Carefree Scholar

Chapter 25: Simple and honest big man


When Li Yi woke up, the sky was already bright, and he estimated the time, which was almost equivalent to ten o'clock in the later generations.

In the past, Xiaohuan would always wake him up early, and after washing up, it was time to go to the school to teach the brats.

Today is the first day after Qixi Festival. It is reasonable to say that Li Yi should be in the school at this time telling the bear children about Sun Monkey vs. Yellow Wind Monster, but according to his wake-up time today, if he goes to school now, he will wait until he arrives at the school Class is almost over.

After getting dressed, he just got out of bed when he saw Xiaohuan coming in from the outside with a water basin, looked up at Li Yi, and said, "Master, you're awake!"

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?" Li Yi asked, rubbing his swollen head, after sleeping for a long time and feeling a little dizzy when he got up.

"I saw that my uncle was sleeping soundly in the morning, so I didn't wake him up." Xiaohuan put the copper basin on the shelf beside him and said, "Young master, let's wash up first. I just went to the school and told those children to come back to class tomorrow."

In fact, Li Yi didn't have the intention of giving lectures to the bear children today, so he just washed his face with the water in the copper basin, and wiped it with a dry cloth symbolically.

In this era, there is a thing called pancreas, which is equivalent to the soap of later generations, but it is used by dignitaries to wash their faces or take a bath, and ordinary people can't afford it.

Li Yi has long been thinking about how to make soap. As an Aquarius with a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it is difficult to bear without washing his face every day.

After washing my face, I dipped a willow branch in some salt, and simply brushed my teeth. Salt is still very expensive in this world, and there are almost no poor people who use salt to brush their teeth, but he doesn't want to be like Xiaohuan, chewing willow branches to clean his teeth... That stuff tastes too bitter, not bad for that sin.

Walking out the door, I just saw Liu Ruyi coming back from the outside, with sweat dripping from her forehead, she should have just come back from practicing kung fu.

She just glanced at Li Yi without saying a word, and went back to her room to take a shower.

The room Li Yi lives in is in the front yard, and the back yard is the residence of Xiaohuan and sister Liu Ruyi, and he has never entered it.

Seeing Liu Ruyi's back disappear, Li Yi's mouth twitched.

It's okay for a person to be pretty and thick-skinned, blackmailing himself for hundreds of pennies, and pretending that nothing happened every day, at least Li Yi can't do this.

"Hey, Xiaohuan is here!"

A rough voice suddenly came from the side, startling Li Yi. When he turned his head to look, he found a burly middle-aged man walking into the yard from the outside.

When he saw this big man, Li Yi's body shook, and his face immediately darkened.

This big man and him are old acquaintances.

At that time, Liu Ruyi gave an order, and it was he who turned over and got off the horse, lifted himself up and threw him on the horse. When he suddenly saw this familiar face, Li Yi felt a little pain in his lower abdomen.

"Uncle Fang, what's the matter?" Xiaohuan said with a smile, looking very enthusiastic about the big man.

The big man smiled honestly, raised the things in his hand, and said: "You just caught the pheasant from the mountain in the morning, you take it to stew, and give the young lady a boost."

Only then did Li Yi realize that the big man was still carrying two "unidentified objects" in his hands.

It has a golden crest, colorful feathers, a red belly, and long feathers at the tail—the golden pheasant!

Li Yi glanced at the big man, is this the pheasant he was hunting on the mountain

Hunting and killing animals protected by the state, if this is done in later generations, it is an illegal act...

However, the golden pheasant is also a chicken, and it is good to have meat. Moreover, wild pheasants should be much tastier than the hens raised by Wu's family, right

All of a sudden, when Li Yi looked at the big man again, he actually felt that the originally hateful face was much more pleasing to the eye.

Xiao Huan looked embarrassed, and said, "Uncle Fang, you can take these two pheasants back, and let my aunt stew them for the children. We haven't finished eating the pheasants that uncle picked up two days ago."

Last year's harvest was not good, and every family in the village had a hard time. Liu's lineage was better, after all, it was the main family, at least they would not go hungry, but there were still many people who even had to eat two meals a day. After careful planning, the big man in front of him belongs to this type of person, and he might not be able to eat meat twice a year. Not only will the lady blame him if he accepts this pheasant, but Xiaohuan himself will not be able to reach out.

"Hey, gifted by the elders, I dare not say goodbye, Xiaohuan, you can't be so rude..." Li Yi strode over and took the golden pheasant from the big man's hand with a smile on his face, "Well, Uncle Fang, right? ,Thank you!"

The big man was stunned for a moment, and then he said with a silly smile: "I'm a vulgar person, I don't know how to say goodbye, my family said, if the old village owner gave us a bite of food, we would be hungry by now If you're dead, you can't be unconscionable, and you don't have anything at home, so you just take these two pheasants."

The smile on Li Yi's face became even brighter. People in ancient times were really simple and cute...

"Uncle..." The little maid tugged at the corner of Li Yi's clothes and opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say anything.

The big man turned his head and looked at Li Yi. Seeing his thin body, he smiled innocently, reached out and patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Young master's body is so thin, you should make up for it!"

A sudden force came from his shoulders, Li Yi's body staggered, and he almost fell to his knees.

The big man was stunned again when he saw this, and then scratched his head in embarrassment: "I'm really sorry, I have strong hands, and I forgot that my uncle is a scholar, and his body is weak. Please don't blame me..."

Li Yi's cheeks twitched a little for being cheap and good-looking, and he wondered if this guy's honesty was just pretending...

"Well... I'll go back first if it's okay, that guy is still waiting for me at home!" The big man rubbed his hands and said a little embarrassedly.

"Goodbye, Uncle Fang!"

Watching the figure of the big man disappear from a distance, Xiaohuan sighed leisurely and said, "Young master, you shouldn't have accepted these two pheasants just now."

Li Yi rubbed his shoulder that was still hurting, and asked doubtfully, "Why?"

"Before the master was kind to Uncle Fang's family, now there are only two young ladies left in the family. Uncle Fang often sends over some things, and there are some old brothers from the master, who usually help out with everything..." The little girl's pretty eyebrows Wrinkled, and said: "On weekdays, the miss doesn't let Xiaohuan take these things, and their not easy."

If the two hens in Wu's family were in his hands, Li Yi would definitely kill the chickens and pluck their feathers without any psychological burden. One would make fried chicken chops and the other boil chicken soup...

But after hearing what Xiaohuan said, he suddenly felt that the pheasant he was carrying was much heavier.

It's not good to receive favors for no reason, Li Yi thought for a while, and said, "How about we make two pheasants and send them some, even if it's a gift, how about it?"

The little girl's eyes lit up suddenly when she heard the words, and she said, "Okay, okay, the things my uncle cooks are so delicious, they will definitely like them."

Li Yi smiled. After putting the pheasant away, he waved his hand and said, "Clean up and go to the mountain to pick some fresh mushrooms. Today we will eat chicken stewed with mushrooms!"