Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 93


The cold and indifferent sound was like a water wave, with a humming sound, it pierced through the air and quickly spread around.

Thousands of golden light beams bloomed from the golden album with an edict from the minister, like a goddess scattered flowers, scattered to every corner of Su City. The dark and damp alleys of the ancient city and the bizarre modern buildings, the golden light swept across the calm waters of Jingdu Lake, shining on the heads of thousands of ghosts in Su City, making them invisible.

Since the watchman came to the realm, he went out to hunt ghosts every day, and there have been many fewer lonely ghosts in Sioux City. But not without.

Now these ghosts have all appeared, their eyes widened in confusion, and they still don't know what happened. The yin qi that escaped from their bodies would only feel a cold wind blowing through to ordinary mortals, and they didn't feel much. But to the ghosts and gods such as Judge Cui, they are like fireflies in the dark night. They want to be extremely low-key, but they are extremely dazzling.

No one expected that just to help Gao Jia find a favor, the minister would find all the lonely ghosts in the entire Su City.

… Yes, but it’s not necessary!

Judge Cui was the first to react. The human-like scholar-judge was ashamed, clasped his hands together, and sighed: "It's really worthy of being an adult. Even if you give your subordinates another thousand years of cultivation, your subordinates will be far behind!"

The watchman regained his senses, and he immediately cast a disdainful look at the dog-like Judge Cui. My dear, you scholars have the darkest minds. You can't do anything. You are the first to flatter yourself and throw the dirty work to honest people like him. However, this time, the watchman also wanted to flatter him, but before the flattery was done, he couldn't help but said, "Sir, are you able to catch all the lonely ghosts in Su City?"

It was also the first time that Caochen knew that he had this method. He retrieved the golden album floating in the air and said, "The first time I tried it, I didn't expect it to work."

Actually think about it.

Now, the secret that the minister is the master of the underworld has long been known to everyone. If the impermanence certificate of the ghosts of Sucheng can point out the direction of a ghost within the range of Sucheng, then the magical tool of the Lord of the Underworld can find out the direction of all the ghosts in Sucheng, which sounds quite reasonable.

The watchman was heartbroken: "If I had known that you could open this plug-in, I would have doubled the number of ghost hunters last month, and my points would have doubled!"

Lian Xi: "..."

Judge Cui: "..."

Jiang Gui sneered mercilessly: "You're just as good as you can get."

The watchman was furious: "You know the shit! A social animal works diligently, steadfastly, and has been busy for a whole month, and finally saw that he was going to get the first place in the performance list at the end of the month, but he was detoured at the last second. Overtaking. Do you understand this kind of pain? You understand?"

Caochen said in a painful tone: "It makes sense."

Everyone: "… "

You two are really out of your mind!

Let's not talk about the performance rankings.

Caochen used the golden album to catch all the ghosts and ghosts in the entire Su City. Naturally, Gao Jiaxun and Assistant Liu in the room didn't know about it. The light beams scattered from the golden album can only be seen by the four ghosts and gods present and Lian Xi. They saw Lian Xi five people inexplicably began to chat about the company's performance and other topics.

Assistant Liu showed impatience, and Gao Jiaxun became anxious.

It's not that the Wang family has never found a real master, but even those major events are helpless to Wang Dashao's situation. These charlatans who came out of nowhere, can they save Wang Dashao

Gao Jiaxun couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Lian, have you found the problem?"

After a slight pause, he continued: "Mr. Gao, let's discuss it again."

It has been delayed for a long time. Now that the whereabouts of all the ghosts and ghosts in Su City have been found out, if any of them are related to the strangeness of Wang Dashao, it must be among them.

Lian Xi closed his eyes and felt it: "The ghost closest to here seems to be there." After speaking, he looked up to the east. "It's about three kilometers from here... It's Times Square."

