Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 28


When Zhu Zhengqing woke up again, it was the next morning.

He was lying in Meng Zezhi's arms, although his back was sore and his legs were a little uncomfortable, but he was happy in his heart.

He reached out and touched Meng Zezhi's arm, recalling the heartwarming affair last night, and couldn't help bending the corners of his lips, his American classmates really didn't lie to him.

"Wake up." Meng Zezhi grabbed his messy hand and asked, "Do you feel any discomfort?"

He also did his homework on this matter.

Hearing this, Zhu Zhengqing blushed, curled his toes, and whispered, "No, it's fine."

Meng Zezhi only thought that the other party was shy and joyful, he got up carefully, picked up the person on his body, gently put it on the bed, then kissed the other party's bright eyebrows, and said, "You sleep for a while, I went to cook."


Zhu Zhengqing watched Meng Zezhi get up and get dressed, his eyes fell on the scratches on his back, and his little heart was beating wildly.

When the figure completely disappeared at the door of the room, Zhu Zhengqing couldn't help rolling around on the bed with the quilt in his arms. At the end, as if remembering something, he reached for the phone on the bedside table and retracted into the quilt.

When Meng Zezhi came back, Zhu Zhengqing was washing.

Looking at the rather messy bed, he walked over, lifted the quilt, and dropped a cell phone.

Meng Zezhi grabbed his mobile phone and was about to put it on the bedside table when the screen suddenly lit up. He glanced at random, only to see a new message displayed on the top of the mobile phone screen: Okay, I will give you Professor Meng's short video. I've found everything, and agreed to invite me to dinner when I return home, don't forget.

Meng Zezhi: "..."

He put down the quilt in the other hand, glanced at the bathroom, and poked in decisively.

The contact says Tan Zheng.

Tan Zheng: Do you want a short video of Professor Meng? ?

Zhu Zhengqing: ... um.

Tan Zheng: Are you... me

Zhu Zhengqing: Yes.

Tan Zheng: Fuck, fuck, fuck!

Tan Zheng: I'll be good, the sun is coming out from the west!

Tan Zheng: Do you like Professor Meng

Tan Zheng: Still just want to watch GV

Tan Zheng: Cub, you have grown up with the "old father's smile"!

Zhu Zhengqing: When will the 30 million you owe me still "smile"

Tan Zheng: Okay, Dad, I'll go find it for you.

Tan Zheng: "Video"

Tan Zheng: I'll give you one first. Professor John called me.

Looking at the time, this is the chat record from last week. At that time, the news of his chaotic private life was just released. Yes, there are also those 18 short videos. However, at noon that day, the above sent someone to delete it. .

Meng Zezhi raised his brows slightly and opened the video to watch.

In the video, he is pressing on a young man, forcing him to call 'Dad' as he moves.

Meng Zezhi: "..."

I suddenly remembered that when I was in love last night, Zhu Zhengqing unconsciously called out 'Dad'.

Is this a day to think about, a night to think about

Or does Zhu Zhengqing like this tune


Meng Zezhi was relieved, but Professor Zhu, whose family was cold and dignified, would actually collect his small videos behind his back

Looking at the posture last night, it is estimated that there is no less YY in normal times.

It's as if he's discovered some great secret.

Meng Zezhi's eyes remained unblinking, and his throat was dry.

When Zhu Zhengqing came out after washing up, Meng Zezhi had already made the bed. When Zhu Zhengqing approached, he hugged him and kissed the corner of his mouth. He said calmly, "Breakfast is ready."


Isn't this the husband's life that he dreamed of in the past, Zhu Zhengqing's eyes lit up, and he kissed back in a serious manner.

Meng Zezhi saw the uncontrollable joy on his face, and his heart also melted.

So there are such lovely people, I can't wait to let people rub them into the bones to love them.

At the dinner table, Meng Zezhi was drinking sesame paste, as if thinking of something, put down the tableware and said, "Anyway, we are free these two days, why don't we go and see the old man?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhengqing's eyes lit up: "Is it okay?"

"Why not," Meng Zezhi laughed, "Ugly daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws."

After breakfast, Meng Zezhi drove straight to the mall, bought some tea and fruit under the guidance of Zhu Zhengqing, and then went to Mr. Zhu's place.

I wish the old man is in his early seventies this year and his body is still tough.

Before his retirement, he was the chairman and party secretary of the Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, a researcher-level senior engineer, and enjoyed the "special government allowance of the State Council", so after his retirement, he enjoyed ministerial-level treatment.

