Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 90


From Jiang Gui's unsuccessful arrest and being slapped in the face, to Judge Cui coming to the realm to deliver the courier in person, to Emperor Wen Song's almost resurrection, a lot of things seem to have happened in the past few days, but after all the calculations, only three days have passed.

In the sky over the entire Su City, the dark yin lingered, and the majestic and powerful force slowly condensed in the sky of this ancient city.

This yin qi will not affect the normal growth of living beings in the world. It's just that with the gradual accumulation of yin, the originally sunny weather became densely cloudy in the afternoon. It just so happened that there was an abnormally high temperature in southern China recently. In November, it was already autumn. The temperature in Wuxi, Shanghai and other cities around Sioux City was as high as 25°C, but Sioux City was still fresh in autumn.

At night, the yin gas turns into rain and pours down.


The two half-assed ghosts stared nervously at the south for a long time, and finally, the yin qi entangled in the sky above Su City dissipated. Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly contacted by WeChat to inquire about the situation.

As soon as Lian Xi's live broadcast ended, he received a WeChat message from Wuxi Xiao Guicha.

[Tang Zi: How fat four!]

Lian Xi: [What?]

[Tang Zi: From the first two days, you Sucheng seem to be doing big things. You'll be fine. What the hell is going on with so many yin qi in Su City? Are there any peerless evil spirits out of you? Do you need help?]

The Wuxi kid came over with a lot of questions, and it was too complicated to explain clearly, and even Xi didn't know where to start. Thousands of words, finally reduced to a punctuation mark—

[Lian Xi:…]

[Tang Zi: ? ? ?]

[Lian Xi: Come to Sioux City when you have time, let's talk face-to-face... It's nothing to do anyway.]

[Tang Zi: Oh. It's fine if it's all right, anyway, even if there's something wrong, with the three-legged cat spell of me and Hu Xiaoli, it probably won't help. I can rest assured that you are all right. Hu Xiaoli told me just now that she secretly felt that the sudden update of the ghost poor performance rankings this morning might have something to do with your Sucheng ghost poor. Hahahaha, I said what did she think, that is the official performance ranking of other people's underworld, can it be related to you?]

[Lian Xi:…]

[Tang Zi: It definitely doesn't matter, right?]


[… It really doesn’t matter, right?]

[Lian Xi: Let’s talk face to face…]

[Tang Zi:! ! !]

It really has something to do with you!

Wuxi Black and White Impermanence was stunned, looked at each other, and saw an unstoppable thought in the round eyes of their colleagues: What a real thigh, what a real thigh! must hug! In the future, maybe by hugging the thighs of the ghosts of Sucheng, the two of them will be able to walk steadily, and take the top ten in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai every month!

If the watchman knew the idea of Wuxi ghosts, he would definitely sneer.

The top ten of the ghost difference rankings in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai

Short sighted!

As a qualified licking dog, choosing an excellent object to be licked is the most basic basic skill of licking a dog. How high the licker stands, the farther you can go. For example, if you lick his watchman, at most you will become a mediocre little ghost; if you lick Jiang ghost, then you are Wenzhou ghost; if you lick Judge Cui, you will become Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence .

But if you lick the minister and Lianxi...

This is the real skyrocketing and soaring!

After a few words with Tang Zi, Lian Xi finally remembered that he wanted to buy a house in the morning.

When he got home this morning, he took a nap. He is no match for the non-human beings such as the general manager and the watchman. He wants to sleep. After waking up, I went to the live broadcast without stopping.

Xu Lang never urges Lianxi to broadcast live, but this is his job.

On the Internet, people often say that if they win 5 million, they will quit immediately and never work again. Winning the lottery jackpot, of course, even Xi had thought about it. It can even be said that the things he has encountered today are 10,000 times more outrageous than the middle five million. However, he did not want to give up live broadcasting.

At the beginning, the live broadcast may be to stay away from the crowd and do a simple job that does not require communication with people. But gradually, there will always be more than a dozen permanent viewers in the dumb live broadcast room. They already knew each other and became friends. Sometimes they would talk to Lianxi about the troubles they encountered at work today, and sometimes they would praise Lianxi for his good game play and ask him for some skills, and every time Lianxi would answer it very awkwardly.

At this time, there are audiences in the live broadcast room laughing and teasing: [Don't embarrass the dumb anchor, just shut up and watch the operation.]

In the past twenty-two years, he hadn't spoken so much to anyone.

But in this small live broadcast room, he has many "friends".

It's only ten o'clock in the evening when the live broadcast room is closed. For contemporary young people, nightlife has just begun.

Lian Xi found Xiao Liu's WeChat.

Within three minutes, Xiao Liu replied immediately.

[Real estate agent Xiao Liu: Mr. Lian, you said you want to continue buying this house? ! Is it convenient for you to answer the phone now?]

[Lian Xi: Yes.]

The next second, the girl with short hair called.

"Mr. Lian, do you really want to buy this house again?" On the other end of the phone, the young girl's voice was hurried, with a little trembling at the end, as if suppressing the extreme excitement and excitement in her heart.

Lian Xi nodded lightly: "Yes, my roommate and I plan to buy this house."

Xiao Liu: "Well, I'm totally fine here, and I can contact the landlord immediately, that is..." After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Liu still said: "Sorry, Mr. Lian, the landlord is out of town, because he originally planned to come back today. Su Cheng, you said yesterday that you didn't want to buy it, so the landlord was a little angry. I hope you don't mind, I want to confirm with you again, do you really want to buy this house?"

