Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 115: Extreme relatives (2 more)


The day before Chu Yang and Li Xiaohu got married, Li Sixi's three older brothers came to Li's house from Xinghua Village with their families. Come to attend Li Xiaohu's nephew's wedding.

"Big brother, sister-in-law, second brother, second sister-in-law, third brother, third sister-in-law, you all come into the house quickly!" Li Sixi let everyone into the house.

A total of eleven people came from the Li family. Li Daxi and his wife brought their youngest son, his son's husband, and their three-year-old grandson. There were five people in total. Li Erxi is a family of three, and the couple brought a thirteen-year-old Xiaoshuang over. Li Sanxi is also a family of three, and also brought a thirteen-year-old Xiaoshuang over.

After entering the house, the four brothers sat together and chatted. The women and Shuang all ran to Li Xiaohu's new house to look around, and then went to Li Xiaohu's Westinghouse, chatting together.

"Fourth, who are you looking for for Xiaohu? There is no room, no land, no land. I don't know what you think?" Li Daxi, who was sitting on the main seat and had a goatee Eldest brother, he was the first to count down his younger brother.

"That's right, fourth child, you've been a loser all your life, why don't you find a rich family for your child? Find such a poor man, will Xiaohu have a good life if he marries him?" Speaking of this, Li Erxi also Very dissatisfied.

"I think the Erxu who came here is not bad. Although he is a little poor, at least the fourth child can have someone to rely on in the future!" Speaking of this, Li Sanxi smiled. If the contempt in his eyes was not so obvious, Li Sixi would feel that the other party was telling the truth. Unfortunately, he knew that was impossible. His third brother has always looked down on him.

"Actually, this kid Ruishan is pretty good!" Smiling, Li Sixi said lightly, only he knew Li Ruishan's goodness in his heart, but he didn't want to talk too much about it with his three brothers. Because they won't believe what they say now, but when Ruishan becomes famous in the future, you will know how good Ruishan is.

"Cut, it's probably not a good thing to get into the eyes of a wimp like you!" Having said this, Li Erxi curled his lips.

"Okay, since the fourth brother is willing, let's stop talking!" Li Daxi said, looking at his three younger brothers.

"By the way, fourth brother, we've been here for a long time. Why doesn't your Xu come over to salute us?" Looking at Li Sixi, the third child asked critically.

"Oh, Ruishan went to town and hasn't come back yet. I'll introduce you guys when he comes back!" Speaking of his son Xu, Li Sixi was very happy.

"I'm going to be the bridegroom's official tomorrow. Why don't you stay at home and go to town?"

"Oh, I went shopping!" Speaking of this, Li Sixi smiled and thought: This Ruishan, most likely, went to buy jewelry for Xiaohu!

On the other side, a lot of people gathered in Li Xiaohu's west room. Although Li Xiaohu didn't want to see everyone, he still took out the peanuts and melon seeds prepared at home, brought them water, and greeted them.

"Xiaohu, what does your husband's family do?" Looking at Li Xiaohu, Li Daxi's daughter-in-law asked with a smile.

"Oh, Ruishan is a doctor! He treats people!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu was very proud.

Hearing what Li Xiaohu said, Li Xiaohai, the seventh child, couldn't help but roll his eyes. "Bragging!"

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu gave the seventh cousin of the second uncle's family a hard look. Xin said: This annoying brat is even more annoying than his father!

"It's a doctor, that's amazing, isn't he going to make a lot of money?" Looking at Li Xiaohu, Li Erxi's wife asked curiously.

"No, no, Ruishan has a good heart and doesn't charge people for medical treatment. Sometimes, he even gives away the herbs he picked from the mountains to others!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu felt even more proud. The man is the kindest person, and also the most respected person in the village by men, women and children!

Hearing this, everyone was speechless for a while. It took a long time before the laughter of Li Xiaohai and Li Xiaofeng sounded.

"Xiaohu, you, your husband's family has brain problems. They don't make money, and they still have to do business at a loss, giving people herbs for nothing?" Looking at Li Xiaohu, Li Sanxi's daughter-in-law asked gloatingly.

"Ruishan has a kind heart. All the people in the village respect him and like him. Many people even from your village have come to visit my family in Ruishan for medical treatment!" Speaking of this, Li Xiaohu still felt very proud. Ruishan's kindness is stupid, in fact, he has always felt that Ruishan is a kind person with a kind heart.

"Sixth cousin, this Ruishan is a doctor for nothing, and you two will get married later. How are you going?" Looking at Li Xiaohu, the son of Li Daxi's family asked suspiciously.

"Fifth brother, you don't have to worry, Ruishan has other skills, which can make money to support me!" Li Xiaohu was not worried about his man at all. The money from selling tofu is enough for their daily expenses, and the huge sum of money for growing mushrooms and fungus can be saved and saved to buy a house in the town later. In this village, no one can make money without his man, and no one is as capable as his man.

Seeing the confident Li Xiaohu, everyone laughed again.

"Hmph, I found a poor man, and I'm talking about extravagant hype. If you are capable, whoever is capable will come to your house to marry you?" Li Xiaohai curled his lips contemptuously, and his face was full of sarcasm.

"Ruishan is not married, don't talk nonsense if you don't know!" Li Xiaohu glares at the other party dissatisfied with his face downcast.

"Why is he not married, he..."

