Cannon Fodder Is King [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 69


Meng Zezhi, who was confused, was taken to the Hall of Huangji just like that.

He suppressed the doubts in his heart, lifted up his robe and knelt down: "Wei Chen Zhao Yian, see Long Live My Emperor, Long Live Long Live, Long Live Long Live the East Sea, Long Live Long Live, Long Live the South Mountain!"

All of a sudden, the gazes of all the officials cast their gazes on Meng Zezhi. There were scrutiny, surprises, but more fear.

Emperor Guangde was condescending, holding two jade pendants in his hands, and the excitement in his heart slowly calmed down.

He admitted that it was too hasty to recognize Xing Xiaoya just now.

Blame him for being too excited when he saw this jade pendant, and being too pleasantly surprised to learn that Xing Xiaoya was the child left behind by Zitong, and the ministers added fuel to the flames, and his eyes on Xing Xiaoya really looked like Zitong...

Thinking of this, he looked at Xing Xiaoya again, met her horrified expression, and suddenly felt that it was not so similar.

- This is the same as the suspect stealing an axe.

After a while, a little eunuch led Xiao Shi back, and saw a large water stain on the other party's clothes, which was probably woken up by someone.

With a plop, Mrs. Xiao knelt down, and after seeing the ceremony in a daze, she turned to look at Zhao Yijing, tears streaming down her face: "Jing, Jinger..."

Seeing the grief-stricken look of Xiao Shi, everyone was stunned for a moment. The child raised with one hand turned into a prince, and it was not a good thing to leave the ancestral grave in someone's grave. Where did Xiao Shi's sadness come from

After a short period of doubt, I don't know whose kid was the first to react, but he didn't stop his mouth and said in a green voice, subconsciously: "So, are Zhao Yijing and Xing's relatives, brothers and sisters? —”

It's just that the hall was too quiet, and all of a sudden, these words entered the ears of the civil and military officials present.

No one was going to find out who was so rude and open-mouthed. All of a sudden, the eyes that were cast on Meng Zezhi turned to Zhao Lingwu's family, especially Xing Xiaoya's five-month-old belly.

A thunderbolt from the sun-

Zhao Lingwu's face turned pale due to the spasms of his heart, his limbs suddenly became numb, and he was about to fall back when he stumbled.

"Grandpa, Grandpa..." Fortunately, the little eunuch beside him supported him in time.

Zhao Yijing was horrified for a while, and the hairs on his body stood up icy coldly like a demon. He was at a loss and looked at Xing Xiaoya in a daze.

After being stunned, the unwillingness and panic in Xing Xiaoya's eyes were swept away, leaving only full of fear, she muttered to herself in disbelief: "No, no, no..."

As if thinking of something, her eyes lit up, she stood up from her seat, knelt on the ground, and said in a hurry, "No, Royal Father, look, look at me, Grandpa, and Yijing, It doesn't look alike at all."

When everyone saw it, this was a good statement. Not only that, Meng Zezhi didn't look much like Emperor Guangde and Empress Xiaogong Qian.

But he didn't want the next moment, when a voice came from the crowd: "Father, do you think Zhao Liuyuan looks very much like a person?"

Everyone subconsciously followed the voice and looked over, and it was actually Qian Boyu, the son of the Duke of Zheng who spoke.

Zheng Guogong looked back at him and came back to his senses, his eyes were full of shock, is he crazy, and he dares to speak for Zhao Yian before the conclusion is reached

Although he thought so, how could he dare to demolish his son's platform in the crowd

Qian Boyu nodded with satisfaction.

His family has no background, his father is too upright and has no heart, and he was able to climb to today's position entirely by virtue of Xiaogong Queen Qian's nepotism.

But after a hundred years of Emperor Guangde, where will the Qian family go

You must know that the two most popular princelings in the court at the moment, the second prince is the son of the current queen, and Empress Xiaogong Qian stepped on the current queen to ascend to the throne. Because of this, for more than ten years, Zheng Guo's mansion has been almost breathless by the second prince.

