Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 19


"By the way," as if remembering something, Dean Fu clenched his left hand into a fist, put it to his mouth, coughed lightly, and said a little embarrassedly, "About this year's postgraduate enrollment quota..."

Meng Zezhi lowered his eyebrows and said calmly, "When the semester started, didn't Dean Fu say that he wouldn't give me a place this year?"

"That's not..." Dean Fu opened his mouth and smiled helplessly, then stood up and picked up the kettle at hand to refill the cup in front of Meng Zezhi: "...Is the situation special!"

Meng Ze knew but laughed silently.

"I'm sorry for this." Dean Fu took all the responsibility on himself without hesitation.

Seriously speaking, from the perspective of Dean Fu, it is understandable to make such a decision. It's just that Chen Yinglong's methods are too vicious, and what his predecessor did at that time was indeed a bit unworthy of the table.

Dean Fu directly put out the conditions: "A batch of newly-built welfare rooms in the school have almost been renovated. They are on Nanmen Street and will definitely be handed over to teachers a few years ago. Among them, there are 80 sets of 240 sets. The 10-square-meter duplex room is prepared by the school for the academicians. The above means that we can give you a set at half the price on the market.”

This condition is really too rich, it is equivalent to giving Meng Zezhi 8 million for nothing.

Meng Zezhi raised his brows slightly: "President Fu has something to say!"

Dean Fu said honestly: "Isn't this a blockbuster if Professor Meng doesn't speak out? Goldbach conjectures, you will definitely have your share of the Fields Medal next year. With the Fields Medal in hand, the two next year's awards will be yours. There must be Professor Meng's name on the list of academicians co-opted."

The Fields Medal is the most famous mathematics award in the world. It is known as the "Nobel Prize" in mathematics. Every four years, 2-4 mathematicians who have made outstanding contributions and are under the age of 40 are selected.

The members of the two academies are elected every two years.

"What we can think of, and other schools can definitely think of, isn't this preventing them from robbing people? The school has no choice but to do it first."

The predecessor was the Changjiang Scholar who was selected in 2014, and then signed a five-year special professor contract with Jingcheng University, which means that the contract will expire in one more year.

The most important thing is that they are also engaged in research, such as physical chemistry, no matter how many ideas, without the help of cutting-edge laboratories, they will not be able to make good scientific research results.

But mathematics is different, especially for the study of number theory, which is purely theoretical. As long as you have the ability, you can find research results by squatting in any corner. For mathematicians, the laboratory is an option. nothing.

In this way, the only thing that can make Meng Zezhi care about is the salary and treatment.

"That's it," Meng Zezhi smiled: "Since it's all about this, Dean Fu can rest assured that my feelings for Jingcheng University are extraordinary. Under the same treatment, I will definitely choose Jingcheng University first."

This is really a bit utilitarian, and it doesn't fit well with the land of Jingcheng University, but thinking about the cold reception and scorn he has suffered in the past four months... It's better to be utilitarian, at least it doesn't hurt money!

Dean Fu thought so, and so did Meng Zezhi.

Hearing this, Dean Fu smiled and said, "What about the enrollment quota?"

"Just follow the practice of previous years." Meng Zezhi said.

In the past, the predecessor accepted two doctoral students and five graduate students every year.

"Okay." Dean Fu replied repeatedly.

That's probably the way it feels to raise your eyebrows.

After leaving the dean's office, Meng Zezhi breathed a sigh of relief and was in a better mood. He even walked with his feet as if stepping on the wind.

Back home, Zhu Zhengqing is not here.

Meng Ze knew that he was there, so he found the medicine and took it. He took out his mobile phone and continued to swipe on Weibo.

