Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 116


In response, Lin Suihan issued a total of two tasks.

The first task of the main line is to honor Zhan Shuzhen for him, and reward him with 2,000 merit points. The completion of the task depends on Lin Suihan's satisfaction.

The second main task is to help him get revenge on Lu Yanfeng and his son, with a reward of 3,000 merit points. The completion of the task depends on Lin Suihan's satisfaction.

Compared with the first two quest worlds, the merit rewards are a bit less.

Probably in the last world, he was too ruthless with his merit points, but they all got his favor, so the task in this world is so simple.

Meng Zezhi thought, tugging at the ragged socks with two toes exposed, and picked up the cloth shoe covers beside the bed.

It is now 1982, and in another year, the Lu family should be called.

Meng Ze knew what to do.

He said: "System, help me exchange for 80 bottles of Soul Strength Enhancement Liquid, wood-type abilities and master-level Chinese medicine skills."

The former adoptive father was an old Chinese medicine doctor, although he was only half-hearted. However, according to him, his ancestors used to be a famous family of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in the Lingnan area, and there was also a story of 'one family and two imperial doctors, and there are talents in all dynasties'.

Moreover, the predecessor also studied Chinese medicine with his adoptive father for a period of time, but later his adoptive father suddenly became seriously ill. He lost his main source of income, and the predecessor had to put down the medical books that were not yet warm and support the family. the burden comes.

Such a good background, it is a pity not to use it.

After all, medicine is always closer to life than metaphysics, isn't it

In the last mission world, Meng Zezhi had already understood the benefits of wood-type abilities. Now, he needs wood-type abilities to ripen the medicinal materials. After all, the time it takes for a medicinal herb to grow from germination to talent is really too long, and wood-type abilities can perfectly avoid this defect. The most important thing is that the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials produced by wood-type abilities are wilder The medicinal materials are even better by three points.


Just listen to the system say: "Eighty bottles of soul strength growth liquid, worth 80,000 points of merit; wood-type abilities, worth 10,000 points of merit; master-level Chinese medicine skills, worth 15,000 points of merit, a total of 100,500 Some merit."

"Ding, the purchase was successful."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large amount of things poured into his sea of consciousness like a tide, and along with the bone-piercing pain, Meng Zezhi stumbled and fell onto the bed, curled up in a ball.

Probably because too much knowledge needs to be transferred, the pain caused by the purchase of this skill is more severe and prolonged than ever before.

About half an hour later, probably because Meng Zezhi hadn't gotten up yet, the young man's voice came from outside the room again: "Dad, are you up yet... Daddy?"

"Just come." Meng Zezhi gritted his teeth.

Hearing his father's tone, the young man seemed to be a little out of place. He originally wanted to say hello and went to fetch water, but now he couldn't help but stop.

After a while, there was still no movement inside, and he said tentatively, "Father?"

I only heard a rustling sound from inside, followed by the door opening, and the young man raised his head, facing a face with puffy eyes and pale lips.

He quickly stretched out his hand to support Meng Zezhi: "Dad, what's wrong with you?"

Meng Zezhi clenched his hand abruptly, his face hard to hide his excitement, the corners of his mouth quivered, and his eyes instantly turned red: "Sanyi—"

As he said that, Meng Zezhi hugged him directly, crying bitterly.

"Father, what's the matter?" Lin Sanyi was at a loss. This was the third time he saw his upright father cry.

- The first time was at his mother's funeral, the second time was yesterday, when the little sister got the admission letter from the secondary school in the city, and his father took them to visit the graves of their ancestors, and the third time is now.

Meng Zezhi was sobbing and speechless, and when he had cried enough, he slowly let go of Lin Sanyi. He raised his sleeves and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes. He couldn't help but reached out and touched Lin Sanyi's head. With a happy expression on his face, he forced a smile: "It's okay, I... Dad just thought of something not very good. "

While speaking, his eyes fell on the wooden barrel in Lin Sanyi's hand: "Okay, you can go and do it, Dad will stay for a while."

"Oh." Lin Sanyi was a little confused. Seeing Meng Zezhi's preoccupied appearance, he intuitively told him that something must have happened to his father.

It's just that his father obviously didn't want to tell him what happened, so Lin Sanyi opened his mouth and could only swallow the question back in his stomach: "Then I'm going to fetch water, the breakfast is hot on the stove, remember to eat it. "

"Yeah." Meng Ze knew that, and watched Lin Sanyi leave, then decisively burned a pot of hot water and put it on his eyes.

