Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 110: The daughter-in-law is jealous (3 more)


After being neglected by his wife for three days in a row, Chu Yang finally realized the seriousness of the problem, but it happened that Uncle Li was at home these three days, so he couldn't find Xiaohu. Therefore, Chu Yang could only sadly wait for the opportunity.

On the fourth day, when he heard that Uncle Li was going to hunt in the mountains with five other hunters, Chu Yang was very happy. Seeing the father-in-law leave, he immediately went to find his wife.

"Father, why are you back?" Hearing the sound of the door opening and closing, Li Xiaohu walked out of his room, and saw that it was not his father who had returned, but Chu Yang. "You, what are you doing here?" Seeing the person coming, Li Xiaohu was shocked.

"Xiaohu, don't be afraid. I have no malicious intentions. I just want to ask, did I do something that made you uncomfortable?" Looking at his wife, Chu Yang asked seriously.

"No, no, let's go, don't come to my house if my father is not at home, it will be bad for my reputation. If you barge in like this next time, well, then I will tell my father!" Looking at Chu Yang, Li Xiaohu spoke angrily.

"Xiaohu, I'll go to the city to buy soybeans in two days, and I'll buy you your favorite snacks, okay?" Looking at the inexplicably angry daughter-in-law, Chu Yang coaxed softly.

"No, no need, I don't want your snacks, you can save them for Song Lin!" After speaking, Li Xiaohu turned around and was about to leave. But Chu Yang grabbed his arm.

"I don't know Song Lin well. I won't spend money on him. The money I earned through hard work is only for you to spend!" Staring at his wife, Chu Yang said seriously.

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu was stunned. Then his face darkened. "Don't lie to me, I know, he gave you a sachet, I saw it!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu felt a little wronged, and clearly agreed to marry him, but, this damned Li Ruishan actually accepted it. The sachet that the others gave him, the damned rascal, the rascal!

Seeing his daughter-in-law's aggrieved and annoyed appearance. Chu Yang was taken aback for a moment but then smiled. "No wonder they ignored me these days. It turned out that they were jealous."

"I, I'm not jealous!" Li Xiaohu glared at Chu Yang angrily, and Li Xiaohu's mouth was stiff.

"Okay, okay, you're not jealous, I said something wrong. Song Lin did give me a sachet. But, I've already returned it to him. You are the only one in my heart and eyes, and I can't tolerate others!" Looking at his daughter-in-law, Chu Yang explained helplessly.

"You're lying, you haven't gone out these few days at all!" Li Xiaohu is not an idiot, he lives in the same yard as Chu Yang, so he naturally knows whether the other party has gone out.

Hearing this, Chu Yang smiled helplessly. "Do you think it's appropriate for me to run to find a double return sachet by myself? Do you think that if I go to Song's house, people in the village won't gossip about me and Song Lin?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu was stunned. "Then, then you..."

"I asked Aunt Zhang to help me send it back. On the day Song Lin gave it to me, I asked Aunt Zhang to help me send it back." Speaking of this, Chu Yang sighed helplessly, and said in his heart: Wife Wouldn't this jealousy be too much

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu blinked his eyes. "Song Lin is the best-looking twin in the village, and his family is rich. You, you just rejected him like this?"

"I can't help it? Who made me like a domineering little tiger, not that Song Lin?" At this point, Chu Yang shrugged helplessly.

Seeing Chu Yang's helpless expression, Li Xiaohu's face turned red. "I, I'm not a tiger."

"You are, you are my little tiger!" After speaking, Chu Yang directly pulled him into his arms.

"Ah..." Leaning his head on Chu Yang's shoulder, Li Xiaohu blushed and looked at the man's face.

"Xiao Hu, you have to trust me. No matter who likes me, I only like you! You are the only one." As he spoke, Chu Yang gently rubbed his lips against Li Xiaohu's forehead.

"Don't, don't do this!" Sensing his flustered heartbeat, Li Xiaohu hastily broke free from the opponent's embrace.

Seeing his daughter-in-law who blushed and shyly dared not look at him, Chu Yang was delighted. "Xiaohu, remember, you are the one I want to marry, and I will only marry you in my life, and I will never take a concubine. So, you have to trust me and have confidence in me, okay?"

Hearing what Chu Yang said, Li Xiaohu raised his head and glanced at him. "Well, in the future, I, I will ask clearly, but you, you can no longer accept things from other girls and other girls, or, or I will marry someone else!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu He glared at Chu Yang.

"Okay, don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen again. You, you can't marry anyone, but mine, you know?" Holding his wife's hand, Chu Yang seriously corrected the question.

"Yeah!" Seeing that Chu Yang had been making promises to himself so seriously, Li Xiaohu's anger dissipated.

"Okay, I'll go back first. I'll buy you some snacks in two days!" After speaking, Chu Yang kissed the back of his wife's hand again, and left with a smile.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Li Xiaohu also smiled!


