Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 128: Relief for disaster victims (3 more)


Seeing Li Sheng leaving, Chu Yang immediately locked the door of the store. Turning around, he saw his daughter-in-law walking over. "Is it settled?"

"Well, it's done. Who is that person?" Looking at his man, Li Xiaohu asked suspiciously.

"Let's clean up the downstairs first, and we'll talk about it later!" Chu Yang began to clean up the tables and chairs after speaking.

"Oh!" Nodding, Li Xiaohu immediately helped.

After the store was cleaned up, Chu Yang asked Goudan, Erlai and Sanwazi to go back to sleep first. He also took his wife back to his house.

Lying on the bed, Chu Yang told his daughter-in-law all about his cannon fodder's life experience.

"It's so hateful, why is that Mrs. Yang so bad, bullying you so much?" Lying in the arms of his man, he listened to the man's story about the hardships he had suffered since his stepmother entered the house, until he was kicked out of the house at the end. Li Xiaohu shed tears in distress.

"Xiaohu, I'm going to tell you two things now. You have to remember. The first thing is, you can't tell the Zhang family or the people in Taohua Village that the store is mine. If they ask, you just say that I am married into your family. Yes, the shop belongs to your father. The second thing is that the Zhang family didn’t know about the fact that I learned medicine from a teacher when I was four years old. You can’t tell them. I will tell the outside world that I learned medicine after I was thirteen.” Looking down at his daughter-in-law lying in his arms, Chu Yang reminded him seriously.

"You, are you afraid that your father and your vicious stepmother will try to trick our shop?" Li Xiaohu raised his head and looked at Chu Yang.

"Yes, I'm afraid of their idea of setting up a shop. So, tell Zhang's family that I'm a married woman."

"Oh, I understand." Nodding, Li Xiaohu expressed his understanding.

"However, you don't have to worry too much. I've been on guard against them for a long time. Your name is written on our house deed. Moreover, my father wrote me a divorce document, and I have kept it all the time. They can't afford to make big waves. But, this family still needs to be more careful!" Having said this, Chu Yang frowned.

"Well, I see, don't worry, if a stranger comes to me and asks about you, I will follow what you taught me, and say that you are married and the shop belongs to my father."

"Yes!" Smiling, Chu Yang lowered his head and kissed his wife's forehead.

"Hmph, that Li Sheng is really shameless. He took your family's money to go to school, and now he apologizes to you with a benevolent face. He also asked you to go home to see your father, as if you You're like a father's unfilial son!" Thinking of that pious guy, Li Xiaohu felt offended.

"You're right. Don't look at him on the surface, but he is not a good guy. He is a poisonous snake." In the original book, this Li Sheng also started a silk and satin business. Later, the cannon fodder also After doing this, he retaliated against Li Sheng. As a result, Li Sheng made all kinds of rumors, said bad things about the cannon fodder, said that the cannon fodder was so unfilial, and ruined the cannon fodder's reputation. Finally, he asked the bandits to kill the cannon fodder.

"It's not a good thing at first sight!"

"Hahaha..." Looking at the angry little daughter-in-law, Chu Yang was happy. He turned over and put the person under him. Gently kissed the tip of each other's ears. "Is it okay tonight?"

Hearing this, Li Xiaohu blushed. Then he replied awkwardly, "No, it doesn't hurt anymore!"

Smiling low, Chu Yang opened his mouth to enclose his daughter-in-law's earlobe. The hands directly unbuttoned the daughter-in-law's clothes...


a few days later...

"Xiaohu, I heard that Hailong Town in the south was flooded again this year. Many victims were drowned, and many victims fled famine and came to our Longquan Town. The county magistrate built ten thatched huts outside the city gate. Live for them. One meal a day is relief food issued by the government, but it is said that it is similar to rice soup, and the victims simply cannot eat enough!" Speaking of this, Chu Yang frowned. It's the twelfth lunar month now, and it's winter, and the victims live in the thatched huts that are ventilated everywhere. It can be said that they are suffering from hunger and cold!

Hearing what his man said, Li Xiaohu smiled. "You want to donate food to them, don't you?"

"Well, the sweet potatoes in Xinghua Village, Zhangjiagou and Daliushu Village had a bumper harvest a few years ago, and many of them couldn't be sold in the end. Didn't they let me buy them back in the end and put them in the rubber? I think we should also Those sweet potatoes can't be used up, even if they are stored in the cellar, they won't taste good after a long time. Why don't you take some out to help the victims, what do you think?" Looking at his wife, Chu Yang discussed with her.

"Okay, if you think it's okay, then go ahead and do it. I'm happy to see that you can help others a little!" Knowing that he is a kind-hearted man, Li Xiaohu expressed his full support.

"Okay, then I'll take the big head and little fat man in the backyard to deliver some sweet potatoes to the victims after dinner. You can tell dad!" Looking at his wife, Chu Yang said.

