Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 23


Zhang Fangxu died, in the interrogation room of the police station.

It is unknown who disclosed the news, causing an uproar in the country.

【… 】

【WTF? A good person, the front foot goes in, the back foot is gone? 】

[… Could it be killing, killing people? 】

[The government is also enough, is it necessary to kneel and lick Meng Zezhi like this? 】

[Quickly open the door upstairs and check the water meter. 】

[I heard that zhangfangxu is the only child in the family, his father has uremia, his mother is too old, and he has no financial strength. Now that zhangfangxu is dead, how can the old couple live! 】

[After twenty-seven years of hard work and hardships, I have finally cultivated my son. That's a doctoral student at Jingcheng University. Even if mathematics is an unpopular major, after graduation, the annual salary is at least 100,000 yuan. The family's hard life can be considered to be the end of the hardship. 】

[The Beijing Public Security Bureau must give the public an explanation. 】

[What kind of face do we need for a country? Now, we only need the government to punish Meng Zezhi severely, and give Zhangfangxu justice! 】

[Yes, it's not clear that zhangfangxu can't die! 】

Just when the public discussion was in full swing, the party involved in the incident, the official blog of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, updated two Weibos one after another.

The first one has only one sentence: Zhang Fangxu accuses Meng Zezhi of stealing the truth of his thesis.

A video follows.

The video is not too long, a little over six minutes in total.

"... You said that your father was ill and had uremia back then, and he had already spent all the savings in the family... and the clothes you are wearing... the price is not cheap, right?"

"I, I said... I was also forced... At this time, the surnamed Liu came to me... So no one knows what he was studying during that time... "

"… me… "

"I'm out of breath!"

The video ends abruptly here.

long silence.

[I don't know why, but suddenly I feel a burning pain on my face... ]

[I'm fine, my face doesn't hurt, I just don't know why I feel like a monkey. 】

[For the first time, I felt that I was really stupid. 】

[… Weakly said the last sentence, can I put the words I said before back into my stomach? 】

[Stop talking, I'm going to find a local wall to go to. 】

[In front, take me one. 】

【And I… 】

[I don't believe that there is such a coincidence. The front foot Meng Zezhi proved Goldbach's conjecture when it came out, and the back foot zhangfangxu was arrested, and then, hey, Meng Zezhi changed from the perpetrator to the victim. ? I take this floor-washing posture. 】

[I also think that this is too coincidental! 】

[And you didn't notice that, when the video reached 10:03:32, it seemed to skip a section, and then something happened to Zhangfangxu. So the question is, what happened during this time? 】

[Thinking about it, I’m extremely scared, anyway, now that zhangfangxu is dead, it’s not the Beijing Public Security Bureau that decides what’s black and white. 】

[Wait, why are you not talking? 】

[My face still hurts, if I get hit again, it should be swollen. 】

[I originally wanted to express my opinion, but when I saw this sentence upstairs, I silently closed my mouth. 】

Just as he was talking, the second Weibo post of the Beijing Public Security Bureau was posted.

[Beijing Public Security Bureau 2019-1-2 13:53:02

Recently, because Zhang Fangxu accused Meng Zezhi of stealing his thesis, which has attracted widespread attention from netizens, the Beijing Public Security Bureau solemnly declares this.

One: The Beijing Public Security Bureau implements the basic policy of building a legal system that there are laws to abide by, laws must be abided by, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be investigated. Here, all the police officers of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, on the basis of party spirit, sued Meng Zezhi in Zhang Fangxu for theft Regarding the seizure of his thesis, the law was enforced impartially from the beginning to the end, and there was absolutely no bias at all.

2: Regarding the sudden death of Zhang Fangxu in the No. 3 interrogation room of the Beijing Public Security Bureau, there is video evidence to confirm that the personnel involved in the case did not act in any way in violation of regulations and do not assume any responsibility. In addition, the Beijing Public Security Bureau has contacted the family members of the deceased and will entrust eight units including the Municipal Hospital, the Municipal Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, and the Military Hospital to conduct a joint autopsy at 3 pm. The autopsy report will be announced later.


#autopsy confirmation#

Beijing Public Security Bureau January 2, 2019]

At the same time, Meng Zezhi drove to the school and met reporters from the three newspapers in the dean's office.

Dean Fu accompanied him and said a few polite words, and then left with the people, leaving the space to Meng Zezhi and the three reporters.

After taking a seat, the middle-aged man in the lead turned on the recorder and said politely, "Professor Meng, then let's start."

"Okay." Meng Zezhi nodded slightly.

The middle-aged man asked, "Professor Meng, I heard that your mentor, Professor Wan, mainly studied typical groups and matrix geometry. Why did you choose to develop in the direction of number theory after you graduated with a doctorate?"

"Is such that… "

Here, Meng Zezhi and the three reporters chatted eloquently. When they arrived at four in the afternoon, the Beijing Public Security Bureau announced Zhang Fangxu's autopsy report on Weibo.

They didn't dare to release the photo of Zhang Fangxu's torn heart, they just dismissed that Zhang Fangxu died of a heart attack.

Not many people care about this result.

Because just ten minutes later, the Beijing Public Security Bureau posted another Weibo.

[Beijing Public Security Bureau 2019-1-2 16:03:42

Regarding Zhang Fangxu's accusation of Meng Zezhi stealing his thesis, the investigation results are as follows:

1: The thesis was written by Professor Meng without any error, and Zhang Fangxu was instructed to maliciously frame it.

Two: At the beginning of the incident, thirteen illegal Internet gangs manipulated rumors. The website of the relevant Internet public relations company has been shut down, and the people involved are being arrested. For details, please visit the official website of the Beijing Public Security Bureau.

