Cannon Fodder Counterattack System

Chapter 91: Find the son (2 more)


After hearing what their younger brother and husband had said, Song Qi and Chen Xue finally figured out the ins and outs.

"So, Li Yu has never been married, and the child belongs to his sister?" Looking at Chu Yang, Chen Xue asked again.

"Yes, Li Yu has been taking care of Xingchen all these years. Before me, he didn't even have a girlfriend!" Nodding, Chu Yang answered very positively, his wife is a big virgin!

"If it's Zhang Linfeng, I'm afraid it will involve the issue of custody!" Speaking of this, Song Qi couldn't help squinting his eyes.

"My sister made a will before she died, and I went through the adoption procedures at the Civil Affairs Bureau. At that time, my sister was still alive, and my sister signed it. I am the legal guardian of Xingchen!" At this moment, Li Yu looked back and thought, At that time, my sister was so sick that she couldn't bear to buy medicine, and she had to pay a lawyer to make a will, and she followed her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the complicated adoption procedures. It should be to guard against Zhang Linfeng.

"Well, it seems that your sister has already thought of this!" Nodding, Song Qi also felt that Li Yu's sister did this to protect her brother's right to raise her son.

"We need to get the stars back as soon as possible!" Speaking of this, Chu Yang narrowed his eyes. Because he scrolled down the page and saw the latest information from the office, Zhang He suffered from uremia.

"How to find it? Should we go directly to Zhang Linfeng to ask for someone? We have no evidence to prove that Xingchen is in his house. If we find the wrong one, he will definitely bite us back. At that time, we will definitely be in trouble." Speaking of this, Song Qi frowned.

"It's okay. I'll take my bodyguards to Zhang Linfeng's villas to see if I can find any suspicious vehicles and suspects. We'll notify the police when we find them!" Chu Yang knew that as long as the distance was long enough, 003 could do it. Feel the breath of the stars.

"Okay, I'll go with you." Nodding, Li Yu also stood up.

"Okay!" Nodding, Chu Yang took Li Yu and was about to leave.

"Let my four bodyguards go with you!" Song Qi said looking at his younger brother.

"Yes, I'll go too!" Nodding, Chen Xue also said to go.

"No big brother and sister-in-law, we can just go, I will call you if necessary!" After glancing at the two of them, Chu Yang took his four bodyguards, his wife and Wang He, seven of them left together.

"Zhang Linfeng!" Squinting his eyes, Song Qi took his brother's laptop and read all the information about Zhang Linfeng again.

Sitting next to him, Chen Xue watched along with him. "Song Qi, look at this. Zhang Linfeng's eldest son, Zhang He, has uremia. No wonder he is so anxious to get back the stars?"

"If Zhang Linfeng found someone to pick up Xingchen, then his purpose in coming to pick up his son is probably not pure!" Speaking of this, Song Qi frowned even tighter.

"You mean?" Looking at her man, Chen Xue hesitated to speak.

"Zhang Linfeng wanted to take Xingchen away, probably because he saw that his eldest son could not be counted on. He wanted to take Xingchen back to raise him and train him to be his successor. Of course, it may also be because of Xingchen's kidney. Because Lin Wan's Her natal family is very powerful, if he wants to bring Xing Chen back to Zhang's family to raise him, Lin Wan may not agree!"

"What? Dig out the younger son's kidney and give it to the older son? He, he won't be so mad, right?" Hearing her husband's words, Chen Xue was dumbfounded.

"Hmph, nothing is impossible. Xingchen and Zhang He are half-brothers, so the probability of matching is very high."

"Oh my God, what are we still doing in a daze, let's go find Xingchen!" Chen Xue, the man who looked at her, asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, I've already sent someone to the police station to wait. As long as the license plate number of that car is confirmed and the suspect's puzzle is completed, we can determine the direction immediately. Looking for it right now is like finding a needle in a haystack." Daughter-in-law, Song Qi said helplessly.

"Well, that's right. It's better to have a direction than to search like headless chickens!" Nodding, Chen Xue agreed.


Chu Yang led Li Yu's people from twelve o'clock in the morning to five o'clock in the afternoon, and searched Zhang Linfeng's six properties in the city one by one. Finally found Xingchen in the last villa.

"003, are you sure?"

"I'm very sure about the host, the little Living Buddha is in this villa!" Nodding, 003 answered very positively.

After getting an affirmative answer from 003, Chu Yang asked the driver to stop the car aside. He got out of the car directly, Li Yu got out of the car, and everyone else got out of the car too.

"Second Young Master, this is the last place." Walking over, Wang He said seriously.

"Well, I'll take a look around to see if I can find any clues. Let Zhang Chengfeng try to see if he can hack into the surveillance system here. There is surveillance on the other side. If that car enters this yard , The monitoring will capture the picture!" Zhang Chengfeng's hacking skills are very powerful, so when he came out, Chu Yang deliberately took him with him. There is no way, even if 003 finds someone, he can't expose his system. , Therefore, we can only let Zhang Chengfeng look for clues.

