Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 4


But it's not that he can't understand Zhou Jia's mood. After all, the predecessor's 'conviction' is there, and anyone with a little brain will not jump into his pit again.

Meng Zezhi shrugged slightly, looked at the paper seriously, and asked, "Look at your format, do you want to vote for Huaguo University Mathematics?"

Different journals have different format requirements.

Among the nineteen core mathematics journals in China, the influence of Huaguo University Mathematics can only be ranked at the bottom.

The general research level of master students is not high, and they cannot produce any creative results. The papers written are generally introductory or reviewing, and basically they cannot enter the academic circles to discuss academic frontier issues. There are also many papers that are repetitive research, and there are many people who publish the research results of others after secondary processing.

Therefore, general schools will not be too embarrassing for students. For example, Jingcheng University, for the graduation requirements of master students, professional degree master students only need to publish one article in national journals or two articles in provincial journals. There are no mandatory requirements for professional degree master students.

"Well." Zhou Jia became more and more uneasy.

She immersed herself in research for two years before she came up with such a paper. Most of her roommates were not optimistic about her, and she had no experience, so she did not dare to set her goals too high.

Meng Zezhi turned a page: "Your paper is a lot of good stuff, it's a pity to submit it to "Huaguo University Mathematics"!"

Zhou Jia's eyes lit up, and surprises flooded into her heart like a tide.

But Meng Zezhi only said half of what he said, and didn't say anything.

Hearing the rustling sound of the tip of the pen swiping across the paper from his ear, Zhou Jia's heart stopped in his throat.

After an unknown amount of time, Meng Zezhi stopped writing and closed the cap. Then he handed the paper back to Zhou Jia and said, "I suggest you submit this paper to Applied Mathematics, and revise it according to what I wrote on it. Of course, if you are really worried If so, you can also submit to Mathematical Quarterly.”

"Applied Mathematics" and "Mathematics Quarterly" are a little higher than the previous "Huaguo Mathematical Journal".

Meng Zezhi paused and said, "With this paper, this year's national scholarship will definitely have your share."

You must know that the one-year tuition fee for each major of the Department of Mathematics of Jingcheng University is only 10,000 yuan a year, and a national scholarship is 20,000 yuan.

The reason why I say this more is just to tell Zhou Jia that he has no intention of appropriating her research results, so as to teach her to revise the paper with peace of mind.

No way, who made these students of his now not trust him.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, Zhou Jia's eyes flickered slightly, and her tone became more sincere: "Okay, thank you professor!"


As he was talking, the phone on the desk rang. Meng Zezhi picked up the phone and waved to Zhou Jia to leave.

Zhou Jia nodded and left the office with the paper in his arms.

"Hello, Professor Meng?" A dignified middle-aged male voice came from the other end of the phone.

"President Fu."

"You come to my office, I have something to tell you."


Hanging up the phone, Meng Zezhi stood up, took the suit jacket on the chair, put it on, and went out to the fifth floor.

When he reached the door of the dean's office, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Please come in."

"President Fu."

Meng Zezhi pushed open the door and went in.

"Here." Dean Fu raised his head and pointed to the chair opposite him: "Sit down."

He didn't have the mood to talk to Meng Zezhi about those things. He looked at Meng Zezhi and said straight to the point: "I've heard everything about your family."

Meng Zezhi's breathing was slow.

Really good things don't go out, bad things go thousands of miles.

This should be Chen Yinglong's handwriting again!

"As an outsider, I am indeed not qualified to interfere in your family affairs. But you must know how badly it will affect Jingcheng University once this matter spreads." Dean Fu patted the table heavily with a look on his face. Serious, with a smell of hating iron.

Meng Zezhi did not speak.

In the eyes of Dean Fu, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like he couldn't get in.

Dean Fu became angry for a while, and his heart also cooled down. He said: "You haven't made a decent result in the past two years, and the students and teachers have a lot of opinions on you. The meaning of the above is that this year I won't give you a place to enroll, and as for other jobs, I can put all that can be put away..."

As a university professor and doctoral supervisor, he has no qualifications for admissions. If this is spread, he will be laughed at by his peers.

It can be seen that the school really intends to give up on him, otherwise it would not slap him in the face like this.

Chen Yinglong was really good at calculating, and he destroyed his foundation little by little. Without the protection of Jingcheng University, it is no wonder that the predecessor did not even have the chance to struggle when the academic fraud scandal broke out.

If his predecessor was here, he would have been pissed off long ago, but who made Meng Zezhi sit here now? The lightening of his work burden means that he has more time to study Goldbach's conjecture and AIDS. 's special medicine.

That's right, it's a cure for AIDS.

This is what Meng Zezhi had thought about for a long time.

He remembered that AIDS, which made countless people talk about it, was officially classified as a curable disease when he was forty years old. It was an old professor of Capital Medical College who overcame this difficulty.

After the patent expired, the descendants of the old professor donated his research manuscript to the National Museum. Meng Zezhi was fortunate enough to read a photocopy of the manuscript.

Meng Zezhi still had a vague impression of the approximate steps. Since he was standing on the shoulders of giants, Meng Zezhi estimated that he had a 60% confidence in copying the potion, but it took a lot of time.

This is what makes Meng Zezhi calm and unhurried.

He said, "Got it."

Seeing Meng Zezhi's disapproving appearance, Dean Fu was surprised for a moment, and he thought Meng Zezhi would make a scene because of it.

For this, he was already prepared to deal with it, but Meng Zezhi just said 'I know' in such a lighthearted way

After being surprised, Dean Fu shook his head in his heart.

In his opinion, this is a performance that Meng Zezhi has already abolished.

Dean Fu didn't feel good in his heart, but he had persuaded him long ago, and he had never seen Meng Zezhi change it. Now that such a bad thing happened again, thinking about it, he felt disgusted.

He simply waved his hand, out of sight: "Okay, I've said everything I need to say, you can go back."
