Cannon Fodder is Always Lucky E

Author: 陌陌不语茶

Latest: Chapter 10

Status: Completed


Genres: Romance

Tags: charming protagonist  cute protagonist  hard working protagonist  love interest falls in love first  modern day 

As a cannon fodder, Xia Heng’s biggest wish is to earn more points and strive for a better life in the task world.

But fate is not what he wants, the protagonists he met always do not play according to the routine.

Xia Heng looks at the progress madly rush all the way like a prolapse. The plot is so crooked that ten horses can’t pull it back.

There is mmp sentence in heart. Don’t know what to say.





1 本文1v1 一心只想完成任务的包子受x内里白切黑身世吊炸天的大佬攻,所有世界的攻都是一个人
2 本文纯属虚构,全都是作者胡编乱造的,所以若有不符合常理的地方,读者君就当看个笑话,彼此放过就好。
3 本文不涉及任何现实里的人和事。

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