Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 121: Second in command


After Dabing returned to the base and reported to Zhou Mo, although Zhou Mo did not blame him for this incident, Dabing still felt depressed. After all, it was a strange beast with dual powers!

Even if all the bases are included, it is estimated that there are not many such strange beasts.

Although a little depressed that such a strange beast escaped from his own hand, Dabing did not just give up like that. Instead, he immediately posted a notice stating that as long as anyone could catch the husky called Bart back alive, it would Give a reward of 30,000 zombie crystal nuclei.

It has to be said that the reward of 30,000 zombie crystal nuclei has attracted the participation of many ability players including other bases, but it is a pity that none of the huskies captured are Bart's.

Bart seemed to have disappeared in this world, and no one has seen him since.

Pan Ning, who was far away in the Baidi base, also learned about it from Bai Ru's mouth after completing the physical examination. To be honest, it was quite embarrassing, after all, she had seen the Huqi.

Pan Ning has always had reservations about Yuan Yu's suicide.

Why do you say that, because it's just a theft, you really don't want to apologize with death, unless someone wants to use his death to cover up the truth.

It's okay for the dog named Bart to go away, or else to kill his owner's base, Bart, who knows the truth in the future, will suffer even more.

After Khan had soaked in the power water for six hours, the whole chicken became alive and kicking again.

When Pan Ning came back from picking vegetables from the backyard, she saw her dad staring at her daughter. Seeing this, she asked a little puzzledly, "Dad, you always stare at Xiaobao these days, Xiao Is there gold on Bao's face?"

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Pan Mingchang said with a smile, "I just think our little treasure is so cute, so I looked at her more."

As the two of them were talking, Pan Ziqian, who was on the mission, also returned.

It's just that Pan Ziqian, who returned from the mission this time, was very embarrassed. Not only was there blood stains all over his body, but most importantly, Pan Ning also found that there were scratches on his neck.

Although there is no bleeding anymore, it still looks shocking.

Seeing this, Pan Ning couldn't pay attention to the others, and quickly called Khan to treat him.

"Don't bother Khan, I'm all trivial. Besides, if my scar disappears for no reason, how can I explain it to other people at that time!"

Knowing what Pan Ziqian was worrying about, Pan Ning hurriedly told him all the things that had happened during his absence recently.

After listening to Pan Ning’s words, Pan Ziqian was also shocked. After the shock, he was afraid, "Fortunately, nothing happened. Does it really look exactly the same?"

"It's really exactly the same. If it wasn't for the weird way of talking at the time, I might not have been able to find out. By the way, how did you make yourself like this? Haven't you done a few missions before? I didn't make myself feel embarrassed either!"

Hearing what his old sister said, Pan Ziqian gave up and said, "Don't mention it, our mission this time was really bad. We almost wiped out our army. If we weren't instructed by Ren Qiang to evacuate, maybe I really confessed there."

Pan Ziqian's words shocked Pan Ning, "How could this happen? Don't you have a total of ten or so people in a power team?"

"It's true, but among those zombies, there are actually five zombies with second-level abilities. The most important thing is that the abilities of those zombies are all combat systems. Look at the fire place on my back. , It was the zombie with the fire system ability to burn it."

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning finally saw the sight of his back. It was really too miserable. Not only was there no covering clothes, but most importantly, Pan Ziqian's back was burnt and blistered.

Seeing the seriousness of his back, Pan Ning quickly called Khan.

While Khan was healing, Pan Ning then asked him, "The second-level zombies have made you like this? Aren't there many powers in your power team that have been upgraded to third- and fourth-level powers?"

Hearing this question from his old sister, Pan Ziqian also smiled bitterly, "It is true, but don’t forget, sister, there are a bunch of little brothers around the gang of zombies with powers. Although their little brothers don’t have powers, there are a lot of them. Ah! If you don’t pay attention to it, it is very likely that they will be caught. Look at this scratch on my neck. I was caught when I was not paying attention. Fortunately, I am a supernatural person. Even if caught by a zombie, It will not be zombie, but not necessarily if it is an ordinary person."

"What will you do after that! It's impossible that you won't be able to do all the tasks in the future!"

Pan Ning's words made Pan Ziqian smile, "This is not true. Ren Qiang's brother has already reported the news of the appearance of the second-level zombies. Now it's up to the base to make decisions."

The two siblings were talking, and Jin Zhuo brought people over. When he entered the house and saw Pan Ziqian's miserable appearance, he was also shocked, "How come your back is like this!"

Hearing Jin Zhuo's question, Pan Ziqian said with a bitter smile, "It was burned by the power of a zombie. By the way, how come you have time to come to my house today!"

"Actually, I came here to ask Khan to treat a supernatural person. His arm was broken by a zombie."

Hearing Jin Zhuo's words, Pan Ning immediately said unceremoniously, "Aren't there other powers with healing powers in our base? Can those powers not be able to take the arm?"

Pan Ning's words made Jin Zhuo touch his nose angrily, "In fact, it can be done, but this supernatural being is somewhat special? Their family insisted that Khan go and treat his son."

Jin Zhuo's words shocked Pan Ning, "Who is it! There is such a big show?"

"The second in command of the base, deputy commander Gu Zhen, the commander's most trusted man, even our colonel usually gives him three points of face.

Hearing Jin Zhuo's words, Pan Ning groaned for a moment before saying, "My brother will be finished in a few minutes. Don't worry about the amputation of the broken arm in a few minutes."

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Jin Zhuo quickly smiled and nodded, "This is natural, besides, even if it is a few minutes late, Khan's greatness can definitely make up for it."

Five minutes later, the blisters on Pan Ziqian's back and the scars on his neck had disappeared.

Except for the appearance of the whole person, it is still a bit dirty, and there is no trace of the scar just now.

"Sister, let me go with you! I always don't worry about letting you hold Khan for treatment alone."