Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 77: The landlord comes to the door (3 more)


Chu Yang and Li Yu hugged each other for a long time before Li Yu reluctantly left each other's embrace.

"Li Yu, shall we start dating from today?" As he spoke, Chu Yang opened the box in his hand, and sent the two platinum rings in the box to Li Yu.

"Ring?" Seeing what Chu Yang handed over, Li Yu's eyes widened suspiciously. Isn't the ring given when you propose? Why, did Song Luo give it to herself so soon

"Well, we are dating on the premise of marriage." After speaking, Chu Yang took out a ring from the ring box, pulled Li Yu's left hand, and put it on his index finger. "Put it on this finger first, and then I'll put it on your ring finger when you get married."

"Okay!" Nodding, Li Yu took the ring box that Chu Yang was still on the bed, took out another ring, and imitated Chu Yang's appearance and put it on the other's left index finger.

Looking at the ring on his finger, Chu Yang curled his mouth and pulled Li Yu into his arms. He lowered his head and gave the other party a passionate kiss. "I'm your boyfriend now, do you know that you have to stay away from those messy men and women in the future?"

Hearing this, Li Yu smiled wryly. "Understood!" Vine jar.

"En!" Receiving his wife's answer, Chu Yang smiled and threw him on the bed.

"Song Luo!" Looking at the man hanging above him, Li Yu softly called the man's name, raised his hand and touched the man's face.

"You can also call me Luo, or dear, husband, or baby!" Lowering his head, Chu Yang gently kissed his wife's ear.

Hearing Chu Yang's words, Li Yu's face turned red. He couldn't call out those nicknames. "You, you also have to stay away from those who like you!"

Hearing this, Chu Yang smiled. "Don't worry, I only want you alone, I don't like others!" Chu Yang whispered close to his daughter-in-law's ear, and slipped his hand directly into Li Yu's pajamas.

"Ah..." With a low moan, Li Yu spread his arms around Chu Yang's neck.

Seeing his daughter-in-law's slightly parted lips, Chu Yang kissed her directly...


The next day, Li Yu, who usually gets up six days in the morning to make breakfast, was lying on the bed and fast asleep. However, the young master Chu Yang, whose ten fingers were not in the sun, got up early and began to prepare breakfast for his daughter-in-law and son.

At half past seven, the alarm clock on the bedside table jingled. Li Yu opened his eyes tiredly and saw that it was already half past seven in the morning. After turning off the alarm clock, Li Yu hurriedly got up from the bed.

"Don't worry, the meal is ready!" As he said that, Chu Yang walked in and kissed his wife's forehead, then took out a towel and wiped her face and hands, then placed the low table on the bed, and Chu Yang again He placed the rice porridge he made and two plates of light side dishes on the table.

"You? Did you cook it?" Li Yu was stunned looking at the food.

"Eat, I'll send you to work after eating. Otherwise, it's okay to ask for leave. Let's rest at home for a day!" Looking at his wife, Chu Yang was naturally reluctant to let her work hard.

"No, I'm grading papers these two days, so I can't ask for leave. In two days, I will be on summer vacation!" Li Yu said helplessly looking at his boyfriend.

"Okay, then let's eat, and I'll take you to work after eating!"

"Where are the stars? Has he eaten?" Looking at Chu Yang, Li Yu asked worriedly.

"You eat first, I'll hug him, wash his face and change his clothes, and serve him food." After speaking, Chu Yang kissed his wife's cheek, and walked away.

Looking at the back of the man leaving, Chu Yang smiled happily. It feels so good to be loved, pampered and cared for by him!


a few days later,

Finally looking forward to the daughter-in-law's summer vacation, Chu Yang took his daughter-in-law and son out to watch movies, enjoy the sea breeze, play and go wild together.

In the middle of the night, lying on the bed, looking at the three rubber covers lying quietly in the trash can next to the bed, Li Yu's face was slightly red, and he was still panting heavily. Ever since he made this boyfriend who was three years younger than him, Li Yu found that his current self was becoming less and less like the regular self. During the day, I went crazy with the big and small ones, and at night, I was experiencing such passionate intercourse. What's even more frightening is that he doesn't dislike the current life at all, but enjoys it very much, even obsesses with such a happy life.

Putting his arms around his daughter-in-law's shoulders, Chu Yang gently kissed her on the temples. "Honey, I'm going to shoot a commercial tomorrow, and I'm going to Lincheng, for three days!"

"Shooting commercials?" Hearing this, Li Yu turned his head to look at his man.

"Well, it's an ad for toffee. I'm going to shoot at the ranch. Sister Hong found the resources for us. Chen Xue and I will shoot it, and we'll act as a couple!" As he said, Chu Yang's hand had already reached his wife's waist Side, gently kneaded up.

"Playing a couple!" Hearing this, Li Yu blinked, feeling a little awkward.

"Don't worry, there is no kissing scene, just hug her shoulders and feed her a toffee. Don't think too much, Taozi and Chen Xue are my buddies!" Chu Yang hurriedly kissed his wife on the lips. My own wife explained.

Seeing his lover who was so anxious to explain to him, Li Yu nodded. "I know, this is your job!" Even if there was a kissing scene, he would not stop his man from going to work, he would just feel uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, I'll go for three days. When I come back, I'll take you and Bao'er out to sea. Go for a ride on my elder brother's yacht!"

