Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 27: Jealousy leads to trouble


Now that you have become a child's godmother, you can't say nothing with nothing empty-handed.

In order to make his godson eat well and dress well, Pan Ning specially moved half of the good things he prepared for his son to Bai Ru's house.

In addition, Pan Ning also sent a lot of supplements to Bairu who was in confinement. According to this nourishing strength, let alone holding two for three years, it would be no problem to hold three for five years.

Here Bairu sat confinement in a happy atmosphere, and those people who heard that their villa area had become the base camp also rushed back.

Originally, this group of people was thinking about having a big deal after returning, and then thinking about other money-making activities. It turns out that they thought too well.

Their villa has been requisitioned by the state a long time ago. Not to mention that their real estate certificate is no longer found. Even if they are found, it is impossible to return the villa to them.

However, considering that they were originally the original residents of this community, they were finally settled in an empty villa together with other survivors.

Of course they are not satisfied with this arrangement, but at this time they have no choice.

After all, this is the end of the world at this time, not the previous rule of law society.

They don't want a place in the inner zone, but someone in the outer zone is rushing to get it.

At this time, many people are jealous of Pan Ning's family. After all, their family has only four people, but they occupy an entire villa.

It was okay at the beginning. Although everyone was dissatisfied, they didn't say anything.

But as the friction of living together increased, the dissatisfaction in everyone’s hearts became more and more high, so some people said, “Why do they have so many people crowded together, but the Pan family of four can occupy a villa? Isn’t it too unfair for them to treat them differently?"

Hearing this person's words, the garrisoned soldiers sneered and said, "Fairness? When are you talking about fairness with me? This is not the previous rule of law society, and what contributions have you made to this base! You guys! I just want a villa for nothing, who gave you such a big face!"

What the garrison said was like a slap in the face and slapped their faces fiercely. It was because they had been so stable these few days that they had forgotten it. Now they are different from before.

Although this group of people was ready to be quiet as chickens, the garrison still reported what they had said that day.

After listening to the guard's report, Ren Qiang sneered and then said to the guard, "Since they are talking to us about fairness, let them all go to the outer zone and let them know what true fairness looks like."

The efficiency below is very fast. In fact, to be precise, the garrisoned soldiers have been dissatisfied with them for a long time.

Just because they were former residents of this villa area, they have already enjoyed better treatment than others, but not only did this group of people not know how to be grateful, they actually had to make an inch of it.

If it hadn't been for the order from above, they would have sent out the moths long ago, how could it be possible for them to be a hindrance to everyone here

In fact, this group of people also hit the gunpoint by themselves. How did their group treat Bai Ru before? Although Ren Qiang didn't see it with his own eyes, he basically guessed at odds and ends.

Although the group who left before did not do any substantial harm to Bai Ru, the abandonment is essentially a kind of harm.

Not to mention the things the group of people later did before. He didn't let Bai Ru come forward and identify them one by one. He was already worthy of them.

Before they were the original residents, he couldn't deal with them, but he didn't expect them to die on their own. That was just right to let them know what the suffering life of the people in the outer area was like.

Pan Ning, who had a big belly, didn’t know what was happening outside, but Pan Ziqian, who liked to go outside to inquire, knew everything.

Knowing what happened outside from Pan Ziqian's mouth, Pan Ning was also lamented.

Saying a thousand words and ten thousand is the fault of jealousy.

If they honestly don't do things, Ren Qiang really has no excuses to deal with them. After all, they are also original residents, but they didn't expect them to die by themselves, then no one can blame others.

Having said this, Pan Ning suddenly thought of something, "By the way, do you see anyone familiar with that group?"

When reminded by her own old sister, Pan Ziqian immediately understood the meaning of her question, "There are really two, sister, do you want to tell Brother Ren about this matter?"

Hearing Pan Ziqian's question, Pan Ningpi smiled without a smile, "Tell, of course I have to tell. They didn't have the slightest concern that Bai Ru was a pregnant woman and Ting Shen was just a child. Such people stayed in the base. But it's a time bomb!"

With the permission of his old sister, Pan Ziqian immediately ran out to file a complaint.

Pan Ning didn't know exactly what happened afterwards, only that the old money and Liu Da were driven out of the base. As for the reason, it was also very simple, because they stole.

Although they kept claiming that they were wronged, no one believed them at all. After all, they were stolen.

After helping Bai Ru avenge, Ren Zhen also had a full moon.

That's right, the male protagonist is still called Ren Zhen in his life. It is said that the reason why Ren Qiang gave his son such a name is to hope that his son can be a sincere person when he grows up.

I have to say that after the full moon, the child has changed a lot, not only has his weight increased a lot, but the whole person has also gained a lot of weight.

It looks like a New Year painting doll, so dear.

None of those who came to the full moon feast did not praise this child.

I have to say that the good things Pan Ning gave to his godson were really not for nothing. In addition to kissing her mother, Ren Zhen was the second kisser of Pan Ning.

As long as he saw Pan Ning, this little baby who couldn't even sit would grin at her with a grin, so much so that even Bai Ru himself laughed and said that the child seemed to be Pan Ning's own.

Although the supplies are scarce now, Pan Ning has no intention of wronging his godson.

Not only did she make a full moon cake with a rice cooker, but she also found a lot of goodies from her own house to make her godson catch Zhou.

After Pan Ning was busy for so long, the kid Ren Zhen did not live up to Pan Ning's expectations. When he caught Zhou, he caught the only pistol in the pile of good things.

Speaking of it, Ren Qiang put the pistol inside, but he didn't expect that kid Ren Zhen caught the best in it as soon as he caught it.

Seeing that Ren Zhen's child had caught a pistol, many people present came forward to congratulate Ren Qiang, saying that the tiger father has no dogs. Anyway, just say whatever is good to be obedient.

As a result, Bai Ru's face blushed at the end. After all, in her opinion, a little doll who can't even sit can really not bear the high expectations of everyone.