He lives in a villa area in the western suburbs. The government provides drivers, guards and medical staff. He doesn't go out very often. He only has a big cat and has a small vegetable patch in the yard. He lives comfortably. .


Hearing the sound, Mr. Zhu, who was lying on the rocking chair with the big cat in his arms and basking in the sun, immediately sat up: "Yo, what's up today..."

When he saw clearly the people behind Zhu Zhengqing, his tone became lighter: "Are you free to come back?"

With that said, the big cat on him jumped off the rocking chair, ran to Zhu Zhengqing with his short legs, stretched out his paws and hooked up his pants.

Zhu Zhengqing bent down and picked up the big cat, let it lick his chin, and said with a smile, "Isn't this a holiday, come and see your old man!"

Meng Zezhi shouted honestly: "I wish the old man."

Mr. Zhu glanced at him: "Okay, let's talk inside."

After entering the room, Zhu Zhengqing put the big cat on the sofa, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and said, "You guys chat first, I'll cook."

As soon as he left, the atmosphere in the living room instantly solidified.

After such a short time, Mr. Zhu was already mentally prepared. He covered his mouth and coughed twice, and said, "Can you play chess?"

"A little while." Meng Zezhi said respectfully.

I wish the old man was quite satisfied with his attitude: "Two rounds?"


Facing Meng Zezhi, the future grandson-in-law, Mr. Zhu's attitude was quite mild.

This is also impossible!

Who told his grandson to like it.

Mr. Zhu didn't think much of Meng Zezhi at first, but Meng Zezhi was a whole round older than his grandson.

This is second, the key is that Meng Zezhi's character is not good, he beats his wife, and robs students' research results, which he dislikes at heart.

Otherwise, it would not have happened that he pretended to be sick and tricked Zhu Zhengqing into going home.

But who would have thought that he was also a poor man, whose family was ruined by others.

In addition, he later proved Goldbach's conjecture and developed a special drug for AIDS. I wish the old man's favorability to him can be said to have skyrocketed.

From this point of view, Meng Zezhi was enough for his grandson.

He comforted himself that being older also has the advantage of being older, mature, stable, and able to take care of people.

However, this did not mean that he could treat Meng Zezhi with an ordinary heart. After all, the grandson he had raised for more than 20 years suddenly became someone else's family. The old man couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Just when Meng Zezhi was busy dealing with Mr. Zhu, something happened to Jiang Qiyang over there.

A set of photos circulated on social software such as Weibo, Facebook, Twitter…etc.

【Wood grass! 】

【Shocked! ! 】

【Is this Jiang Qiyang? 】

【…Look at the pictures to know the people, and the contest with prizes begins! 】

[In the photo, the person shopping with Jiang Qiyang's arm is Feng Tianhou, a pure and beautiful girl? hehe! 】

[Photo 4 Jiang Qiyang is embracing the twin sisters of Chen Jia and Chen Ling from Jiangzhou Live Broadcasting. Back then, the local tyrants rewarded them with a million dollars to let them call their husbands and they didn’t want to. The result... I feel sorry for the local tyrants, it turns out that they think you give too little . 】

[Photo 3 is my English teacher. By the way, she used to be Jiang Qiyang's head teacher. I would say that she is an ordinary teacher who wears a million-dollar watch. 】

[Photo 6 The person who was pressed by Jiang Qiyang on a tree trunk and touched his thigh is Li Anning, a spicy police flower from the Haiding District Traffic Police Team. 】

[Photo 2 and Jiang Qiyang came out of the women's toilet one after the other is Zhao Mei, a nurse from our hospital. She used me as a spare tire for two years. She would rather be Jiang Qiyang's mistress than the daughter-in-law of a serious family. 】

[Photo 5 Jiang Qiyang is holding his right hand at the dinner table is the CEO of our company. 】

[Photo 7 and Jiang Qiyang are in and out of the hotel is last year's Cannes actress Sera, it seems that she is now playing the heroine in Jiang Qiyang's crew. 】

【what is this? Three wives and four concubines? The Qing Dynasty is dead! 】

[I have always regarded Jiang Qiyang as my Prince Charming, and now seeing these photos, I am disgusted. 】

[Stop talking, I'll go home now and burn Jiang Qiyang's book. 】

[Boycott Jiang Qiyang, let him go to hell with his movie! 】

[Yes, boycott Jiang Qiyang, the money he uses to raise his mistress is not all earned from us. 】

[A few days ago, it was rumored that Professor Meng's private life was chaotic, and in a blink of an eye it was Jiang Qiyang's turn. What is this, Feng Shui takes turns? 】

[Wocao, listening to you say this... I'm terrified to think about it! 】

[This is not Professor Meng's handwriting, is it? 】

[Impossible, Professor Meng, a university tutor, has this energy? 】

"Meng Zezhi—" Jiang Qiyang gritted his teeth, picked up the coffee cup on the table and slammed it to the ground.

