Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 28


After shopping, I was looking for a small tea shop to rest when I heard Gu Wenzhu's voice not far away, "Xiaoyi."

Xia Yi turned his head in surprise, only to see Gu Wenzhu smiling and standing under the shade of a tree not far away. Because he was in a hurry, there were still a few drops of sweat on his handsome cheeks.

"Why are you here?" Xia Yi was surprised and happy.

"I'll pick you up."

"Didn't you say I didn't come back to pick me up at dinner time?"

"I think dinner is almost over." Gu Wenzhu ignored the sun in the middle of his head and replied confidently.

kindness? It's only been a while since lunch.

However, seeing Gu Wenzhu, Xia Yi felt very happy, no longer caring whether it was noon or night, and happily took his hand.

Gu Wenzhu hurriedly looked around, his handsome face turned red with a swipe.

Xia Yi knew what he was thinking, so he squinted at him, his eyes full of threats, do you mean to let go and try

Gu Wenzhu didn't dare to let go of his hand, and he was reluctant to let it go, but he didn't dare to look up to meet people if he didn't. After thinking about it, he quickly took off his jacket and put the hands of the two of them on.

So they held hands like this and wandered around the village.

As the weather turned cold, Gu Wenzhu still wore one under it, so it wouldn't be conspicuous to walk like this.

Together, we walked from the beginning of the village to the end of the village, and from the end of the village to the beginning of the village. Gu Wenzhu also bought a few kilograms of this year's new cotton in a shop, and turned his head to explain to Xia Yi: "I'll prepare first. Next time I go to the county town to buy some fabrics, it's time to sew a jacket for you."

"179, my daughter-in-law is really, too virtuous, except that her breasts are a little smaller. But this is nothing, and I don't care."

Seeing that it was already evening, Xia Yi was going to go to the silversmith to get the ring. Originally, I wanted to surprise Gu Wen by one, but since he has already come, it is not a bad idea to go and get it together.

The two entered the silversmith's yard, "Master, is my ring ready?" Xia Yi asked.

"Alright, alright, I've also carved the pattern." The silversmith nodded as he entered the back room and took out a pair of silver rings.

Xia Yi played a pair of plain circles, which was relatively simple. So it's not bad, the shape looks smooth and round.

He gently picked up one and looked at the inner ring, "Huh? Why did you hit a 1? Didn't I say hit a Y?" Xia Yi asked in confusion.

Seeing the dazed look on the silversmith's face, he quickly gestured in the air, "I'm going to hit a Y."

"This little tree branch is too difficult to get, I can't get it out, so I just get a 1." The silversmith smiled honestly, "Anyway, I think it's similar, only one twig is missing, hehehe."

Xia Yi picked up the other one and looked at it carefully, and was shocked, "Why is this one a 0 again?"

"What I want is G, not 0. This one is unsealed, you see, one less part, the 0 you hit is sealed."

The silversmith looked at it blankly for a while, "It turns out that it's different. I thought you wanted to make a circle, but I didn't notice that the circle you drew didn't close."

This is so special, two rings, one with a 1 and the other with a 0.

Is this the fate of the world to shake things up? ?

Seeing Xia Yi's depressed face, the silversmith couldn't help but feel uneasy, "What's wrong? Are you not satisfied? What's wrong with my ring?"

"No, Master, you played very well, it's fine, you're beautiful." Xia Yi couldn't continue, and quickly praised the ring in his hand and paid him the wages.

The two walked out of the yard and came to an uninhabited old willow tree at the head of the village. Xia Yi was bathed in the golden sunset and looked at Gu Wenzhu with a smile, "I made two rings, one for each of us."

After speaking, he took out the 0 and commanded, "Put out your hand."

Gu Wenzhu stretched out his hand obediently.

Xia Yi put it on his ring finger.

Yeah, I can't put it on, it's stuck.

No, no, the ring finger is too thick, try the little finger.

Also stuck.

Is this a hand or a rake? what's up.

Gu Wenzhu looked at Xia Yi frowning and biting his lip, still studying how to put a ring on his hand, he couldn't help but chuckled, took the 0 lightly, held his hand, facing the white tender of ring fingers gently set.

Just right.

Then pick up the 1 and push it up against the ring finger of his left hand.


Gu Wenzhu raised his hand, squinted at the setting sun and looked at his 1, then looked at the 0 on Xia Yi's finger, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that no matter what, Xia Yi liked to get a pair with him. What couple's outfit, what color of the belt, and even socks should be checked to see if they are the same.

