Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 3


The next day, Xia Yi woke up hungry. Find out if this body is too hungry, feel flustered and short of breath when your stomach is empty, and wake up immediately no matter how sound you sleep.

The yard was silent. Xia Yi lay in bed and remembered that Gu Wenzhu had said that he was going out today, so he got up. Rubbing his stomach, he went to the kitchen to see what to eat.

Open the lid of the pot, there is nothing, open the cupboard, there is only half a bowl of noodle soup leftover from last night. Gu Wenzhu seemed to have told him to cook and eat by himself yesterday, so he lifted the lid of the rice noodle jar in the corner and looked inside, there was still more than half of the jar of rice noodles.

He looked into the stove again, squatted beside him and started to worry.

"179, is it possible for us to cook a meal together?"

Xia Yi is an old man who has been spoiled by his parents since he was a child. He was already working when his parents died. He was a painter. He stayed in the studio every day, and when he was hungry, he would eat takeout and order a certain group.

After a while, black smoke billowed from the kitchen, Xia Yi's eyes were red, and he rushed out from the inside with a big cough.

"179, you can't even cook."

"179, I found that your system is really useless at all. Don't you system world need to assess your business level?"

System: Host, I can only tell you how to cook if you have a good fire.

As the sun went down, the houses in the distance rose from cooking smoke, adding a lot of fireworks to the village surrounded by mountains.

Gu Wenzhu, carrying a large backpack and a large burden in his hands, jumped out of Lao Zhangtou's carriage. From the mountain road here, turn another big bend and you can see the village.

As soon as I turned the corner, I saw a thin figure standing under the old tree at the entrance of the village, looking forward in this direction. Seeing him from a distance, the man ran over quickly, his fat clothes swaying in the wind.

Xia Yi rushed over to Gu Wenzhu with an excited look on his face, shouting as he ran, "Brother Zhu, you are back, you want me to die."

Gu Wenzhu was stunned when he heard the words, and his hands and feet froze in place. He wanted to turn his head and leave, but found that it was not suitable, so he had to hold the burden in his hand tightly.

Xia Yi ran to Gu Wenzhu in one breath: "Are you tired? Have you eaten? Are you hungry? Let's go, go home and cook."

Gu Wen opened his mouth one by one to say something, then closed his mouth again and walked home with a straight face, Xia Yi following closely behind him.

When he got home, Gu Wenzhu went into the kitchen after putting down his bag. Looking at the dry wood stuffed into the stove, he gradually frowned.

The dry wood was burned black, but never burned.

"What did you eat today?" Gu Wenzhu asked suspiciously.

"Noodle soup."

"But the half bowl left in the cupboard?"

"En." Xia Yi lowered his head in shame.

Gu Wenzhu didn't say anything, went back to the main room to open the furoshiki, took out an oiled paper bag and handed it to Xia Yi: "Put the mat first, I'll have dinner later."

Xia Yi opened the oiled paper bag and found two oily meat patties inside, fragrant. Immediately overjoyed, he quickly picked up one and handed it to Gu Wenzhu: "Brother Zhu, you can eat too."

Gu Wenzhu shook his head and walked straight to the kitchen: "I've eaten it."

Xia Yi ate half a bowl of noodles that day, and she was so hungry that her chest was pressed to her belly, and now she is snorting at Xiang Pengpeng's meat patties.

want to cry.

Although the two meat patties were eaten, Xia Yi felt that he could hold on to two more bowls for dinner.

"Tomorrow I'm going to clean up the old house, you can go and live there, and you'll come to me to eat later." After Gu Wenzhu put down the tableware, he watched Xia Yi mix the rest of the vegetable juice into the rice Belly, said in a light tone.

Xia Yi still had rice in his mouth and was speechless, so he nodded vigorously.

"179, Zhuge is really good, I must repay him well in the future."