"Yacht?" Hearing this, Li Yu was taken aback.

"Hehe, I can drive. I have a yacht driver's license!" Looking at his wife, Chu Yang said with a smile.

"You are amazing!" Unexpectedly, his man could even drive a yacht, and Li Yu had a look of admiration on his face.

"I also think I'm pretty good, especially on the bed. Isn't it?" Chu Yang blew ambiguously against his daughter-in-law's ear.

"Don't, don't come. It's almost twelve o'clock, I'm sleepy!" Pushing Chu Yang's chest, Li Yu hastily refused.

"But, I'm leaving tomorrow. I won't see you for three days!" Speaking of this, Chu Yang looked aggrieved.

"Luo!" Seeing the man who was hugging him tightly and not letting go, Li Yu called out helplessly.

"Good baby, do it again, just once!" Chu Yang coaxed the person in his arms softly, and Chu Yang turned over and pressed the person under him.

Unable to resist him, Li Yu agreed with the other party half-pushed and half-heartedly. However, the result of excessive indulgence the night before is. The next day I slept until noon. By the time Li Yu got up from the bed, there was no sign of his man beside him.

Getting up, Li Yu hurriedly dressed and walked out of the room. I found that my son had already started doing homework in the living room. "Xingchen, where's your Uncle Song?"

"Oh, Uncle Song is gone. He said he went to shoot commercials and asked me to take good care of my father." Looking at his father, the child said with a smile.

"Then, have you had breakfast?" Looking at his son, Li Yu asked again.

"I've eaten. Uncle Song made breakfast for me, and Uncle Song left some food for Dad. Dad, you can eat it after heating it in the microwave!" Li Xingchen pointed to the table in the kitchen.

"Okay, I see!" Nodding, Li Yu walked into the kitchen and heated up his breakfast. Then I ate it.


Li Yu had just finished half of his meal when there was a knock on the door, and Li Yu immediately got up to open the door.

"Aunt Zhang!" Seeing the landlady standing outside the door, Li Yu smiled at her and let her into the room.

"Grandma Zhang!" Seeing the person coming, Li Xingchen hurriedly greeted him.

Hearing this, the old lady Zhang, who was in her sixties, snorted coldly, and sat directly on the sofa. "I said Li Yu, you owe the rent for three months! When will you pay me?"

Hearing the strange voice of the old lady, Li Xingchen frowned, turned the wheelchair and went back to his room.

"Aunt Zhang, please give me a few more days! Xing Chen had a traffic accident a while ago, and all my money was used to show his legs. In this way, I will pay you back the salary I paid this month. Do you think it's okay?" ?” Looking at his landlord, Li Yu said helplessly.

Song Luo paid Xingchen's medical expenses in advance. Therefore, Li Yu gave Song Luo all his wages for these two months. Although, as a boyfriend, Song Luo is unwilling to ask for his own money, but Li Yu feels that the two of them are dating. I am a big man, and I can't let others support me, so I insisted on calling the other party.

"Hmph, wait for your salary? With your little salary, is it enough for three months' rent?" Speaking of this, Mrs. Zhang curled her lips.

"Auntie Zhang, please help me! Give me a few more days!" Looking at the landlord, Li Yu begged in a low voice.

"No, I have to pay the rent today, otherwise, you two will get out!" With a cold face, the old lady Zhang directly refused.

Hearing the conversation between his father and the landlord in the living room, Li Xingchen took the new mobile phone Uncle Song bought for him. Gritting his teeth unconsciously, he dialed the four numbers stored in the phone book in his hand.

"Hello?" Seeing an unfamiliar number displayed on the phone, Song Qi answered the phone suspiciously.

"Hi, hello, my name is Li Xingchen. Are you Uncle Song Luo's brother, Uncle Song Qi?"

Listening to the childish voice on the phone, Song Qi froze for a while. "Song Luo gave you my mobile phone number?" The younger brother actually gave the other party his mobile phone number. Who is the other party

"Yes. Uncle Song said that he is going to shoot an advertisement and will not come back until three days later. If someone bullies me and Dad, let me call Uncle. He said that Uncle will definitely help us!"

"Then, do you have any difficulties?" Song Qi pursed her lips, thinking that someone who could be taken care of by her younger brother, who even gave out her mobile phone number, should not be an ordinary friend after all, right? Could it be his boyfriend

"The landlord's grandma came to ask for the rent. If Dad can't pay the rent, she will drive us out. Uncle, can you help us pay a little rent first? Dad will pay you back after the salary meeting!"

Listening to the cautious inquiry on the other end of the phone, Song Qi raised her eyebrows. "How much is it?"

"No, I don't know, it should be a lot!" Shaking his head, Li Xingchen didn't know the exact number.

"Where does your family live?" Song Qi asked directly for the address without procrastinating.

"Oh, xxx community, unit XX. Room 603."

"Okay, go tell your landlord, the money will be delivered in twenty minutes!"

"Well, thank you uncle, thank you uncle!"

Listen to the child's excited thanks. Song Qi responded lightly and hung up the phone.

Author's gossip: Third watch, please recommend, please recommend! Babies please recommend!