3: There is something strange about the retraction of the Huaguo Mathematical Journal. The mastermind behind the scenes has evidence of adultery between Liu Shimin, the editor-in-chief of the Huaguo Mathematical Journal, and his brother-in-law. After Liu Shimin accepted the five million yuan from the mastermind, he The two papers involved were withdrawn.

Four: The true identity of the mastermind behind the scenes is still under investigation. Once verified, the relevant information will be announced on the official blog as soon as possible.


#Zhang Fangxu's father, Zhang Siyuan

#Names of thirteen illegal online public relations companies and list of relevant persons in charge#

# "Huaguo Mathematical Journal" editor-in-chief Liu Shimin accepts bribes, screenshots of text messages and bank statements#

Beijing Public Security Bureau January 2, 2019]

[…The urban routines are deep, I want to go back to the countryside. 】

[TV dramas dare not act like this. 】

[If, I mean, if Professor Meng didn't prove Goldbach's conjecture at this juncture, what would be waiting for him? 】

【Expelled from Beijing University. 】

[Discredited. 】

【In case his heart is a little weaker, one can't think of anything... 】

[Don't say it, we all owe Professor Meng an apology! 】

[We all owe Professor Meng an apology! 】

[I was thinking, why have we never doubted the truth of the matter? 】

[… Because Zhang Fangxu is weak. 】

[Because Zhang Fangxu prepared too much evidence. 】

[Because of the retraction of the Huaguo Mathematical Journal, I firmly believe that Zhang Fangxu is the victim. 】

[Because the government's way of washing the land is too tyrannical, let's take a look at the rebellious psychology. 】

[Because Meng Zezhi is a domestic abuser, his first sense is poor. 】

[Public opinion kills people, think twice about everything, and have a long memory. 】

[Long memory. 】

[So, who in the world hates Meng Zezhi so much, and even uses so many substandard methods to deal with him, and it costs five million and steals the research results? 】

【horrible. 】

[I am the only one who found out that the three words Zhang Fangxu are not blocked words? 】

[Wocao, really. 】

[The truth is out, I just want to say, thank the government. 】

Here, after the interview, the three reporters were sent away. Seeing that the sky had darkened, Meng Zezhi was ready to go home.

Unexpectedly, the car just drove out of the gate of Jingcheng University, and a group of guys with long guns and short cannons appeared out of nowhere.

"Is this Meng Zezhi's car?"

"Standing at the post for two days, finally blocked people?"

By the time the security guards at Jingcheng University responded, Meng Zezhi's car had already been surrounded by these reporters.

Hearing the sound of violent knocking on the window glass in his ears, and seeing the eager expressions of these reporters, Meng Zezhi took a deep breath and raised his hand to open the car door.

As soon as I got out of the car, the microphones came around.

"Professor Meng, about..."

"Professor Meng, you know..."

Hearing the noisy voice in his ear, Meng Zezhi said with a good temper: "Don't crowd, come one by one!"

But his words didn't work at all. Fortunately, the security guards arrived in time and rescued him.

Meng Zezhi adjusted his tie and said, "Okay. Ask one by one, the girl with glasses, come first."

The little girl's eyes lit up, and she said hurriedly, "Professor Meng, the truth of the matter is revealed, what do you think about it?"

"I don't think so." Meng Zezhi smiled: "The netizens have said what they should say."

After speaking, he pointed to a bald middle-aged man behind the little girl.

The other party was also overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Then who do you think is doing everything behind your back to harm you?"

"Then it depends on who is the most fun to dance apart from those sailors?" Meng Zezhi asked rhetorically.

Who dances the most

Everyone thought about it carefully, until a middle-aged man carrying a camera said weakly: "Isn't that Chen Yingdi and the others?"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they thought, yes, if it wasn't for the fact that they reposted Zhang Fangxu's Weibo, things wouldn't have spread all over the streets so quickly.

But what benefit would it do to them

Before they could react, Meng Zezhi turned around and pulled out a magazine from the car. He handed it to a reporter closest to him.

The reporter took a look and found on the cover that Chen Yinglong bowed to the reporter and begged the reporters not to open up his wife's scar.

Chen Yinglong is the chairman of Jiangzhou Media, and Chen Yinglong and the others are not all artists of Jiangzhou Media.

Thinking of this, the reporters present were all refreshed, and this was going to make a big deal.

Meng Zezhi said, "I have only hated two people in my life, and one of them was him."

He paused, then said, "My mental state was indeed not very good two years ago, almost like a lunatic."

Everyone was stunned, not understanding why Meng Zezhi mentioned this.

"As you all know, I've been married for more than ten years, and I haven't given birth to a child, which made the old man anxious, so she made a special trip to send me some remedies, which contain everything, lizards, meteorites, scorpions... but I dare not eat it.”

He took a deep breath: "And then, I killed the child in my ex-wife's belly. For this, I was depressed for a long time. Later, I ate all the things in the house, and I didn't want to go out, so I put These remedies are cooked and eaten."

"As a result, within a few days, I started to vomit blood. At that time, I was determined to die, and I didn't care. As a result, it stopped after two days of vomiting, and my mental state became better and better."

Everyone subconsciously held their breath.

"Later, I told a friend of mine who studied medicine. He said, I may have been poisoned. This poison should be a psychotoxin that can affect the mechanism of emotional regulation, and then the blind cat hit the dead mouse. Accidentally ingested the antidote to get rid of the poison."

Meng Zezhi said lightly: "Chen Yinglong had a crush on my ex-wife for more than ten years, and finally my ex-wife married me... Except for him, I can't think of anyone else who would hurt me so hard."

The author has something to say: Meng Zezhi: If you want to get out, there is no way!