Can’t Save the World by Pretending to be Dead

Chapter 97


White bird with red crown, anthurium frost hair.

Lian Xi grew up in the city and does not eat grains or distinguish birds, which is the norm for young people of his generation. However, he may not be able to distinguish magpies and turtledoves, but he must know red-crowned cranes.

Chinese people like red-crowned cranes very much.

With a tall and beautiful figure and clean black and white wings, the red-crowned crane is clean and beautiful, and is highly recognizable. So when the red-crowned crane appeared in the wheel mirror, Lian Xi recognized it at once, and left a deep impression in his heart.

"Normal people will never see a red-crowned crane in their lifetime. This bird is extremely precious. If I remember correctly, it is a national first-class protected animal." Lian Xi thought, "Of course, if you want to see it, it is not impossible. Remember that there is a red-crowned crane nature reserve in Suzhou.”

The six members of the underworld looked at each other.

… nature, protected areas

what is that

Lian Xi coughed and said, "It doesn't matter anyway. That is to say, this kind of bird is usually hard to see. If you want to see it, you can go to a special place. But if I remember correctly, the habitat of red-crowned cranes is not mountains and forests." After a while, his expression gradually became serious: "It should be a swamp."

Even Xi Chang is so big, he has never seen a real red-crowned crane, and he doesn't know much about this kind of bird. But it did not prevent him from knowing that the habitat of the red-crowned crane was in the tidal flat swamp. Because when he was a child, there was a song that became popular all over the country. The song told the story of a girl who died in a swamp in order to take care of the red-crowned crane.


In case of indecision, Baidu on the spot.

Lian Xi quickly searched the encyclopedia of the red-crowned crane and handed it to the minister: "Well, it really shouldn't appear in the mountains and forests."

Throughout Wang Yuyun's life over the past twenty years, the only thing that makes people feel outrageous is this red-crowned crane that appeared in the mountains.

The crowd discussed.

Judge Cui: "This subordinate once had a little encounter with Xianjun Baihe, but he was destroyed together with the divine court 600 years ago. This white crane must have nothing to do with him. Could it be that this white crane has become a master of cultivation? A monster?"

White crane, also known as red-crowned crane.

Lian Xi shook his head: "If this red-crowned crane wants to harm Wang Yuyun, it won't take more than ten years."

The watchman touched his head: "So what is going on here?"

Tiger Jing rolled his eyes: "My lord, how about we go directly to this mountain and look for this white crane? If you ask it face to face, it will be clear. White cranes usually live for decades, say Maybe it's still alive."

Judge Cui said speechlessly: "King Wheel, it's been more than ten years, how do you know that this white crane is still in that mountain?" This tiger spirit is really useless except for licking! It was said that Baihe shouldn't appear in the mountains, and he still has to go to the mountains to find him. I'm afraid there is something wrong with his brain.

Seeing Judge Cui's disdainful appearance, the King of Wheels knew that he was running on him again in his heart. The tiger spirit snorted lightly, not taking it to heart at all. This scholar is pedantic. He always thinks that the big tiger doesn't think carefully. There are so many things on his mind. Could he not know that the white crane appeared in a place where it shouldn't be

The wheel-turning king was too lazy to pay any attention to Judge Cui, and said directly to Lian Xi: "Hey, if your lord wants to find that white crane, it's easy. No one really thinks that the function of the wheel-turning mirror is only to see the past life? No, no, no. Well, this is the exclusive magic weapon of the Ten Temple Yama!"

Raising his chin proudly, the tiger spirit smiled evilly.

"Two adults, you can take a good look!"

The wheel-turning king's eyes dimmed, and the next moment, a seal was formed in his hand, and he quickly slashed towards the wheel-turning mirror.

On the bronze mirror surface, like Moses dividing the sea, the ripples are turbulent, and they are separated to both sides, and a bottomless gap appears. The wheel-turning king scolded coldly and grabbed the deep crack with his palm: "The edict of the Netherworld Wheel-turner, all beings in the world will enter my mirror!"

After the words came out, the cold drink fell, and the life of Wang Yuyun, who had just appeared, flashed quickly in the mirror that was divided into two pieces.