When Emperor Guangde was there, the second prince dared to be so unscrupulous. When the second prince ascends the throne in the future, will there be a way for the Qian family to survive

As for the seventh prince, the mother-in-law was from the Duke of Cao's mansion, and the father-in-law was Duke of the State of Wei. He had a wealth of talents under his command, so how could he be compared to the Duke of Zheng's mansion.

Qian Boyu often thinks about how nice it would be if he could also have a prince from the Duke of Zheng's mansion!

But now, the dream is about to come true.

Fortunately for him, his father was not stupid enough to cheat his son.

Regardless of whether Meng Zezhi is real or not, he doesn't mind adding to Meng Zezhi's identity.

If Meng knew that it was true, it was just right, and he had a wave of goodwill.

Ruomeng knows it's fake, isn't there Song Guogongfu and Xiao Deren standing in front of him

These days, those who are daring to death, those who are timid and starved to death, can't be wrong!

Sure enough, hearing this, Emperor Guangde's expression softened a lot.

Just these three words were enough for Meng Zezhi to piece together the truth.

After the shock, Meng Zezhi looked complicated.

No wonder he felt that jade pendant was a little familiar back then.

No wonder Mrs. Xiao suddenly took him to Huguo Temple and asked Zen Master Huihe to approve his orders. What he was emotionally guarding was that Emperor Guangde recruited him as his consort. It's just that I don't know what the purpose of Zen Master Huihe was, but he really followed Xiao's wishes.

As for why Xing Xiaoya doesn't look like Emperor Guangde and Empress Xiaogong Qian, after all, her soul has changed, and her appearance will naturally adjust accordingly.

Meng Zezhi did the same.

After another half-quarter of an hour, the eunuch Tao An came back, followed by Aunt Song's personal maid Qingqiu.

She looked terrified, almost on the same hands and feet. She knelt down and kowtowed again and again: "Caomin Chen greets the emperor, long live, long live, long live."

A farce has been made. At this moment, Emperor Guangde is unusually calm. He said in a deep voice: "Chen, tell me everything you know."

"Yes," Chen shi barely suppressed the panic in his heart and said, "It has to start from the third year of Guangde..."

"... After the jade pendant was made, it didn't take long for Concubine Song to die of typhoid fever. Within two years, I finally saved enough money to redeem myself and left the Duke's Mansion. The butler found me…”

After speaking, Chen shi crawled on the ground, not daring to take a breath.

Emperor Guangde regained his senses. He took a deep breath and pointed at Xing Xiaoya, asking, "Do you recognize her?"

Chen shi raised her head cautiously and looked in the direction pointed by Emperor Guangde. With just one glance, she was shocked, and the corners of her mouth trembled: "Song, Aunt Song..."

As if sentenced to death, Xing Xiaoya's face paled.

Zhao Lingwu's heart sank as if it was filled with cold lead. He desperately recalled the appearance of Aunt Song, but found that he couldn't remember it at all.

He never lacked women, it was just that Aunt Song's existence was too short, she was more like a passerby to him, not to mention that she had been dead for more than ten years.

At this moment, the people sent by Emperor Guangde to Huguo Temple finally returned.

"Long live, it was raining on the mountain a few days ago, and Zen Master Huihe suffered from a broken leg. It is really inconvenient to go down the mountain."

Emperor Guangde's heart was slightly warm. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for saving him back then, Zen Master Huihe's legs would not have suffered sequelae because of this.

I saw that man took out a letter from his arms, raised it to the top of his head, and said, "But Zen Master Huihe sent a letter to Wei Chen, saying that it is long live, and the truth will be revealed."

Emperor Guangde said immediately, "Bring it up."

When the letter arrived, he opened it and saw only four words on the paper: "It's priceless."

Emperor Guangde's expression softened, as if he had already made a judgment in his heart.

There are Zen masters Huihe in the first place, and Zheng Guogong asserts that Meng Zezhi is similar to his mother-in-law. The most important thing is that he does not believe that Xiao Deren and the Xiao family dare to deceive the king and confuse the royal blood.

A son of six yuan and the first, thinking about it, Emperor Guangde was a little excited.