Time passed quickly, and it was October in a blink of an eye, and the weather was getting colder every day. After Chu Yang sold the first batch of fungus, he started to solve the problem of the stove. He ordered two stoves at the blacksmith shop. Then, Chu Yang asked some masons in the village to help him make them. A Kang.

Now it's a big deal. This kang became famous in the village at once. Soon, everyone in the village knew about the heated kang, and several masons began to help the villagers build the heated kang from house to house. As for Chu Yang's side, the merit points are gradually increasing. Basically, if a family builds a kang, he will grow two merit points. If someone goes to the uncle blacksmith to make the stove he made, the merit point will also increase accordingly. At the beginning, Chu Yang didn't pay much attention to this, but the merit point grew steadily, and Chu Yang immediately realized it. Something is wrong.

"003, if I don't do anything, is it considered a meritorious deed?" Chu Yang couldn't understand this.

"Host, there are no kangs and stoves in this novel world. You are not doing nothing, but benefiting the human beings in this novel world. This is a great merit. In the future, you will gain two merits for every kang you build If you install a stove, you will gain two merit points!" Blinking a pair of black bean eyes, 003 explained seriously.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I really earned it!" It turned out that Chu Yang just wanted to make himself comfortable in the winter, but unexpectedly, he benefited others unintentionally and earned himself a lot of merit. point.

Because of the popularity of kangs and stoves, the masons and blacksmiths in the village made a lot of money. Naturally, they did not forget Chu Yang, knowing that he had no land and all the food he ate was bought. Therefore, the blacksmith gave Chu Yang fifty catties of sweet potatoes, and the mason also gave Chu Yang a bag of corn, half a bag of sorghum, and half a bag of potatoes and radishes. Moreover, they also brought good news, saying that the villagers in Xinghua Village had heard about the heated kang and the stove, and they were also invited to help build the heated kang and make the stove.

With their help, Chu Yang had enough food for the winter. Moreover, hearing that blacksmiths and masons were going to Xinghua Village to pick up jobs and earn merit points for themselves made Chu Yang even more delighted.

In November, Chu Yang finally sold the first batch of mushrooms. Selling for twelve taels of silver, for a farmer, these twelve taels of silver are enough to earn for a lifetime. However, for someone like Chu Yang who wanted to buy a house in the town, this amount of money was far from enough. After collecting the money, Chu Yang bought what he wanted, and then went home in a bullock cart.

Back at Li's house, Chu Yang went to Li Xiaohu's house first, and gave the jar of good wine bought for Li's father to his father-in-law.

"Oh, this wine is very expensive. What are you doing with this unjustified money?" Seeing the wine that Chu Yang bought for him, Li Sixi said in surprise, joy, and helplessness.

"Uncle, you and Xiaohu have always taken care of me, I should respect you!" The old man is not flattering, how can he marry a wife

"You child, you are too polite!" Looking at Chu Yang, Father Li said helplessly.

"Uncle, this is my piece of filial piety, you just keep it!" The old man, of course, must be filial.

"Okay, I'll accept it this time, but don't do it again. Don't waste money, save it and save it to marry a wife. You are fourteen in the Chinese New Year, and you should marry a daughter-in-law." A daughter-in-law." Looking at Chu Yang, Father Li said with a smile.

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu, who was standing behind his father, blushed instantly.

"Uncle, I'm not in a hurry. I want to save more money. In the future, I will buy a big house in the town and marry a wife. I won't let my daughter-in-law suffer with me!" Speaking of this, Chu Yang's gaze fell on Li On Xiaohu's body.

Facing Chu Yang's scorching gaze, Li Xiaohu blushed even more. However, there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"You, you have an idea. That's fine, as long as you know your own affairs!" Nodding, Father Li smiled, and didn't say anything more.

"Okay, Uncle, then I'll go back first. My stove hasn't been fired yet!" Chu Yang stood up after speaking.

"Go! You won't be allowed to sell alcohol next time!" Staring at Chu Yang, Father Li warned again.

"Let's go uncle!" Chu Yang smiled at the father-in-law and daughter-in-law, and then walked away.

Watching Chu Yang's figure leave, Li Xiaohu's eyes flickered. I can't help but feel a little lost in my heart.

When Chu Yang returned to his room, he just lit his stove when he saw his wife walking in with a piece of bacon.

"Come on, sit here and warm up!" Pulling his wife over, Chu Yang gave up his seat and let his wife sit in front of the stove to warm up.

"This is for you, my father asked me to give you the bacon!" Saying this, Li Xiaohu handed over five catties of bacon.

"How can I eat so much by myself? You'd better take it back!" Chu Yang knew that Father Li was a person who didn't want to take advantage of it. He must have seen that he had bought wine for him, so he brought the bacon over.

"Here you go, take it and eat slowly, it won't spoil anyway!" Li Xiaohu said, putting the bacon on the table beside him.

"Hey, thank you, Xiaohu!" Nodding, Chu Yang hastily thanked him.

Author's Gossip: Recommend, please recommend, please recommend, babies!