Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 27: Qiao Yindi is the tasker


After a meal, Gao Youde, Gao Youwen, and Gao Youli ate with fear, but Chu Yang didn't make things difficult for them. After eating, let them go back. Didn't keep them too much.

After lunch, Bao'er went to play with Gao An and Qiu Ju. Chu Yang went directly to Qiao Yindi's room with the food box.

Walking into the room, seeing Qiao Yindi sitting at the table eating noodles, Chu Yang couldn't help frowning, walked over and snatched his bowl.

"Young master!" Seeing Chu Yang, Qiao Yindi was slightly taken aback.

"How many times have I told you that you are not in good health, eat more nutritious food, eat more meat, don't always eat noodles!" said helplessly, Chu Yang put the four dishes and one soup in the food box It was brought out and placed on the table. There are many rules in ancient times, men and women have different seats at the age of eight, so it is impossible for Qiao Yindi to sit and eat with his younger brothers. So, early in the morning, Chu Yang ordered the kitchen to cook Qiao Yindi's favorite dishes, and even cooked chicken soup for him.

"Young master!" Looking at the food on the table, Qiao Yindi was filled with indescribable gratitude, feeling that her heart was filled to the brim.

"Okay, let's sit down and eat!" Chu Yang smiled and handed the chopsticks to the other party.

"Well, thank you, young master!" Quickly thanking her, Qiao Yindi took the chopsticks, sat down, and began to eat in small bites.

Looking at Qiao Yindi who was eating at the side, Chu Yang bent over and sat down, and offered to serve Qiao Yindi a bowl of chicken soup, and brought it to Qiao Yindi. "Eat slowly, eat more!"

"En!" Nodding, Qiao Yindi raised her head and glanced at the man sitting beside her.

The meal ended with Chu Yang's company. After the meal, Chu Yang asked the maid to remove the dishes. He looked at Qiao Yindi who was sitting opposite. "How is it? I have been studying with my master for a few days. How do you feel?"

"Thank you young master for letting me learn to write. I think learning to write is very good. I like learning very much!" Nodding repeatedly, Qiao Yindi said that she likes learning very much.

"Just like it. What have you learned these days?" Looking at Qiao Yindi, Chu Yang asked softly.

"Oh, what I'm studying is the Book of Songs. Guan Guan and Jujiu are in Hezhizhou, slim..." Qiao Yindi paused for a while, her face burning hot.

"Why didn't you say it? Didn't you remember?" Chu Yang smiled, teasing the other party in a good mood.

"I remember, I remember. It's a fair lady and a gentleman!" After finishing speaking, Qiao Yindi's face turned even redder.

"Can you write? Write it for me!" Seeing that Qiao Yindi's face was flushed, Chu Yang stopped teasing him.

"Yes, I can write!" Nodding, Qiao Yindi took the pen and paper, and began to write the characters she had learned, writing down Guan Ju word for word.

After taking it over, Chu Yang looked at it carefully and nodded repeatedly. "Well, it's very well written. Did Master teach you how to write your name?"

"No, no!" Shaking her head, Qiao Yindi said no. Master taught Bao'er how to write names, but he didn't teach himself.

"I'll teach you!" As he said, Chu Yang picked up a pen and wrote the three characters "Qiao Yindi" on the rice paper. "This is your name, Qiao Yindi."

"Oh, me, I'll try it!" After saying that, Qiao Yindi took the brush and started to write as Chu Yang wrote.

"No, for the word Di, you have to write the left side first and then the right side, that's it!" After speaking, Chu Yang got up, grabbed Qiao Yindi's hand, supported his hand, and wrote this on the paper " Di" word.

Feeling the man approaching, Qiao Yindi blushed unconsciously.

Suddenly, a reminder sounded in Chu Yang's mind. "Ding dong, host, whoever found the mission, whoever discovered the mission!"

"The tasker? Who is the tasker? Qiao Yindi?" In his mind, Chu Yang immediately asked.

"The host, don't worry, the system is reading the data of the tasker, please wait a moment!" 003 replied with a pair of small wings flashing.

"En!" Nodding, Chu Yang waited for three minutes. A piece of information immediately entered his mind.

Tasker: Qiao Yindi, age: 21 years old, gender: double. Task level: low level. Equipped with system: No. 001 system. Task type: protection class. Mission Specific Request: Unable to read. Mission objective: Little Living Buddha.

"Little living Buddha? Could it be that Qiao Yindi's mission is to protect the little living Buddha?" After thinking for a while, Chu Yang asked about his system.

"Yes, the host, the system thinks so too."

"Since Qiao Yindi is also a tasker, is it possible that Qiao Yindi came from the same world as me? Is it possible that we can work together to complete the task?" After thinking about it, Chu Yang asked.

