Carefree Scholar

Chapter 36: The woman in the painting


For most of the people in the village, there is never more than one bucket of rice in the rice jar at home. The daily meals are mainly rice bran mixed with wild vegetables. The life of the Liu family is a little better, but it is generally Can drink gruel level.

If the big man surnamed Fang and the others carried rice on their shoulders—the idea was too extravagant, and they didn't even dare to think about it.

You know, all the families in the Liuye village may not be able to get a stone of rice together, and those, are there a full ten stone

In the suspicious and shocked eyes of everyone, the big man surnamed Fang walked through the stockade with his head held high and his chest held high. When they looked at the direct descendant of the Liu family who usually did not deal with them, there was undisguised pride and pride on their faces.

This year, if you can fill your stomach, you will have the capital to be proud of.

Those who eat porridge can look down on those who eat bran and swallow vegetables, and those who eat rice can naturally look down on those who eat porridge. Walking in the village with rice and meat on their shoulders, their waists can be straighter than others.

Xiaohuan was washing Li Yi's clothes yesterday in the courtyard when the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open, and a red-faced man surnamed Fang walked in with bags on his shoulders.

"Uncle Fang..." Seeing Li Yi and Liu Ruyi following behind the big man surnamed Fang, the little maid hurriedly stood up from the stool.

"Uncle, where do you put these grains?" Walking into the gate, the big man surnamed Fang said in a loud voice.

Li Yi pointed in the direction of the kitchen, and said, "Move them there, leave half of the meat, and two stones of food, and share the rest with everyone."

The big man surnamed Fang was stunned when he heard the words, as if he couldn't believe his ears, and then he said hastily: "Young master, absolutely not, we..."

Li Yi waved his hand, and before the big man surnamed Fang continued, "I have the final say on how to divide these things, so it's decided."

Then, he stretched out his hand and waved in front of the little maid who was stunned, not knowing what happened, "Don't wash the clothes, go and boil some hot water first, I need to take a bath later."

I ran around for a day today, bumped all the way on the horse, and all the way back was on foot. Li Yi didn't have the physical fitness of Fang and the others. He was exhausted. I'm afraid he had a few blisters on his feet. Now he just wants to take a comfortable soak. Take a hot bath, and then have a good night's sleep. It's a big deal, let's talk about it tomorrow.

The little maid's eyes lingered on the half fan of pork carried by the big man surnamed Fang for a long time, and when she heard Li Yi calling her, she hurriedly said "um", put down the clothes in her hand, and ran to boil water.

"Grandpa, wait, this is really impossible!"

The big man surnamed Fang put down the things on his shoulders and was about to chase Li Yi when a figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Just do what brother-in-law said just now. Let's divide these things up. Don't forget about Mr. Qin and Aunt Sun's share." Liu Ruyi watched Li Yi's back disappear into the room, her beautiful eyes flashed There was a hint of strangeness, and then turned to the other party surnamed Dahan and others and said.

"Second Miss, we..."

The big man surnamed Fang and the others looked at her with complicated eyes, but they didn't say what they said for a long time.

In today's situation, a few buckets of grain can feed a family, and the grain distributed is enough for them to not have to worry about food for several months.

"Okay, I know everyone's life is not easy, we are all a family, so don't be so polite." On Liu Ruyi's usually cold face, a rare smile appeared.

After a long time, the big man surnamed Fang turned his head and saw that the people behind him were still looking at the direction where Liu Ruyi disappeared with grateful eyes. He smiled honestly, punched the person next to him on the shoulder, pointed to the kitchen and said: "What are you still doing in a daze, move the things in first!"

Wearing only a loincloth all over his body, lying in the half-person-high wooden tub, Li Yi suddenly felt refreshed, and the fatigue accumulated during the day was swept away.

The fly in the ointment is that the space of this bathtub is a bit small, and if there is a chance in the future, I must make a bathtub out of it, or simply dig a large bathhouse at home, as a hot spring and swimming pool...

Xiaohuan walked in from the outside and added some warm water to the tub. When she looked at the tub, her pretty face blushed a little. Thinking of the first time she saw my uncle, her little face looked more like Overripe apples.

"Uncle, Xiaohuan can help you wipe your back." The little maid picked up the towel and said softly.

The little girl is very skillful in wiping her back, and the force is neither light nor heavy. Li Yi lay on the edge of the bathtub, enjoying the service of the little maid, and suddenly felt that the life of the ancients was too flashy and depraved. Having a little maid is already like this , Those rich families don't know what luxury looks like.

As a good-natured young man in the 21st century, how can he be willing to degenerate and be poisoned by the luxurious atmosphere of the feudal society? A man should not be greedy for pleasure. Thinking this way, he said to Xiaohuan: "A little to the left, a little to the left... Yes, that's right there!"

After a tiring day, the happiest thing is to take a comfortable hot bath under the service of a beautiful little maid, and then have a good night's sleep until dawn without dreams.

Of course, it would be even better if the pretty little maid could serve her bed.

I didn't think about asking a little maid to serve the bed. A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl will not be an adult in future generations, and Li Yi is not such a beast.

For this cute little maid, Li Yi had never thought about that aspect.

Besides, if he really wanted to do this, he was also worried that his wife or sister-in-law would cut off his crime tool with a sword when he woke up tomorrow morning.

After a while, the little maid exited the room, and when she passed the kitchen, she went in and took a look, and saw half a fan of pork on the table and two stones of white rice on the side, her small mouth was slightly opened, and the expression on her pretty face was indescribable. Surprised or happy.

In the past, when I went out to shop, I bought a small bag of brown rice or flour at most. There was no extra money at home to buy more things. This is the first time that the little girl has seen so much food.

"My uncle seems to have bought these..." Muttering a few words, a smile appeared on the girl's face, with a hint of pride, she put the piece of pork away, and walked briskly back to the yard to wash. Clothes that have not been washed just now.

In the middle of washing, I remembered that my uncle told her to lock something in the cabinet before going to bed, and don't let the second lady see it. The little maid hurriedly got up again, and put a painting tube on the table at the door picked up.

Just as he was about to lock it into the cabinet, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he secretly glanced into the bedroom, and found that Li Yi was already asleep. When he looked at the things in his hand again, a trace of doubt appeared on his little face.

"What is it that is so mysterious? I don't want the second lady to see it. Xiaohuan secretly opened it to take a look. My uncle probably doesn't know, right?"

After reconfirming that Li Yi would not wake up suddenly, the girl pulled the string tied outside the painting tube like a thief.

When the portrait of a beautiful strange woman appeared in front of her eyes, the little maid's expression froze slightly, and she froze there for a moment.

After a long time, she stuck out her tongue and said in a low voice: "If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night... The uncle said, could it be this girl?"