Do you really want to buy this house

To live here forever

Lian Xi clenched the phone tightly and said calmly, "Yes, I'm sure."

"Okay! I'll contact the landlord now, thank you, Mr. Lian."

Hanging up the phone, the short-haired girl flushed and her eyes lit up with excitement. It was ten o'clock in the middle of the night, but she did not go home, and was still sorting information in the store. Just happened to press the last Enter key to enter the customer information into the computer, Xiao Liu looked at the computer screen that flashed fluorescent light, and it took a few seconds before he recovered.

"Am I really going to sell the house?"

Xiao Liu only felt erratic, everything was too beautiful to be realistic.

Could it be that there is really a great Tailai in this world? All bad luck has been experienced, and the only thing left is good luck.

He was still immersed in the joy of selling the house, but suddenly, the phone rang again, Xiao Liu looked down, his eyes widened suddenly. Soon, she sent another WeChat message. After getting a positive reply from the other party, she called again.

"Hello, Mr. Gao, I'm so sorry to call you so late. What's the matter with you?"

"Ah, I'm fine. I'm free now. I'll listen to anything you have to do. Just say it."

Holding a pen to write and draw in the notebook, Xiao Liu quickly recorded the needs of customers. When she heard the phrase "buy a few shops", she stared blankly at the blank notebook, her hand holding the pen stopped in mid-air, and she didn't respond. Until a calm and gentle voice came from the other end of the phone: "Didn't you hear clearly?"

Xiao Liu: "No, no, no, I heard clearly, you continue to speak. Mr. Gao, let me confirm, how many shops do you want to buy?!"

A brisk laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Well, yes. It was hard for you to help me find a tenant before. I see that you are very practical and quick in your hands and feet, and you quickly found a tenant for me. So This time, this matter will trouble you, so it's fine."

"Of course not! Thank you, Mr. Gao, I will reply to you tomorrow, and I will give you the information after sorting it out."

Hanging up the phone, Xiao Liu was really stunned by the pie falling from the sky this time. In a trance, she thought inexplicably: "Mr. Lian and Mr. Gao seem to be neighbors across from each other..."

Yes, the person who called to buy the shop this time was Mr. Gao, Gao Jiaxun, who used to live opposite the door of Lianxi.

Three months ago, the minister mistakenly thought that Gao Jiaxun's obsession was a ghost, and he just wanted to send someone to reincarnate. It took the two of them a day to finally figure out the truth of the matter, help Gao Jiaxun to complete his obsession, and no longer be trapped by memories.

Gao Jiaxun is a successful businessman. The shop he wants to buy requires a larger shop in a prime location. Once the transaction is successful, you will definitely get a small brokerage fee.

Xiao Liu was hit by two pies in a row. After being excited, he quickly picked up the phone and called his mother thousands of miles away.

Meanwhile, she doesn't know that after hanging up her phone, Mr. Gao, her big financier, is sitting in the back seat of the limousine. The dappled neon light of the city shines into the car through the light brown window stickers. Putting down the phone, Gao Jiaxun raised his hand and pinched the bridge of his nose wearily.

Seeing this, the assistant sitting in the front seat asked with concern, "Mr. Gao, will I take you home directly to rest?"

Gao Jiaxun shook his head and said, "No, go to Kempins."

The assistant frowned and said, "You just came back from Hong Kong City this morning, and you've been busy all day, why don't you take a rest."

Ordinary assistants may not dare to talk to the boss like this and interfere with the boss's decision. But Gao Jiaxun has always been very kind and approachable to his opponents, which is why they dare to "speak bluntly".

Gao Jiaxun knew that the assistant was also making such a suggestion for his own good.

Gao Jiaxun smiled and said, "It's alright, Mr. Wang is in Kempins. He rarely makes a trip back to Sioux City. He hasn't seen him for two months, so I'd better go see him first."

The assistant had to sigh and said to the driver, "Lao Li, go to Kempins."

The driver Lao Li asked, "Kempins Club?"


The car drove steadily towards Kempins, the famous high-end leisure club in Sioux City.

In the quiet compartment, only faint breathing could be heard. After an unknown amount of time, Gao Jiaxun asked again, "I remember that the young master of the Wang family left last month?"

Assistant: "Yes, on the 7th of last month."

Gao Jiaxun: "It's a pity, he's only seventeen years old. I've seen that kid, and he's more calm than his eldest brother, Mr. Wang."

The assistant couldn't hold back and said: "You said that the younger brother just died, and the elder brother spends all day drinking and drinking. It's true in this world that good people don't live long." The assistant didn't say the latter sentence, but Gao Jiaxun knew what he meant.

He knew exactly what kind of person the eldest young master of the Wang family was. But for the sake of business, he has to please each other.

Gao Jiaxun: "Okay, stop talking."

At this time, the driver, Lao Li, asked curiously, "Sir, what's the disease, so money can't cure it?"

The assistant smiled and said, "Do you think that money can buy your life? The young master of the Wang family had advanced brain cancer, and the Wang family sent it to the United States. It cost me an unknown amount of dollars to be cured. In the last three months, he simply gave up treatment. , go back to Sucheng directly, I heard that the old man Wang also agreed to his son's wish, no longer let him suffer from the pain of treatment, let him come back, and spend the last stable time."