Soon, the picture freezes to the scene where Wang Yuyun went on vacation in the mountains more than ten years ago.

The wheel-runner smiled slightly, stretched out his hand confidently, and grabbed the red-crowned crane that appeared in the mirror. He stretched out his hand, and a faint black thread flew out from his fingertips and shot at the red-crowned crane. The connection between the two places was solid, and the King Wheel King had a big smile on his face, but he was only proud of it for a second when he heard a crisp click.

Black line, break!

Wheel Runner: "..."

Everyone: "… "

Lian Xi: "What does this black line mean, and why is it broken?"

Wheel King: "As long as the creature appears on the wheel mirror, I can cast spells and find his breath. This black line is the index connecting his breath. I grab the black line and follow the direction to find the other party. ."

But now the black line is actually broken.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the minister's voice was low: "Someone stopped you from capturing the breath of this bird?"

The Wheel Runner King twisted for a while: "Actually, it's not that complicated."


The Wheel Runner King smiled awkwardly: "It's just dead."

Everyone: "… "

The crane involved was not found.

If the wheel mirror is unable to capture the breath of the creature, it means that it is completely dead and directly reincarnated.

All of a sudden, things came to a deadlock again.

Just when Lian Xi was at a loss, suddenly, the minister pointed to the sealed Wang Yuyun and said, "This human being seems to have seen many birds in his life."

The voice fell, and everyone was stunned.

Everyone started to recall.

Wheel Runner King: "Yes, this mortal has seen many birds?"

Lian Xi was silent for a moment, then looked at the man beside him: "Wang Yuyun seems to be traveling all over the country and abroad, so it's not unusual to see a lot of birds at ordinary times?"

Unlike Lian Xi, the young master of the Wang family lives in a modern city all year round. The life of the rich is only as colorful as you can imagine.

Looking down at Lian Xi, the minister closed his eyes. After a second, he opened his eyes again and said seriously, "He has seen 3135 different birds in total."

The Wheel Runner King blinked his tiger eyes: "Is this a lot?"

Lian Xi: "..."

Without saying a word, he began to search Baidu. When Baidu revealed that there are currently only 9,000 species of birds in the world, and there are more than 1,000 species in China, Lian Xi fell silent for a long time.

Lian Xi: "Are you sure, there are 3135 kinds, so many. Also, the numbers are so accurate?"

Caochen calmly pointed to the wheel mirror: "Didn't it let go of that mortal's life twice just now?"


"I didn't pay attention to the bird problem the first time. You mentioned it, and the second time I played it, I paid a little attention."

Lian Xi was stunned: "So after you read it once, you remembered how many species of birds appeared on the mirror?"

Caochen raised his eyes and looked at Lian Xi, with a face, "So you can't remember what?"

Lian Xi: "..."

For the first time, I realized that my roommate might actually be the Lord of the Underworld.

Lian Xi: "Wang Yuyun has only lived for 28 years and has seen 3,135 species of birds. Roughly speaking, he sees 111 different species of birds every year. That is to say, every three days on average, there will be one species that he has never seen before. The passing bird appeared in front of him."

The room fell silent.

By this time, even a fool will notice that things have become unusual.

Judge Cui: "Could it be that there is a special relationship between Wang Yuyun and the bird?" Immediately, he denied the possibility, "No. We used the book of life and death to check his past lives, and there was nothing unusual. He has never seen so many birds in his past lives."

The watchman put forward his opinion: "It has nothing to do with the past, which one has to do with this life?" He suddenly remembered something, and said excitedly: "Sir, I understand! Could it be that Wang Yuyun was once a bird in the sky? god?"

Before, the intermediary Xiao Liu suffered a mutation because he was the reincarnation of Emperor Wen Song. Now, because Wang Yuyun is also the reincarnation of a god, he has encountered these changes, which is very reasonable.

But in the next second, the King of Wheels snorted and said lazily: "What are you thinking? You might as well say that he was once a worm, and he will be so liked by birds in this life. If he used to be a god The reincarnation of , I can't see it, and the respected lord can't see it?" Said, he smiled and said to the minister: "Yes, lord, how can you not see it."

Watchman: "..."

