temple, wanting to come again. Bye bye Lord Wendi, but accidentally fell asleep."

After waking up from the grief-stricken state, Xiao Liu knew that it was illegal to climb over the wall and enter the temple, and he did not dare to stay longer. She first worshipped the statues in the temple, and then quickly left the Wendi Temple.

"It's weird. I didn't catch a cold after sleeping on the ground all night. It's quite warm."

Facing the bright morning sun, the short-haired girl stretched her waist and moved her muscles. She did not see that under the gorgeous sunlight, her body and soul were like diamonds, shining brightly.

Invisible luck lingers around the body, a trace of warmth and nourishment.

The fortune that has been blinded by magic for more than 600 years, at this moment, all returns to itself.

As soon as Xiao Liu walked to the bus stop, a bus pulled up. She didn't delay for a second, and got into the car smoothly.

As soon as she got in the car, the driver looked at her in surprise and asked, "Why are you a little girl in this wilderness so early in the morning?"

Xiao Liu laughed twice: "It just happened that something happened."

The driver didn't ask too much, but smiled: "Have you had breakfast yet?"


"That's a coincidence. The company gave me two extra buns this morning for some unknown reason. Would you like to try it, little girl?"

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you so much, master."

"Hahaha, it's okay, you young people have to go to work, how hard it is, and it's not easy."

"You've worked hard too."

Sitting in the front row of the bus, the short-haired girl opened her teeth and showed a bright smile. Around her, little golden lights that mortals can't see flicker around. This is not extra luck, but something that should have belonged to this soul in the past six hundred years. Every life should be lived normally, but every life is extremely miserable. It has been accumulated so far, and it has become what it is today.

When he got off the bus, Xiao Liu only felt at ease.

There are always more good people in this world, how can she be discouraged? Compared to many more miserable people, she was already lucky. At least she now has food, a house, and a job. She is very content.

Looking at the rising sun, the short-haired girl smiled brightly.

What about fate? She will never admit defeat. As long as you work hard, you will be happy! Even if the result fails, she will never bow her head!