"It's okay, you are the head of our family, father will not object!" Since entering the city and opening a shop, father has ignored the family affairs. Family affairs are generally decided by Ruishan.

"Then I have to tell dad!" After all, he was an elder, so Chu Yang felt the need to say something.

"Okay, I'll tell Dad. Shall I get some old clothes and quilts over there?"

"You don't need the old clothes. Take some old quilts!" After thinking about it, Chu Yang felt that the victims should need old quilts.

"Okay, I'll get ready!"

"Yeah!" Nodding, Chu Yang smiled and squeezed his wife's fingers. Every time he used things from home to do good deeds, his wife never refused. Always support him silently, which makes him feel very caring.

In the afternoon, Chu Yang hired a carriage, brought two hundred catties of sweet potatoes and six old quilts, and called Datou and Xiaopang who were working in the backyard. The three master and servant got into the carriage together and left the shop.

Sitting in the carriage, Datou rubbed his arms. "Boss, why don't you give so many sweet potatoes to the victims?"

"It's okay, we still have a lot of sweet potatoes!" Hearing the big head's reluctance, Chu Yang was happy, and said in his heart: The sweet potato harvest has been bumper in the past three years, and his space is full of sweet potatoes. In fact, what is in the warehouse is just the tip of the iceberg, and only a little is taken out when it is used. Others thought it was in the cellar of the warehouse, but in fact, Chu Yang didn't put the sweet potatoes in the cellar, but in the space.

"Oh!" Hearing what Chu Yang said, the big head nodded. Xin said: The boss is kind-hearted!

"Boss, Brother Erlai and Sister Lingzi have been married for three years, and they have children. You, when will you find me a wife? I want a wife too!" look forward to.

Seeing Xiaopang's appearance, Chu Yang was happy. "Okay, next time Aunt Zhang comes over, I'll tell her to see if there is a suitable girl, and let her introduce one to you!"

"Hey, hey!" Nodding his head, Xiao Pang smiled happily from ear to ear.

"Boss, I, I also want a wife!" Looking at Chu Yang, the big head hurriedly signed up.

"Okay, for the four of you who are not married, each of you will find a wife!" Seeing his anxious look, Chu Yang was delighted.

"Well, Boss, you are really my noble man! I didn't even dare to think about it before, but now, I have a house to live in, wages, and a wife!" Speaking of this, Datou laughed happily.

"Yes, yes, boss, he is our great benefactor, noble man!"

"Okay, you two sycophants!" After cursing with a smile, Chu Yang glanced at the two of them. How time flies, the two youngest of the five little beggars are also sixteen, and they know they want a wife!

In a drafty thatched hut, there is a large pot with rice soup burning in it. Rather than rice soup, it is more appropriate to say a large pot of water with a few rice grains, because in this pot There are too few rice grains. You can count them at a glance.

There were more than a dozen men in the thatched hut, some young and some old, and they were all sitting around in front of the cauldron. At this moment, it is divided into two factions, and they are arguing.

"Gouzi, you can't, that's Li Laosan's only son!"

"That's right, the youngest and the third are both dead. This is the only seedling they have left!" An old man said helplessly, looking at a man from years ago.

"Don't meddle in your own business. If you like to eat, I'll share a piece with you. If you don't like to eat, go away. Don't stop me!" As he said, a scrawny young man took off the clothes of a small child, and Lift up the naked child.

"Wow wow wow, uncle, uncle..." Looking at the man called Gouzi, the three-year-old boy cried out loudly, his skinny little hands were tightly clutching the man's arm.

"Oh, don't cry, I'm doing a good deed to reunite you with your parents, otherwise, you will starve to death and freeze to death sooner or later!" Gouzi walked to the cauldron and lifted the child up Put the cauldron on top, as if to throw it into the cauldron.

"Hot, hot, uncle, uncle, wow wow..." Feeling the hot air below, the child cried even louder.

However, except for the two old men who spoke just now, other people watched this scene dully, and no one wanted to stop it. Some people were even swallowing, waiting to share the child's flesh.

"If the fire is bigger, can the water cook him?" Turning his head, the dog said unhappily to the burner.

"Hey, I got it, Brother Gouzi!" Nodding, the fireman immediately heated up the fire even more.

Seeing that the rice soup in the cauldron was finally boiled, Gouzi hooked the corners of his mouth and was about to throw the child into the cauldron.

"Put him down!" Suddenly, a strange voice came from outside.

Hearing this angry voice, everyone in the thatched shed looked outside, and saw Chu Yang's master and servant walking over.

"Who are you? Stop fucking meddling in your own business!" Glancing at Chu Yang, Gouzi cursed disdainfully.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Hearing the child's hoarse cry and seeing the child struggling in the man's hands, Chu Yang gritted his teeth. Cannibalism? Yizi and eat? He has read these words in books, but today is the first time he has seen them. This feeling is really not the worst, only worse.

"You let him go, I'll give you ten catties of sweet potatoes!"

Author's gossip: Please recommend, please recommend, please recommend!