Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 107: Daughter-in-law's birthday (3 more)


Even though Chu Yang came very early, the genius Meng Mengliang had already arrived at Feng's second child's home. However, some people came earlier than Chu Yang. When Chu Yang arrived at Feng's house, there were already five people waiting in the room.

Seeing the people in the room, Chu Yang bowed his head and greeted them politely, then found a corner and sat aside to wait.

"Oh, little doctor, are you going to the city?" Seeing Chu Yang, Yang Dahai's wife came over.

"Well, I'll go into the city and buy some food!" Nodding, Chu Yang replied softly.

"Oh, it's not easy for you child! You're only thirteen years old, and you have to support yourself and treat the big guy." Speaking of this, Yang Dahai's daughter-in-law's eyes became more pity.

"It's okay, I'm used to being alone!" Smiling, Chu Yang said disapprovingly.

"Little doctor, when did you learn this medical skill? Have you learned it since you were a child?" Looking at Chu Yang, a woman in her thirties asked.

"Ah, I started learning at the age of four!" Looking at the other party, Chu Yang immediately replied.

"Oh, it's amazing. I learned medical skills at the age of four. Not only can I treat patients and save lives, but I can also make tofu. What a skill!" Speaking of this, the middle-aged woman immediately gave a thumbs up.

"Aunt Li, you are flattering me. This medical skill and the ability to make tofu are all skills passed down from my ancestors, so it's not a big deal!" Chu Yang said modestly with a smile.

"Hey, this child who has studied is different, and he speaks so modestly. In the future, if any girl and Shuang can find you, then they will be lucky!" Speaking of this, Mrs. Li covered her lips and said laugh.

"Aunt Li is joking. My parents are both dead. I don't have a single row of land or a room. How can I have the money to marry a wife?" Speaking of this, Chu Yang himself was very depressed. The tofu for three days is 20 catties of beans each time. After deducting the cost, the money he earns is enough to support himself. The matter of marrying a daughter-in-law still has to fall on the mushrooms and fungus! Otherwise, he would really be a bachelor for the rest of his life!

"That's not what I said. Although you have no father or mother, and no money in your hands. However, you have the ability! With your ability, what kind of girl do you want to find? Can't you find it? In our village Ah, if you like the girl He Shuang of which family, Auntie, I will be the first to help you make a marriage proposal, and I don’t want your wedding money!" Looking at Chu Yang, Aunt Li said with a smile.

"Thank you, Aunt Li. In the future, if I meet someone I like, I will definitely ask Aunt Li for your help!" Chu Yang knew that the first reason why Aunt Li was so enthusiastic was because Aunt Li was more forthright. Second, it is also because before, he helped Aunt Li's three-year-old grandson see a doctor and gave them two pills. Therefore, Aunt Li's family is very grateful to herself.

"Oh, it's a pity, those two girls in my family! They are both married, otherwise I can introduce them to the little doctor!" Speaking of this, Yang Dahai's daughter-in-law looked regretful. This little lady is handsome, good at medicine, good at making tofu, and has no father or mother. It would be perfect to bring such a person home as a son-in-law for the elderly!

"Aunt Yang loves you so much!" Chu Yang said with a smile. I thought: I have a daughter-in-law, I am really not interested in your girl!

Listening to the three chatting casually, the two brothers Song Mu and Song Lin who were sitting on the side would look at Chu Yang from time to time. Song Mu is a kid and already married a wife at the age of sixteen. However, his younger brother Song Lin is a twin, also thirteen years old this year, but he is not married yet.

Ever since Chu Yang came to Daliushu Village and rescued Li Sixi, the little doctor's name spread. And because Chu Yang never asked for money to see a doctor, and sometimes he would send some medicine to everyone, so the people in the village liked Chu Yang even more. And Song Lin had heard about Chu Yang a long time ago. However, he is a twin, and he doesn't go out on weekdays, so this time, it was the first time he saw this little doctor who was being teleported.

Looking at this little doctor who was the same age as him, who could see a doctor and make tofu, Song Lin admired him very much. Looking at the other party's handsome face, he couldn't help but blush. He hastily withdrew his gaze from looking at Chu Yang.

After another cup of tea, the other villagers who wanted to ride the ox cart also arrived one by one. The big guys got into the bullock cart of Feng Laoer's house together, and went to Longquan Town together, talking and laughing.

Because it is not the first time to come to Longquan Town, Chu Yang started shopping in the town with ease. First, he bought food and meat. There are also some eggs and vegetables sent by the villagers in the space, so there is no need to buy these two things. . However, Chu Yang also wanted to buy one very important thing, which was cloth. Because he knew from his father-in-law that his daughter-in-law's birthday was the fourth day of August, so he planned to buy a piece of fabric for her. Of course, he actually wanted to buy a piece of clothing as a gift, but he was afraid that the size would not be good enough. Moreover, he also knows that his wife's craftsmanship is very good, as long as he has beautiful fabrics, he can also make beautiful clothes. So, he decided to buy fabric.