If it wasn't for the pain when he received the skill just now, he really wouldn't have been able to cry for such a long time.

Meng Zezhi is trying his best to play the role of a person who was instructed by his late adoptive father in a dream, knew what would happen in the future, and received the inheritance of his ancestor's medical skills by the way.

Only in this way, no matter what changes he makes next, his cheap children will only be amazed at the great changes that have taken place in him, and will not doubt whether he has changed the core.

Who made the predecessor just an illiterate who couldn't read a few big characters

Finally, his eyes felt a little more comfortable, Meng Zezhi took off the towel covering his face and lowered his head to face a weathered face reflected in the sink.

This is the face of a loving father.

Linjia Village is close to the sea, and ancestors have lived by going to sea for generations. Fishermen are exposed to the wind and the sun at sea all year round. There are not a few people who suffer from rheumatism, gout and lumbar diseases at the age of 40 or 50.

The predecessor had seen a lot of how the elderly in the village were being tortured to death by disease, and didn’t want his children to suffer like this, so he worked hard and wanted to confess them.

The eldest son, Lin Dayong, was sent to a carpenter's house in the town as an apprentice when he was a child. He was a teacher ten years ago, and he usually made furniture and woodwork for others. Because of his good craftsmanship, he lived a good life.

The second son, Lin Erde, had average academic performance and failed to enter high school. Now he is a math teacher in the primary school in the commune. The year before last, he married the daughter of the captain of the production team in the village as his wife.

The third son, Lin Sanyi, has similar academic performance to Lin Erde, and his predecessor also found a way out for him.

Lao Li, a worker at a food processing factory in the town, is retiring because of his poor health. He had no children and no daughters, and it happened that his predecessor had helped him a lot before. Hearing that Lin Sanyi was idle at home, he thought of giving this job to Lin Sanyi.

Of course, this job is not for nothing. He has to prepare 300 yuan for his predecessor, and Lin Sanyi will pay him half of the salary he received within two years after entering the factory.

Even so, the Lin family made money. After all, at this time, the factory is an iron rice bowl, not to mention a job that is full of oil and water in a food processing factory.

Not to mention the youngest daughter Lin Xiaolu, she was admitted to a technical secondary school, which is considered an iron job ahead of schedule.

The family has two people from the city, so it is no wonder that the predecessor almost fainted from crying in front of the old doctor's grave yesterday.

This is also a face that makes Meng Zezhi sigh.

It's too rough, his lover will definitely dislike it when he sees it.

As soon as the towel was wrung out, someone outside the house shouted, "Suihan, it's time to go to work."

"Coming soon."

Meng Zezhi responded and turned around and entered the kitchen.

In the pot is boiled sweet potato and seafood porridge, with shrimp, squid, clams... People by the sea are never short of food.

The fishing boats in Linjia Village are all small wooden fishing boats, which are suitable for offshore fishing.

The production in the sea area near Linjia Village is quite plentiful. On average, thousands of kilograms of fish can be caught in one day, and this does not include the crabs and shellfish that the elderly and weak women and children find in the sea every day.

Every night, the state-run aquatic product supply and marketing company sends vehicles to transport the fish caught by the villagers of Linjia Village.

In this era, besides pork, seafood is the most popular meat among ordinary people. Because of the large output of seafood, it is cheaper than other meats. Large yellow croaker is only four cents per pound, and squid is only two cents per pound. Five cents, as for crabs and shellfish, it is even cheaper. One dollar can buy five jins of crabs and ten jins of conch shells.

Because seafood does not have a lot of fishy smell, most of them can be eaten directly after steaming. The price of river fish is high (eight cents a pound for crucian carp), because of the strong earthy smell, it is impossible to eat without adding oil or seasoning. . Not to mention things like the loach, the old turtle and the snail, which are all fed to livestock, unless they are too hungry to bear, most people will not put their minds on it.

Because of this, most of the work points in fishing villages are very valuable. Take Linjia Village as an example, other villages may only get seven cents for ten work points, while one work point in Linjia Village is worth eight cents. Young and strong people who go out to sea generally count ten work points for one day. You can make eight cents. Even the elderly and weak women and children who only catch the sea from the shore every day can earn an average of four work points a day.

Of course, fishermen do not go to sea in winter, and they do not divide grain at the end of the year, so they need to spend their own money to buy them.

Meng Zezhi had his own plans.