"Okay!" Nodding, Wang He was about to tell Zhang Chengfeng when he saw a row of seven cars approaching from far to near.

Seeing the police car in front and the elder brother's car behind, Chu Yang couldn't help raising his eyebrows. Xin said: Is there a clue

The car drove to this side and stopped. Six policemen, Song Qi, Chen Xue and his wife, and twenty bodyguards all got out of the car.

"Officer Liu!" Seeing the person coming, Chu Yang hurriedly greeted him.

"Mr. Song, Mr. Li, we have retrieved the surveillance video and identified the license plate of the suspect vehicle. The car drove into this house around 11:00 in the morning and never left. Mr. Song Qi has Instead of you going to the police station to go through the corresponding procedures, we have obtained a search warrant!" Said, Liu Hai took out the search warrant.

"Thank you, Officer Liu!" Hearing this, Chu Yang hurriedly thanked him. He knew that his eldest brother must have put pressure on the police station, otherwise, Xingchen disappeared only in one afternoon, the case could not be solved so quickly, and the search warrant could not be processed so quickly!

"Okay, not much to say, let's go rescue the child!" After speaking, Liu Hai led a group of policemen and walked directly towards the villa.

Everyone came to the door and rang the doorbell for a long time, and finally an old servant came to open the door. "You guys, who are you looking for?" Seeing a group of people outside, the old servant was slightly startled.

"Auntie, I'm the police. We have received a child abduction case. We are here to search. This is a search warrant!" Said, Liu Hai showed his search warrant.

"Oh, oh!" Nodding, the old servant was obviously guilty and opened the door reluctantly.

As soon as the door opened, the police led Chu Yang and the others into the gate of the villa. When they broke into the living room, they saw a bodyguard who was making a phone call with a mobile phone, and a chair beside him, tied up. Hands and feet, Li Xingchen whose mouth was stuck with black tape.

"Hmm..." Seeing his two fathers, Li Xingchen immediately wanted to speak excitedly, but he couldn't speak.

"Xingchen!" Seeing their son who was tied up, Li Yu and Chu Yang immediately stepped forward, hurriedly tore off the tape and untied the rope.

"Father, father!" Seeing the two fathers, the child cried aggrievedly.

"Don't be afraid of Xingchen, it's okay!" Chu Yang raised his hand and rubbed the child's little head.

"Xingchen, don't be afraid, there is me and your father! Nothing will happen!" Li Yu cried and hugged his son into his arms.

"Dad, it was him, he was the one who brought me here. He said he was my father's bodyguard, and that my father was going to come here to film a movie, and in the end he tricked me into coming here!" Li Xingchen pointed to the bodyguard beside him.

"Sir, did you lure Li Xingchen to come here?" Walking up, Liu Hai asked seriously.

"No, no, this is a misunderstanding. I am indeed the bodyguard of Li Xingchen's father, Mr. Zhang Linfeng. It is true that I was ordered to pick up the child, but there is no abduction. They are father and son!" After hanging up the phone, the bodyguard calmed down talking to the police.

"Sorry, Li Xingchen's father, Mr. Li Yu, has already reported the case. This case of child abduction has been filed for investigation. If you have anything to say, you can tell us to the police station!" After speaking, Liu Hai glanced behind him, Two policemen immediately stepped forward and handcuffed the bodyguard.

Looking helplessly at the handcuffs on his hands, the bodyguard didn't give any further explanations, and was taken away by the police. As accomplices, the old aunt who opened the door before and another old aunt in the villa were also taken away.

"Xingchen, are you okay?" Chen Xue walked forward, raised her hand, and rubbed the child's little face.

"Auntie, I'm fine, but I'm very hungry. They won't give me food!" Speaking of this, Li Xingchen was very wronged.

"Uncle will take you to eat!" Looking at the aggrieved child, Song Qi said in a deep voice.

"Well, thank you uncle!" Nodding, the child hastily thanked him.

"Let's go, Xingchen, let's go home, and when we get home, Dad will cook something delicious for you!" Li Yu said, holding his son's little hand.

"Yes, let's go eat delicious food!" Nodding, Chu Yang grabbed his son's other hand.

"En!" Hearing what the two fathers said, Li Xingchen smiled happily.

After tossing all afternoon, the child was finally found. But Chu Yang knew in his heart that this matter was definitely not that simple. Since Zhang Linfeng already knew that Xingchen was his biological son, he would not give up so easily. However, Chu Yang was not someone who would give up easily!

Not to mention, the little living Buddha has already been his son for the first time, and he has already had a deep father-son relationship with him. Even if it is purely for his own wife, it is impossible for him to let Xingchen fall into Zhang Linfeng's hands. Xingchen is his and Li Yu's son, no one can take him away, not anyone.

Author gossip: ??)?*??)