Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 22


"Qiyang, Zhang Fangxu has been arrested!"

Feeling the vibration from the mobile phone, Jiang Qiyang, who was filming on the set, stared at the viewfinder and took out the mobile phone from his pocket. When he saw the caller ID, it happened that the male lead's performance was somewhat unsatisfactory at the moment, so he picked it up immediately. The loudspeaker shouted 'ka', and then said, "Okay, everyone, let's rest for a while, Han Sheng, pay attention to your status."

After he finished speaking, he connected the phone, and then heard a frantic voice from the other end of the phone, and there was no lack of fear in his tone.

Jiang Qiyang was stunned for a moment, apparently not remembering who Zhang Fangxu was.

"Zhang Fangxu," Chen Yinglong's heart was on fire: "Meng Zezhi's doctoral disciple was pushed by me to accuse Meng Zezhi of stealing his thesis."

Hearing this, Jiang Qiyang frowned slightly, and his tone was inadvertently eager: "What the hell is going on?"

Chen Yinglong took a deep breath and explained the ins and outs of the matter carefully.

No wonder Jiang Qiyang doesn't know about this. First, the movie has just started.

Second, although this event is a major event in the academic world, it is still a bit far from ordinary people. The reason for the uproar in the country is that it is a mathematician from China who proved it, and the country is proud of it. But when you go abroad, few mainstream media abroad have written about this matter. After all, it is proved by Chinese mathematicians, especially in the United States. This is the truth.

"Qiyang, what do you think I should do now?" He didn't know whether he found the backbone or something else, Chen Yinglong's panic went away a lot.

I was afraid that the police would pry something out of Zhang Fangxu's mouth. At this juncture, the government could spare him.

Jiang Qiyang considered more.

To put it in a bad way, he and Chen Yinglong are now two grasshoppers on the same rope.

When something happened to Chen Yinglong, he was not much better.

After all, Chen Yinglong gave Meng Zezhi the mental toxin he had given him.

Thinking of this, he suddenly stood up from the director's chair, found a remote corner, and asked, "Does Zhang Fangxu know that you are the man behind the scenes?"

"This... I also had a whimsical idea back then, and I didn't think it would be successful, so I randomly arranged someone to do it. I didn't expect that he would actually make it happen. As soon as I was happy, I sent him to him. Promoted to assistant."

If it weren't for this, would Chen Yinglong be so guilty

Blue veins appeared on Jiang Qiyang's forehead, as if he remembered something, his pupils tightened and he asked anxiously, "How long has Zhang Fangxu been in?"

"How long, how long?" Chen Yinglong obviously realized something and looked at the secretary beside him.

"Three, more than three hours!" The secretary stammered.

"More than three hours." Chen Yinglong quickly returned to Jiang Qiyang.

More than three hours

Jiang Qiyang's eyes almost burst into flames, and he said, "Okay, I know everything, don't worry, I will handle the matter."

"Okay, okay." Chen Yinglong was ecstatic, he knew that Jiang Qiyang must have a way, "Brother, as long as you can save me this time, I promise that for the rest of my life you will point east and I will not go west..."

"Okay, okay," Jiang Qiyang interrupted him impatiently: "You don't have to do anything these days, just stay honest, sweep your tails clean, and don't let people take advantage of them. ."


Hanging up the phone, Jiang Qiyang made an immediate decision: "System, get rid of Zhang Fangxu for me."

Other than that, he couldn't think of any other solution.

As soon as the words fell, a mechanical voice rose in his mind: "I received the order to get rid of Zhang Fangxu. Two million reputation points need to be deducted. Will it be implemented?"

Jiang Qiyang's face was ashen. He must have known that he made a "Titanic" and earned only 1.2 million reputation points. I bought a golden gun in here, but now it seems...

He gritted his teeth: "Yes."

On the other side, the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

"Concise, then, I'll leave it here. You are taught by me, and you have no means to say. I'm not worried about letting other people do it."

In the director's office, Song Changming reached out and knocked on the table with a serious expression.

Zhou Jianming was irritable: "I've put my words here too, Director, I can't do this."

Song Changming was also anxious, he pointed to his head: "Jianming, do you know why you have been working for almost fifteen years, and you are still a second-level police superintendent, do you know that your brain is not open?"

Zhou Jianming scratched his neck: "What's wrong with my brain, I'm happy. You taught me to be a policeman, to be self-denying, to serve the public, to stick to the bottom line, and to enforce the law impartially... But now, you actually want me to beat Zhang Fangxu into a trick. , admitting that he slandered Meng Zezhi, what kind of thing is this?"

"When did I say that I was going to be submissive, didn't I let you talk to him properly?"