After dinner, Gu Wenzhu rummaged through the bag, took out two new clothes and handed them to Xia Yi: "I don't know what my brother likes, so let the boss help me choose them, you can take them and put them on. Bar."

Gu Wenzhu's face was a little unnatural when he remembered what the boss kept saying when he was choosing clothes in the clothing store.

Xia Yi rubbed his hands together and took over the clothes: "The lords can wear whatever they want, I don't choose, I can just wear the clothes on my body."

After saying that, Xi Zizi went into the inner room with her clothes in her hands.

The clothes are cloth shirts that are knee-length. The workmanship is very good, and there is no need to choose sewing needles. After getting dressed, Xia Yi looked at herself in the bronze mirror.

"179, does it look good?"

"It looks good, especially the waist, it's very good." 179 seized the opportunity to output a wave of goodwill.

Xia Yi touched his chin with his hand, with a hint of doubt: "It's good-looking, it's good-looking, but the color is a bit... Isn't this gay purple?"

He's been a little sensitive to these lately.

"Where in this world will there be those? You think too much."


Xia Yi was wearing new clothes, and happily walked out of the house, calling out brother Zhuo as he walked, and then stood at the door smiling.

Gu Wenzhu was adjusting the plowshare in the yard, and when he heard Xia Yi calling him, he raised his head, and was startled when his eyes met Xia Yi.

I saw him standing there in his new fitted clothes, with a slender figure, a flexible waist and a handsome face, but with the handsomeness of a man. The setting sun fell softly on his body, and it even covered his whole body with an orange-red halo.

Xia Yi was either a dirty beggar these days, or wearing Gu Wenzhu's ill-fitting clothes. After cleaning up like this, he is indeed a very handsome brother.

Xia Yi walked up to Gu Wenzhu and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Gu Wenzhu didn't answer, and instantly opened his eyes.

Then he said, "I'll go take a look in the field." Without looking back, he quickly walked out of the yard.

At night, lightning flashed and thunderstorms poured down, and the whole village was covered with a thick rain curtain. There was the sound of rushing water outside the window, the roof tiles were clanking, and occasionally there was the rumbling of the collapse of rocks in the distance.

Xia Yi was so disturbed that he tossed and turned on the bed and couldn't sleep. He vaguely heard that Gu Wenzhu seemed to get up and left the courtyard, and only came back after more than half an hour.

The next morning, when Xia Yi was awakened by a burst of birdsong, the rain had stopped, and there was still rain dripping from the eaves.

In the main room, Gu Wenzhu was sitting in the middle of a pile of bamboos, using a machete to repair bamboo strips.

Hearing the footsteps, Gu Wenzhu said without turning his head: "The wall of the old house was soaked in water and fell rocks. It is no longer suitable for people to live in, so you can live here. I will make another bamboo couch, and then I will Sleep on the bamboo couch." After a while, he said, "There is breakfast in the pot, you can eat it."

Xia Yi snorted, went to the kitchen and filled a bowl of porridge, then used chopsticks to string three large steamed buns, walked over carefully, and squatted at the door to watch Gu Wenzhu make the bamboo couch.

Gu Wenzhu's hand had wide knuckles, long fingers, and thick calluses on his palm. The cuffs were rolled up, revealing the brown forearm, with strong muscles and smooth lines. The bamboo pieces were flipped flexibly under his hands, and he put them into the bamboo couch frame made of wood.

What man doesn't like to watch crafts and excavators

Xia Yi was fascinated, moved forward, squatted opposite Gu Wenzhu, and stared intently while eating the steamed buns.

Gu Wenzhu's movements gradually slowed down, then he turned sideways and turned his back to Xia Yi.

Xia Yi moved again, this time to Gu Wenzhu's side, and squatted down side by side.

Gu Wenzhu finally stopped what he was doing and turned his head to stare at him under the fiery gaze.

Xia Yi snorted a mouthful of porridge and raised his chin towards the bamboo stick with his mouth bulging, meaning you continue.