A few days later, Li Xiaohu's birthday.

Looking at Chu Yang who suddenly came to the house with his hands behind his back. Li Xiaohu's face turned red. "Brother Li, are you looking for my father? My father is not at home, he has gone to Uncle Yang's house!"

"No, I'm not looking for Uncle Li, I'm looking for you!" After speaking, Chu Yang took another step closer.

Looking at Chu Yang standing in front of him, Li Xiaohu blushed and took two steps back, pulling the two of them too close. "Brother Li, you, what do you want me to do?"

"Happy birthday!" As he said that, Chu Yang took out the cloth that he had been hiding behind his back, and brought it to Li Xiaohu.

"You, you..." Looking at the piece of water-blue silk that Chu Yang took out, Li Xiaohu was stunned.

"A birthday present for you!" As he said, Chu Yang passed the cloth in his hand.

"No, I can't, it's too expensive, I don't want it!" Shaking his head, Li Xiaohu quickly refused. This is silk and satin, high-quality silk and satin, and it is such a big piece, so it must have cost a lot of money. How could he ask for such expensive fabric

"It didn't cost a few copper coins. How about you make one, I'll make one, and another for our little idiot, I'll make the fabric, and you'll make the sewing?" As he said, Chu Yang pinched Li Xiaobao White and tender little bun face. I thought: I knew my daughter-in-law would not accept it so easily.

"This..." Hearing Chu Yang's words, Li Xiaohu hesitated.

"Let's make this decision. I bought eighteen feet, which is enough for the three of us to make clothes. Xiaobao will take it." As he said, Chu Yang handed the fabric to his brother-in-law in his wife's arms.

"Brother Shan!" Stretching out his little hand, Li Xiaobao hugged the cloth given by Chu Yang and was about to stuff it into his mouth, but Li Xiaohu hurriedly grabbed it.

"Little Leopard, this is not for food, but for clothing!" Li Xiaohu looked helplessly at his brother when he saw a small piece of his brother's saliva stuck to the fine silk.

"Yi, clothes!" Looking at his elder brother, Li Xiaobao laughed and learned to speak.

Bending down, Li Xiaohu put Li Xiaobao in his arms on the ground. Then, he looked at Chu Yang. "Brother Li, how about this, if you ask me to sit on your clothes for you, I will make you two bodies, and making one body for Xiao Bao is your reward, so I don't have to do it, right?"

"No, if you make a suit for one person, your clothes will be old. Besides, if I find other aunts to do it, I will give them a piece of material. How can I let someone help me make clothes for nothing? So, if I give it to someone else, it's still worth it. How about giving it to you!" Looking at his daughter-in-law, Chu Yang would not allow his daughter-in-law to refuse! He wants a family of three to wear parent-child clothes!

"Then, that's fine, your piece of material is not small, let me see if I can make another pair of pants for you!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu blushed.

"No, if there is any fabric left, you can keep it for yourself. I'm leaving!" Chu Yang looked at his wife again before turning around and leaving.

Holding the cloth in his hand, looking at Chu Yang's leaving back, Li Xiaohu couldn't help but curl his lips. This person is the first person other than father and mother to celebrate his birthday, and also the first person to give him a gift on his birthday. Thinking of this, Li Xiaohu's face turned even redder. It's like knocking over a bowl of honey in my heart, it's indescribably sweet!

Back in his room, Chu Yang sat on the chair and kept thinking about his daughter-in-law's surprise, joy, and shyness when she received the fabric. When she is too young, she can't get married and come in and love her well. But, he didn't believe the saying that if you are close to the water, you will get the moon first. If he lived in Li's house for three to five years, would his wife not like him? So, the road to chasing his wife is long, and we still need to make persistent efforts!

After thinking about it, Chu Yang stood up, left his room, and went directly to his secret base. It has been a month since the fungus and mushrooms were planted, and he would come here several times a day to look at them, water them, control the indoor temperature, etc., but he was too busy, but he thought that these mushrooms and fungus were his wife, so , no matter how hard it is, he still has to take good care of them. Otherwise, there would be no money to marry a wife!

The growth of the mushrooms is not bad, and small heads have popped up one by one, and the fungus and basswood are also moving. The mushrooms that Chu Yang chose were mushrooms that matured in four months, and the fungus that matured in three months. Calculated in this way, the fungus can be harvested in October, and the mushrooms can be harvested in November.

However, after Chu Yang collected the fungus, he would go to the blacksmith's shop to order an iron stove and a few furnace tubes, and install them in this small room. In this way, he would not have to worry about the low temperature in the room affecting the growth of the mushrooms. However, this depends on the weather conditions. If the temperature drops in September, he will have to buy a stove earlier.

The author's gossip: Please recommend at midnight, please recommend, please recommend!