Carefree Scholar

Chapter 12: I'm afraid it's really something


When Li Yi walked into the school in the afternoon, what he saw was completely different from what he saw in the morning.

"Hi sir!"

All the brats sat in their seats with their heads held high, saluted him with solemn expressions, and their crisp voices were very pleasant.

At this moment, Li Yi actually felt a sense of pride and satisfaction as a gardener of the motherland.

Bear children are good, simple, easy to deceive, and do not hold grudges...

"Have you remembered all the words I taught you in the morning?" Li Yi didn't sit in the front seat of the gentleman, but sat down beside a certain brat casually and asked.

"Remember!" Seeing Li Yi's question, the bear children said in unison.

The bear boy sitting next to Li Yi looked a bit cramped, but he felt that this gentleman was different from the previous Mr. Qin. The stern Mr. Qin always sat in front with a serious face, as if someone owed him a few pennies Same, never sit with them.

"Okay, let's check first, who wants to come up first?" Li Yi asked looking at the bear children.

It always takes a lot of courage to dare to be the first to eat crabs. The bear children looked at each other a few times, but no one was willing to come up first.

"I'll come first!"

Suddenly, a voice came from Li Yi's side, it sounded like he had finally mustered up his courage.

Li Yi turned his head and saw the brat who told him in the morning that he would marry Liu Ruyi as his wife when he grew up, stood up from his seat, looking a little eager to try.

"Okay, it's just you, what's your name?" Li Yi looked at him and said with a smile.

"Sir, my name is Liu Xiaohu..." It seemed that Li Yi's smile infected the boy, and his expression relaxed. He walked to the sand table, took out a twig from his sleeve, and wrote on the sand table.

Li Yi got up and walked over. He leaned over and saw that although Xiongzi's handwriting was crooked and childish, it could be seen that he must have worked hard after he went down. He nodded and touched Xiongzi's head, and said, "Very good." , everyone should learn from Xiaohu in the future and be brave."

Bear children also have vanity, Mr. said in front of so many friends that he wanted them to learn from him, Liu Xiaohu's heart was as sweet as eating honey, the little fat blushed with excitement, and walked down with his head held high .

With Liu Xiaohu at the beginning, the next thing became much easier, and the brats came up one after another to be checked. The result surprised Li Yi as well. He knew that Mr. Qin would only make these brats recite things while shaking their heads, and he was far from being able to read, but this time, everyone actually wrote the word "Liu" correctly.

Is the story of Sun Monkey so attractive to them

It's hard to guess what bear kids are thinking, and Li Yi doesn't bother to guess, as long as they are obedient and obedient, after they all sit down and look like obedient babies with their heads held high, Li Yi asked: "What did we talk about in the morning?" Where is it?"

"Go to the Western Paradise and invite the Tathagata Buddha!"

The bear children answered in unison.

The recent behavior of the brats in Liuye Village is abnormal, which has attracted the attention of all the parents of the brats.

Sometimes they would see their children chasing a black dog in the village with a stick in their hand, shouting, "Xiaotian dog, where are you going?" "Xiaotian dog, die!" !", when the black dog saw the group of brats, it screamed and ran away.

This was just the first symptom, and later it even extended to muttering to a spider, a centipede, and a scorpion. The brats caught these things, pointed at them with sticks, chanted for a long time, and then trampled to death. Haha laughed twice, saying what it is to slay demons and eliminate demons...

What's more, he stole a gourd from nowhere, walked around behind others, and shouted: "Liu xx, do you dare to agree to my call?"

If someone else made such a move, they would have tied the other party up and roasted them on the fire, but it was their own child who went crazy, and they couldn't do it no matter what. There are a lot more wrinkles on it.

Of course, for my own children who were illiterate before, now they can actually write their names on the ground with a wooden stick. It is those words that they don’t understand but are very mysterious and high-level when they hear them. The parents of these bear children were shocked.

And the source of all this is because of the new gentleman in that school.

I heard that it was Mr. Yazhai who Ruyi went down the mountain to snatch it some time ago. Someone saw it from a distance. He looks handsome and thin. He looks like he can be blown down by a gust of wind, but he seems to have some skills. Even Mr. Qin The brat who can't be cured is actually submissive under his hands, it's the extreme evil.

Some parents of the bratty kids were even worried that the scholar had cast some kind of magic trick on their kids. After all, those scholars were so vigilant that they wouldn't let the bratty kids go to school again.

But what I never expected was that just as soon as the words forbidding bear children to go to school were said, my own child immediately lay on the ground and rolled around, wiping his nose and tears all over his body. Do not get up from the ground.

Li Yi didn't expect that the brats would be so good at what they have learned and put into use, and they would learn Sun Monkey's ability to play and roll in the Lingxiao Temple so quickly. This kind of new routine has never been experienced before. Adults can't deal with it at all!

In desperation, everyone had no choice but to unite to find the second uncle and persuade him to change to another husband. If this continues, their own children will not know what they will become!

"What are you panicking about, what are you panicking about? He is a scholar, so he wants you to teach how to teach?" The old man with white hair and beard was lying at the door basking in the sun, and impatiently waved his hands to everyone: "What should I do, what should I do? A bunch of idiots, don't worry about this matter in the future."

After everyone left helplessly, the old man stretched his waist a long way, with a pleasant smile on his face, he murmured: "It's really comfortable without these little bastards coming all day to bother you..."

Although there were many disagreements within the Liu family, other than Liu Ruyi, they listened to the old man most of the major events in the village.

As the oldest elder of the Liu family, Second Uncle has absolute authority in the village.

Now that the second uncle had already spoken, everyone no longer forbade the brats from going to school. Thinking of the changes in the brats during this time, they couldn't help but sigh in their hearts.

Even though that handsome scholar was just the Mr. Yazhai that Ruyi snatched back, I'm afraid... he has some real skills...