Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 17: Ready to save people


Pan Ziqian woke up and cared about the pregnant woman's condition, but Pan Ning was not. After she woke up, she went straight to her backyard.

At this time, the results of the two comparative experiments in the backyard are clear at a glance.

The seeds in the pit where the supernatural water was irrigated had grown eggplant seedlings, but there was no movement in the other place.

Seeing this, what else does not understand, Pan Ziqian's ability is indeed mutated.

Thinking of this, Pan Ning was also overjoyed. Before, she was worried about sustainable development. Now that she has the power of a cheap brother, what else can she worry about.

When the time comes, you can grow whatever you want, and the family of four will no longer have to worry about food.

At the breakfast table, Pan Ning had a great appetite because of her previous discoveries. Instead, Pan Ziqian and Zhang Mingyu had only eaten a bowl of porridge and put down their rice bowls because of something in their hearts.

Seeing this, before Pan Ning could speak, Pan Mingchang asked, "What's wrong with you mothers? Why do you eat so little! No appetite!"

Hearing Pan Mingchang's question, Zhang Mingyu groaned for a while and said, "The pregnant woman who was thrown out was beaten by hunger in the morning. Can't let her in, can you give her something to eat! We can't die. Save!"

Seeing her mother said this, she looked at herself, Pan Ning drank the porridge in the bowl and then said, "I didn't say not to give her something to eat, but be careful when you give it. Don’t let the person on the other side see it, otherwise that group might snatch the food away."

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Zhang Mingyu and Pan Ziqian were also overjoyed, and the two immediately went to the basement to find something to give to each other.

Seeing his mother and younger brother like this, Pan Ning pondered for a while and then raised her head and asked her father, "Dad, do I have a face that cannot be saved?"

Hearing Pan Ning’s question, Pan Mingchang laughed, "Hahahaha, no, how could my daughter do? You just think more than your mother and your brother. Actually, there’s nothing wrong with it. After all, it’s In the last days, people will do everything in order to survive."

Seeing that someone at home still understood him, Pan Ning was very satisfied and went to clean up the dishes.

Considering the inconvenience for the pregnant woman to light a fire, Pan Ning asked Zhang Mingyu and Pan Ziqian to take a lot of directly edible things such as bread, milk, and mineral water to the pregnant woman.

The first two days were okay. The pregnant woman was indeed full, but when the person in the villa opposite found out that the pregnant woman had food, the pregnant woman's situation became more difficult.

Every time the food was given to the pregnant woman, the group robbed the pregnant woman of the food, so that the pregnant woman was already hungry for several meals.

And in order to prevent the pregnant woman from escaping, they also sent someone to guard her specially.

As a result of not eating enough for several days, the pregnant woman's face is yellowish and thin, and her whole body is thin. Except for the surprisingly big belly, everything else is as thin as a stick.

Seeing this, Pan Ziqian has been observing the situation of the pregnant woman. Pan Ziqian knew that if the pregnant woman stayed with the group again, it is estimated that the pregnant woman and the child in her belly would be really bad luck.

Faced with this situation, Pan Ziqian had to go to Pan Ning again to discuss the old things.

I thought it would be troublesome, but I didn't expect Pan Ning to agree as soon as he spoke.

Seeing this, Pan Ziqian was stupid. After a long time, he said, "Sister, do you agree to this? Aren't you worried about bringing wolves into the room before?"

Hearing Pan Ziqian's question, Pan Ning smiled, "I have nothing to do these days to observe the pregnant woman. She really broke with the group, so naturally there is nothing to worry about."

Seeing that this is the case, Pan Ziqian also suddenly realized.

It is not so easy to rescue the pregnant woman from that group of people. After all, the other party has a large number of people, and their family adds up to only four old, weak, sick and disabled plus a big fat cat.

The first thing to do is the rescue plan.

Considering that Pan Ning is a pregnant woman, and Zhang Mingyu is a person who has nothing to do with chickens, their mother and daughter are finally arranged to do the work of coordinating.

As for the real rescuers, Professor Pan and Pan Ziqian, and of course their helper Mengmeng.

Although there are guards around the pregnant woman, they are actually just two people. As long as they are unexpected, they can still rescue the pregnant woman.

Only the choice of time is very important.

Several people argued for a long time, and finally set the hands-on time at eight o'clock tomorrow night.

There is a reason why they are here, because this time is when everyone is laziest to eat and drink, and it is also the time when their vigilance is weakest.

Pick this time to start, just to hit them by surprise.

At this time, Pan Ning was very fortunate that he had bought the electric batons before the end of the world.

If there was no electric baton, Pan Ning would not dare to let his father and younger brother save people.

Early the next morning, Pan Ning, as usual, ordered Pan Ziqian to deliver food to the pregnant woman.

Hearing what his sister said, Pan Ziqian thought at first that he had heard it wrong.

Once again, I was sure that my sister had indeed explained that, Pan Ziqian was spartan.

"Sister, why give them food! You know that even if the food is delivered, it won't reach the pregnant woman's belly. Instead, it will be cheaper for the shameless ones."

Seeing Pan Ziqian said this with a puzzled face, Pan Ning said unhurriedly, "Suppose you are the group who guards pregnant women. If we suddenly don't give things to pregnant women, what is your first reaction? "

Pan Ning's words caused Pan Ziqian to fall into contemplation. After a long time, he said, "If I were really that group of people, I would probably abuse the pregnant woman to force us to submit."

Seeing that the younger brother wanted to understand the key points so quickly, Pan Ning nodded with satisfaction with Ruzi's teachable eyes.

"That's it. In addition, I actually have another consideration. Now there are only two guards around pregnant women. If you don't give anything suddenly, you might be shocked by the number of people guarding the pregnant women. Increase."

Thinking of the curves in it, Pan Ziqian hurriedly followed Pan Ning's instructions to throw some food at the villa next door.

At six o'clock in the evening, everyone in the Pan family added a big fat cat to eat and drink, and they began to prepare for the rescue at eight o'clock in the evening.

The first thing you need is four electric batons.

When Pan Ning handed the electric baton to Pan Ziqian and Pan Mingchang, he deliberately explained to them that as long as there is someone blocking it, regardless of men, women, old or young, you should not start politely.

Hearing Pan Ning's request, Pan Mingchang and Pan Ziqian nodded heavily.