With a swipe, he stood up.

The second prince and the seventh prince immediately changed their faces.

The official of the Second Prince's Party jumped out first: "Long live, think twice, it is about the country, and it is too much of a child's play to rashly recognize the prince just with a few words from a woman who came out of nowhere! "

He completely forgot how they helped Emperor Guangde recognize Xing Xiaoya just now.

Can a princess be the same as a prince

Recognizing a princess is just a matter of giving a name, rewarding a mansion, and also to please Emperor Guangde and help the second prince, why not do it.

It can be recognized that a prince is still the direct son of the post-Yuan Dynasty, and his identity directly overwhelms the second prince. You must know that the second prince can compete with the seventh prince because of the support of the old academic officials who support the establishment of the heir. Once Meng Ze When Zhizhen was recognized by Emperor Guangde, the power of the second prince and one party would fall apart in an instant.

The seventh prince also did not want Emperor Guangde to recognize Meng Zezhi. Compared with the second prince, he was more afraid of Meng Zezhi. The identity of the first son of the Yuan empress with the sixth and second halo was enough for him to win over most of the scholars in the world. If coupled with the favor of Emperor Guangde, the consequences would be unimaginable.

He immediately stood up: "Father, think twice."

The civil and military officials in the hall immediately knelt down for most of them: "Long live, please think twice."

Emperor Guangde's face sank, how could he not know what the second prince and the seventh prince were thinking.

"Master Liu is right. It is indeed too arbitrary to recognize the prince because of some one-sided words."

Hearing this, Emperor Guangde turned his head and said, "Old Uncle."

With the help of the prince, King Fu slowly stood up from his seat, bowed and said, "If that's the case, let's do a blood test."

He paused: "Also give Xing Shi a test."

Hearing this, Xiao Shi inadvertently bent the corners of his lips.

Emperor Guangde nodded: "Just do as the old uncle said."

Of course, the more stable things are, the better.

He commanded: "Tao An."

"Yes." The big eunuch Tao An bowed to answer, and immediately retreated with a young eunuch. When he came back, he and the young eunuch both had a plate in their hands. On the plate was a small eunuch filled with water. Bowl and a knife.

Emperor Guangde picked up the knife and slashed a line on his thumb, then dropped a drop of blood into each of the two small bowls: "Go."

Tao An immediately picked up the plate and walked towards Meng Zezhi, while the other little eunuch walked towards Xing Xiaoya.

Of course, Xing Xiao knew that the blood test was not reliable at all, but this was her last chance. She widened her eyes and prayed that her blood type must be the same as that of Emperor Guangde.

As if she was mentally prepared, she grabbed the knife sharply, swiped her finger, and then dripped a drop of blood into the bowl.

One second, three seconds, five seconds... The two drops of blood in the bowl never fused together.

Immediately after, Tao An's exclamation came from her ear: "Long live, melt, melt, long live..."

As if struck by lightning, Xing Xiaoya turned her head with difficulty, only to see Emperor Guangde, who didn't know when he got off the dragon chair, trembling to support Meng Zezhi, who was kneeling on the ground, unable to speak with excitement.

Xing Xiaoya's face was twisted, why, why did God tease her like this

She hates it so much, she can only watch it slip away when the glory and wealth are right in front of her.

Her eyes fell on Meng Zezhi, and there was a stern look in her eyes, what she couldn't get, no one else could imagine.

She's going to reveal the truth about the blood test—

She opened her mouth and whimpered for a while, only to realize that she was speechless...

She twisted her neck desperately, panicked.

Meng Zezhi frowned slightly, and his eyes fell on the wooden plate on the ground. Now that this is the case, he can't live up to Xiao Shi's hard work.

Zheng Guogong's mind finally flashed, and he immediately knelt on the ground and shouted, "Long live congratulations, long live congratulations, and on the Longevity Festival, the prince is found.

Hearing this, the second prince's face cracked.

The big eunuch Tao An who was waiting next to him knelt down, and the moment he lowered his head, he was facing Xiao Shi, who was overwhelmed with joy and sorrow, and he smiled slightly.