Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 103


A few days later, the crops in the 800 acres of land that were first planted began to mature one after another.

The yield of vegetables is really high. Taking white radish as an example, the production capacity per mu can reach 6,000 kg (generally, the normal yield per mu is about 2,500 kg to 5,000 kg, and the managed yield can be as high as 5,500 kg or even higher).

The average yield of eggplant is 5,000 kg per mu, the yield of cabbage is 4,500 kg per mu, the yield of ginger is 2,000 kg per mu, the yield of lettuce is 3,000 kg per mu, and the yield of pepper is 1,000 kg per mu…

These vegetables can be planted in a week to half a month.

How can such a large output be eaten by the more than 300 mouths in the team.

Fortunately, most of the vegetables planted can be made into kimchi, and the logistics center is near the sea. Sending two water-type abilities over there can produce more than ten tons of salt in a day, plus a soil-type ability user. … In less than a month, the warehouse was filled with hundreds of half-person-high glass pickle jars.

Meng Zezhi decisively reduced the planting area of vegetables from the original fifty mu to ten mu.

As for other crops, 50 acres of rapeseed flowers, with an average yield of 260 kilograms per mu. Huang Wu brought back a lot of machines from the grain processing factory in the county, and the sun-dried rapeseeds squeezed out a total of 2,600 kilograms of rapeseed oil.

There is also its by-product, three beehives, which produced a total of 50 kilograms of rapeseed nectar, most of which went into Xiaobai's stomach, Meng Zezhi took great pains to dig out half a catty of royal jelly from its mouth.

One hundred mu of sweet potatoes, the average yield per mu is 2600 kg; one hundred mu of potatoes, the average yield of 4000 kg per mu, 160 mu of wheat, the average yield of 400 kg per mu. There are 20 acres of soybeans, with an average yield of 600 kilograms per mu.

When it comes to corn and rice, even though Meng Zezhi has made great efforts to select seeds, the yields are still disappointing.

One hundred mu of corn yields an average of only 250 kilograms per mu. The yield of rice is even lower. A total of less than 40,000 kilograms of rice is harvested from the 200 mu of paddy fields, with an average yield of 200 kilograms per mu. Thirty-three thousand kilograms remain.

Because the female parent of both crops is a hybrid.

Taking hybrid rice as an example, the haploid is used for pollination, and the resulting hybrid rice is also diploid. Its offspring have a 1/4 probability of being sterile, and a 1/4 probability that they have no hybrid vigor. Yes, only one-half has hybrid vigor, which is constantly diluted with continued breeding.

Therefore, when farmers are planting, they need to buy new seeds from seed companies every year.

Meng Zezhi wanted to learn how to make seeds by himself, but unfortunately he had no instruments in his hand, and no assistants, so in the end he had to give up.

But he is considering reducing the acreage of corn and rice and increasing the acreage of sweet potatoes and potatoes in order to increase the total crop yield.

Most of these food crops can be planted in one month to forty-five days.

Over there, Qin Yaochen was busy with the production statistics, and here Meng Zezhi was also summarizing the effect of Blessed Land Technique on crops.

It turns out that the more Blessed Land is used on the same piece of land, the faster the crops will grow.

However, for the same piece of land, the number of times the Blessing Technique can be used is also limited. For example, for crops with high yields such as vegetables and sweet potatoes, the Blessing Technique is used twice a day for the first three days, and the original yellow soil will become fertile black soil. After that, every day Blessed land must be cast once to maintain the fertility of the land.

For wheat, corn, rice, etc., with small yields, after the original yellow soil has turned into black soil, it only needs to cast the Blessing Technique every three days to maintain the fertility of the land, and it will not affect the growth rate of crops.

Basically, the growth cycle of crops can be shortened by two to three times as long as the blessing is applied properly.

