Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 157: That stone


Thinking of that possibility, Pan Ning could no longer remain calm.

Pan Ning was anxious, Huo Zhongting's Invincible also used his ability to levitate, wanting to find the eighth-level zombies and the fifth-level zombies.

Not to mention that after some investigation, she really found it.

The eighth-level zombie and the fifth-level zombie were standing on the shore closest to the dam in a confrontation. Although the two zombies didn't do anything directly, the zombies next to them were already ready to move.

As long as their respective bosses gave an order, they would immediately be able to squash down the heads of the zombies on the opposite side that made them displeased.

"Interesting! Interesting, that fifth-level zombie can actually be evenly matched with that eighth-level zombie. No wonder this zombie king who later became a ninth-level zombie does have two brushes."

At first, Invincible was still watching the excitement, but soon she stopped thinking about it, because she found that the two sides didn't seem to be just a fight, their real purpose seemed to be to grab territory.

Seeing this, Invincible immediately looked at the group of zombies on the opposite side.

After confirming that the two sides were indeed grabbing territory, Invincible immediately had a guess in her heart. At this time, she didn't care about the others, and quickly returned to the master by using her levitation ability.

"Find the figure of the eighth-level zombie and the fifth-level zombie?"

Hearing the owner's question, Invincible hurriedly told the other party when she saw the screen, and besides that, she was still guessing at the end that there might be something near the Sanshui Dam that could make the zombies escalate quickly. Tell Huo Zhongting.

Huo Zhongting was also shocked by the words of invincibility. After pondering for a while, he said, "Your guess is very likely. If it is really just a turfgrass, the fifth-level zombie will not be the same as the eighth-level zombie. Head-to-head, after all, this kind of power gap is still terrifying, but the fifth-level zombie arbitrarily went against the eighth-level zombie, just for a site, so it is very likely that there is something under the Sanshui Dam. Attracting zombies, it is precisely because of this that the eighth-level zombies that should not have appeared so early have also appeared, but now there is a question in front of us, what is that thing?"

Hearing the owner's question, Invincible shook his head, "I don't know, but the two groups of zombies have been standing on the shore, is it possible that the thing is actually in the water."

The words of invincibility aroused Huo Zhongting's thinking. After a long time, he continued to say, "How is the water quality over there?"

Although I don't know why the master asked this, Wudi still said honestly, "It's pretty good, it's crystal clear, but master, what do you ask this for!"

"If it's something in the water, just take it away. What I am worried about now is that it may not be something in the water, but the water itself, that makes the gang of zombies abilities quickly upgrade. Otherwise, why are the two groups of zombies? Keep trying to take this place as your own."

When reminded by the owner, Invincible also suddenly realized, "If it is really like that, it would be terrible. After all, the water capacity is so large. If the speed of the zombie upgrade is changed by the water, then the supernatural person and the living Will the humans who come down have a way to survive?"

Seeing the worry on Invincible's face when he said this, Huo Zhongting groaned for a while and said, "Just now it was just a guess. You still have to see the facts before you know it. You don't have to worry too much. ."

Just as Huo Zhongting and Wudi were wondering what was going on under the water, Pan Ziqian caught an eight or nine-year-old loli who had stolen food before his waist.

I have to say that this little girl is too thin, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a rod.

It may be because of the long-term unsaturation and no sunlight. Not only does the little girl have no meat, but the skin is also pale and unhealthy.

After being caught, she just looked at everyone blankly, as if she didn't understand what everyone was going to do to her.

Suddenly a little girl appeared, and everyone immediately became vigilant, but when they saw the opposite door opened, everyone finally knew where the little girl came from.

Seeing that it was the right child, everyone was relieved.

But seeing the children have been out for so long, the adults still didn't move at all, and everyone murmured.

In the end, Yang Laosan was a little bit more courageous and decided to check the situation of the room opposite.

After Yang Lao San entered for a while, he ran out with a pale face, "There is no adult on the door, how did this child live until now?"

Hearing what Yang Lao San said, everyone was shocked.

As soon as Laosan Yang's words fell, the little girl in Liu Jin's arms laughed like a silver bell.

Seeing this, Liu Jin was also shocked, and immediately threw the person out.

I thought that the little girl would definitely fall to the ground, but in fact they thought too much. Instead of falling, the little girl stood firmly on the ground instead.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't seep it even more, and some people got goose bumps directly on their arms.

The little girl laughed enough, and then she said, "Want to know how I lived till now, come here and I will tell you!"

As early as when the little girl started laughing, Pan Ziqian was already stupid, because the laughter he heard from the nightmare last night was exactly the same as the laughter the little girl is making now, not bad at all.

Hearing the girl say this, everyone retreated back and forth, but before they could run out, the door of the room was closed.

Seeing this, everyone was shocked, and the gaze looking at the little girl was even more shocked.

Before everyone could get out of their panic, the little girl who was across from her started to pull a thread and seemed to grow up.

The little girl after the change is basically the same as a normal human being. Except for the extremely pale skin, everything else looks normal.

Seeing this, everyone was even more shocked. In the end, Pan Ziqian didn't hold back and asked her, "What the hell are you?"

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, the little girl smiled, "I am the zombie king."

Everyone was shocked by what the little girl said. They had to take a step back subconsciously, and only after they posted it on the wall did they realize that they could not retreat.

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing Yang Lao San asked this, the little girl smiled and said, "I didn't want to do anything! I just want to chat with you, of course, if you can leave that person with me, it would be even better. "

Seeing the little girl pointing her finger towards herself, Pan Ziqian also looked dumbfounded, "Let me stay?"

"Yeah! You smell so good! It smells exactly like the stone underwater, I like it."