Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 2


"The house hasn't been cleaned up yet, so you can stay here for a few days. Don't avoid suspicion, I'm also your brother. My name is Gu Wenzhu."

Gu Wenzhu looked at the name on the household registration again and said, "Your name is Xia Yi?"

"Brother Zhu." Xia Yi immediately called out affectionately: "My name is Xia Yi, you can call me Xiaoyi."

Gu Wenzhu nodded and said: "You go to the clean room to take a bath first, I will find a set of clothes for you to wear first, and then buy new clothes after entering the city." When it comes to the word "bathing", Gu Wenzhu's expression is slightly so. A little unnatural.

The clean room is a small room separated from the bedroom. Xia Yi first washed the face with a pancreas.

"179, the original body is very good-looking, with clear eyebrows, but it's a bit girly, not masculine enough. There's a red mole on the forehead, is it pointed?"

Xia Yi looked left and right at the bronze mirror, and reached out to pick it up. It was real, and it grew out of nature.

179 said nothing.

After rubbing the old mud hard, Xia Yi sat comfortably in the wooden bucket with a towel on his head.

This body is malnourished, thin and small, and the skin is white and glowing. He began to think that after everything settled down, he would start exercising, sunbathing, and make it into a honey color.

"179, let's talk about the mission now." After eating and drinking enough, Xia Yi began to settle accounts.

"You made a mistake in your work, and you brought me to this broken place and asked me to farm. I can plant the land, and I can also rely on farming to complete the task of cultivating immortals. But—" Xia Yi tore off the towel from his head and threw it on the ground. Shui Li: "You have to compensate me."

"Host, I have discussed with the main system, and decided to give you compensation for reducing the difficulty of the task. For example, the primary task was originally to plant one acre of potatoes, you can complete it by planting only one portion of the land."

"How big is a piece of land?"

"More than 60 square meters."

"This is bigger than my previous house, so it's called compensation?" Xia Yi wiped the water from his face with his hands and said simply, "Give me another golden finger, and we will be even with the golden finger."

"If it's not too much, I can give it to you, what kind of golden finger do you want?" 179 swallowed his breath.

Xia Yi didn't know anything about farming, and after thinking about it, he said, "I'll talk about it later."

"179, if I complete the task, what will you gain?" Xia Yi asked.

"The task is over, and the host has to give the system a score, and the score is linked to performance."

"You spicy chicken systems are too embarrassed to talk about performance!" Xia Yi was shocked.

After taking a shower, he changed into Gu Wenzhu's old clothes. The clothes were fat and big, so Xia Yi had to roll up his cuffs and trousers a few times.

Walking out of the door, Gu Wenzhu was chopping firewood in the yard, and the blue cloth on his body was soaked in sweat and stuck to his body. With the movement, the back shows extremely smooth and strong muscle lines.

Xia Yi felt that he should go and say hello, so he stepped forward and shouted respectfully: Brother Zhu. "

Gu Wenzhu nodded his back to him, expressing his response, and the movements of his hands did not stop.

Seeing that Gu Wenchi didn't pay much attention to him, Xia Yi walked up to him embarrassingly, and said with a bit of flattery, "Brother Zhu, your body is really good. It looks solid and your figure is good."

After that, he stared at Gu Wenzhu's bulging chest muscles and nodded in admiration.

Hearing this, Gu Wenzhu stopped his movements and slowly raised his head, his eyes full of shock.

His face gradually turned red, and he opened his mouth but didn't open his mouth. In just a few breaths, the expression on his face changed and changed.

Finally, he stood up straight and walked into the house, and slammed the door shut with a bang.

Xia Yi was a little nervous and a little stunned: "179, what happened to him? Did I offend him?"

179 After a moment of silence: "The ancients were very reserved and didn't like to be praised for their bodies."

"Then tell me what other taboos are there, so that I won't be struck by lightning in the future. That kind of Tianwen is not detailed, and the author is topsy-turvy. Wherever he wants to write it, he is farming anyway. Tell me in detail. Talk about the world." Xia Yi began to complain dissatisfiedly.

179 hesitated in a vague tone: "I don't know either... You know, I am in the Immortal Cultivation System... These are still up to you to discover later."

Spicy chicken system, don't tell the wrong place, don't even introduce the world. Besides telling me to farm, what's the use

After a while, Gu Wenzhu walked out of the room and entered the kitchen without looking sideways, without giving Xia Yi one from the corner of his eye. But Xia Yi kept looking at him flatteringly, and found that he seemed to have changed his clothes.

Under the setting sun, the smoke from the chimney on the roof curled up, and Xia Yi poked his head at the door.

Gu Wenzhu was kneading the dough, a few blue veins bulged on his sturdy forearm with his sleeves rolled up, the stove was on fire, and a large pot was bubbling on it.

