Cannon Fodder Raising a Baby in The Last Days

Chapter 80: Mrs. Wen Yu


"If you must choose an ally, I have to say that this Baidi base is the best choice, but unfortunately, they may not look down upon us. According to the information we have so far, this Baidi base should have It has a very complete earthquake prevention system. In the last earthquake, only their base was affected the least, and the other bases were very destructive."

Hearing what his subordinates said, Zhou Mo nodded, "I know what you are talking about. Let it go beforehand. After the zombie frenzy has passed, I will figure out which base to ally with."

As soon as the meeting was over, everyone saw Mrs. Zhou Mo holding the child outside the door. Seeing this, everyone hurried forward to say hello.

"My sister-in-law."

Hearing what everyone said, Wen Yu, who was holding the child, spoke very softly, "Good for you."

When everyone was gone, Zhou Mo finally came out of the meeting room.

"Why don't you say hello when you're here? You've been waiting for a long time!" As he said, he took his daughter from Wen Yu's hand.

Hearing Zhou Mo's question, Wen Yu said with a smile, "It hasn't been long, let's go! Let's go home for dinner! I have asked my aunt to prepare the food.",

Wen Yu's words made Zhou Mo smile, "I must have done a lot of good things in my previous life to make me lucky to marry you in this life."

Wen Yu blushed when Zhou Mo said so, "There are still people here.

After saying this, the husband and wife left the child very lovingly, leaving the people around them with a mouthful of dog food.

If Pan Ning was present at this time, she would definitely recognize Zhou Mo’s wife as her cheap cousin. At the same time, she would also understand why Hongyun Base had foreseen the earthquake and the zombie bird frenzy, because she was the wife of the highest commander of the base. Is born again.

It's just a pity that Pan Ning didn't see it, so she still believes that there is another supernatural person with the same predictive ability as Zhao Shiman in the Red Cloud Base.

A few days after Bai Ru and Pan Ning finished talking about the zombie bird frenzy, the base issued a zombie bird frenzy warning.

In addition to informing the people about the zombie bird frenzy, the base also nailed the windows of all houses with wood.

Of course, in addition to this, there are also sticky nets built around the base that are specially used to stick birds. Although the effect may not be particularly good, it can at least serve the first wave of preventive effects.

The base is undergoing intensive construction, and Professor Yan Xinlin has also achieved results, but since there have been no ready-made test products, it is not known whether the effects of the developed reagents are good.

Hearing this good news, Huo Zhongting was also overjoyed, but when he learned that the zombie bird had not been found so far, his face was a little bit awkward.

After all, he had talked to others about the test product before.

Seeing that things were stuck in this link, Huo Zhongting pondered for a while and decided to personally lead the team to catch zombie birds.

The reason he personally led the team to set off was also because he considered that he had self-healing ability and could reduce casualties to a minimum at that time. After all, things like zombie birds are not as easy to catch as zombies.

Knowing that Pan Ziqian was about to give another mission, Pan Ning was also shocked, "This is about to arrive at the zombie bird frenzy, what mission are you doing at this time!"

Hearing what his old sister said, Pan Ziqian also said helplessly, "We have nothing to do with the requirements above! But sister, don't worry, with the experience of the last time, I will definitely not trust people casually in the future. NS."

Knowing that the military order cannot be violated, in order for Pan Ziqian to return safely, Pan Ning not only instructed Mengmeng and Xiao Lei to guard him without leaving, but she also asked Pan Ziqian to bring the khan.

Seeing this, Pan Ziqian couldn't laugh or cry, "Sister, it takes enough effort for me to take care of me alone. Now you let me take him, aren't you afraid that he will drag me down?"

Hearing Pan Ziqian's words, Pan Ning said irritably, "What can he do to drag you when he is so young? Then you just need to put him in your backpack. I let Khan follow you. Actually, it's for your own good. It's very long and two short, and Khan is there, maybe you can really save a little life."

Seeing that if he didn't agree, his elder sister would still grind, Pan Ziqian said quickly, "Okay, OK, can't I take me with you?"

Pan Ning was relieved that Pan Ziqian was escorted by the three big monsters.

However, even though she had made the most comprehensive preparations, she was still in fear during the three days that Pan Ziqian had left, and she was afraid of accidents.

Seeing her like this, Bai Ru said angrily, "You are so worried, then I have to worry more, I said that you are scaring yourself, don't you have Mengmeng and Xiaolei with you?"

Hearing Bai Ru say this, Zhang Mingyu, who was coaxing her granddaughter and grandson on the sidelines, also agreed, "No, besides, Aqian is still following Ren Qiang. Aqian is not reliable, but Ren Qiang is a reliable one. People who are composers, with Ren Qiang, don't worry!"

Knowing that what my mother and Bai Ru said was the truth, but Pan Ning couldn't help but not worry.

This is not the same as the first time the cheap brother went on a mission. At that time, he didn't seem to be so worried, but this time he didn't know why he was worried.

Pan Ning had just put the child to fall asleep that night when she heard a loud noise coming from outside.

At first Pan Ning thought it was a pedestrian passing by, but when the noisy sound got closer and closer to their house, Pan Ning could no longer deceive herself.

After turning over and getting out of bed and opening the door, Pan Ning realized that his parents had also been awakened by the sound outside.

"Parents, why are you awake too!"

Hearing what Pan Ning said, Pan Mingchang frowned and said, "I was awakened, what happened outside!"

"I don't know, I just want to go out and have a look."

When Pan Ning's words fell, he heard the sound of knocking on the door.

"Someone is knocking on the door, who is this party!"

Hearing Pan Ning's question, Pan Mingchang said to her solemnly, "I will go with you."

Before and after arriving at the door, Pan Ning did not open the door immediately, but asked vigilantly outside, "Who! Knock on the door at night."

Hearing Pan Ning's question, Ren Qiang standing outside the door quickly said, "It's me."

Seeing that it was Ren Qiang, Pan Ning had no worries and opened the door.

After opening the gate of the yard, the first thing that caught Pan Ning's eyes was Pan Ziqian lying on a stretcher.

Seeing this, Pan Ning was also shocked, "What the hell is going on! Where is the injury!"

Only when Pan Ning's words fell, Zhang Mingyu who came downstairs also saw the situation of her son. Seeing this, she ignored the others and immediately rushed over, "Where is it hurting!"