He really wants to say that you don't know that the savior has amnesia! He didn't recognize Xiao Liu as the reincarnation of Emperor Wensong before, but now he doesn't recognize Wang Yuyun as the reincarnation of a god, isn't it normal!

However, the minister said: "He really has nothing to do with the gods."

The watchman suddenly became hoarse.

Lian Xi was suddenly stunned, and he looked at the minister silently.

Obi-chan, there seems to be something different.

After a long time, Lian Xi's expression was calm, and he asked casually, "Have you recovered your memory?" If it wasn't for your memory, would the minister be so sure

Caochen paused and looked at him: "A little." After a while, he asked, "Is it important for me to restore my memory?"

Lian Xi: "Isn't it important?"

He was too lazy to answer this boring question. Memory or something, he has been standing in the vast and cold courtyard of the northern desert every day and every night for thousands of years, arguing with the six reincarnations. Now think carefully about the memory pictures that gradually come up, and even the angle of the corners of the clothes has not changed.

If it was someone else who asked this question, he might really just snorted in response. However, this is what Lian Xi is asking.

Looking down at the young man in front of him, Koichi was silent for a moment.


Their eyes met, and a strange atmosphere reverberated between the two of them.

Suddenly, in the next second, in order to express himself, the watchman made a very positive and ignorant guess and said: "Sir, the little one knows it again! This Wang Yuyun is not the reincarnation of a god, and he was not a worm in his previous life, but his life is fragile in this life. Ah! A small guess, he attracted so many birds because of his brittle life. As for why he attracted birds..." The watchman smiled flatteringly, looking at Lian Xi and Gu Chen: "Does your lord know?"

Before even Xi and Caochen could respond, Judge Cui said directly: "This fate is fragile, what does it have to do with birds? Besides, he said that his fate was covered up with jade pendants. Didn't find it right away, just a little bird, can you find it?"

The watchman was slightly dissatisfied: "Judge Cui, the small one is just a reasonable guess. There are two things that are different about Wang Yuyun. First, he is very brittle; second, he is naturally attracted to birds. These two points are missing. No, it must be the key to what he is now. Could it be that what Xiao Xiao said was wrong?"

Judge Cui frowned: "You..."

"It's not unreasonable what he said."

Judge Cui immediately fell silent, looked at the minister, and said in surprise, "Sir?"

Gently clicked his tongue, and the minister's expression was light: "I think of a god related to birds." He glanced at the wheel king, "Do you still remember who the god who is in charge of hundreds of birds is in Shenting?"

This understated look is the indifference and arrogance of the gods. Suddenly, the wheel-turning king seemed to have returned to the underworld more than 600 years ago when he took up his post in the underworld. At that time, the minister just looked at him casually as he is now, then withdrew his gaze, and then raised his head to look at the sky.

He didn't realize it, but the wheel-turning king put away his pleasing licking dog look, and analyzed respectfully and solemnly: "Your Excellency is talking about Bi Fang?" Stomach Saturn-kun, Subaru Sun Xing-kun… all of them are also in charge of a bird’s way.”

Caochen: "Above them, the one in charge of the birds."

The Wheel-turning King hesitated and said, "The Blue Bird Fairy in front of the Queen Mother of the West?"

The minister: "..."

Feeling like a wheel king who was randomly checked by the class teacher: "… "

He really doesn't know!

God Court has been destroyed for so long, how can he remember so much. And even if the divine court hadn't collapsed, there were a total of 108,000 gods, how could he know them all!

As Judge Cui said, this wheel-turning king is ignorant and lacks skills. He is lazy all day and is useless! The minister snorted softly, and said the name in a calm tone: "Bai Zhao refused."

"White Recruitment Rejection"

Just as these simple and ordinary words fell, Lian Xi suddenly heard a clear bird chirping outside the window.

The sound of flapping wings passed by, and he looked out the window subconsciously. A magpie soared from a branch into the dark night.

Hearing this name, the three low-level ghosts present did not react. The watchman recited the name silently in his mind, but he didn't know who it was.

Judge Cui also felt familiar: "This name seems to have been heard before, but I can't remember it for a while. I don't know which god this is?"

Only the King of Wheels was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly woke up: "The god of the West among the five gods, Baidi refused?"

