Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 139: Minimal


Invincible words made Huo Zhongting all kinds of doubts, "Good smell? What good smell made you so out of control just now?"

Hearing the master's question, Wudi Shenyin said for a long time, "It can't be described, but the smell on your body is similar to the master, so I'm surprised."

Invincible words made Huo Zhongting smile directly, "Because it tastes a bit like mine, so you don’t want to be disciplined to scare people like that. Then if you meet someone who tastes like me again, you Are you planning to find another master?"

Hearing what the master said, Invincible also realized that her behavior today was a bit too late. After a long time, she said, "Master, I know it was wrong, and I will definitely not dare to do this in the future."

Seeing that Invincible had a good attitude of admitting his mistake, Huo Zhongting pondered for a while before he said, "Capital crimes are unavoidable, but life crimes are inevitable, so I will punish you not to eat tonight. Can you be convinced?"

Hearing what the master said, Invincible said quickly, "I'm convinced, but it's really weird! I've never met someone who has the same taste as your master before. Not to mention others, grandpa is also very close to you. Come on! Although the taste on his body is a bit similar to that of your master, but not to that extent, master, do those two human cubs have anything to do with you!"

The speaker had no intention, and the listener had the intention. Although Invincible did not intend to say it, Huo Zhongting was lost in thought.

When Huo Tingshen returned home after class in the evening, he was called aside by Huo Zhongting.

Huo Tingshen is still wondering when he sees his uncle being mysterious, "Uncle, why are you weird today."

Hearing Huo Tingshen's words, Huo Zhongting said with a smile, "What's wrong with Uncle! Isn't it the same for Uncle? I called you aside, but I actually have a question to ask you?"

"What's the problem! Uncle, ask!"

As soon as Huo Zhongting said this, Huo Zhongting asked the question he had prepared a long time ago, "Have you seen the pair of dragons and phoenixes from Uncle Pan's house?"

Hearing this question from his uncle, Huo Tingshen said with a smile, "Not only have I seen it, I have also played with them, uncle, don't you know that Dabao and Xiaobao are so cute, I want my parents to give it to me. I have given birth to a younger brother or younger sister."

"Then who do they look like!"

Although I don’t know why his uncle asked, Huo Tingshen still said honestly, “I don’t see who they look like, but Uncle Pan and Aunt Pan said that Dabao looks like Sister Zining, but Xiaobao said he looks like Zining. Sister's boyfriend who died early, but uncle, what are you asking for?"

Hearing Huo Tingshen's question, Huo Zhongting said with a smile, "It's nothing, I just asked because I was curious. By the way, what did I learn in the cram school today!"

At this time, Huo Tingshen, who was still young, didn't understand that his uncle's trick was a cliché, so he was very excited to tell his uncle what he had learned during the day.

After putting Huo Tingshen to sleep at night, Huo Zhongting also went back to his room to rest.

However, he was not completely asleep at this time. If you look at the time of Pan Zining's pregnancy, it is entirely possible that she is that girl.

Of course, the reason why Huo Zhongting had this suspicion was that besides what Tian Tian Wudi said, he also felt that Pan Zining was familiar.

He couldn't remember where he saw her before. If she really was the girl that night, then everything would make sense.

However, even though he had doubts, Huo Zhongting knew that it was not the time to tell the truth. After all, he could not produce any evidence other than doubt.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Huo Zhongting took Fengshen and Invincible to the mountains.

As a result, halfway through the road, I didn't expect to encounter a group of three strange beasts headed by Mengmeng who had been waiting for them for a long time.

Seeing this, Huo Zhongting asked Invincible with some doubts, "Did you call them?"

Hearing the host's question, Invincible nodded, "Although I am strong, they are the ground snakes on that mountain. Since they are looking for someone, of course they have to let the three ground snakes go out."

Invincible words also surprised Huo Zhongting. After all, he really didn't expect that the three strange beasts in Professor Pan's home would have reached the level of ground snakes in the mountain behind.

When the group of people went to the mountain, the whole mountain was quiet. If it weren't for the chirping of a bird or two from time to time, it would have thought it was a deserted mountain.

After finding an open space to rest, Invincible turned around and said to the Mengmeng Jun who followed her, "My master and I are waiting for you here. Except for Khan, the three of you are left to inquire about me. Go to the news about the female leopard and alien beast!"

Seeing that Invincible wanted to leave the Khan, Mengmeng hesitated. After all, Khan is his little brother. If the big guy vents his anger on Khan by his dissatisfaction, wouldn't this little brother just explain it to him? Here it is.

Seeing Mengmeng Jun’s hesitation, Wudi said angrily, “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to your little brother. I promise that when you come back, he won’t lose a single hair. You can rest assured now. NS?"

Seeing the bosses say so, Mengmeng nodded quickly.

After watching Mengmeng and the others leave, Invincible turned around and looked at Khan, "Master, I really didn't expect that Yi Beast was so weak when he was a child."

Hearing what Invincible said, Huo Zhongting said with a smile, "Don't forget what you just promised to Mengmeng, you said not to bully him."

Khan was also overjoyed by Huo Zhongting's words, and quickly hid behind the savior.

Seeing this, Invincible sneered, "You are quite smart, knowing to find a new backer, but you can't be sheltered by my master in vain. Use your power to help my master heal. You should be able to do it! "

Mengmeng nodded quickly when he heard the boss say so.

I thought there was nothing wrong with the boss's master, but when the master of the boss was enveloped by his supernatural powers, Khan discovered that something was wrong in the opponent's body.

An hour later, Khan finally fell down because of an overdraft of his abilities.

Seeing this, Invincible was also shocked, and hurriedly asked Khan what was going on.

Facing the boss's fierce inquiry, although Khan didn't have much energy, he still struggled to use his brain waves to say to the other party, "My ability does not work on those strange elements in your master's body, the boss."

Hearing what Khan said, Invincible was also shocked, "How could it be? Isn't your ability cured? How could it not work?"

The words of invincibility made Khan even more afraid. After a long time, Khan spoke tentatively, "Is it possible that my current power level is too low! Actually speaking, my power It’s not that it doesn’t work on those ingredients, but those effects are so insignificant that they can be ignored."