Carefree Scholar

Chapter 28: Downhill shopping


Anqing Mansion is located in the southwest of Jingguo. It used to be the accompanying capital of Jingguo.

At this time, on an official road leading to the southwestern gate of Anqing Fucheng, several strong horses with shiny coats galloped towards them. The woman in a white dress pulled the reins, and the horses let out a long cry in pain. Hissing, he raised his horse's hooves high, and stopped when he was still some distance away from the city gate.


Several voices came one after another, and several burly men skillfully dismounted from their horses, and their horseshoes stepped on the ground chaotically, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"Uncle, Fucheng is here!" The big man surnamed Fang grabbed Li Yi's arm and jumped off the horse.

Li Yi looked up at the several feet high city wall, which stretched endlessly on both sides. He couldn't help feeling his legs go weak and his eyes dizzy.


Holding a willow tree beside the moat and vomiting for a while, the feeling of extreme discomfort subsided a little.

Of course, he didn't feel a sense of admiration just because he saw the city wall more than ten meters high, and he used this behavior to express the shock in his heart.

For a person who had never ridden a horse before and was forcibly pushed on a horse on a bumpy mountain road for more than ten miles, he was still standing here at this moment, which already showed that Li Yi's physical fitness was very good.

The first trip to Fucheng was not as perfect as Li Yi imagined. He felt exhausted before entering the city gate.

"Uncle, your body is too weak, you need to practice hard!" The big man surnamed Fang couldn't help but said when he saw Li Yi's uncomfortable look.

After riding the horse for a while, he vomited like this. This new uncle is good in everything, but his body is too weak, and he doesn't look like a man...

Li Yi gave the big man a hard look, and didn't bother to talk to him. He turned his head and looked at this bustling city with a relatively formal gaze for the first time.

There is an endless stream of pedestrians coming and going in and out of the city gate, mixed with goods and vehicles. It looks crowded, but it is orderly. Looking inside the city gate, it is even more crowded. The streets on both sides are full of various small stalls. The yelling of street vendors could be heard outside the city gate. Li Yi followed Liu Ruyi and others leading the horse into the city gate, and finally felt the prosperity of the city firsthand.

The streets under his feet are all paved with square bluestones. The eaves of the buildings on both sides of the street are rolled up, with carved railings and painted phoenixes, full of antiquity. Passers-by dressed in ancient costumes walk by, making Li Yi realize once again, What kind of world is he in now

Of course, the horse led by a man surnamed Fang is not the property of Liuyezhai. Jingguo is very short of horses, and to a large extent it has to rely on imports from other countries to meet its normal needs. The price of a horse on the market is between seventy and eighty taels About one tael of silver at this time is roughly equivalent to a thousand copper coins. Li Yi roughly estimated the prices of this era, and one copper coin is roughly equivalent to fifty cents in later generations. In this way, one horse is converted into RMB, It should be—it will cost a lot of money anyway.

If every family in Liuyezhai had a horse, they wouldn't have to eat bran and swallowed vegetables. The average living standard would definitely be above the well-off level, and they would stride into the middle class.

This just corresponds to an old saying that the one riding a handsome horse may not necessarily be a prince, but may also be a horse breeder!

That's right, raising horses is a sideline for some people in Liuye Village, including the big man surnamed Fang.

Most of these people's parents were born bandits, with pure bandit blood, and a bandit who can't raise horses is not a good bandit. Fortunately, they all inherited these excellent genes from their parents, although they all seem to be one by one. He is a rough guy, but his equestrian skills are very comparable. Using this skill can make some extra money, and can also subsidize the family.

However, since ancient times, most of those who sold coolies could only earn food and clothing. The exploitation in feudal society was even more serious, and the wages they got were only enough to ensure that the whole family would not starve to death.

Every month, Fang surnamed Dahan and others would take these horses down the mountain for an inspection, and receive their wages from the previous month by the way.

On the way here, Li Yi asked him that the monthly salary for raising a horse is 100 Wen, which is really pitifully low. You can only buy a few catties of rice, and you only have four months to raise a horse every year. , they will last a whole year.

After making an appointment at the meeting place when we went back, the big man surnamed Fang and others led the horse away. In the blink of an eye, Li Yi, Liu Ruyi also disappeared, and he was the only one left in place.

This made Li Yi very puzzled. Aren't they afraid that they would take the opportunity to run away

Thinking of the crazy old man who wanted to catch him, he couldn't go back to his previous home, and after he weighed his wallet, Li Yi suddenly felt that staying in Liuyezhai would be good...

I bought two buns on the street for four fen, and took a bite. The skin was thin and filled with fillings. After eating the two buns, the hunger in my stomach disappeared immediately.

Li Yi couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The steamed buns he bought outside could not see the filling even after he took a bite. Those guys who only had money in their eyes wanted to sell the steamed buns as buns. In comparison, people in ancient times were honest...

One hundred and twenty-eight Wen has already spent four Wen. Originally, Li Yi wanted to rely on this money to have a good time, but the reality is cruel. After walking around the street, Li Yi found that he seemed to be only Can... eat buns.

No matter in modern or ancient times, he was a poor man, which made Li Yi feel an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Especially after seeing the prosperity of Anqing Mansion, Li Yi had already made up his mind, and immediately thought about ways to make money after returning.

Modern people have the pride of modern people, not to mention that he also brought a cheating device that can be called against the sky. If he still lives a life of eating bran and swallowing vegetables all day long, it would be too embarrassing for the time traveler.

In the process of strolling, I bought some vegetable seeds at a roadside stall. I happened to see hawthorn on the side of the stall, so I bought a few catties.

The white sugar that was deducted last time has not been used yet, and it has been a long time since I tasted the taste of candied haws.

Even in the entire Jingguo, Anqing Mansion can be regarded as a top prosperous city, with Goulan cottages, restaurants and brothels lined up, but it's a pity that Li Yi can only wander around the door of these places.

After walking around the street, I was a little tired from walking, so I simply found a corner to rest.

This is a street corner with less traffic. Not far from Li Yi's side, there is a table and a chair. There are pens, ink, paper and inkstones on the table, and some paper tubes on one side. A young scholar is sitting there. Holding a thread-bound book in his hand, he was absorbed in reading.

These days, when scholars are short of money, it is very common to set up a table to sell paintings and calligraphy on the street. Li Yi was thinking about whether he should follow suit when he has no money in the future, when suddenly there was a A man in rough clothes ran over from a distance, ran up to the scholar, said a few words out of breath, and left.

After the man left, the scholar's face immediately became a little anxious and nervous. He suddenly looked up at Li Yi who was standing under the tree next to him, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked over quickly.