Song Changming said bitterly: "Do you think I want this? Meng Zezhi's scandal has already spread abroad. Look at what the newspapers in Korea and Japan say, I feel embarrassed when I look at it. Jingcheng University Over there, the report meeting is about to start. When the time comes, experts and scholars from all over the world will come to China. Forget about domestic violence. If the scandal of academic fraud cannot be washed away, then there will be troubles in Korea and Japan. Huaguo is really ashamed and lost to the whole world."

"So just for this, Zhang Fangxu has to be with him for the rest of his life?" Zhou Jianming's stared boss said incredulously, "Han Chuang studied hard for 20 years, finally graduated with a doctorate, and the future is bright, just because of Meng Zezhi. A Goldbach conjecture comes out. In the end, the degree is gone, the future is gone, and the reputation is gone. Director, Zhang Fangxu is obviously the victim—"

"I know, how could I not know," Song Changming said with a tired face: "The government will not treat him badly. Once this is over, we will send him abroad. The above has prepared 30 million for him, enough for him to change his name. Surname, live a carefree life. That's 30 million, how many people can't make so much money in a lifetime."

"Can it be the same?" Zhou Jianming said angrily.

"What if it's different?" Song Changming couldn't tell him: "The face of the country and Zhang Fangxu's reputation, you choose the same!"

After speaking, he stood up and left the office.

Leaving Zhou Jianming alone facing the empty desk, his face was very lively.

After a while, he grabbed the police cap on his head and was about to throw it to the ground, but stopped when he was in the air.


He cursed inwardly, kicked the foot of the desk as if venting his anger, only to hear a bang, Song Changming's precious purple clay pot on the side of the table fell to the ground and smashed into pieces.

Zhou Jianming turned around and walked out.

"Brother Zhou." Xiao Zheng, who was waiting outside the door, shouted cautiously.

Zhou Jianming picked up his hat and put it on his head, and said with a blank face, "Go, take Zhang Fangxu to the No. 3 interrogation room, and I'll go have a cigarette."


When Zhou Jianming returned from smoking, Xiao Zheng and Zhang Fangxu had been waiting in the interrogation room for a while.

Zhou Jianming hardly dared to look at Zhang Fangxu, he opened his mouth, but couldn't speak.

After waiting for a while, Zhou Jianming didn't speak, Xiao Zheng glanced at him and sighed in his heart.

He calmly asked, "Name?"

"Zhang Fangxu."



"Home address?"

After going through these procedures, Xiao Zheng raised his hand and tapped on the table: "Tell me, why do you slander Professor Meng for stealing your paper?"

"You are talking nonsense, it was Meng Zezhi who stole my research results, why didn't you arrest him, but arrest me instead?" Zhang Fangxu said bitterly, because he knew that the only thing he killed was Meng Zezhi. Steal his papers, he can be safe and sound.

Xiao Zheng was busy making records and had no time to look at Zhang Fangxu's expression.

As for Zhou Jianming, he was not in the state at all.

"Professor Meng stole your research results?" Xiao Zheng said with a sneer: "He is a professor who can even prove Goldbach's conjecture, and he needs to steal the results of one of your students. Is he crazy or stupid? Now, take your own reputation as a joke?"

"When he was two years ago..."

"Also," Xiao Zheng interrupted him without hesitation, "generally people do research while hiding it, for fear of being known by others. You're better, not only advertised in the circle of friends and the space, but even the first draft of the paper. You can show it to people casually, I wish everyone knew about your research content, according to our investigation, you also published papers when you were studying for a master's degree, but it has never been so high-profile."

"It wasn't..."

Xiao Zheng didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and continued to make up his words: "To sum up the two points, we have sufficient reasons to suspect that you premeditated the theft of Professor Meng's research results, and then for some ulterior motives. frame him."

All the planned countermeasures were blocked in Xiao Zheng's throat, and the truth was guessed by him again. Zhang Fangxu, who was guilty of conscience and lacked acting skills, panicked instantly.

Feeling that the video that he showed to the common people in the early stage has almost been recorded, Xiao Zheng raised his head and controlled the mouse to turn off the camera in the interrogation room. When he was about to persuade Zhang Fangxu to accept his fate with Yan Yuese, he did not want to face Zhang Fangxu. The twisted hands in front of him.

Is this nervous

Why does Zhang Fangxu feel nervous

Shouldn't it be anger

After all, this is turning black and white.

Xiao Zheng suddenly had an absurd thought in his heart.

Noticing Xiao Zheng's sight, Zhang Fangxu's hands stagnated and he swallowed inadvertently. Although he adjusted it immediately, how could these small movements escape Xiao Zheng's fiery eyes.

Xiao Zheng squinted his eyes, and while controlling the computer to turn on the camera again, he stretched out his hand and pushed Zhou Jianming next to him.

