Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 6


After returning from the sanatorium, Meng Zezhi went to the bank with the property certificate and other relevant certificates.

There is no need to burn money when doing experiments. Generally, university teachers apply for scientific research projects by themselves. After the approval of the school, the state pays the money, and the research results are also the teacher's own.

But Meng knows the difference. Let's not talk about the time crunch. Now apply for a scientific research project. After two or three months, the approval will be approved, and the funds will be allocated, and the daylily will be cold.

What's more, he was studying mathematics, and suddenly got involved in biopharmaceuticals, and when he opened his mouth, it was no less than a whimsical project such as the research and development of anti-AIDS drugs. He still wanted to get experimental funds from the school when the hospital decided to abandon him. unless it's a dream.

So if you really want to enter the laboratory, you must pay at your own expense.

It's just that the deposit left by the predecessor is not much, only less than 200,000, which is definitely not enough, and the only valuable thing in the family is this house.

This house is quite spacious, with three bedrooms and one living room.

The appearance of the predecessor can only be regarded as average, but he can't stand his bookish air, plus his good grades and gentle appearance, he is most sought after by Huaichun girls, and only Xu Jiaqing dares to stand up and chase after him.

Xu Jiaqing's family was well-off, her grandfather was a founding general, and although her father's generation was not obvious, she was also a senior vice-provincial and ministerial-level official.

When the predecessor was with Xu Jiaqing, he was just a poor student with nothing, so it was definitely not enough to match Xu Jiaqing. Fortunately, the Xu family is open-minded, and the predecessor is indeed outstanding, and it can be regarded as a promising potential stock, so there is no objection to the two being together.

But the days after marriage are not satisfactory.

The reason can only be out of the predecessor.

The predecessor was born in a poor family, his father died early, and the family was supported by his mother alone, so the predecessor was able to soar into the sky, what did he rely on

Relying on the money from the two sisters and the third brother!

Elementary school is in the village school, basically free of cost. Junior high school is in the town, although it is compulsory education, but after three years, the family's savings have been spent.

After the high school entrance examination results, the predecessor was successfully admitted to the best high school in the city. It is difficult for a poor family to have a noble child, especially for a family like the predecessor, reading is undoubtedly the best and only way out.

With such good grades, how could the family bear him to drop out of school

So his two sisters got married.

Later, he graduated from high school and was successfully admitted to Geng Province University.

In order to fill his bottomless pit, his brother became a son-in-law, and the Yue family gave 12,000 yuan.

It is precisely because of the 12,000 yuan that the predecessor was able to go to university in a safe and stable manner. After graduation, he was admitted to Jingcheng University for a combined master and doctoral program with a full scholarship.

How can the quality of such a marriage with impure purpose be improved

The predecessor's brother is okay, at least the wife's family is decent, and she doesn't have to worry about food and clothing.

When he came to his two sisters, his eldest sister married a widower, and his ex-wife left him three children, two sons and one daughter. Rather than marrying a wife, it is better to say that he wants to pay for a cheap nanny that can last a lifetime.

The lame man his second sister married, had no father or mother, and almost emptied his family for marrying a daughter-in-law.

Think about it and know what life his two sisters lived after they got married.

Just like that, did the predecessor dare not repay the gift

But here is the problem.

Xu Jiaqing came from a wealthy background, with a petty bourgeoisie in her bones. The predecessor was single-minded about repaying his family, living frugally, and inevitably carried a petty citizen vibe all over his body.

That is to say, in the year that her predecessor was promoted to associate professor, the family saved a sum of money, not much, in the early 80s, Xu Jiaqing thought about when she and her predecessor got married, so she took a wedding photo, set up a few tables of wine, and even went on a honeymoon trip. no. Now that the family has money, I want to make up for it.

After finally letting go, his mother called and said that the eldest sister's children are all grown up, it's time to start a new house, and the family doesn't have enough money, so let him get some.

This was the first time the family asked him for money, and the predecessor was so excited that without saying a word, he called back all the savings he had saved.

In this regard, although Xu Jiaqing was annoyed, it was not that she couldn't understand her predecessor's mood. Her predecessor said two good things, and she was sullen for a few days, even if it was revealed.

The most important thing is that Xu Jiaqing is very clear in her heart. Although her salary is not lower than her predecessor, she can't bear to spend a lot of money. Shopping for clothes, fitness, visiting beauty salons... After all, there is not much money left in a month, so the money at home Basically, it was saved from her predecessor, and she didn't have the confidence to make a fuss.

The work is slowly on the track, the predecessor has the ability and more energy, and the more projects are declared, the more oil and water will naturally follow.