The second is the prayer for rain, which has the same scope as the blessed land, only 20 acres, and the rainfall is 30 centimeters at a time. Huang Wu brought back a batch of plastic water pipes from the building materials market in the county, and then built a 212-acre aquaculture farm in a warehouse in the middle of the warehouse. Meng Zezhi originally planned to raise it in the rice fields. Crucian carp, eel and so on have been moved to the farm.

The farm has water pipes leading to various warehouses. Meng Zezhi only needs to perform 20 rain prayers twice a day, morning and evening, to ensure that the planting and living areas have water for the whole day.

When Qin Yaochen came back, Meng Zezhi was cooking.

Spicy chicken, fried shredded potatoes, crucian carp tofu soup, and braised eggplant are all dishes that Qin Yaochen and Xiaobai like.

Sniffing the fragrance, Xiaobai, who was lying on top of Qin Yaochen's head, opened his eyes abruptly, looked in the direction of the kitchen, and pressed the hair under him: "Squeak!"

Qin Yaochen raised his foot and walked over, helping to take the condiment box and handing it to Meng Zezhi.

Xiaobai moved his body out, his eyes fixed on the crucian carp tofu soup in the pot.

Meng Zezhi took the condiment box, put salt in the pot, and asked, "How's the warehouse?"

"It's all done." Qin Yaochen remembered very well: "60,000 kilograms of kimchi of various colors, 20,000 kilograms of pickles, 360,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes, 400,000 kilograms of potatoes, 72,000 kilograms of wheat, soybeans, peanuts, mung beans, etc. 10,000 kilograms, 20,000 kilograms of corn, 33,000 kilograms of rice, and 2,000 kilograms of glutinous rice.”

There are also some strawberries, wolfberries, chestnuts, etc., which are still hanging on the trees, and it is not easy to count.

Despite the fact that these grains seem to be a lot, they are actually enough to maintain a small and medium-sized base of about 40,000 people for a month.

Fortunately, this is only the output of 800 mu of land in one month.

"Aunt Huang asked for 200 kilograms of soybeans, 400 kilograms of glutinous rice and 500 kilograms of rice. They said they wanted to make soy sauce, vinegar and rice wine."

"Tang Mingyuan brought back six little piglets and six sheep from Yuan Town, and two ewes are producing milk." At this moment, the most important thing in the field is weeds, which are used to raise livestock. It could not be better.

"The zombies and mutant animals and plants in Wu County have been cleaned up, and the crystal cores in our hands are basically used up."

"I see." Meng Zezhi picked up the spatula and poured the crucian carp tofu soup in the pot into a large bowl.

Ability users can only rely on high-intensity battles and absorption of crystal cores if they want to advance. However, at this moment, the ability users in the team are responsible for guarding the base, and it is impossible to leave Wu County to hunt crystals elsewhere. nuclear. And without the crystal nucleus to replenish their energy, they would have to shy away from using their abilities on weekdays, let alone upgrading.

It's not just them, Meng Zezhi's merit points are about to be exhausted. The daily expenditure of nearly 300 merit points is almost overwhelming. This is when the newly leveled more than 600 mu of land has not been cultivated. .

Meng Zezhi only said: "I will try my best to sell all the grain stored in the warehouse within a week."

After dinner, Meng Zezhi put people in the bathtub and fought as usual.

Yunpin Yuji, he put his arms around the person, and his palm continued to walk around the person in his arms. When it landed on the lower abdomen, he stopped and squeezed the thin layer of soft flesh under his hand, slightly surprised. Said: "Brother Qin, are you fat?"

Before he could finish speaking, Meng Zezhi felt that he had lost his words, and he quickly remedied: "But it feels very comfortable to touch."

Qin Yaochen touched his stomach subconsciously, and it was true to say so.

He tensed his toes instantly, and carefully recalled what he had done for more than a month, drinking honey water with Xiaobai; making milk sweet potato puree honey cake for Xiaobai, and eating it together after it was done; giving Xiaobai makes honey roasted chicken wings and eats it with it after it is done; makes honey osmanthus lotus root for Xiaobai and eats it with it after it is done…

It's all the honey's fault—

"Yeah." Qin Yaochen replied in a muffled voice, making up his mind to start exercising from tomorrow.

