Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 59: Mysterious mission


After sending Aunt Sun away, Pan Ning pondered for a moment before saying to Pan Ziqian, "Aunt Sun will definitely not be the last to ask our dad to make up lessons for the child."

Hearing what her old sister said, Pan Ziqian immediately understood the extended meaning of her old sister's words.

"If we have to help our dad with tuition lessons one by one, then our dad can't be too busy! Aunt Sun is quite reasonable like this, and I'm afraid of encountering that kind of unreasonable."

Seeing that his cheap brother understood what he meant so quickly, Pan Ning was very satisfied and gave him a teachable look.

"That's it, so we have to think of a solution once and for all. After all, dad belongs to the two of us, and the others don't feel bad. We will have to feel bad if we are sons and daughters."

Pan Ning's thoughts were actually what Pan Ziqian had in mind.

After Professor Pan returned from Huo's house in the evening, Pan Ning told him what Aunt Sun had asked for and what their siblings were worried about.

After listening to Pan Ning's words, Pan Mingchang also pondered for a long time. After a long time, he said, "Actually, I was thinking about this when I was giving Tingshen lessons recently. Although there are not many children in the inner zone, There are more than a dozen children of the right age who should go to school. There is no reason to make these children all illiterate in the future. I was thinking about waiting for half a year before going to talk to the people above about this matter, but now it seems that I can’t go any further. Dragged behind."

Seeing that my dad had an idea for a long time, Pan Ning had nothing to worry about. After all, Professor Pan had much more experience in education than she was half-hearted.

I have to say that Professor Pan is very efficient. Within a few days, Professor Pan was granted an idle warehouse as a classroom to teach the children in the inner area who were just eight or nine years old. Of course, Huo Tingshen and his grandson were among them. Aunt's grandson's.

In fact, having friends of the same age learn together is a good improvement for Huo Tingshen both in physical and mental health and in his overall development.

Of course Huo Shen also thought of this, so when Pan Mingchang made this request, he agreed to this matter with a big wave of his hand.

Others don't know how much effort the Pan family has exerted, but Sun Lianfeng knows. After receiving the notice that his grandson can go to school, Sun Lianfeng took her daughter-in-law to come to their home to express his gratitude.

Of course, it was not empty-handed. Although the things brought by both Sun Lianfeng and daughter-in-law were not particularly rare, they brought things that were very practical, such as various pickled vegetables and dried shaguo that they dried in the summer.

Pan Ning knew about Aunt Sun's family situation, and knew that the other party had brought these things to their home, so she didn't challenge her.

Of course, before leaving, Pan Ning did not let them go empty-handed. Not only did he bring back fifty corn cobs, but he also brought them some fresh vegetables.

After all, children are still growing their bodies, so they don’t need to eat meat or something, but if they don’t eat vegetables, they will lack vitamins for a long time.

Pan Mingchang started a small cram school, Bai Ru quickly learned about it through Ren Qiang, and she immediately agreed.

Although Ren Zhen, Pan Zhe and Pan Cheng are still young, they will eventually grow up. It is impossible for them to become illiterate because the end of the world has come.

If that were the case, it is estimated that zombies would not be needed, and within a few generations, modern civilization would disappear to the point of degrading the entire world to an uncivilized period.

Of course, Bai Ru did not come here just to say this, she also brought five thousand first-level zombie crystal nuclei.

In the face of Bai Ru, Pan Ning was also a little trapped, "What are you doing!"

Hearing Pan Ning’s question, Bai Ru said with a smile, “Didn’t you ask Ziqian to send two thousand zombie crystal nuclei to my house? Of these five thousand, two thousand will be returned to you. As for the remaining three thousand, It’s the money for sheep and grain. You ask Ziqian to deliver grain to my family again and again. I remember it in my heart. Although the relationship between our two families is good, but the saying goes well, relatives have to settle accounts. As for you I will not give you the milk powder and diapers that I sent to Ren Zhen before."

Seeing Bai Ru's expression of embarrassment when she said this, Pan Ning said with some dumbfounding, "I didn't want you to give money. You still have to give money. When have you been such a foreigner with our family."

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Bai Ru said with a smile, “In fact, it’s not my outsider. It’s not easy for everyone to live well in the last days. We are a family of three. Ren Zhen, your godson, takes advantage of your family. After all, you are His godmother, but my old man and I are taking advantage of your family with such big faces! Besides, your family has helped me a lot before, so how can I do that kind of gratitude and revenge."

Seeing that Bai Ru had said this for the sake of it, Pan Ning wouldn't go and tear her up here, but there was one thing that Pan Ning was very curious about.

"Where did your family get so many lost crystal nuclei?"

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Bai Ru smiled happily, "Isn’t my old clerk on a mission last time? It seems to be a reward. One of the rewards is these five thousand zombie crystal nuclei. To be honest, I was still worried about how I could pay back the money I owed your family. I didn't expect that I would have nowhere to look for it if I stepped through my iron shoes.

Bai Ru's words made Pan Ning suddenly realize.

But what is the task! Actually gave so many rewards.

Although he was curious in his heart, Pan Ning did not ask.

Just as Bai Ru was sent away by the front foot, the five thousand zombie crystal nuclei on the coffee table were not waiting to be put away. Zheng Yi, who came back from a mission, came in with a bunch of things.

"Sister Zining, who is here!"

Hearing Zheng Yi's words, Pan Ning replied with a smile, "It's Bai Ru next door, your wife of Brother Ren Qiang. You have been working hard this time! Why do you feel that you seem to be darker than before."

Pan Ning's words made Zheng Yi smile a little shyly, "Hey, yes, the captain said the same before. By the way, sister, uncle, aunt, and brother Ziqian, why aren't people here today!"

Hearing Zheng Yi's question, Pan Ning replied with a smile, "Your uncle went to the make-up class to teach the children in the inner area, and your aunt went to the neighbors' house as a guest. As for where did Yu Ziqian go? , I really don’t know, that guy sometimes I can’t catch his shadow, Ayi, it’s not that I said you, come here every time you come, what do you do with so many things! Don’t you bring things? I won't let you eat anymore?"

Being teased by Pan Ning, Zheng Yi touched the back of his head and smiled embarrassedly, "Actually, it is not. The problem is that I am alone in my family. I can't eat so many things in the army, so I want to bring it back. Everyone ate it together. Actually, I didn’t just bring it to your family. I also delivered things to the Wang and Hou’s not far away. So sister, you don’t have to be embarrassed.”