Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 112: Alcohol concentration


The words of his son made Huo Shen also fall into contemplation. After a long time, he said, "I remember that two senior officials from the Zhuque base came from the Zhuque base some time ago? Go and ask them to see what they think of Zhao Guangdong's daughter. Do you know what happened?"

As soon as my father reminded him, Huo Zhongting also remembered Li Qiu and Li E brothers and sisters.

Speaking of it, since their brothers and sisters joined, Huo Zhongting basically didn't pay much attention to them after he started paying attention to their brothers and sisters.

Had it not been for his father to mention them this time, Huo Zhongting would have forgotten their brothers and sisters.

Hearing what his father said, Huo Zhongting quickly ordered Jin Zhuo to invite Li Qiu and Li E over.

I have to say that they are lucky today, because Li Qiu and Li E brothers and sisters did not have a mission today, otherwise they would have to wait at least two or three days to see Li Qiu and Li E brothers and sisters.

Li Qiu and Li E were very surprised when they heard that the base executives had something to ask them.

"What did they see us for? Could it be the matter last night? But that matter has nothing to do with us either!"

Li E’s doubts were actually Li Qiu’s, and they knew it was because their villa was also searched at the time. Because of this, the two brothers and sisters who didn’t hear about things outside the window heard about the base last night. Martial law matters.

"Don't worry about it, let's see what is going on when we get to the place."

Hearing what his brother said, Li E nodded with his lips poked.

When the siblings followed Jin Zhuo to Huo Zhongting's office, Huo Zhongting was already waiting inside.

After entering the office, Li Qiu said straightforwardly, "What is the matter with our brothers and sisters!"

Hearing Li Qiu's question, Huo Zhongting said with a smile, "It's a small matter to ask you, don't be nervous, in fact, I just want to know the situation of the Suzaku base with you."

Seeing that this was the case, the two brothers and sisters who had been anxious in their hearts were all relieved.

"That's it! Just ask what you want! As long as I know I know everything I can say."

Hearing what Li Qiu said, Huo Zhongting was not polite, but directly asked, "Have you heard of the name Zhao Guangdong when you were at the Vermilion Base?"

"Zhao Guangdong? No, I can be sure I haven't heard the name in Gao Sheng's mouth."

Seeing Li Qiu's affirmation, Huo Zhongting pondered for a while before asking, "Then you know that there is a high-level person on our side who is the internal correspondent of Suzaku Base?"

Hearing what Huo Zhongting said, Li Qiu and Li E were shocked, "I really don’t understand this. Don’t look at me at the Suzaku base as a high-ranking right-hand man, but he has never done anything like this. We are not allowed to participate, except for the guards around him and his uncle Gao Yongwang. It is estimated that only Gao Sheng himself knows about this."

"Then are there any girls who are treated specially at the base?"

When Huo Zhongting reminded him, Li E really thought of one, “There is really one. When I was in the home, there was a long and special beautiful girl named Su Yuele who lived alone on the sixth floor. There were a lot of people at that time. It’s said that the reason why she is treated like that is because she is a promoted mistress. Is it her that you are looking for?"

Hearing what Li E said, Huo Zhongting shook his head, "It shouldn't be. The girl we are looking for should be the surname Zhao Cai. I'm sorry to trouble you today, and I asked you to make a special trip."

Huo Zhongting's words made Li Qiu smile, "You are just being polite. If you need my help in the future, please don't hesitate to speak."

After leaving Li Qiu and Li E brothers and sisters, Huo Zhongting smiled at the three words Su Yuele.

In fact, this trip was not without gain, at least I knew that there was a girl named Su Yuele who was treated specially at the Vermilion Bird Base.

With this in mind, Huo Zhongting immediately told Jin Zhuo, "Let our people find out who Su Yuele is sacred. By the way, you will call Ren Qiang again later and say I have something to tell him."

Hearing this, Jin Zhuo nodded.

Ren Qiang came quickly because he didn't leave because of Zhao Guangdong's affairs.

Zhao Guangdong’s autopsy report came out. It can be determined that the person died of mechanical suffocation. In addition, the forensic doctor also found a particularly high concentration of alcohol in Zhao Guangdong’s blood.

According to the alcohol concentration in the blood, Zhao Guangdong should have been sore and weak at the time. After all, with Zhao Guangdong's alcohol volume and such a high concentration, he would have been drunk early, but in fact, he was not only hanging. Going up, and when hanging up, except for a struggle at the last minute, he was very calm at other times.

I have to say that this situation is a bit strange! It is certain that he did hang himself by himself, and there is no possibility that he would be hanged again after he was killed. But the alcohol concentration in his blood made people think that his hanging process was a bit strange.

After listening to Ren Qiang's report, Huo Zhongting pondered for a while and said, "If someone uses a control ability to make him hang himself after he is drunk, is it possible?"

Huo Zhongting’s guess gave Ren Qiang a flash of light in his mind, “If this is the case, then everything makes sense. Why is it that Zhao Guangdong’s blood alcohol concentration is so high, so he can still climb up and hang himself. Because someone from the outside world is using power to control him, wouldn't it be possible to find out who has a control power in our base, and then we can know who the murderer is!"

Ren Qiang’s words made Huo Zhongting shook his head, “It’s not that simple. As far as I know, our base currently has control abilities, except I know that there is no second person who is absolutely impossible to be a murderer. So according to your method, there is no way to find the murderer."

Hearing what Huo Zhongting said, Ren Qiang groaned for a moment before saying, "Then you mean that someone awakened this control ability but didn't report it?"

"Well, it looks like this now, but whether it is as we guessed, we can test it, Jin Zhuo will go to Miss Zhao Shiman Zhao Guangdong's home."

When Zhao Shiman followed Jin Zhuo to Zhao Guangdong's home, one of Ren Qiang's subordinates was already a little confused.

Seeing this, Zhao Shiman asked with some suspicion, "Couldn't you find me just to let me come to see you for a drink!"

Hearing Zhao Shiman's words, Huo Zhongting shook his head, "Of course not, I am looking for you to do an experiment for me. I want to know if it is possible for a drunk person to be under the control of the control ability. Hanged himself."

As soon as Huo Zhongting said this, Zhao Shiman laughed, "Hey, this experiment is quite interesting, but you are not the kind of person who does this kind of small experiment leisurely. What happened?"