He remembered that, apart from his butt, Meng Zezhi liked the muscles on his lower abdomen the most.

Early the next morning, Huang Wu brought over a dozen bronze statues of the earth gods that Meng Zezhi wanted.

The bronze statue, the size of a wine barrel, resembles Meng Zezhi six or seven points, and it is solemn and solemn.

Then it is to determine the price of these grains.

The system said that twenty first-level crystal cores can be exchanged for one point of merit, two second-level crystal cores can be exchanged for one point of merit, one third-level crystal core can be exchanged for five points of merit, one fourth-level crystal core can be exchanged for thirty points of merit, and one A five-level crystal core is exchanged for one hundred and fifty merit points... A twelve-level crystal core is exchanged for nine thousand merit points.

Taking sweet potato as an example, its growth cycle is one month, and every 20 mu produces 52,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes, which consumes about 210 merit points. The average cost of 1,000 kg is about 4 merit points, which is equivalent to 0.8 One tertiary nuclei or eight secondary nuclei.

-Because there are no fifth-level zombies yet, and ordinary ability users won't easily trade with fourth-level crystal cores, so Meng Zezhi only uses third-level crystal cores and second-level crystal cores to convert.

As for wheat, its growth cycle is 40 days. It produces 1,600 kilograms of flour per 20 mu, and consumes about 130 merit points. The average cost per 100 kilograms is about 8 merit points, which is equivalent to 1.6 triangular pieces. primary nuclei or sixteen secondary nuclei.

Because of cost and yield, in Meng Zezhi's view, potatoes and sweet potatoes will definitely be for the general population in the future. After all, they are protected people and have no right to choose. The audience for refined grains such as rice and flour will only be high-level base and ability users, because they have the ability to buy.

Therefore, it is okay to set the price of sweet potatoes and potatoes lower, at least to ensure that ordinary living bases can afford them. The prices of refined grains such as rice and flour, as well as vegetables and fruits, might as well be set higher. Although Meng Zezhi didn't plan to make a fortune in the last days, he always had to recover the 64,000 points of merit that he had invested in the first place.

Meng Zezhi considered it again and again, and finally set the price of sweet potatoes at one tertiary nucleus and three secondary nuclei per 1,000 kilograms; flour was sold at three tertiary nuclei and five 2 per 100 kilograms. Grade Nucleus…

After all, in addition to the cost, labor costs must be added.

In addition, for every 30,000 kilograms of grain purchased, two third-grade crystal cores must be paid for shipping.

The storage space in Meng Zezhi's hand has a volume of 100 cubic meters. On average, each cubic meter can store about 320 kilograms of sweet potatoes, which is equivalent to about 30,000 kilograms of sweet potatoes at one time.

If he uses the Escape Technique to deliver the goods, it will cost ten points of merit, and two third-level crystal cores are just right (one third-level crystal core is exchanged for five points of merit).

Of course, different crops naturally have different densities, such as potatoes, 100 cubic meters can hold up to 160,000 kilograms, and for example, rice, 100 cubic meters can hold 40,000 kilograms...

However, Meng Zezhi still decided to charge the sweet potato standard uniformly, and the part earned can be used to offset the merit points of the part of the food consumed by the people in the team.

Thinking of this, Meng Zezhi took out a stack of specially-made salutations from the drawer. According to the list of the heads of the major bases in the south that he had calculated earlier, he wrote the salutations in sequence, and finally stamped the seal of the land god of Wu County.

The reason why the survival base in the south was chosen as the test point was mainly because the survival base in the north was too close to here. As long as there was a little bit of news, people who were interested would immediately come to the site. To put it bluntly, it is because of the strength of their team.

Therefore, until Meng Zezhi didn't make his name, or he couldn't make people feel jealous, he didn't plan to do business with the major survivor bases in the north.