Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 25: The male protagonist is born


Considering that Bairu and the others have just moved here, the things may not be very complete. Pan Ning let the Bairu couple eat at their home for dinner.

The reason why Pan Ning would go to dinner is not just to connect with their husband and wife.

In addition to this purpose, she also wanted to ask her father to compose Ren Qiang's words at the dinner table.

When they learned that their villa would not be taken back and let them use it independently, Pan Ning's hanging heart finally let go.

There is a reason why Pan Ning has such worries. Although the novel is very good, what if the other party changes his mind.

Therefore, it is necessary to check to make Pan Ning completely relieved.

In fact, Pan Ning really thought a lot. Let’s not say that now their villa is the only one left in their community. Even if there are other families, their villa will not be expropriated.

After all, their family was Bai Ru's lifesaver, not to mention that they had saved Huo Tingshen before.

In the face of Huo's and Ren's, no one would make an idea about their house.

After sending away Ren Qiang and his wife in the evening, Pan Ning smiled contentedly at the lights around him that hadn't been lit for a long time.

After returning to the living room, Pan Ziqian said eagerly, "Sister, the zombies in our community have been cleaned up, plus the military stationed, can I go out and stroll tomorrow!"

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning groaned for a while before saying, "Well, but you still have to be careful when you go out. By the way, you'd better take Mengmeng and Khan to go out together. After all, the base has just been established. No one can guarantee anything."

With Pan Ning's permission, Pan Ziqian almost jumped up happily, "En, I remember, sister, don't worry, when I go out tomorrow, I will definitely go out with Mengmeng Jun and Khan."

This night everyone in the Pan family slept very sweetly. After all, they are now different from before. They have troops stationed here.

I have to say that the Xia people are a magical nation, and they have trust and awe of the soldiers in their natural bones.

In their minds, as long as there are places where soldiers exist, their safety can be guaranteed.

The Pan family thought they could sleep until dawn, but they didn't expect that in the middle of the night, they were awakened by the sound of smashing the door.

The person who smashed the door was not someone else, but Ren Qiang's personal guard.

Seeing him, Pan's family was also shocked and quickly asked what had happened.

It turned out that Bai Ru's amniotic fluid suddenly broke in the middle of the night, and she was about to give birth.

They do have military doctors in their army, but they have no experience in delivering babies.

In the end, Ren Qiang remembered that Zhang Mingyu was an obstetrician and gynecologist before the end of the world. Because of this, it was the scene of smashing the door in the middle of the night.

Seeing that this was the case, Zhang Mingyu didn't dawdle either. After bringing his own toolbox, he hurriedly followed the guard to the next door.

Zhang Mingyu followed the guards and left, leaving the rest of the Pan family to lose sleep.

After Pan Ning got dressed, she followed Pan Ziqian to the next door.

But she didn't go empty-handed. Considering the sudden arrival of the end times, Bai Ru may not have time to prepare diapers and milk powder for the child. The end times will suddenly come.

Before he passed, Pan Ning instructed Pan Ziqian to go to the basement to get many diapers, milk powder, small blankets, various clothes, vaccines and so on that the children would need.

Anyway, as long as her son had a share, she had prepared a share for Bai Ru's son.

Pan Ning is not stupid. If he doesn't hug his thighs at this time, when will he go.

After all, sending warmth at this time is more memorable than sending warmth in the future.

When Pan Ning led Pan Ziqian to arrive, Bai Ru's sharp yelling sounded in the room.

Seeing Pan Ning and the others came with a bunch of things, the guards who were not married were also dumbfounded.

In the end, it was Pan Ziqian who told him what they had brought, and this stunned guard suddenly realized.

I have to say that Pan Ning and the others sent these things in time. After all, they just came here and everything hasn't been settled yet.

Not to mention that the children are diapers, they can't even get the little blankets for children.

Fortunately, the Pan family sent it. If the child is born in a while, should they still use the dirty quilt to wrap the child

After handing over the things to the guards, Pan Ning finally reached the second floor with the help of Pan Ziqian.

Outside the door of the master bedroom on the second floor, they saw Ren Qiang pacing back and forth like a headless fly.

Seeing that he was more nervous than the parturient, Pan Ning and Pan Ziqian laughed.

They just couldn't laugh anymore right away.

Zhang Mingyu came out and called Pan Ziqian in and asked him to beat him. It turned out that Bai Ru's fetus had signs of dystocia.

Hearing what Zhang Mingyu said, Ren Qiang was even more worried.

After some struggle, he said to Zhang Mingyu, "If you really can't give birth, please be sure to protect your adult."

Hearing Ren Qiang's words, Zhang Mingyu said angrily, "I haven't reached that stage yet, don't worry, if I have reached such a stage, I will definitely protect your lord without you saying."

After saying this, he dragged Pan Ziqian in.

Bai Ru had lived for twelve hours in total, and it was not until 1 o'clock in the afternoon the next day that he finally gave birth to this super-large child weighing eight kilograms and two taels.

Although there were signs of dystocia later on, in the end it was the mother and the child being safe.

When Zhang Mingyu and Pan Ziqian came out to report the good news, both of them were exhausted.

Seeing this, Pan Ning hurriedly arranged for two people to rest, while she directed the others to clean up the delivery room.

When everyone was almost ready to clean up, and the child was wrapped in a small blanket, Pan Ning finally had time to look at the male lead.

I have to say that the male protagonist has been different from the moment he was born.

In the last days, he could weigh more than eight catties when he was born. One can imagine how powerful this child is.

In addition, what shocked Pan Ning the most was that although the male protagonist was completely red when he was born, there were no wrinkles on the child's face.

She subconsciously took out her finger and poked him in the cheek, but she didn't expect to poke the eldest brother awake.

Pan Ning thought he would not be able to escape a thunderous cry, but he didn't expect the newborn baby to smile at him.

Seeing this, Pan Ning was also a little surprised.

But soon Pan Ning couldn't laugh, because the little baby was actually sucking her finger.

Seeing this, Pan Ning still has nothing to understand, he is hungry.

Considering that Bai Ru had fainted and it was impossible to feed him milk, Pan Ning hurriedly asked the guards to make him milk.

Fortunately, when he came, Pan Ning also brought a baby bottle, otherwise the male protagonist would be hungry when he was born.