When the divine court was not destroyed, the wheel-turning king would never dare to call the Emperor Bai's name directly like this. I'm afraid that just after he said this name, the next moment will be thunder and thunder, and he will be beaten to the core. But now, the divine court was destroyed, and the White Emperor was gone, so he could shout if he wanted to.

Even if this is the White Emperor, one of the five gods in charge of the Divine Court.

Yes, six hundred years ago, there were 180,000 gods in the divine court. They do their jobs.

Xiao Liu's previous life, the Emperor Wensong who was in charge of the world's writing, sounded majestic, but he was only one of the thirty-six emperors. In the court of gods, the real thunder, and the power of life and death, only the five gods!

Because he couldn't be called by his first name, when the minister said the name "Bai Zhao refused", the wheel-turning king didn't react. So did Judge Choi. But when the wheel-turning king revealed his identity, Judge Cui immediately woke up like a dream and said repeatedly: "Yes! Because everyone knows that the gods of the five directions are in charge of the divine court. Therefore, the subordinates can't remember that Baidi is in addition to the master of the divine court. He is also the king of birds."

It's like the mayor in charge of a city. Everyone mentions him and thinks: Oh, he's the mayor. But no one remembered, in fact, he was also the captain of a certain school when he was in elementary school.

King Wheel King's eyesight was very good. Seeing that Lian Xi was still half-understood, he immediately prepared to explain. Unexpectedly, the minister calmly snorted and said, "Bai Zhao refused to be considered one of the more merciful among the five emperors."

The Wheel-turning King was stunned for a moment, then continued: "Hey, what the lord said is. Emperor Bai is free and easy by nature and does not like to be bound in the divine court. The affairs of the divine court are usually managed by the other four gods. Therefore, the divine court is destroyed, and the six reincarnations liquidate the gods. In the past, when he committed sins for wrongdoing, Emperor Bai was the one with the least sin among the five gods."

This kind of secret is not something that Judge Cui and the watchman can know.

The punishments received by the gods were recorded in the book of life and death, but Judge Cui did not have permission to view these records.

Judge Cui said curiously: "I remember that there are tens of thousands of gods who were directly allowed to reincarnate without any punishment? Is Emperor Bai also one of them?"

The Wheel Runner King didn't even think about it: "Oh, that's impossible. To say that Emperor Bai is merciful is only compared to the other gods of the four directions."

Judge Cui: "..."

The minister said nonchalantly, "Because he called Bai Zhaojian's name directly, there were probably forty or fifty gods killed by him."

The wheel-turning king said: "My subordinates have heard about this a little bit. It must have happened thousands of years ago. At that time, I was only a little tiger playing freely in the mountains and wild, and I didn't cultivate to perfection. Not to mention the Ascension God Court. Every day I know how to catch birds, play with bunnies, and grill chickens…”

Lian Xi: "... let's talk about the main point."

The Wheel-turning King returned to his senses: "Oh yes, my lord. Anyway, at that time, my subordinates were not yet in the divine court, and I heard from others. It is rumored that there were far more than 108,000 gods in the divine court at the beginning. God, each has its own system, and each has its own small group. Although Heaven has a system of assigning positions to the court of God, but no gods take care of Heaven. Everyone is in charge of some positions casually. .

"Because they don't care about those positions in the court of God at all, you beat me and I beat you all day long. Then one day, the gods felt that it was time to establish a mature system. Even the mortals in the world have changed from unruly barbarians. Etiquette must be observed, elders must be in order, and of course gods cannot lose to mortals. So, the chaos of the past has turned into a battle for the throne.”

Speaking of the gossip he had heard, the Wheel King immediately felt sleepy: "It is said that the reason why Emperor Wensong was in charge of the world's writing at that time was not because he was really good at dancing and writing, but because he was strong! That's how the divine court was distributed at that time. Position. First, fight first. Pick the strongest, first and second, and so on.

"Once all the gods' military rankings have been arranged, we will begin to assign positions.

"The five gods are in charge of the divine court, so they belong to the five strongest gods. The position of Dongfang Qingdi is the first in the divine court, so it belongs to the gods with the highest mana at that time. The hub. Then, the fourth-ranked Western White Emperor Bai Zhao refused."

