Carefree Scholar

Chapter 10: Ways to deal with bears


The chubby boy looked about ten years old. When Li Yi turned his head to look over, the other party was looking at him with an unconvinced expression, and there was a little scrutiny in his eyes.

This kind of gaze is not uncommon, the few boys around him all have the same thing in their eyes.

Rao is Li Yi's two generations, and he doesn't understand what these brats are thinking in their hearts.

What's with that faint hostility

It was obviously the first time we met, and he didn't know these brats before!

"Why do you want to be Miss Ruyi's husband?"

At this moment, the burly boy looked up at Li Yi and said, "When I grow up, I will marry Sister Ruyi as my wife!"

Li Yi was slightly taken aback when he heard this, and didn't recover for a while. A brat with no hair at all, actually wants to marry someone as a wife

Looking at the few brats next to him who obviously shared the same hatred with him, Li Yi finally understood where their faint hostility towards him came from.

It seems that he still underestimated the charm of his wife!

But it's normal when you think about it carefully. What do these brats who run around the village with their buttocks naked all day know

Tong Yan Wuji, the adults in the village will naturally not care about anything with them, as time passes, such thoughts will become more and more deep in their minds, and they themselves will not realize what is wrong.

However, Li Yi's appearance dealt a devastating blow to these immature brats.

Thinking of the goddess who married back home as someone else's wife when she grew up, she was naturally very unconvinced.

Fortunately, they were just some simple-minded children. If it was someone else, I'm afraid they would pick up a kitchen knife and fight him.

Glancing at these brats who looked like fighting roosters, he naturally wouldn't care about them, coughed lightly, "Go back to your seats and sit down, if you don't remember what I taught you today Stay here and don’t go home for dinner.”

The first meeting with the bear children was not very harmonious, and Li Yi showed a little majesty as a gentleman in a timely manner.

For the current world, he has already done some understanding. Various customs and etiquette norms are roughly equivalent to ancient China, and respecting teachers and teaching is still the mainstream thinking.

This kind of thinking penetrated into every class, so even if these bear children were not convinced in the face of him, they all sat back to their seats honestly.

In the past, when Mr. Qin was here, if they were mischievous in class, Mr. would tell their adults about their performance, and they would inevitably have a big meal after returning home.

"A filial son is born under a stick", for these uncivilized ordinary people, it is still the only creed in educating children.

For the sake of their own buttocks, these brats dare not be too presumptuous in school, but even though they all sat in their seats, their faces still had a proud expression, and pairs of clear and transparent eyes were full of despise.

Xiongzi's thoughts are very pure, and everything in his heart is written on his face. Li Yi glanced at them lightly, and said slowly: "This is the first class in the morning, we don't teach anything else, let's talk about it first." Let's relax, everyone."

Hearing the word "story", the faces of all the brats immediately changed into a look of interest.

Growing up in Liuyezhai, including my own adults, all the people around me, including my own adults, are rough people who have never read books. How can they know how to tell stories

When you are really bored, you can pester your second uncle to tell about the legendary past of the ancestors of the Liu family, but it will be annoying to hear such things too much... Mr. Qin is the only scholar in the village, but he always looks cold in class The coffin face scared the children so much that they didn't dare to breathe out, expecting to tell any interesting stories from his mouth can only be daydreaming.

Before the official lecture, Li Yi has successfully aroused the curiosity of the bear children.

Sitting at the front, the most burly boy, although there was some anticipation in his eyes, he still curled his lips in disdain: "What's so good about the bad story..."

Li Yi had a panoramic view of the expressions of all the brats, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.

To deal with these innocent brats, he has ten thousand ways to use...

"Today I want to tell a story about a monkey."

In front of Li Yi's eyes, there was an illusory book floating on it, with the three characters "Journey to the West" written on it.

"The chaos is undivided, the world is chaotic, the vastness is indistinct, and no one sees it. Since Pangu broke the majesty, he opened up the distinction between the clear and the turbid..." Li Yi read a few sentences, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and looked back at the children with bewildered faces Only then did he realize that he had just picked up an original version of Journey to the West. The language was relatively obscure, and with the IQ of these brats, they definitely couldn't understand it.

With a thought, a vernacular version of Journey to the West was already in front of me.

"The chaos is undivided, the heavens and the earth are chaotic... the vastness and indistinctness, no one sees it, since Pangu broke... broke the majesty, opened up Congzi... clear and turbid..." Li Yi didn't know that the two sentences he read just now sounded like thunder It exploded in the minds of all the brats.

Although I can't understand what this new gentleman is saying, but—it seems to be very powerful!

It was at this time that Li Yi's magnetic voice reached Xiongzi's ears again.

"It is said that a long time ago, the world was divided into Dongshengshenzhou, Xiniuhezhou, Nanfangbuzhou, and Beijuluzhou. In the Aolai country of Dongshengshenzhou, there was a mountain of flowers and fruits, and there was a fairy stone on the mountain. It cracked, and a stone monkey jumped out from the fairy stone, and the eyes shot out golden lights... "

A few seconds after Li Yi opened his mouth, the expressions on the faces of all the brats changed. They opened their mouths wide, and their big eyes shone with unbelievable light.

The monkey king was born, worshiped his teacher Bodhi, borrowed treasures from the Dragon Palace, and made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace...

With Li Yi's eloquence, the door to a grotesque new world slowly opened in front of the bear children.

This is a world they have never touched before, where gods rule and demons run rampant...

It turns out that thunder and lightning are caused by thunder and lightning mothers beating gongs in the sky; it turns out that after a person dies, his soul will go to a place called Hell, where there are judges of Hades and judges, and black and white are impermanent; , the clouds are deep, and there are countless magnificent palaces...

A monkey wearing golden armor gradually became clear in front of their eyes. With a stick that can become bigger and smaller, it is stirring the wind and rain in this world...

In the school, the children had long been immersed in this magical world, and everyone listened carefully with wide-eyed eyes, quietly without any noise.

When he heard that monkey hit the 33rd heaven by himself, and a hundred thousand heavenly soldiers and generals couldn't do anything to him, the chubby boy sitting at the front turned red, and even his breathing became short of breath. The eyes shot out with a strong brilliance that has never been seen before...