Zhou Jianming came back to his senses and followed Xiao Zheng's gaze, facing Zhang Fangxu who seemed to be looking at them, but in fact his eyes were not in focus at all, and his breathing was slow.

Is he guilty

Realizing this, Zhou Jianming was stunned at first, and then his expression changed.

He sat up straight in an instant, his eyes fixed on Zhang Fangxu, his mind cleared his thoughts as quickly as possible, and then he said, his voice was low and majestic, full of oppression: "Xiao Zheng, ask someone to go. How is Zhang Fangxu's father's illness?"

Then he looked at Zhang Fangxu: "I suddenly remembered something, you said that when your father was ill and had uremia, he had already used up the family's savings, so he was forced to accept the 60,000 yuan compensation from Meng Zezhi. But as far as I know, 60,000 yuan can only support your father's dialysis for one year at most. As for your mother, the money she earns from small jobs all year round is enough for you to go to school. How can you afford your father's medical expenses? And the clothes on you..."

Zhou Jianming's eyes were dim, and his voice was full of gnashing teeth: "The price is not cheap, right?"

Zhang Fangxu's body was shocked, he couldn't mess up, he couldn't mess up...

He tried his best to calm himself down, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"No, it's not..."

Looking at Zhang Fangxu's performance, Zhou Jianming felt a chill in his heart, but he guessed it right.

Then what was he just arguing with the director in the office just now

Blame him for being preconceived. Whoever asked the director to slap Zhang Fangxu's head with the dung pot as soon as he opened his mouth, coupled with the influence of the rumors outside, he almost believed that Zhang Fangxu was the victim.

But now is not the time to care about these, Zhou Jianming took a deep breath, "Say, who instructed you to do this?"

"No, obviously, it was Meng Zezhi who stole my thesis." The same words were said from Zhang Fangxu's mouth now, as if he had lost his confidence.

"According to the provisions of Article 6 of my country's "Criminal Law", whoever steals commercial secrets such as technological achievements and causes particularly serious consequences shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and shall also be fined."

Zhou Jianming said coldly: "Furthermore, the crime of false accusation and frame-up in the Criminal Law is regarded as an act that seriously damages the interests of others and causes serious consequences, and shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years, plus one The crime of defamation, the three crimes are punished together, and at this juncture, no one can protect you. Do you think the judge will give a lighter sentence or a heavier sentence. Zhang Fangxu, you have worked hard for 21 years to get where you are today, do not want to Spend the rest of your life in prison!"


Zhang Fangxu shivered with a look of horror on his face.

Zhou Jianming insisted: "Zhang Fangxu, it's not easy for your parents to raise you today. If you live in prison for more than ten or twenty years, how many years do you think they can live outside?"

Zhang Fangxu took a deep breath and his eyes were red.

Zhou Jianming persuaded: "It's better that you cooperate with us and be a tainted witness. Maybe the judge sees that you have a good attitude in confessing your guilt and will give a lighter sentence, and you will come out in a few years, at least to give your parents some hope of living. ,What do you think? "

Zhang Fangxu's expression was complicated, and he was obviously moved by Zhou Jianming.

Until Xiao Zheng pushed the door in, destroying the last fluke in his heart.

He said: "Brother Zhou, we have found that for the past two years, Zhang's father has been living in the senior ward of the city hospital, and the medical expenses are directly credited to the hospital account from an unfamiliar card number. The investigation department has targeted this card number. An investigation has been launched, and results will be available tonight at the latest."

Hearing this, Zhou Jianming slapped the table on the table, and he shouted, "Zhang Fangxu, why don't you tell the truth?"

Zhang Fangxu was almost scared out of his wits, he said incoherently with the corners of his mouth trembling: "I, I said... I was also forced, my father is ill and has uremia. The family has spent all their savings to treat him. I didn't want to drop out of school, so just at this time, the surnamed Liu came to me. He asked me to follow Meng Zezhi and snatch his research results. At that time, Meng Zezhi was in a bad state of mind. My classmates and the hospital None of his mentors liked to be in contact with him, so no one knew what he was studying during that time…”

"Who is the surname Liu you're talking about?" Zhou Jianming asked.

"The surname is Liu, the surname..." At this moment, Zhang Fangxu suddenly covered his heart and spat out a mouthful of blood, "...I, I..."

"what happened?"

When such an accident happened suddenly, Zhou Jianming's pupils tightened, and with a swipe, he stood up from the chair and rushed up.

Before they could get close, Zhang Fangxu had already knocked his head on the wooden board in front of his chest and was silent.

"Zhang Fangxu, Zhang Fangxu?" Zhou Jianming hurriedly helped him up and reached out to pinch Zhang Fangxu's people.

But he didn't want to put his finger under his nose, Zhou Jianming's expression changed drastically, and he said with difficulty: "I'm out of breath!"