Lian Xi understood now: "So the reason why Bai Zhaoqiu is the White Emperor of the West among the Five Emperors is just because his mana ranks fourth in the divine court?"


Lian Xi looked at a man strangely: what are you humming

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he continued: "Humph!"

Too lazy to care about him, Lian Xi continued to say to the runner king: "You mean that Emperor Wufang is the top five gods in the divine court. The reason why Emperor Wensong is Emperor Wensong is not because he is good at writing, but because he is good at writing. Just in that position, is it his turn to be Emperor Wensong?"

The wheel-turning king said with a smile: "That's right, the lord is really smart. He didn't become Emperor Wensong because he was good at writing. But after he became Emperor Wensong, he was nurtured by the world's writing and became good at writing! This causal relationship, You can't go wrong."

Lian Xi suddenly said, "What about the other gods who didn't rank among the top 108,000?"

The wheel-runner king was stunned: "Huh?"

Lian Xi calmed his eyes and said quietly: "You just said that before the formation of the Divine Court system, there were not more than 108,000 gods. But the total number of positions in the Divine Court is only 108,000. So... those who failed to rank first Where have the 108,000 gods gone


The wheel-turning king stammered: "This, this..."

"The soul is scattered." A low and indifferent voice sounded.

Lian Xi was stunned and said: "Soul Fei... Soul San?"

Caochen: "Otherwise. The gods fight, not children playing. If you shoot, you will die."

Lian Xi was stunned for a long time, and suddenly asked a strange question: "When the gods fight to count the ranking... Shichen, are you in the court of God?"

His eyes moved slightly, and the minister looked at Lian Xi calmly.

a long time.

Kaoru smiled: "What do you think?"

Lian Xi: "What's your ranking?"

The minister snorted, but did not answer.

Lian Xi turned his head and asked the Wheel King: "Do you know how much he ranks?"

As soon as these words came out, Judge Cui, Jiang Gui, and the watchman all perked up their ears.

Who doesn't want to gossip about how strong the minister used to be! This is like listening to the gossip of the boss. Although it has nothing to do with me, whether the boss used to earn an annual salary of one million or ten million, it will not affect the fact that my annual salary is 100,000. However, the heart of gossip, everyone has it.

However, the wheel-turning king said, "..."

With a sad face, he quietly winked at the minister: "Sir, should I know, or I don't know...

Caochen: "If you want to know, just say it."

Wheel Runner: "..."

Well, this is what you asked me to say!

The runner king racked his brains and began to recall the ranking of gods that his friend had told him. He is a god after all, and has an excellent memory. Even if it had been thousands of years, he still remembered it fresh.

There is no doubt that the top five are the thirty-six emperors, and he also remembers who each of them is. Further down...

The wheel-runner king said in surprise: "Hey, it's strange, I've already ranked more than a thousand people, how come it's not your turn yet? My lord, could it be that thousands of years ago, you were not a god when you were ranked in the divine court? You and your subordinates Is it the same, will he become a god later?"

There is absolutely no way that the minister can be ranked behind the thousandth!

Not to mention a thousand, the wheel-turning king felt that the minister was definitely in the top ten.

And the minister's answer was only one: "Humph."

Wheel Runner: "..."

Not to mention other people, the curiosity of the tiger spirit was hooked by the minister.

Licking is one thing, but above the licking road, there is also the gossip road!

As soon as the wheel king's eyes rolled, bad thoughts flooded into his heart. He quietly gave Lian Xi a wink: Sir, please ask. If anyone here can ask the truth, it must be only you.

Lian Xi nodded. "Your eyes are broken?"

Wheel Runner: "..."

This day is over!

The tiger spirit burst into tears.

However, the wheel-turning king didn't know that since the gossip road was mighty and was the essence of the world, apart from him, even Xi's curiosity was naturally hooked. But just when he was about to question the minister, a cowardly female voice rang softly: "Well, that... The adults seemed to want to figure out what happened to this mortal at first..."

Yunnan Dao Hei Impermanence has the least seniority, but he was like a blow to the head, and woke up the few people who strayed from the theme.

Yes, I almost forgot who Wang Yuyun was.