Gu Wenzhu took a deep breath and stared at the corner of the wall silently, as if he was enduring something. Then he put down the bamboo sticks in his hand and piled them all up in the corner of the door. He got up and went to the kitchen to pick up a few steamed buns and a pot of water, put them in the cloth pocket, and then picked up the plow, "I'm going down to the ground."

The voice was muffled, like not very happy and like not natural.

"Host, don't you hurry up and get acquainted with the business?" 179's voice sounded.

"Brother Zhu, wait!" As soon as Gu Wenzhu led the cow out of the village, Xia Yi chased after him out of breath.

"Brother Zhu, I'm going to see you farm."

Xia Yi gasped and ran until a blush appeared on his face, and he also carried a cloth bag with steamed buns and water in his hands. Hearing this, Gu Wenzhu paused in his footsteps. He wanted to say something and then closed his mouth. He continued to walk forward with no expression on his face. Xia Yi quickly followed.

Passing by a small river outside the village, several people were washing clothes by the river. When Xia Yi and the two passed by, they all stared at each other.

Gu Wenzhu hurriedly accelerated his pace and opened a dozen steps away from Xia Yi.

"Gu Wenzhu, this is Li Xiu'er's nephew?" A woman stood up and shouted at him.

Li Xiu'er is Gu Wenzhu's deceased stepmother and Xia Yi's cheap aunt.

Gu Wenzhu gave a cold grace and continued to speed up his pace, as if something was chasing him behind him, and the cows were pulled to trot all the way.

"Oh, you look so handsome." A group of women began to laugh.

Xia Yi also smiled friendly at them, and noticed that there were also two thin men with red moles on their foreheads and powdered grease.

"179, don't tell me that's my brother."

"That's the same brother as you, host."


Xia Yi slowed down and looked at the two brothers without a trace, and when he saw them laughing, he raised his hand to cover his mouth naturally.

"System, is there really no way to go to the world of immortal cultivation?"

"There's no way, host."

When he turned around, he found that Gu Wenzhu had disappeared without a trace. He hurriedly accelerated his pace to catch up, and when he turned a corner, he found him waiting there with a cow.

Seeing Xia Yi's figure, Gu Wenzhu kept a distance of more than ten steps and walked to the ground.

"179, to be honest, Gu Wenzhu's reaction made me feel like a woman."

"Host, you are really sensitive, I think Gu Wenzhu is normal." 179 quickly retorted, asking the host to clear up his doubts and farm with peace of mind.

"Maybe since I know this is a perverted world, I'm still a brother, and my mentality has collapsed." Xia Yi sighed, feeling a little worried.

"Host, you have to adjust your mentality and don't be suspicious of everything you see." 179 reassured him.

In the ground, Gu Wenzhu yelled at the cow and began to turn the ground. Under his control, the plowshares smashed through the black earth.

Xia Yi sat on the edge of the field, carefully studying every step and memorizing every action.

"179, the plowshare needs a 45° angle."

"179, use the principle of leverage to press down the plowshare."

"Host, you have to use a whip to drive the cattle. I don't think the plowshares are so good."

"179, you can see that he stepped on the ground with bare feet, and he may encounter earthworms and the like. I feel that I can't do it."

"At that time I can put mosaics on all the earthworms."

"But there will be a touch."

"I'll block out your bodily feelings."

One person, one system, while watching Gu Wenzhu cultivate the land, he started a heated academic discussion in his mind.

Gu Wenzhu felt that ploughing this small piece of land today was the hardest ploughing in history. The two lines of sight that had been sticking to him on the ridge on the left were so hot that he forgot to drive the cattle several times, and his hands and feet did not obey.

Why doesn't this guy know how to be ashamed? Staring at the man, his eyes are all good.

Turning to stare at him, he smiled sweetly at you instead.

I know he's interested in me, but it's only been a few days since we got along? Every day I try my best to seduce myself.

Where is the look of a brother

Really shameless.