Xu Jiaqing looked at the rising number in her bank card, and her heart was open. She felt distressed that her predecessor had to get up early every morning to catch the bus to work, and she wondered if it was time for her family to buy a car.

As a result, the predecessor's mother called him again, saying that his second brother-in-law had a car accident and was injured on the lame leg. The driver who caused the accident escaped. The doctor said it was a good thing and a bad thing.

The good thing is to take advantage of the opportunity for further injury to have an operation, and have a 70% confidence to completely cure his second brother-in-law's lame leg. Otherwise, the leg will be completely necrotic, and he will not be able to walk in the future. .

To put it bluntly, it's still money.

This time, the predecessor did not dare to get hot.

But it's all about this, does he have a choice

In this way, a phone call came, and more than 300,000 yuan was gone.

Xu Jiaqing had a toothache, but what could she do? Anyway, it wasn't her who worked hard to catch the bus to and from get off work every day.

Then, in the year when her predecessor became a full-time professor, Xu Jiaqing also changed to a new job, and both of them worked quite far from home. Xu Jiaqing was thinking about whether to sell the house and add some money to buy a house closer to where the two work.

The house they lived in at that time was the dowry given to Xu Jiaqing by the Xu family.

The predecessor listened to it, and was moved. After all, he had been living in the house given by the Yue family, and it was not very good to hear it.

That's right, at this time, the predecessor fucking called again.

What happened at this time was the father-in-law of his predecessor, his third brother, who had nasopharyngeal cancer. In the mid-term, he had an operation and it recurred again.

The family has run out of money, but his third sister-in-law didn't want to give up.

She said that as long as Meng Jiaken covered the medical expenses for her father's next operation, she would let her younger son follow his third brother's surname.

The predecessor of his third brother was married.

As for her predecessor, she had been married for eight years, and at the age of thirty-one, she still didn't have a child and a half-daughter. But she was so determined to Xu Jiaqing, she refused to listen to the fucking persuasion to divorce Xu Jiaqing.

As soon as this proposal came out, the predecessor's fucking mind inevitably became active.

Whether it is for the Meng family or for her eldest son.

There is still no choice for the predecessor. First, because he doesn't want to disappoint his mother, and second, he has tried his best to take care of the eldest sister and the second sister. When it comes to the third brother, you can't favor one over the other!

In this way, the 600,000 yuan that the family planned to use to change the house was gone.

Xu Jiaqing couldn't take it anymore, and made a big fuss, and drove her predecessor out of the house in a fit of anger. If it wasn't for the Xu family's persuasion and persuasion, maybe the two would have left at that time.

After the predecessor fucking heard about this, he hated Xu Jiaqing even more.

Not long after the predecessor won the Chen Shengshen Mathematics Award, Huaguo Mathematics gave a bonus of 100,000 yuan, not much, and Jingcheng University added another 500,000 yuan.

A year later, the predecessor was selected as a Changjiang Scholars, with an annual basic salary of 180,000 yuan, less than 100,000 yuan after tax, a Changjiang Scholars allowance of 200,000 yuan a year, an on-campus stipend of 250,000 yuan a year, and a settling fee of 500,000 yuan. , 3 million research start-up funds.

In addition to other miscellaneous projects, the annual income of the predecessor was stable at one million.

A few years later, in order to solve the housing problem for teachers, Jingcheng University built welfare housing and sold it to teachers at half the market price. The predecessor was lucky enough to get this big house.

After the predecessor's mother got the news, she pressed the predecessor to forbid him to put Xu Jiaqing's name on the real estate certificate. How satisfied she was with Xu Jiaqing's daughter-in-law back then, how disappointed she is now, she always hoped that her predecessor could divorce Xu Jiaqing , Marry another one who can have children, and of course she doesn't want her predecessor to divide the house in half, just like the house that the Xu family gave to Xu Jiaqing as a dowry never added the predecessor's name.

Family conflicts are imminent.

The predecessor had no choice but to obey her orders and only wrote his name on the property certificate. Behind the scenes, he gave Xu Jiaqing two million and asked her to sell her old house and buy a new one.

Fortunately, this is the case. Now that he and Xu Jiaqing have signed a divorce agreement and have not yet applied for the divorce certificate, he can go through the mortgage loan procedures with the real estate certificate of this house alone.

When the predecessor bought this house, it only cost a little more than 4 million, but in two years, the price of this house has risen from the original 60,000 square meters to 90,000 square meters.

Meng Zezhi used the house to borrow 7 million yuan at an annual interest rate of 5.31 for a period of five years.

Knowing that Meng Zezhi was a professor at Jingcheng University, and that he had received two pieces of Soft China, the bank staff readily informed him to come back in three days.

After dinner and just returning home, Meng Zezhi received a call from Professor Wan, saying that they had agreed.