Besides Meng Zezhi, who else would deal with him so deliberately.

It was he who underestimated Meng Zezhi's methods.

Thinking of this, he sneered, thinking that he would be able to defeat him Jiang Qiyang, a joke—

Once the heat is over, it will be what it should be.

There are a lot of cheating stars in the entertainment industry. As long as the backstage is hard enough, there are still fans who are not after him.

Just then, his cell phone rang.

The caller was his deputy James.

"Mr. Jiang, it's not good. There was an accident on the set. There were three more headless female corpses in the toilet of the spacecraft. It seems that they were all dressed up by the staff in charge of makeup. Now the police have surrounded the set."

"What did you say?" Jiang Qiyang couldn't think about it, and immediately said: "You guys stay steady, I'll be there right away."

With that said, he grabbed the car keys on the coffee table and rushed out of the villa gate.

Halfway through the road, Jiang Qiyang's right eyelid started to jump wildly.

He slowly calmed down, and a strong unease suddenly rose in his heart.


He slammed on the brakes.

How can there be such a coincidence, someone in the front foot exposed the chaos of his private life on the Internet, and an accident happened on the back foot studio

Could this be a conspiracy

Before he could understand, at this moment, a fast-moving pickup truck suddenly changed lanes and hit him directly.

Jiang Qiyang's eyes tightened, he stepped on the accelerator, and frantically turned the steering wheel, trying to avoid the pickup.

It was just that before he could start the car, the small pickup had already slammed into it.

With a loud bang, the fronts of the two cars were directly deformed, and in the flash of calcium carbide, he even saw the grim face of the bearded driver in the little pickup.

After the violent collision, the little pickup rose to the ground, rolled in the air for two laps, and smashed into the river on the side of the road.

Jiang Qiyang's car obviously did not have such good luck, but directly broke through the roadside railing and turned down a 60-degree slope.

I don't know how long it took, the car finally stopped rolling, Jiang Qiyang in the driver's seat twisted his limbs and was no longer human. His face and neck were all covered with gravel, and there was still a stick in his chest that came out of nowhere. Rebar coming out.

It hurts, it hurts all over the body, it hurts to the core, but Jiang Qiyang has obviously lost his sense of this aspect. His body twitches from time to time, and scarlet blood keeps flowing out of his mouth.

Jiang Qiyang's eyes began to slacken a little bit.

Am I going to die

I'm dying.


No, I can't die, can't die—

Suddenly, Jiang Qiyang's eyes burst out with a desire to survive that almost turned into reality. His chest rose and fell violently, and he tried his last strength: "Department, system, save me?"

"Receive an order to save the host's life. Three million reputation points need to be deducted. Whether to implement it."

"Execute, fast—"

Ten minutes later, the police belatedly arrived.

"Quick, go down and have a look."

"The car has been hit like this, and the person must have died." The tone of the speaker was full of ease.

Just as he was talking, he heard a thud, and the tattered car door was kicked open from the inside, followed by a hand reaching out.

Hearing the sound, the policeman present pulled out the pistol on his waist like a conditioned reflex, and pointed it at the palm.

I only saw a man covered in blood crawling out of the car and shouting almost frantically: "I am alive, I am not dead, I am alive..."

The middle-aged policeman headed by his pupils tightened his eyes: "Mr. Jiang?"

Jiang Qiyang was completely oblivious, crying bitterly: "I am alive, I am alive..."

The young policeman next to him asked in a low voice, "Boss, what should I do now?"

As soon as the middle-aged policeman turned his head, he was facing the eyes of the onlookers on the roadside. He frowned: "Take the person back to the police station first."

"Okay." After saying that, the partner beside the young policeman winked, and the two of them stepped forward together and set up Jiang Qiyang and walked up the mountain.

When they were on the road, other police officers helped stop the crowd, and the young policeman took Jiang Qiyang to the police car.

At this moment, Jiang Qiyang finally recovered, as if he had remembered something, he stopped, with a grim look on his face: "Wait, what happened to the guy who hit me?"

Jiang Qiyang didn't cooperate, so the young policeman could only endure his impatience and said, "He is still alive and has been sent to the hospital. Don't worry, Mr. Jiang, the law will not spare him if he caused an accident while driving drunk."

