Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 38: Little tiger


Seeing being taken apart by his own old sister, Pan Ziqian said with a guilty conscience, "Okay, okay! I'll be honest, in fact, I want to know what the hell you are doing if you don't sleep in the middle of the night."

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning said irritably, "What can I do with a pregnant woman with a big belly? It was Mengmeng who asked me to come out. Okay, let's not grind here. Let’s estimate it for a while. Will be discovered."

When reminded by his old sister, Pan Ziqian also realized that this is not a place to talk.

After returning home, Pan Ning pushed the kitten placement work to Pan Ziqian. As for her, she planned to go upstairs to rest.

Before she fell asleep, she was awakened again by a knock on the door.

As soon as the door opened, Pan Ziqian said eagerly, "Sister, this doesn't seem to be a cat cub!"

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning, who was sleep deprived, said angrily, "What is it if it's not a cat cub? Isn't this the baby of an orange cat?"

"He is not the baby of an orange cat, sister, look at the part of his eyebrow, is there a faint king character?"

Pan Ziqian's words also shocked Pan Ning. She took a closer look, and it seemed that there really was a king character.

"Hey, it's a tiger cub. When did our Mengmeng have friendship with tigers."

Having said this, Pan Ning suddenly remembered the picture she had seen in her mind.

At the time she thought it was the orange cat that mutated to become so big, now think about it again, where is the mutated orange cat! That is a tigress at all.

"Sister, let's not be in trouble! Tiger cub, it is absolutely impossible for the tigress to put it there secretly, it can only be artificial."

After being reminded by Pan Ziqian, Pan Ning remembered an event recorded in the book.

The male director Zhen once acquired a strange animal when he was ten years old. The strange animal was a tiger with wind power. It is said that he can travel thousands of miles on this tiger.

It is impossible to know what the truth is, but the only thing that can be known is that the tiger's abilities are indeed very powerful.

Although the tiger's abilities are very powerful, but the tiger's childhood is very miserable.

It is said that not long after he was born, he was taken away by people with ulterior motives for him. After many years, those people always wanted to tame him, but he never gave in.

It was not until the male lead appeared that he escaped and ascended to heaven.

If this little tiger is really the alien tiger of the male lead, that would explain why he didn't give in.

Although this little tiger was young when he was taken away from his mother, he should know the gang who killed his mother.

The vengeance of killing his mother is not shared, so it's strange that he would succumb.

"You're right. It must be done by human beings. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a tiger to put his child under the eyelids of human beings."

Seeing that his elder sister also agreed with her statement, Pan Ziqian said with some worry, "Then what should we do now, if the other party knows that the little tiger was taken away by us, they will definitely find a way to deal with us."

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning laughed, "They won't know that the little tiger was taken away by us, they will never."

Seeing her old sister said so categorically, Pan Ziqian was even more embarrassed.

Early the next morning, the sun had just risen, and the soldiers stationed in the center of the base did indeed spot a tiger with no teeth.

Seeing this, they hurriedly reported the discovery, and the little tiger sent it to the top leader of the base.

Pan Ziqian breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the little tiger being taken away safely.

That's right, Pan Ning's way of thinking is to lead the disaster to the east.

In fact, it is not Dongyin to be precise. In order to prevent this little tiger from repeating the fate in the book, Pan Ning thought for a while and finally decided to find him the biggest backer.

After all, only the backer is hard, and the people behind will not make his own ideas again.

Facts proved that Pan Ning's method really worked.

As for the final ownership of the little tiger, it is said that it was handed over to Huo Zhongting, the eldest son of the top leader of the base, Huo Shen.

Pan Ning and Pan Ziqian breathed a sigh of relief as the little tiger's matter was resolved smoothly.

As for Mengmeng Jun, although he was reluctant to Pan Ning and the others transferring the little tiger to others, when he saw that the little tiger was well taken care of at his new host's house, he was not dissatisfied.

The little tiger's matter was resolved smoothly, and then we need to think about the future path of their family's development.

It must be a hard need to become stronger. After all, if you fall behind, you will be beaten, but Pan Ning needs to think about how to become stronger.

After some thinking, Pan Ning first hit the zombie crystal core with his idea.

Pan Ning knew that as people with abilities' desire to become stronger became stronger, the effect of zombie crystal nuclei would be discovered sooner or later.

Considering that the price of the crystal nucleus may continue to increase at the diving price in the future, Pan Ning decided to hoard a bit before the secret of the zombie crystal nucleus is revealed.

If you want to do this thing, you can't put it on the surface. After all, once it is known to outsiders, they will not be able to explain it at that time, so Pan Ning put his idea on the black market.

In the black market, as long as you can afford generous rewards, let alone some rare and good things, even if you want someone's life, someone will risk taking this task.

As Pan Ning and the others gave a very generous return, as soon as Pan Ziqian released their task, someone immediately took it.

In fact, it is a fool not to pick it up. After all, the crystal nucleus of the zombie is still very easy to obtain. Although the number required is a little more, it is nothing compared with the generous return.

Seeing that Pan Ziqian was always going in and out these days, Bai Ru, who was holding the child, asked Pan Ning with some doubts, "What has Ziqian been up to these past few days."

Hearing Bai Ru's question, Pan Ning said with a smile, "I am not particularly clear about the details."

"Is it possible that you have met a beautiful girl? He should be getting better at this age."

Seeing the gossip on Bai Ru's face, Pan Ning quickly agreed and said, "Well, it's also possible. By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what mission did your Ren Qiang perform this time!"

At this time, Bai Ru didn't realize that Pan Ning was changing the subject. She said very frankly, "It is said that it seems to be the next city to rescue a particularly important scientist."

When Bai Ru said this, Pan Ning became interested, "Scientist, which scientist!"

"I am not particularly clear about the details, but I heard from my family Ren Qiang that this scientist may be able to develop a vaccine against the zombie virus. Because of this, the base will send a team of people to rescue him."

Bai Ru said this step, and Pan Ning had basically guessed who this scientist was.

If she didn't guess wrong, the scientist Ren Qiang went to rescue this time should be the professor Yan Xinlin Yan Da who developed the zombie vaccine twenty years later.

This Professor Yan Xinlin is no ordinary person. If Pan Ziqian is a genius, then Professor Yan is a genius among geniuses.

His current achievements in biology are beyond the reach of some fifty-something old professors, not to mention that he is only 27 years old now.