As an ordinary person who can only see ghosts, of course Lian Xi has no clairvoyance, and it is impossible to find ghosts three kilometers away through reinforced concrete. However, on the golden album, a beam of light goes straight to the east and disappears in Times Square across the lake. The golden light flickered, and it was hard to see it.

Judge Cui immediately opened the book of life and death. He held the judge's pen, swiped his letter, and wrote a series of talismans on the book of life and death without words. The next moment, a faint red light flickered, and lines of words appeared on the book of life and death.

Judge Cui: "If you go back to your lord, the lone ghost three kilometers away died the day before yesterday, and the cause of his death was jumping off a building. According to the time, this Mr. Wang has been haunted by 'ghosts' for seven days, it is certain It has nothing to do with this ghost."

Watchman: "My lord, my lord, the ghost that is the second closest to here is the one four kilometers away. The youngest saw it and was there."

But Lian Xi frowned: "It's definitely not possible to exclude one by one like this." At least tens of thousands of beams of light were emitted from the golden album of the minister. I can't find it next year.

In this case...

Lian Xi raised his head and looked at the man beside him: "Really, there is absolutely no wrong Yin Qi in this room?"

The minister lowered his eyes slightly, looking at the dignified young man. After a while, he said, "What do you think?"

Lian Xi was silent for a while, then he turned his head to look at Gao Jia and said, "Mr. Gao, you were in the clubhouse when Mr. Wang's accident happened. It can even be said that there are at least a lot of living people around."

living person? Gao Jiaxun sounded awkward, he nodded and said, "Yes, that's for sure. There are many guests staying at the Cempins Club every day. This does not include their staff."

Lian Xi: "Looking for a needle in a haystack will definitely not work. This ghost is obviously aimed at Mr. Wang. So we have to find out..."

"What did Mr. Wang do to make that ghost have such a 'soft spot' for him."


In the spacious and bright hall, everyone sat on the sofa and asked Wang Yuyun's personal assistant about him.

Assistant Liu has long been impatient. He didn't look at Lian Xi at first, and now Lian Xi is returning empty-handed from upstairs.

Sure enough, this is a bunch of liars.

Even if he really knew how to use spells, it would only be a meal, and it couldn't be compared to the master that the Wang family personally invited from the capital.

Assistant Liu pushed up his glasses and said in a polite and gentle tone, "Young Master Wang has no enemies."

Lian Xi: "Love and hatred?"

Assistant Liu smiled: "This gentleman, if you have money, you can do whatever you want. Mr. Wang has always been very generous to his lover. Even if they break up, they have arranged them properly. These are all things I can guarantee."

The watchman asked curiously, "What is proper?"

Assistant Liu: "It means I will do it myself."

"Oh… "

After thinking about it for a while, Lian Xi thought of another possibility: "Problems in career?"

This time, Assistant Liu was silent for a while, but then shook his head again and said, "Impossible. The Wang family has some opponents in business, but even if these enemies use means to fight against the Wang family, they will not choose to deal with Wang Shao."

Lian Xi: "How do you say?"

Assistant Liu: "We have to deal with the Wang family, so it is meaningless to deal with Young Master Wang."

Even Xi couldn't help but be surprised. Isn't this Wang Yuyun the eldest young master of the Wang family? Wouldn't it be the best choice to retaliate against the Wang family? He was about to ask a question, but heard a calm and calm male voice beside him: "Oh, I understand."

The crowd turned their heads.

Caochen's eyes were dark, and his tone was calm and certain: "It's not his own."

Everyone: "… "

Why is this man so sarcastic yet so confident!

Lian Xi finally couldn't help but help his forehead and said, "What TV series have you watched recently, what is this?"

"???" Gu Chen had a question mark on his face, but became dissatisfied. He narrowed his deep eyebrows and pursed his lips, his voice unpleasant: "How about it?"

boom! Assistant Liu patted the table and stood up: "Enough! Xiao Li, come and see these gentlemen out. I don't think they can help with Mr. Wang."