"Okay, old seven, your sixth brother is getting married tomorrow, don't make him unhappy." Looking at Li Xiaohai, the fifth brother, Li Xiaowen, interrupted the other party dissatisfied.

Glancing at Brother Wu, Li Xiaohai opened his mouth, glared at Li Xiaohu unwillingly, and said nothing more.


In the afternoon, Chu Yang returned home. Father Li immediately introduced his three elder brothers to Chu Yang.

"Grandpa, Second Master, Third Master!" Looking at the three of them, Chu Yang greeted them one by one.

Looking at Chu Yang, who was dressed in coarse cloth and carried a basket on his back, the three of them looked at each other and looked at you, all curled their lips. He didn't say anything, but his face was full of contempt and disgust.

"Ruishan, Xiaohu is in the Westinghouse, and your three aunts are also in the Westinghouse, go over and say hello!" Seeing that the three elder brothers were silent, Li Sixi spoke hastily, fearing that his son would be embarrassed.

"Hey, then I'll go find Xiaohu!" Nodding, Chu Yang went directly to Westinghouse without staying long.

"You're back!" Seeing Chu Yang's return, Li Xiaohu happily greeted him.

Li Xiaobao also ran over like a whirlwind. "Brother Shan, hug!"

Looking at his brother-in-law who opened his arms for him to hug, Chu Yang smiled and bent down, picked him up and turned around.

"Hehehe..." Holding Chu Yang's neck, Li Xiaobao laughed happily.

Looking at Li Xiaobao in his arms, Chu Yang rubbed his little head lovingly, and laughed too.

"Hey, Ruishan is back!" Seeing Chu Yang, Li Daxi's daughter-in-law smiled and said, her shrewd eyes immediately scanned Chu Yang's body up and down like laser beams. At the same time, other people's eyes also fell on Chu Yang curiously.

Being stared at by a large group of people from the Li family, Chu Yang frowned and felt a little uncomfortable.

"Ruishan, this is my aunt, my second mother, my third mother, my fifth brother and my fifth sister-in-law, these are my two cousins, the seventh brother Li Xiaohai, and the eighth brother Li Xiaofeng." Looking at Chu Yang, Li Xiaohu gave him a hand. Introduced the group of people one by one.

Facing everyone with a smile, Chu Yang greeted everyone one by one. Putting down the little leopard in his arms, Chu Yang reached out and took out two bunches of candied haws from the back basket. He handed Xiao Bao a bunch, and the other one to the three-year-old child of the fifth cousin's family.

"Thank you, Ruishan!" After taking the candied haws, Lao Wu immediately thanked Chu Yang.

"Fifth brother, you're welcome!" To be honest, among this group of people, Chu Yang found that this fifth brother's family of three looked a bit normal, while the others were not that good, with such obvious contempt, so obvious contempt and embarrassment. , as long as he is not blind, it is impossible for him not to see it.

Seeing that the candied haws that should belong to him was given to the little nephew of Wu Ge's family, Li Xiaohu smiled and didn't mind.

Carefully putting his back basket on the ground, Chu Yang took out a beautiful mahogany box from the back basket.

"You're wasting money again." Looking at the wooden box in Chu Yang's hand, Li Xiaohu knew that he was shopping again.

"Come, come and sit down!" As he said, Chu Yang pulled his wife to the dressing table, made him sit down, then put the wooden box on the dressing table, and slowly opened the box.

"Hey, what is this? A bracelet?" Looking at the jade bracelet in the box, Li Xiaohu asked in shock.

"It's a jade bracelet, try it on!" As he said, Chu Yang took a jade bracelet, took his wife's hand, and put it on Li Xiaohu's arm.

Staring at the crystal clear jade bracelet on his arm, Li Xiaohu was stunned. "Such a beautiful jade bracelet must be expensive, right?"

"It's not expensive!" As he said that, Chu Yang was about to reach out for another jade bracelet in the box, but someone was a step ahead of him and took the bracelet in the box.

"Returning the jade bracelet, it's fake at first glance? Can a poor married man afford a jade bracelet?" Holding the bracelet in his hand, Li Xiaohai said anxiously. The fourth uncle was married, so Li Xiaohai looked down on the fourth uncle and his sixth cousin, and naturally he even looked down on the poor Chu Yang.

Hearing this, Chu Yang's expression darkened. "Xiaohu, whose child is this? Why are there no rules at all, and I don't know how his mother taught him?"

Hearing Chu Yang's words, Li Xiaohu blinked, his mood that had been gloomy all day suddenly changed for the better. There was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: Ruishan's mouth is really poisonous!

"Xiao Hai, what are you doing? It's a gift from the man. It's not something you can touch. Put it down!" Li Erxi's daughter-in-law couldn't help but immediately stood up and yelled after being named by Chu Yang.

"Tch, what's the big deal, isn't it just a broken bracelet? Who cares about it!" Glancing at his mother, Li Xiaohai said contemptuously, as if he was about to drop the bracelet in his hand.

"This jade bracelet is thirty taels a piece, and a pair is sixty taels of silver. If you can afford it, you can throw it!" Narrowing his eyes, Chu Yang's aura was fully revealed, and a look of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes. color.

"What? Thirty taels of silver?" Hearing this, everyone in the room was shocked.

"You, you!" Looking at Chu Yang who was staring at him coldly like a knife, Li Xiaohai hesitated, bit his lip, and slowly put the bracelet back on the dressing table.

Author gossip: ??)?*??)