Carefree Scholar

Chapter 125: eat free food


A woman in a light blue policeman's costume walked into the shop. Lao Fang paused for a while with his hand extended to the wine jar.

Li Yi actually just waited for the female catcher to come and take away Ruyilu before he could close the shop and go back to the stockade. He still thought in his heart that if she didn't come over after dinner, he would send someone to the county government. Now It saves me the trouble.

Putting down the spoon in his hand, he stood up and took out the ruyilu that had been prepared for her from the counter, and when he handed it to her, he subconsciously said politely: "Have you ever eaten, Mr. Catcher? Have some food here before leaving?"

This phrase is a very common greeting both in the old world and now.

Food is the most important thing for the people, whether or not they can fill their stomachs is related to survival, and it is also an issue that people are most concerned about, no matter in ancient or modern times.

Therefore, when meeting, often ask the last sentence "Have you eaten?"

Over time, it has become a convention, and it has gradually become the most common greeting when people meet each other.

The standard answer to this greeting is "Thank you, I've eaten." After a few words of politeness, the two parted ways. One was enthusiastic and the other understood the etiquette.

Li Yi waited for the female catcher to politely refuse to leave, and then quickly finished her meal and went home from work. Seeing that the other party hadn't responded for a long time, when she looked up, she saw her staring at the egg fried rice on the table, and the next moment, she turned to look at him , Said lightly: "Alright."

The smile on Li Yi's face froze, as if he had thrown a rock at his foot.

The female head catcher's ruthless behavior made him unable to react for a while, and he was stunned for a while before he said: "Then, you sit down first... I'll get you a meal."

After all, she has been kind to herself twice, and Li Yi is not so stingy that he is reluctant to invite others to eat a bowl of fried rice with eggs. After a brief accident, he turned and walked towards the kitchen.

The female catcher walked to the table, put the saber aside, and sat down casually, looking at the egg fried rice on the plate, with a rare look of doubt in her eyes.

From childhood to adulthood, from delicacies to street food, she has tasted everything, but this is the first time she has seen this kind of food.

Just smelling this unique fragrance made her appetite shake.

Ever since the female catcher sat across from her, Lao Fang began to feel a little embarrassed.

One of the reasons is because of the identity of the other party, and the other reason is because of the pressure I feel from her.

This female official is a master.

Lao Fang knew in his heart that if someone who could make him feel this way really made a move, he might not be able to beat him.

"Is there wine?"

When the female catcher saw the wine jar on the table, her beautiful eyes lit up slightly, and she reached out to take the wine jar. After opening, the aroma of the wine overflowed, and a trace of surprise appeared on her face. A blush appeared, wiped the corners of his mouth, and sighed involuntarily: "Good wine!"

This is what Li Yi saw when he walked into the store carrying a plate of fried rice with eggs.

It seems that no matter men or women, no matter how much they drink, everyone in the old Li family is fond of good wine. Like Liu Ruyi, this female catcher always has a cold face, and when she sees good wine, she immediately changes her appearance .

"Where did you buy this wine?" The female catcher put down the wine jar, looked up at Li Yi and asked.

"Homemade." Li Yi put the egg fried rice on the table in front of her, sat back where he was just now, and started eating.

The wine she just drank has been distilled several times, and it should be about 40 degrees. The old Fang had a headache for two days a few days ago, and he didn't touch alcohol for a long time. It looked like he might not be able to drink this wine today.

Without waiting for the female catcher to speak again, he continued: "If you want to buy, wait a few days, and there will be this kind of wine for sale in Ruyifang."

The woman on the opposite side heard the words and didn't ask any more questions. After taking another sip of wine, she put the wine jar beside her and tasted the fried rice with eggs, her beautiful eyes lit up again.

He raised his head and glanced at Li Yi in surprise. Whether it was Ruyilu, spirits, weird paintings on the wall or meals he had never seen before, there were a lot of weird things around this scholar...

Lao Fang didn't enjoy his meal very much. When he met a free-feeding female headhunter, the good wine he finally got from his uncle was taken away by him, and he didn't have any intention of returning it. After eating a portion, Lao Fang was not full, and felt depressed, even the rice was tasteless.

After drinking and eating, the female arrester went to patrol the streets as usual. She was not bad at drinking, maybe even Lao Fang couldn't compare to her. She drank all the spirits in the small jar, and she still didn't change her face. She should be patrolling. Patrolling the streets, maybe Jing Guo didn't have a rule that arresters should not search the streets after drinking, but these were not Li Yi's worries.

After buying some things on the street, he and Lao Fang closed the shop, rented a carriage as usual in a garage not far from the shop, and drove out of the house slowly...

Back in the stockade, when passing the school, Li Yi stood outside the door and listened for a while. Qin Qing was teaching the children to recite the "Disciple Rules".

Education should start with children. Although we don’t know what kind of path they will take in the future, but after being watched for so long by a pair of admiring eyes, the respectful “Mr. It's worth what he's doing for these kids.

"Disciples Regulations", this is Li Yi's choice of enlightenment reading for the bear children. The rhythm is catchy, the writing is simple and popular, and it is close to the vernacular. Children are still young, and it is very important to cultivate good three views. In order to prevent them from becoming like their parents when they grow up, it is necessary to establish these correct concepts for them since childhood.

In order to make it more interesting, Li Yi compiled all the allusions originally used in the "Disciples Regulations" into short stories, and asked Qin Qing to teach a few words to the bear children every day, and then interspersed a few stories, such as Zhou Chu's Elimination of Harm Fighting tigers and fighting dragons, the children like to listen to such stories, so that they can remember them more firmly.

Of course, even in today's feudal and orthodox era, Li Yi still does not want the bear children to become foolish, loyal, and filial people when they grow up. The things taught to them have been greatly cut and revised to conform to the Confucian mainstream of this era Thoughts, but it will not seriously suppress the nature of the bear child.

After listening outside the school for a while, the bear children were all well-behaved. Qin Qing read a sentence, and they read the last sentence. The order in the school was no different from when he was there.

After that, I went to the workshop to see that Ruyilu had a lot of demand every day, but there were limited manpower in the stockade, and everyone was rushing to work. Fortunately, this situation should not last long. Li Xuan will send People come to observe and learn the distillation method. After a few days, the store in Prince Ning's Mansion will open, and the pressure here will be minimized.