Gao Jiaxun was stunned for a while, and hurriedly stood up: "Assistant Liu, this is just the beginning, we haven't..."

"Okay, Mr. Gao, I won't hide it from you anymore. No matter what happens to Young Master Wang, he is the only young master of the Wang family. To be honest, at the group meeting yesterday, the chairman of the board has approved the matter of the suburban land."

Gao Jiaxun's breath was rapid: "You mean..."

Assistant Liu smiled politely: "Sorry, that land has nothing to do with you Jiaxun Capital."

Gao Jiaxun's expression froze, and the whole person froze in place.

Assistant Liu didn't look at him again, turned around and went upstairs.

Even Xi did not understand the business affairs. They also didn't know how much of a blow to Gao Jiaxun about what Assistant Liu said just now.

However, looking at Gao Jiaxun's back suddenly hunched down, Lian Xi faintly felt that he seemed to be a lot older all of a sudden.

Lian Xi said, "Mr. Gao, are you alright?"

It took a few seconds for Gao Jia to find his mind. He turned around and looked at Lian Xi. After a long time, he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and smiled bitterly: "It's nothing, I just suddenly understand that some people struggle for half their lives, but in the eyes of some people, from beginning to end, it's just a joke. Mr. Lian, this world is so great From the beginning to the end, there is no fairness... not a minute, not a second."

Leaving these words, Gao Jiaxun took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He instantly cheered up again, as if stepping out of the shadow of failure, disguising his tired heart with a strong shell.

He tried his best to find Lian Xi and Caochen, and wanted to ask them to help solve the matter of Wang Dashao. But no one had told him that he was kicked out by the Wang family yesterday. Then what is he running up and down today? What do the people like Assistant Liu think of him, when he is an actor, a clown

Gao Jiaxun smiled and said, "It's just to trouble you all for nothing, I really want to thank you, I'm sorry."

Looking at Gao Jiaxun's pretending to be calm smile, Lian Xi slowly darkened his eyes and became silent.

Among the four ghosts and gods present, General Jie had the highest status, and Judge Cui was second. Neither of them paid much attention to the world of such a small person as Gao Jiaxun, nor did they understand the deep meaning behind his complicated smile. The watchman wasn't much better either. If he was smarter, he wouldn't have been a ghost for hundreds of years and was squeezed every day by his colleagues.

Only Jiang Gui, he looked at Gao Jiaxun, suddenly made a meaningful oh, and then showed a sinister smile.

Hei Wuchang in Jiangnan Road is full of bad water, deceives the superior and conceals the inferior, and does all kinds of evil, but he is extremely good at "abiding by the rules", so that the superior Judge Cui can't take him. He didn't get promoted, not because he didn't have enough mana, nor because he didn't know how to figure out people's hearts, but he just didn't bother to do it.

Jiang Gui laughed hoarsely: "Judiciary Cui, there is another easiest way, have you forgotten?"

How dare Jiang Gui not address him with honorifics? Judge Cui frowned in dissatisfaction, but he didn't have time to reprimand Jiang Gui, instead he thought about it, and suddenly said in surprise: "The book of life and death is used to check the life of the deceased. If you use the book of life and death to check the life of a living person, It's going to be long."

Jiang Gui: "Do you care if that mortal will lose his life?"

Judge Cui was stunned for a moment, and said in his heart, "Yes, it's none of his business if a mortal loses his life. What's more, if the life is really lost, it might be the life of that mortal, as he should have been!

Judge Cui: "The matter of life and death is already in the dark, and the six realms are doomed. Even adults cannot intervene." He cupped his hands and said to the minister, "My lord, do you want your subordinates to use the book of life and death to see the life and history of this mortal? Just one look, everything is clear at a glance, no more cover up!"

Lian Xi: "Will your life be shortened?"

Judge Cui said indifferently: "It is his life to end his life."

