Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 19: Heartbeat


In Zhang Qiaoniang's room, at this moment, Zhang Qiaoniang and Li Zhen'er are sitting and chatting together.

"Qiaoniang, have you heard? Magpie, Magpie was also divorced by the young master!" Looking at Zhang Qiaoniang sitting beside her, Li Zhen'er said softly.

Hearing this, Zhang Qiaoniang sighed softly. "Oh, magpies are just restless. I told her before that the eldest young master is not in a good mood, so don't make any mistakes, but she is fine. She beats the maid twice every day, and in the end, she beats the maid. If I can’t sleep, I will be divorced too!” Having said this, Zhang Qiaoniang sighed softly.

"Oh, Qiao Niang, I'm so scared now. Do you think we will be the next one? Tell me, is it because Qiao Yindi has been favored by the eldest and young master's courtyard, so now he is starting to take revenge and drive us out of the mansion one by one? Did you go?" Thinking of this, Li Zhener became more and more worried.

"Hey, who can guess what the young master is thinking? If he wants to divorce us, there is nothing we can do, right?" For Zhang Qiaoniang, it doesn't matter whether he is divorced or not.

"Qiaoniang, you can no longer be indifferent to the world like this. You have to take the initiative to attack. You have been with the young master for the longest time, and the young master likes you the most. You should go to the young master's yard more often and take the big It's the young master's favor to win it back!" Looking at Zhang Qiaoniang, Li Zhen'er incited the other party and Qiao Yindi to compete for favor.

Hearing this, Zhang Qiaoniang shook her head. "You know me. I'm not someone who competes for favor. If Eldest Young Master thinks of me, he will let me serve you. If you don't call me, I won't go there!"

"Oh, you!" Hearing Zhang Qiaoniang's answer, Li Zhen'er was very helpless. Xin said: This Zhang Qiaoniang is real!


In the study, Chu Yang was reading medical books when Qiao Yindi walked in cautiously carrying a tray.

"Is there something wrong?" Chu Yang couldn't help being a little surprised when he turned his head to the side and looked at the person who walked in. Because, he didn't expect that the person who had been afraid of him would come to him on his own initiative.

"Young master, you didn't eat much for lunch, why don't you eat something, Doctor Wang will be here soon!" After speaking, Qiao Yindi brought a bowl of white fungus and lotus seed soup to Chu Yang's table.

After looking at the food on the table, Chu Yang raised his head and smiled at Qiao Yindi. "thanks!"

After being shocked by the man's handsome smile, Qiao Yindi felt her heart beating extremely fast. "No, you're welcome. I, I'll go first!" Lowering her head, Qiao Yindi turned and left.

Seeing Qiao Yindi's hastily walking back, Chu Yang couldn't help raising his eyebrows. I thought: This Qiao Yindi is not afraid of herself again, right

Back in her room, Qiao Yindi pressed her chest and leaned against the wall for a long time before her heartbeat calmed down. "What, what's the matter?" Looking at her empty room, Qiao Yindi murmured to herself.

dinner time,

Sitting in his seat, Chu Yang looked at Qiao Yindi who arrived on time. nodded towards him.

After receiving Chu Yang's gaze, Qiao Yindi pursed her lips unconsciously. Silently sat in his seat.

"Hey, it's strange today. Why didn't you see Baoer?" Chu Yang couldn't help but raised his eyebrows as he sat in his seat and waited for a cup of tea, but didn't see his cheap son.

"Maybe the young master is playful and forgot the time!" Looking at the master, Shunzi quickly replied.

"I, I'll go find him!" Saying that, Qiao Yindi got up on her own initiative, wanting to find her son and come back for dinner.

"No. You can sit down. Shunzi, take the four guards and look outside the yard!" After glancing at Qiao Yindi, Chu Yang didn't let him go. Instead, he ordered Shunzi directly. Bao'er and his little book boy Gao An have two children, one is six years old and the other is eight years old. They may be too playful and forget the time. However, Qiu Ju and the two second maids would not. He hasn't come back yet, so something must have happened.

"Yes, I'll go right away!" In response, Gao Shun took the guards and left the yard in a hurry.