[… God, Professor He even forwarded this statement. 】

【Shock… 】

【Shocked… +1】

[So what is the holy place of Professor He Lao? 】

[Look upstairs, Professor He is studying physics, downstairs... ]

[… Upstairs, my father is a hero of two bombs and one star, and my mother is Professor Ge, who is respected by Western countries as 'Mrs. Curie of China'... ]

[… He is an academician of the Academy of Sciences, known as the father of automation control in China, and has won the honorary title of National Outstanding Contribution Scientist. 】

[After my research, it has been exactly two hours since the official blog of Jingcheng University released this statement, and more than 500 people have forwarded it. Except for those news media and big V who join in the fun, most of the remaining people They are the best from all walks of life. So the question is, what is Meng Zezhi's ability to make Jingcheng University pull so many experts and professors to endorse him? 】

[Hehe, what is Meng Zezhi capable of? Papers are stolen from students, and I think Jingcheng University does this purely to save their face. However, it is clear that they underestimated the power of Chinese netizens. 】

【major discovery! ! ! "Huaguo Mathematical Journal" announced that Meng Zezhi's two papers published in the journal were withdrawn, citing academic fraud. 】

[I seem to hear the sound of slaps on the face. 】

[Jingcheng University: Fuck, my face hurts! 】

[Great, my "Huaguo Mathematical Journal" is really a good knife. 】

[You guys upstairs are out, guide the truth scanner, you will thank me. 】

Seeing this, Meng Zezhi exited the page, entered the words "truth scanner" in the search bar, and then searched for a big V with more than 3 million followers.

He clicked in, and what caught his eye was a long Weibo that had just been posted for less than half an hour.

【Who still remembers the wedding of the century yesterday? Well, here comes the climax—

Without further ado, let’s go directly to the picture.

#Meng Zezhi and Xu Jiaqing's marriage certificate photo#

As a friendly reminder, Xu Jiaqing was the bride at the wedding of the century yesterday.

#Xu Jiaqing's medical record#]

[… Twenty bruises and cartilage contusions? abortion? that what I thought? 】

【Domestic abuser? 】

[Accurately speaking, it is a scumbag whose domestic violence caused his wife to miscarry. 】

[It's disgusting to me. 】

[Hehe, I wonder how Jingcheng University would feel when they knew that the person they were trying so hard to maintain turned out to be such a disgusting guy? 】

[No wonder Chen Yingdi and the others will collectively speak out to support Zhang Fangxu. It turns out that the proprietress turned out to be the victim! 】

[I feel sorry for Zhang Fangxu. 】

【I feel sorry for the boss. 】

From academic fraud to personality problems, the affected object is still the newlyweds of the entertainment industry predators. In an instant, most of China was shaken.

Just as everyone was looking forward to it, waiting for the action of Jingcheng University, the official blog of Jingcheng University fell silent, despite the indiscriminate bombardment of netizens' messages and private messages, it still remained motionless.

It was not until two hours later that a short video circulated on the Internet.

The filming location of the video was downstairs in the International Business Building. At that time, it was during the rush hour. When they saw Chen Yinglong coming out of the building, the media reporters who heard the news rushed up and surrounded Chen Yinglong.

"Mr. Chen, is it true that Meng Zezhi, a professor at Beijing University who stole the research results of students, is your new wife's ex-husband?" Yuji shouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Chen is not being interviewed now..." The secretary and bodyguard struggled to protect Chen Yinglong behind him.

The reporter insisted: "Mr. Chen, did your wife Xu Jiaqing really suffer from a miscarriage due to domestic violence by Meng Zezhi?"

Hearing this, Chen Yinglong's expression changed slightly, as if he was holding back something. He stretched out his hand to stop the secretary's maintenance, and the scene instantly became quiet.

"I don't know why my wife's privacy has been circulated, and I reserve the right to pursue legal investigations." Chen Yinglong took a deep breath: "As for this matter, the past is over, and I hope you don't expose me again. Wife's scars should be considered to be considerate and considerate of a victim's mood, as a husband, I can only say, please everyone!"

After speaking, Chen Yinglong bowed 90 degrees to the camera.