The minister raised his eyebrows lightly: "Is that so?"

Judge Cui hesitated for a moment, but still said: "It's hard to say about life and death, maybe yes, maybe no. But if we leave today and leave him alone, that mortal person will definitely not survive for three days."

Lian Xi: "Then use the book of life and death."

Judge Cui received the order and immediately responded, turning over his hand to take out the birth and death book.

"Hey, what are you doing? Assistant Liu told you to go, didn't you hear?" The tall security guard strode forward when he saw that Lian Xi was still staying. However, just as he was halfway there, he saw a handsome and gentle man who took out a book from nowhere, and then changed a pen to write and draw on the book.

The security guard was stunned and muttered in his heart: Another master of magic

These days, the security doctors of the Wang family are not uncommon to see masters. As the old saying goes, it is better to believe that there is something or not. The security guard realized that Lian Xi might have some crooked skills, but he was not afraid, and continued to walk forward: "Let you go, do you hear?!"

As soon as the voice fell, a gloomy wind rose from the ground.

Judge Cui was stunned for a moment, and said in amazement: "What is this, dare to prevent the life and death book from writing the life of the young master of the Wang family?"

I saw a cold and biting wind lingering on the open pages of the book of life and death, trying to stop Judge Cui from writing!

However, the power of the book of life and death and the judge's pen can actually be blocked by this little yin wind. As soon as this unresolved yin wind blew into the book of life and death, it was directly suppressed, and it would probably turn into ashes in just a few minutes.

"Heh." Shi Chen snorted coldly and pressed his palm directly.


The yin wind burst in the blink of an eye and dissipated completely.

At this moment, no one knows that it is thousands of miles away on the outskirts of the capital.

In the green shade of rolling hills, a small Taoist temple is hidden in it. It looks ordinary, with low walls and a small house, and the courtyard is full of dead leaves. At this time, it was late at night, and there was only an old Taoist priest and a young Taoist priest in the view. The old Taoist priest had already fallen asleep, and only a young Taoist priest sat cross-legged in the hall of the Taoist temple, meditating and adjusting his breath.

Suddenly, a tyrannical force fell from the sky, as if someone slapped the small Taoist temple.

The little Taoist opened his eyes instantly, and the old Taoist also woke up instantly.

The next second, the old Taoist teleported to the Taoist temple hall.

The little Taoist was so frightened that he rolled and crawled, ran to the old Taoist's side, and said in horror, "Master!"

The old Taoist calmly looked at a jade tablet enshrined on the incense table in the center of the lobby. The majestic and indifferent force slapped it with a palm, and the jade tablet was instantly smashed into pieces, and the entire Taoist temple shook three times.

"Master, this, this... this jade tablet is broken!"

The old Taoist looked at the jade tablet that was smashed into powder with complicated eyes. After a long time, he sighed: "Forget it, we have already done what we promised the Wang family. Now that the jade tablet is broken, it has nothing to do with us. The kindness of the Wang family. , it's already paid, so don't worry about it in the future."

Seeing that the old Taoist was not flustered, the young Taoist was also relieved.

It's okay, it's okay.

"Go to sleep for the teacher, you should be careful, don't be lazy!" The old Taoist stretched his waist, scratched his back, and went back to the bedroom. An ethereal sentence accompanied the evening breeze, scattered in the air: "Why even the jade card is broken, that jade is expensive, it's thousands of dollars. It's not good to keep it..."

Little Taoist: "???"

I must have heard it wrong, my master Xianfeng Daogu!

On the other side, after the jade plaque was broken, lines of text were instantly revealed on the book of life and death.

However, at this time, everyone no longer looked at the book of life and death at all. Everyone raised their heads in unison, and looked across the floors to look at Wang Yuyun, who was lying in the bedroom on the third floor.

Judge Cui's eyes widened in amazement: "Odd! Odd! Really odd! How could there be such a fragile fate in this world?!"