"What, you said drunk driving? Nonsense—" Jiang Qiyang looked excited. He remembered the frantic look in the driver's eyes when the small pickup hit, and he said with absolute certainty: "It's obviously murder, he wants to kill me!"

"Mr. Jiang, don't get too excited," the middle-aged policeman hurriedly smoothed things out: "Whether it's murder or drunk driving, we'll definitely give you an explanation."

Jiang Qiyang calmed down a little, and then noticed that his arm was a little sore. He turned his head and saw that he was being held by two policemen like a prisoner. He immediately raised a vigilance in his heart: "You want to take me to where?"

The middle-aged policeman said quickly, "If you don't go anywhere, you just go back to the police station to make a record."


Jiang Qiyang said sharply: "I'm covered in blood now, why do you want to take me to the hospital instead of taking me to the hospital as soon as possible? I understand, you and the driver are in the same group, and you want to kill me too."

With that said, Jiang Qiyang pushed the two policemen who were supporting him. The corner of his eye fell on the police car not far away, and he rushed over, opened the car door, sat inside, and stepped on the accelerator. , the car rushed out like an arrow from the string.

Seeing this scene, the young policeman raised his gun and was about to shoot, but was stopped by the middle-aged policeman.

"You're crazy." The middle-aged policeman glared at him fiercely.

After speaking, he took out his mobile phone, found the familiar phone number, and dialed it...

The corner of his eye fell on the surrounding crowd, the young policeman gritted his teeth and put down his pistol unwillingly.

Damn, the duck to the mouth flew.

Here, Jiang Qiyang was worried, and finally returned to the manor after half an hour.

He arrives home on the front foot, and Sela on the back foot.

"Qiyang, I read the news that you had a car accident." As soon as he entered the door, Sera threw himself into Jiang Qiyang's arms and took him to look up and down: "Are you all right? Are you injured?"

Seeing Sera's worried look, Jiang Qiyang was very moved, he hugged Sera tightly, absorbing the warmth from her, he said with a trembling voice, "Sera, you don't know, I almost died. , almost."

Sera patted him on the back and comforted: "It's alright, aren't you all right now..."

"No, you don't understand..."

"It's alright, it's alright."

Jiang Qiyang's mood finally calmed down, he let go of Sera, his face moved: "Sera, thank you for coming to see me."

Having said that, he made up his mind to be a little better to Sierra in the future.

"Look at your dirty body, go wash it first, and I'll make you a cup of tea." Sera said.

"Okay." Jiang Qiyang couldn't stand the bloody smell of his body.

When he came out of the shower, Sera handed him the brewed tea: "Here, your favorite Yuqian Longjing has cooled down."

Jiang Qiyang was already very thirsty, no doubt he was there, he immediately took the tea and drank it. After drinking it, he smacked his lips, feeling that today's cup of tea was extraordinarily sweet.

"By the way, Sera, can you help me find some reliable bodyguards..." After speaking, a sense of dizziness hit Jiang Qiyang's head, he held his head and shook it with use: "What, what? What's the matter?"

At this moment, the door of the villa was kicked open, and more than a dozen men in black rushed in. The middle-aged man at the head sneered: "Jiang Qiyang, I see where you can escape."

"What?" Jiang Qiyang looked frightened, but his mind became more and more chaotic, as if thinking of something, he looked at the tea bowl in his hand in disbelief, and then looked up at Sera: "You, you—"

"In the words of you Chinese people, this is called a husband and wife who are birds of the same forest, and they will fly separately when disaster strikes." Sera said blankly: "Because of that set of photos, my reputation has been completely ruined, and I have worked hard for 12 years. , I finally got a place in Hollywood, I can't bear to lose all of this... Mr. Charles promised me that as long as I was willing to help, he would give me a hand, so Qi Yang, I can only feel sorry for you. "

"You," Jiang Qiyang said in disgust, "poisonous woman—"

With that said, the middle-aged man took the baseball bat from his subordinate's hand and smashed it at Jiang Qiyang's left calf: "I'll let you run—"


Jiang Qiyang screamed, rolled his eyes, and fainted.

But it is too late to even contact the system.

The author has something to say:

That night, when the love was in full swing, Meng Zezhi looked at the man whose arms were softened into a puddle of water, thought about it, patted his butt, and said tentatively, "Call Dad!"

Zhu Zhengqing responded happily: "Dad!"


Meng Zezhi: Do all the cuties like this tone

Zhu Zhengqing: Sure enough, old men like this tune!

It's a long chapter, so it's late, cover your face╮(╯▽╰)╭