Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 5: Start to work


Hearing what Pan Ning said, Zhang Mingyu groaned for a while and said, "That's just a dream. Dreams are all fake. How can you take the things that happen in your dreams seriously?"

Zhang Mingyu’s reaction was as early as Pan Ning expected, so she calmly continued, “I thought the same after waking up from the dream. I thought it was just a dream. I must have had this strange dream because I didn’t sleep well recently. , But the things in the dream are too real, so I subconsciously checked the community on the Internet where the surviving base in the dream is located."

"To be honest, I have never heard of the name and location of the villa community before, but strangely, I checked on the Internet and found that the location of the community and the appearance of the villas in the community are the same as my dreams. Until that one is exactly the same, Mom, if this happens to you, do you think you can calm down?"

Pan Ning's words made Zhang Mingyu, Pan Mingchang and Pan Ziqian all stupid. After a long time, Pan Ziqian took the lead and said, "Sister, when did you dream of the end times?"

Hearing what Pan Ziqian said, Pan Ning didn't go to hide it, but said directly, "On August 13th, there are almost 23 days before now."

Pan Ning's words also made Pan Ziqian fall into contemplation. After a long time, he said, "Parents, my sister's dream may not be just a dream. It should be God's warning to our family!!!"

The son's words made Pan Mingchang and Zhang Mingyu even more stunned, "Why do you say that? Do you know something?"

Hearing this question from his parents, Pan Ziqian stopped talking nonsense, and immediately took out the tablet from the bag on the sofa.

"As early as a week ago, such a post appeared in a forum I often went to. The blogger in the post didn’t say anything else. He just said that the end of the world will come on August 13th. He asked everyone to prepare early. When I saw this post, I didn’t take it seriously. I thought it was just the other side’s alarmist talk, but my sister’s dream made me realize that the other side might not be the other side’s alarmist talker. If nothing else, the end of the world would indeed be. Come on August 13th."

After reading the forum posts, both Pan Mingchang and Zhang Mingyu did not speak for a long time. Seeing this, Pan Ning and Pan Ziqian were not anxious. After all, this kind of thing has been digested for a long time even for their young and young, not to mention it. Their parents are such old-fashioned things.

The two husbands and wives, look at me, look at yours, and after seeing each other for a long time, Pan Mingchang said, "Although I don't know if it is true or not, it is definitely not wrong to prepare early."

With the support of his parents, Pan Ning's house-buying business started smoothly.

Pan Mingchang and Pan Ziqian led Pan Ning to buy the house the next day. To be honest, don’t look at Pan’s family as if they are not particularly rich, but in fact, their family is really small and it is also through the purchase of this house. Only then did Pan Ning know that the old couple had more than 4 million in deposits.

In other words, after buying the house, she still has enough money to store various supplies.

There are a total of five villas in Qingyuan Community for sale. In the end, Pan Ning chose a relatively side-by-side single-family villa with a yard. The reason why he chose this is because of the good location of the villa, and that this villa has a particularly large one. The basement is just right for storing various supplies.

Since the last owner hadn’t even stayed a few times after finishing the decoration, they could move in as long as they simply cleaned up.

After all the procedures for buying a house were completed, Pan Ning immediately began to plan her storage supplies. Originally because she was pregnant, Pan Mingchang and Zhang Mingyu didn't want her to get involved with this matter, but she insisted on doing it in person. Seeing this, no Pan Mingchang and Zhang Mingyu who worked on the method also followed her.

Speaking of it, she is really the only idler in their family now, and both parents have jobs to get them. As for the only younger brother who is still a Ph.

But fortunately, as long as you have money, you can do anything, so Pan Ning's great cause of buying and buying is not hindered.

If you want to survive in the last days, food is essential, but you can’t store too much. After all, if there is too much, the food will grow worms. So Pan Ning thought about it, and finally bought 20 bags of rice. , Five bags of millet were placed in their basement.

In addition to food, there is another indispensable thing in the end times, and that is the generator. After all, in the end times, the national power grid is all paralyzed.

For lighting, most people use candles or torches, so Pan Ning went to the hardware market to order ten sets of solar power panels after buying food. In addition, she also ordered a diesel generator. .

Of course, in addition to these lighting equipment, she also buys candles and flashlights.

I have to say that diesel generators are really expensive! If it weren't for the support of his parents, Pan Ning would not be able to afford it, because one would cost more than 100,000 yuan, but when they thought that all their family lighting would depend on this man in the future, Pan Ning would have no complaints.

After the two just needed to be resolved, Pan Ning finally had time to reserve the others. The first thing that needed to be stored was fresh water.

After the end of the world, most of the water resources are polluted. Although not a small part of it can be imported, it is not so ubiquitous anymore.

Therefore, Pan Ning will definitely not let go of such a scarce thing. She bought a total of 50 boxes of mineral water. Besides, she also bought more than 20 barrels of bottled water.

If she had to store other things, she would really like to store them again. After all, in the last days, water resources are really scarce, and it is not an exaggeration to say that water is gold to drink.

In addition to water, Pan Ning also stores a lot of condiments and daily necessities. After all, there are still several people in the family who will use it in the future.

At this time, Pan Ning would have to thank God for taking care of her. If it wasn't for someone in the family who was a doctor, or just relying on Pan Ning's medical knowledge, she would at most store a little gauze, cold medicine, anti-inflammatory medicine and so on.

However, because there are two professional doctors in the house, they have all kinds of hospital supplies. If it is not for the purchase and sale of large-scale medical equipment, Zhang Mingyu wants to buy some large-scale medical equipment that may be used at home. Inside.

In addition to these, Pan Ning also bought clothes that the whole family might need for each season. The five people in the family (including the one in her stomach), she never let go. Everyone must have at least twenty or so pieces. Change of clothes.

Since Pan Ning will be the mother of the child soon, she also stored a lot of diapers for her son when she was storing supplies.

You can say so! The diapers she bought can be used by her son from birth until he is ten years old. Of course, this is a joke. The reason why Pan Ning stores so much is also in case it might be useful in the future.

In addition to diapers, Pan Ning also stored a lot of things for her son, what kind of prickly heat powder! Food supplement! Milk powder! Anyway, as long as her son can use it, she stores it all over again.