"This is an impossible host. First, Qiao Yindi is using system No. 001, which is the first generation, a system that has long been eliminated by the underworld. Because the memory of the first generation system is relatively small. Therefore, Qiao Yindi's memory space He was very young, and he had already lost the memory of this novel world before he came here. Therefore, he is no different from the natives in this novel. He has no idea that he himself is a tasker, and his task of protecting the little living Buddha is It was directly implanted in the brain, and this task has become his instinct, and he does not need to be prompted by the system. Therefore, he completely regards himself as a person in this novel world, so it is impossible for him to become the host's cooperation partner!"

"Oh, so it is like this!" Chu Yang nodded, expressing his understanding.

"Young master!" Looking at Chu Yang who was holding his hand in a daze, Qiao Yindi called softly with a blushing face.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I was distracted!" Apologizing hastily, Chu Yang held Qiao Yindi's hand and wrote the word "di" twice on the paper. "There are a lot of strokes in this character Di, you need to practice more times! Do you know?"

"Well, I got it!" Feeling the enthusiasm sprayed in her ears when the man spoke, Qiao Yindi's ears turned red sensitively.

"Come on, write it a few more times!" Chu Yang took Qiao Yindi's hand and wrote it several times.

Looking at the hands held together by the two, Qiao Yindi felt her heart beating very fast.

"What's wrong with you? Are you uncomfortable?" Chu Yang asked suspiciously as he lowered his head and looked at the blushing person in his arms.

"No, no!" Shaking her head, Qiao Yindi hurriedly said no.

"Really?" Looking at him uncertainly, Chu Yang let go of Qiao Yindi's hand, and grabbed her wrist with his backhand.

"Eldest young master, I, I'm fine!" Looking at the man who felt her pulse, Qiao Yindi hurriedly shook her head and said that she was fine.

After feeling the pulse and making sure that Qiao Yindi was really fine, Chu Yang let him go. "The weather is hot these days, if you think it's hot in the house, ask Dongmei and the others to help you get some ice cubes and put them in the house!"

"Well, I know, I get it!" Nodding, Qiao Yindi responded again and again.

"Okay, then you can practice calligraphy first, I'm going to the study!" Looking at Qiao Yindi again, Chu Yang turned and left his room.

"En!" Looking at Chu Yang's leaving back, Qiao Yindi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and her blushing face was no longer so red. Sighing lightly, Qiao Yindi couldn't help scolding herself, why is it always like this, always embarrassing in front of the young master? Always like this, he will definitely be hated by the young master. Thinking of being hated and disgusted by that man, Qiao Yindi felt panicked for no reason.

Think about the days he and Bao'er lived in the past, and look at their life now, if he is hated by the young master. Then, Bao'er can't read happily anymore, can't sit and eat with the young master every day, and won't be favored by the young master, Bao'er will still be bullied by everyone like before. And he can't be cared about by the young master like he is now, and cared by the young master. No, he doesn't want to live the life he used to, absolutely!

If she hadn't lived the life of being loved and loved by others like this, maybe Qiao Yindi would be willing to be in the west courtyard with her son Bao'er as a couple who are not liked by others and hide in the house every day. But now, he has been loved by the young master, and Bao'er has also been loved by his father. Therefore, he can't lose these, can't lose the love of the young master, can't, can't!

Back in the study, Chu Yang immediately chatted with 003.

"003, didn't you say that system 001 has been eliminated by the underworld? Then, why does Qiao Yindi still use this system?" Chu Yang was very curious about this matter.

"This is very simple. The No. 001 and No. 002 systems that were eliminated in our underworld were sold to the heaven and Buddha world by our Hades. Since Qiao Yindi's task is to protect the little living Buddha, then he is very likely to be a Buddhist. Believers, I have received the system from Buddhism, and I am going to do the task!" After thinking about it, 003 made such an explanation.

Hearing this, Chu Yang twitched the corners of his mouth, and said to himself: This Lord Pluto is really a scam! What was eliminated in the underworld was sold to the heaven and Buddha realms!

"003, you said that System One's memory is small, does that mean that if Qiao Yindi leaves this novel world, he will also forget everything that happened in this novel world?"

"Yes, the host. The No. 001 system is the first batch of systems in the underworld. It has many disadvantages and poor performance. Therefore, the tasker Qiao Yindi is completely different from you." Speaking of this, 003 looked proud.

"En, I see!" Thinking that Qiao Yindi would forget about herself in the future, Chu Yang felt a little uncomfortable for no reason. Although the time to get along is not long. However, Chu Yang had a crush on that person from the first moment he saw him. It's just that he knows that he is a tasker. Therefore, he did not express anything to Qiao Yindi.

"I, can I fall in love?" After thinking for a while, Chu Yang asked without thinking.

Hearing this, 003 blinked his black bean eyes. "Host, you have to focus on the mission. If you fail the mission, you will be directly forced to reincarnate. There is no choice, and you will never be reborn back to your original world!"

"En, I know!" Gritting his teeth, Chu Yang expressed his understanding.