Lian Xi glanced at Wang Yuyun. Realizing that Lian Xi was looking at him, Wang Yuyun, who had just stopped for a while, became excited again. Even if his mouth was sealed and he couldn't speak, he would cry out in a rotten voice in this coffin where freedom was imprisoned—

you devil! ! !

Lian Xi was expressionless and retracted his gaze.

It's good, the young masters of the Wang family are still full of energy.

Caochen: "The only one who can order Hundred Birds to this level is Bai Zhaoren. Check the book of life and death to see if Bai Zhaoren is still being punished in hell."

Judge Cui nodded yes, and then opened the book of life and death: "The specific punishment of the gods, the subordinates are not qualified to look up. But as long as his punishment is over and he is reincarnated, he is no longer a god and belongs to the subordinates' responsibilities. "

The book of life and death quickly flipped, and soon, Judge Cui's eyes lit up: "Yes."

When his sentence fell, everyone knew that Bai Di Bai Zhao refused was really reincarnated.

Judge Cui said quickly: "Bai Di's sin is the lightest among the five gods, but he has also been punished in the depths of hell for more than 600 years. According to the celestial calendar, Bai Di was reincarnated seventeen years ago... eh ?"

Lian Xi frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

Judge Cui: "Strange, my lord, look. According to the book of life and death, the reincarnation of the White Emperor should have died. And he died not long ago. He only died last month."

Looking at the darkened text on the book of life and death, Lian Xi softly read out the reincarnated name of Bai Zhaoden.

"... Wang Yueqing."

At the same moment, suddenly, there was a loud and noisy sound outside the bedroom door.

Everyone turned their heads in unison, looking at the solid wood door that was hit and banged.

Caochen was displeased, and was about to cast a spell to stop the person who was knocking at the door, but Lian Xi stopped him.

Lian Xi took the initiative to walk to the bedroom door, calculated the gap between the opponent's collision, and opened the door at once.

The door was wide open, and the bright light immediately penetrated through the crack of the door and shot into the room.

The door was hit by two tall bodyguards in black suits. The door suddenly opened, and the two were stunned, almost falling to the ground because of inertia. And behind them, stood an old-fashioned silent white-haired old man. Wang Yuyun's assistant, Xiao Liu, was standing respectfully behind the old man, bowing his head slightly, not daring to make trouble.

The old man gave Lian Xi a majestic look, then directly passed him and strode into the house.

Originally, the old man wanted to see Wang Yuyun's situation directly, but as soon as he entered the room, a cold and stern aura suddenly locked him. Uncontrollably, he looked at the six people standing in the room. His eyes finally stopped on Guchen, and the old man felt a chill inexplicably. He frowned and retracted his gaze.

Looking at Wang Yuyun, who was obviously blocked by magic, the old man Wang nodded slightly to the old housekeeper.

The old housekeeper's expression changed, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Well, yes. Come over now, please."

He didn't ask why his eldest grandson opened his mouth but couldn't speak, nor did he ask the identities of Lian Xi and his party. The old man Wang calmly arranged for the bodyguard to carry Wang Yuyun to the bed, and gave him a tranquilizer.

Mr. Wang sat on the armchair without saying a word, as if he was waiting for the arrival of the person on the butler's phone with peace of mind.

The atmosphere in the room was stiff and the air was stagnant.

Suddenly, a handsome young man stepped forward. Under the astonished eyes of Assistant Liu and others, Lian Xi walked up to Mr. Wang step by step and asked calmly, "Excuse me, are you Wang Yuyun's grandfather?"

Old Man Wang slowly raised his head and looked at him. The falcon-like gaze instantly covered Lian Xi, and this scrutiny gaze made Lian Xi froze. This look brought great pressure to Lian Xi. He had seen so many ghosts and ghosts, but Old Man Wang's eyes were different from those.

This is an unavoidable judgment given to the younger generation by those who have been in high positions for a long time.

Lian Xi's pupils swayed, and he was about to speak again. The next second, a tall figure enveloped him behind him.

Lian Xi raised his head and looked at the man standing in front of him.

The minister also looked back at him, then turned his head, and instead of Lian Xi, asked, "Do you know Wang Yueqing?"