The predecessor worked hard for more than 20 years, but he only saved up a fortune of four hundred yuan. Of the money, 300 yuan was reserved for Lin Sanyi's work, 100 yuan was reserved for Lin Xiaolu's tuition and living expenses, and the rest was barely enough for him to send Lin Xiaolu to school.

In the village, work points are settled quarterly, and it is still early.

Meng Zezhi needed a sum of money as start-up capital, whether it was buying medical equipment or medicinal seeds.

He fixed his eyes on the sea.

With that in mind, he followed behind the group and boarded the fishing boat.

When he came back, it was already evening, and the eldest wife in the family had already prepared dinner.

Lin Xiaolu also came back from her grandmother's house.

These days, it is important to pay attention to whether the parents are separated, and the Lin family is no exception. Fortunately, this house was newly built the year before. Although it is not comparable to the large brick and tile houses of other people in the village, it is more spacious.

"Let's eat." Meng Zezhi picked up his chopsticks and poked a potato into the bowl.

After he said something, everyone in the Lin family picked up their chopsticks.

Lin Xiaolu picked up a chopstick of dried tofu and put it into Meng Zezhi's bowl: "Dad, try this dried tofu, I brought it back from my grandmother's house."

"Okay." Meng Zezhi cheered up, "Is your grandmother healthy?"

"It's all good." Lin Xiaolu said.

"That's good."

As he said that, Meng Zezhi turned to look at Lin Sanyi: "Sanyi, you haven't been busy lately anyway. Would you like to learn some martial arts with your Uncle He?"

He Ershu was a hunter in the village before, he had been on the battlefield in his early years, and he knew both kung fu. But now that I'm older, I don't go to the mountains very often.

He was thinking about Lin Sanyi's broken leg by Lu Hongyi in the original plot.

"Ah?" Lin Sanyi opened his mouth: "Learn kung fu?"

"Yeah." As if thinking of something, Meng Zezhi's expression was not very good: "Isn't this where you are going to town soon, I heard that the town is very chaotic right now, I'm a little worried..."

His father never lied, Lin Sanyi glanced at Meng Zezhi, and knew that the worry was just an excuse.

But since his father said so, and Lin Sanyi is young and energetic, he is also eager to learn kung fu, he immediately nodded: "Okay."

Early the next morning, Meng Zezhi took Lin Sanyi to Uncle He's house with twenty dollars in his pocket.

In the following month, Meng Zezhi went to sea during the day and absorbed the vast amount of knowledge in his mind crazily at night. Later, Tolin Erde bought a lot of pen and paper from the county, and planned to slowly sort out the knowledge in his mind. , it is naturally better if it can be passed on.

When he did this, he never planned to hide it from the Lin family.

One can imagine what kind of expressions they had when they saw Meng Zezhi's unusually neat notes.

"I've seen father's words before..." Lin Xiaolu opened her mouth, not very good at evaluating her father's words.

"I just said that Dad has changed a lot recently." Lin Erde said.

"I don't like to tease Xiao Ning anymore, I like to be clean. People look a lot more energetic, and my speech has become more refined..." Lin Dayong has always been observant.

Xiao Ning is his son, Lin Suihan's eldest grandson.

Lin Suihan came back from the sea before. When he was too tired, it was common for him to fall asleep without taking a bath. When I got to Meng Zezhi's place, I couldn't do it without washing for a day. I had to soak my feet and brush my teeth and wash my face. Not only did he wash himself, but he also asked them to do the same.

"And suddenly sent me to learn martial arts." Lin Sanyi added.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously touched the bruise on the corner of his mouth.

Thanks to the twenty dollars, Uncle He taught me seriously.

"Xiaolu was fine before she got the admission letter," said the second daughter-in-law.

"Listen to what you said," Lin Sanyi scratched his head, "remind me of one thing, that is, the day after Xiaolu received the admission letter, you all went out, and he hugged me and cried for a long time. For a while, I asked him, but he didn't say anything."

"Dad, he has something on his mind," Lin Xiaolu said.

"It should have something to do with us." Lin Sanyi said.

"Since Dad doesn't want to say it, then we don't know what to do," said the eldest daughter-in-law.

"...I see." Lin Erde nodded.

"Well, I think so too." Lin Dayong said.

In this way, the Lin family got used to his father's changes as quickly as possible.

The author has something to say:

Meng Zezhi: Even if you become an old man, you have to be a refined old man.