Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 19: Animals are not as good


Bai Ru lived very comfortably in Pan's house.

So that in just seven days, she quickly gained weight visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Pan Ning and Zhang Mingyu all breathed a sigh of relief.

The longer she stayed in Pan's house, the more puzzled Bai Ru became.

Because she found that the Pan family's various materials could not be more complete, as if she had known that it was going to the end of the world.

At first, Bai Ru was embarrassed to ask. After all, she was only rescued by someone else, so why was she embarrassed to ask questions.

But she was really curious, and coupled with her straightforward character, she finally didn't hold back the question.

"Sister, I really don't understand one thing about me. I found that your family's supplies are very complete. Is this accidental or is it because you have been prepared for the end times?"

Through the understanding of Bai Ru these days, Pan Ning was very surprised that she had only asked her doubts until now.

After all, according to this one, one would say one and two would be said two, definitely not the kind of person who secretly ponders.

"Of course it's because all the preparations have already been made, otherwise how could ordinary people hoard so many things at once."

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Bai Ru was still shocked even though he had been prepared for a long time.

After a long time, she said, "Then how did you know that there will be something you want in the end times! Does anyone in your family have the ability to predict?"

Seeing that Bai Ru suddenly thought of this, Pan Ning had to re-examine the male protagonist's real mother.

Sure enough, he could give birth to a son as good as the hero, how could this Bai Ru really be that kind of mediocre person.

Thinking of this, Pan Ning smiled and shook her head, "Of course not. The reason we know that the end times are coming is because my brother saw it on a forum."

While talking, Pan Ning took out Pan Ziqian's tablet, found the screenshot of the forum, and handed it to Bai Ru.

“We didn’t take it seriously before, but then there was a subway bite incident on TV, which made our family have to re-examine the incident. Later, after our whole family decided, we decided that we would rather believe it or not. No, it is precisely because of this that we have hoarded so many materials you see now."

Seeing that this was the case, Bai Ru nodded clearly after reading the tablet.

"I just said how ordinary people would hoard so many things at once, but your whole family is also keen enough, and through these things, you decided to prepare early, which is really amazing."

When Bai Ru said this, his face was full of admiration. Pan Ning said with a smile, "What is great? If we lose, our loss is not great. After all, these things can be used normally."

The two were talking, and Zhang Mingyu came out with two bowls.

"Bairu and Zining, come soon. I have stewed two bowls of bird's nest. You two will eat soon."

Seeing her mother put down the bird's nest, she went to the kitchen again. Pan Ning was not polite, and started to eat a bowl of bird's nest. On the contrary, Bai Ru didn't do anything.

Knowing her scruples, Pan Ning said with a smile, "Hurry up, you don't want to think about others, you also have to think about the child in your stomach, you have suffered a lot a while ago, and you don't want to let your child have any problems after birth, right? !"

I have to say that these words really touched Bai Ru's weakness.

This time she didn't want to linger anymore, but began to sip like Pan Ning.

After eating the desserts, Bai Ru and Pan Ning, two pregnant women, went upstairs to rest together.

It wasn't long before Pan Ning lay down before hearing a knock on the door.

Pan Ning knows the family's personality, if it is not particularly anxious, the other party will definitely not bother him.

After all, the family knows that this time is always her nap time.

After getting up from the bed with difficulty, Pan Ning opened the door of the room. Outside the door was really an anxious Pan Ziqian.

"what's going on?"

Hearing the question from her sister, Pan Ziqian was not polite, and directly told her what had happened outside.

It turned out that the group of people who lived in the villa in front of them hung a little boy to a tree and said that if their family didn't provide food, they would kill the little boy next time.

Pan Ning sneered when he heard what Pan Ziqian had said. This group wanted to kidnap them morally.

If they did what the other party wanted this time, then this group would try their tricks again, not knowing how many threats they were threatened.

Thinking of this, Pan Ning indifferently said, "Don't pay attention to them, I want to see if we don’t get the bait, what will they do next? Are they really planning to kill an innocent little boy, if they really do? If something like this is not as good as a beast, then we can't be coerced by them."

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Pan Ziqian nodded.

After Pan Ziqian left, Pan Ning planned to go back to the room and continue to take a nap, but she didn't expect to be stopped by the awakened Bai Ru.

"Sister, wait, I know what happened to that child."

Hearing Bai Ru's words, Pan Ning stopped and waited for her next words.

"That child is the child of the head of the villa next door to my house. He originally lived with his grandpa and grandma, but at the end of the world, his grandparents were all zombie, so he was left in the whole family."

Said this, Bai Ru sighed, and then continued, "That's a good boy. Several times he knew that I was not full, so he secretly gave me his biscuits, sister, can you think of a way to save him? , I'm really afraid that the gang of benevolent people will kill that child."

Bai Ru's words made Pan Ning hesitate. After a long time, she said, "It depends on the situation. Previously, I saved you because the other party was not prepared, but now it is obvious that the other party is coming towards us. If we take the initiative to get into the trap. Jump, then not only the child will be unlucky at that time, but also the old, weak, sick and disabled of us."

Knowing that Pan Ning’s words make sense, Bai Ru pondered for a while and then said, “Sister, you’re right, try your best! If possible, it’s better to save the child. After all, he is too young. , This year is just eight years old."

When Bai Ru said this, Pan Ning nodded.

At dinner, everyone at the dining table was very silent. After all, there was a child hanging from a tree and being beaten outside.

Halfway through eating and eating, Pan Ziqian finally couldn't help but said, "Sister, I really can't help it. You said that those people are capable, so why don't they use it on adults? They deal with a child like this, and their conscience won't Are you upset?"

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning put down the tableware and then said coldly, "They have a conscience? Don't worry, they won't. They have given up their basic conscience as a person in order to survive in the last days. They can no longer Call it a human, that's a beast."