"Why don't you wear the same socks as me today?"

"It's the same, isn't it all white?"

"Look at your feet, they are pure white, and mine are pure white, can they be the same? The belts are also different, yours is sky blue, mine is light blue..."

Every day when Gu Wenzhu wore clothes and socks according to Xia Yi's instructions, he had to struggle for a long time to identify them. The colors that looked exactly the same had set countless traps for him, and his eyes were going blind.

Xia Yi also raised his hand, and put the ring on his hand and Gu Wenzhu together. His skin was fair, while Gu Wenzhu was a healthy wheat color, and the hands wearing the same rings, one big and one small, looked so harmonious through the sunlight.

Squinting again, he looked at Gu Wenzhu from the corner of his eye.

I saw that he was looking at the ring intently, with a gentle smile on his face. The handsome face was coated with a layer of blush by the afterglow, making it more angular.

Xia Yi's heart started to jump up and he secretly encouraged himself, turned to face Gu Wenzhu, and asked, "Brother Zhu, do you know the meaning of the ring?"

"Well?" Gu Wenzhu raised his eyebrows inquiringly.

Xia Yi suddenly knelt down on one knee, looked straight ahead, and said loudly:

"Brother Zhu, I want to ask you to marry me."

Gu Wenzhu was startled when he saw Xia Yi kneeling down to him suddenly. I was suspicious that his feet were numb, and I wanted to pull him up when I heard this.

Immediately, he seemed to have been tapped, motionless, and froze in place in his original position.

Xia Yi didn't wait for a reply, and was about to secretly raise his head when he heard a plop, and Gu Wenzhu was actually on his knees, kneeling in front of him. With a blushing face, he said excitedly and loudly, "Xiaoyi, I want to ask you to marry me."

"I'm sorry Xiaoyi, I originally wanted to wait until the new year is over before asking you for a kiss. Because you said before that you didn't want to marry, I just wanted to give you time to adapt. I hope you can like me more, accept me, and wait until the spring flowers bloom. I'm going to propose to you again. I didn't expect that because of my negligence, I didn't tell you, even your brother, even knelt down." Gu Wenzhu's face was ashamed to death.

"Xiaoyi, please marry me, I will treat you well and protect you forever."

"The luckiest thing in my life is to meet you, and my greatest wish is to be with you all the time."

"I don't want anything, as long as you are enough. I will do my best to make you have a good life."

After Gu Wenzhu emotionally said a series of vows, his eyes shone brightly. Walking on his knees, he moved a few steps forward, and he held Xia Yi tightly in his arms, regardless of whether anyone would come to see him or not.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoyi, it's because I brought up the marriage late. Damn it, I'm sorry, Xiaoyi." Gu Wenzhu pressed Xia Yi's head on his chest and murmured with his eyes closed.

"This scene seems to be different from what I imagined, but it doesn't matter." Xia Yi was hugged by Gu Wen, his heart was beating violently, and he couldn't help thinking in his head.

The sun was in the west, and the two began to walk slowly home side by side.

It is autumn, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of melons and fruits. Xia Yi's shoulder lightly touches Gu Wenzhu's arm from time to time, and his heart is also sweet.

One was not paying attention and stumbled on the stone under his feet. After Gu Wenzhu stabilized him, he squatted in front of Xia Yi again, "I'll carry you."

"Aren't you afraid that people will see it?" Xia Yi looked around and saw a few villagers in the distance who were carrying hoes home.

"What should we be afraid of when we are about to get married." Gu Wenzhu's aura was like a rainbow, and his voice drifted far away, causing the villagers to look here. "It's been a few miles. You've been walking around for another afternoon. Your legs must be sore."

Seeing Xia Yi looking around, hesitating, he urged, "Come up quickly."

Xia Yi no longer forced himself, and without hesitation, leaned over on Gu Wenzhu's broad shoulders.

"I'll tell Uncle Wang when I go back, and let him choose a good day in two months, and we'll get married that day." Gu Wenzhu said happily as he strode home with Xia Yi on his back.

"Then I'll take you to the city in two days and buy some new quilts or something."

"Going to a carpenter to make new furniture."

"But I still want to make our furniture myself."

"By the way, I'll buy you some jewelry, rouge gouache, etc."

Xia Yi hurriedly interrupted Gu Wenzhu's thoughts, "This is not necessary, Brother Zhu. I don't like it, I don't like it very much."

"It's fine, it's up to you whether you want to buy it or not."