Xia Yi was a little ashamed, and didn't do anything after eating other people's food. Standing by the door, rubbing his hands together, he asked embarrassedly, "Brother Zhu, do you want me to help? Peel the garlic and pick the green onions."

Gu Wenzhu didn't say anything and continued to knead his face, so Xia Yi slowly entered the room, touching the firewood and cupboards from time to time.

The blue veins on Gu Wenzhu's forehead jumped and jumped, and finally he smashed the dough in his hand into the basin and said, "Go and wait, I'll call you for dinner later."

Xia Yi went to the yard with a sense of relief. After strolling around the yard boredly, he began to look at the ants under the big tree in the yard.

"179, I can play this for a day."

"179, help me pay attention to the team in the corner to start again?"

Xia Yi kept squatting on the ground and poking at the ants until a pair of feet wearing cloth shoes appeared in front of him.

Looking up, he saw Gu Wen's expressionless face.

"Have a meal!"

Dinner was a noodle soup, with some somersaults on the noodle, and Xia Yi ate four bowls in a row.

"Host, according to your eating method, I suggest that you still need to plant three acres of land." 179 said bitterly.

Xia Yi bit his chopsticks and tilted his head to think, "I've figured it out, my golden fingers are just enough to grow three acres of land."

After dinner, Gu Wen cleaned up the dishes and said, "Xia Yi, I'm going to the city tomorrow to sell mountain goods, and I won't be back until the afternoon. The rice and noodles are all in the jar, so you can make some food yourself. Once the old house is cleaned up, you can move in there."

After thinking about it, he said, "When the time comes, I will give you some food, enough for you to live for a few months, and then give you some seeds, and your life will not have to worry about."

Xia Yi was really moved: "Brother Zhu, I won't say anything. If there's anything useful for my brother in the future, I won't say anything else!"

Gu Wen started to jump again by the blue veins on his forehead.

After finishing the dishes, Gu Wenzhu carried a table into the main room and put the two tables together. Then I went to the bedroom closet and took out a quilt and spread it on it.

"I'll sleep here at night, you go to bed in the inner room." Gu Wen said Xia Yi, who was standing with his back to the door while spreading the quilt.

Xia Yi was a little puzzled, and asked suspiciously: "I think your bed is quite big, I'm not big, I don't take up a lot of space, and I usually sleep well. If you don't grab the quilt and don't snore, we can sleep together. what."

"Host!" 179 suddenly shouted, and Xia Yi actually heard a hint of despair in the mechanical voice.

At the same time, Gu Wenzhu's back, who was laying the quilt, froze, motionless like a stone sculpture.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and said, "Xia Yi, if you are so shameless, go out of my house, even if I'm sorry for your aunt and my father."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and strode over, pushed Xia Zhu out of the door with a livid face, and slammed it shut again.

Xia Yi stood blankly at the door, even if he didn't understand what was going on, he knew that something was wrong in this world.

"179! Tell me clearly what's going on here! If you don't make it clear, I'll sue you!"

"179 Come out for me!"

"179 Are you pretending to be dead? You wait, I will give you a negative score after I finish the task!"

After a while, 179's mechanical voice rang out: "Host, this is Ben Tianwen."

"I know this is farming text."

"It's also a Bunsen text."


"Children! There are men, women and brothers in this world. Brothers are the third sex and can have children." 179 explained with difficulty.

Xia Yi was stunned for a while, and said expressionlessly: "So..."

179 actually made a swallowing sound with a rolling Adam's apple: "...Yes, you are."

There was a suffocating silence.

Suddenly, Xia Yi began to speak quickly and said: "Let's go, go to the world of immortal cultivation, go now, I know you can do it. I will take you to immortal cultivation and fly you, and after I have carried forward the sect, I will find a junior sister to become a biological student. Baby, I'll give you full marks when the time comes. Let's go now, do you have to let me faint before I can wear it? Come on, I'm ready, knock me out."

"Host, calm down! Host... calm down..." 179 tried to appease.

"Host, the world can't be switched, so you can only farm here. But you can choose not to give birth, no one forces you to give birth, as long as you complete your task." 179 followed suit.

Xia Yi gradually calmed down and stood in the yard thinking: "It seems to be the reason, why am I panicking? I just plant my fields and complete my tasks."

I just farm and wait to go home. No matter how perverted the world is, he won't come to me.

What's more, they have come.

Besides, no matter what world I am in, even my brother, Xia Yi, can only be the one who sows the seeds.

Standing in the courtyard for a moment, Xia Yi let out a long sigh after figuring this out.

No longer flustered in his heart, but still cursed 179,179 and pretended not to say a word. Xia Yi went back to his room and went to sleep until all his emotions were vented.