Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 127: Last resort (first update)


Jin Zhuo’s words caused Huo Zhongting to fall into contemplation. After a long time, he said, “The people who go to collect the zombie crystal core definitely don’t want to attract anyone’s attention. , Unless there is a last resort reason for him to dress like that."

When Huo Zhongting was reminded, Jin Zhuo also suddenly realized, "What you mean is that the other party doesn’t want to dress up so differently. The reason why he has to dress up like this is because his own circumstances do not allow him to be in the sun. Expose the sun."

"Yes, think about the disease, you need to wrap yourself so tightly, follow this disease to find, we can find the person who is going to get the zombie crystal nucleus."

Hearing what Huo Zhongting said, Jin Zhuo really said, "Okay, head, I'll go to the hospital and ask, what kind of disease do I need to cover the person in that way."

After sending away Jin Zhuo, Huo Zhongting sneered looking at the list.

To be honest, although the inner should have not been caught yet, he always feels that the other party should be a member of the high-level. After all, the person who knows that the registration list exists and can make Lao Zhao relax his vigilance is definitely not just an ordinary person. .

Jin Zhuo's speed was very fast, and he returned before half a day.

"Head, according to your speculation, we have locked a total of two suspects. Both of them are ordinary people. None of them are supernatural beings. Among them, Huang Wenwen is allergic to ultraviolet rays, so she is always fully armed when she goes out. , It’s a bit like the dress of the person who went to get the zombie crystal nucleus that day. As for the other one, Cao Yan, he is interesting. He is not sick. The reason why he wants to go out is fully armed because he was in the beginning of the last days. Disfigured, of course, according to the description of the staff, it must be Cao Yan more likely. After all, it was a male voice who spoke at the time, but it is not investigated. Huang Wenwen has a voice changer."

After reading the information of these two individuals, Huo Zhongting pondered for a while and said, "Have someone been sent to stare at them?"

"Well, I sent it, but no anomaly has been found so far. The interpersonal relationship between these two guys is very simple, and after the end of the world, their family members have all passed away, so every day except for necessary trips, they and other people Basically, there is no communication, head, I’m really curious! Is this kind of people impressed by the inner should? After all, they are not like the people who drag the family, as long as they eat by themselves, the whole family will not I'm hungry, why take such a big risk."

Hearing Jin Zhuo's words, Huo Zhongting shook his head, "You forgot that the inner man should have the ability to control, as long as he wants to, he doesn't care about the other party's wishes."

After being reminded by his boss, Jin Zhuo remembered that it should be something with supernatural powers.

"He has advanced so many zombie crystal nuclei in the name of a fake ability, so his ability should have reached level 4 long ago!"

Hearing Jin Zhuo say this, Huo Zhongting nodded, "Actually, this is what I am worried about. His ability has reached level 4, so his control ability is estimated to be even more powerful than before. Yes, you can ask Huang Wenwen and Cao Yan to see if they have seen any strange people recently. Also, you can also withdraw your people! I think the other party is cautious. I came into contact with Cao Yan and Huang Wenwen again, after all, as long as he wants, he can control anyone to help him."

"Okay, head, I will immediately send someone to ask Huang Wenwen and Cao Yan to see if they have seen any strange people recently."

Hearing Jin Zhuo's words, Huo Zhongting nodded.

Huo Zhongting was wondering who the inner should is, and he saw Gu Xun's idiotic voice, "I'm looking for your Colonel in an emergency. You can let me in."

"No, sir, you and my colonel don't have an appointment, so you can't go in."

Hearing what the secretary said, Gu Xunlian was not happy, "I still need to make an appointment to meet with your colonel. What are you kidding me? Get out quickly. If you don't give up, don't blame me for being impolite!"

Seeing that Gu Xun was about to break through, Huo Zhongting reluctantly opened the office door quickly, "What brings you here!"

Seeing Huo Zhongting appeared, Gu Xun really didn't dare to come hard, "Hey, evil wind, brother, you are not interesting enough! I broke my arm last time, you didn't even go to comfort me."

Hearing Gu Xun's words, Huo Zhongting said with a smile, "If I don't mean enough, I won't let people send that strange beast to you. Is it true that people can let that strange beast go out of the horse? ?"

Knowing that what Huo Zhongting was talking about was the truth, Gu Xun didn't even bother about it.

"The layout of your office is much better than that of my dad's. You don't know the style of my dad's office. The whole is an old school. I don't know which university you thought he was a professor."

Hearing Gu Xun's spit on his father Gu Zhen, Huo Zhongting said amusedly, "I didn't think that I would go to the Three Treasures Hall without any problems. Let's talk about it! What did you ask me to do today?"

"Brothers, I haven't seen each other for so long, so I can't get in touch with each other!"

Gu Xun's words made Huo Zhongting a little speechless, "Don't rectify those empty-headed things, either of us don't know who! Let's talk! What the hell are you looking for me for?"

Hearing what Huo Zhongting said, Gu Xun stopped being polite, but said directly, "I want to apply for two high-performance off-road vehicles."

Gu Xun's words surprised Huo Zhongting, "What about your previous one?"

Hearing what Huo Zhongting said, Gu Xun said bitterly, "Don't mention it, the previous two cars were scrapped by zombies when they were on mission, and they are basically unusable."

"In this case, if you don't use it to find me, the base will solve this problem for you, so what do you do to come to me?"

Huo Zhongting’s words made Gu Xun laugh happily, "Brother, I fell in love with your George Patton, you know, in terms of performance and quality of the car, there is no one that can beat your George Patton. Anyway, you usually No need, just borrow me to drive for a few days."

Seeing that Gu Xun's purpose was actually this, Huo Zhongting smiled and said decisively, "No, except for my George Patton, you can choose the other one, but that one won't work."

Knowing that Huo Zhongting said one’s unique temperament, Gu Xun didn’t dare to insist anymore, “Okay, okay! Don’t borrow, don’t borrow, you are fierce, but I can remember your words, except for the George Patton. Let me choose the others!"

Hearing Gu Xun's words, Huo Zhongting nodded.