Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 30


"Poor, I'm afraid of being injected with medicine." 179 has been listening silently, and here he can't help but click his tongue.

Xia Yi counted in his heart, the people Qishan sent Chuan to look for him, including these two, there were four of them, "What's the matter with you guys? You came through all of a sudden?"

"I don't know either. At that time, I was instructing Qi Zhou in the exercises. Suddenly, the world turned around, and the two of us came here."

"Recently, our brothers and sisters have been secretly investigating to see if we can find the magic formation that the masters have set up outside Qishan, but they have found nothing." Meng Wanzi shook his head in shame, "Of course, it's also our fault for not being able to blame others."

"Master, the people who set up the formation are tricky and the source is unknown, how can I blame you?" Qi Zhou couldn't help defending Meng Wanzi.

"179, you should feel ashamed, right? This is a good thing your system has done." Xia Yi began to condemn 179, "To make others cultivating upright and doing their jobs all day long, go everywhere to find that non-existent magic circle."

The system is silent.

"Are you hungry?" Xia Yi remembered the key point.

"Thank you Xia Xiaoyou, you are not hungry. At the request of Tianji, we Qishanmen must eat every day, and we have to eat three meals a day, and the meals are not left."

"Then you didn't get lost when you came?"

"I was mentally prepared to appear in a cornfield, and as soon as it reached Taoyuan, I saw your map beside me." Meng Wanzi had done all kinds of preparations for the crossing in advance, and he was quite confident.

While he was talking, the courtyard door was pushed open, and Gu Wen, who was carrying half a wild boar, strode in.

"Brother Zhu is back." Xia Yi happily greeted him, Gu Wenzhu also looked at him with a smile, the eyes of the two were glued together, and instantly sparked a spark in the courtyard.

Seeing that Xia Yi was about to approach, Gu Wenzhu hurriedly took two steps back to stop him, "I'm dirty, don't come here." After speaking, he threw the wild boar on his shoulders on the ground with a slap.

Qi Zhou frowned and quickly took a few steps back, took out a clean handkerchief from his arms, and bent over to wipe the snow-white shoe upper that was not splashed with any dirt.

Only then did Gu Wenzhu notice that there were two more people in the yard. Looking at the familiar outfit, he couldn't help but look at Xia Yi in surprise.

"This is heaven... heaven..." Xia Yi hurriedly introduced Meng Wanzi to him.

"Tianxuan Meng Wanzi under Qishan Gate." Meng Wanzi began to look up and down at Gu Wenzhu in surprise from the first time he saw Gu Wenzhu.

"Qi Zhou, the disciple of Qishan Tianxuan," Qi Zhou added without raising his head, looking at the uppers of his shoes.

These Fangxian Taoists came one after another, and this time, two more came. It's endless, right

Gu Wenzhu was churning in his heart, and his face became gloomy.

"I just passed through." Seeing Gu Wen's expression solemn, Xia Yi quickly explained to him.

At this time, Qi Zhou also put away the handkerchief and looked at Gu Wenzhu. At this glance, his face suddenly changed a little.

"Xianzun Cangyi." Xia Yi helped him out, "Xiao Ming also called him that. At first I thought it was his problem, but now it seems that my brother Zhu and your immortal Cangyi look a lot like you. But he is a native, not your Immortal Venerable."

"It's somewhat similar, but it's not an immortal, it's different." Meng Wanzi murmured while looking at Gu Wenzhu, "Cheng Ming has always been a little bit unclear about people and words."

Qi Zhou also nodded in agreement, "I've seen Immortal Venerable from a distance when I was young, it's really similar."

"Okay, brother Zhu is back, let's have dinner." Xia Yi saw that Gu Wenzhu's face was not very good, and quickly turned back to the kitchen to serve the dishes.

"Tian...Tian..." Gu Wenzhu watched Xia Yi leave, and wanted to say something to Meng Wanzi, but he couldn't remember what to call him.

"Just call me Elder Meng." Meng Wanzi said.

"Xiaoyi is young and ignorant, and it is easy to be credulous. But with me, no one can continue to be deceived and deceived." Gu Wenzhu's face was cold, his eyes were frosty, and there was a suffocating aura between his brows.

Qi Zhou could only feel an invisible pressure coming towards him, as if it was real, and it was as heavy as a thousand pounds.

Gu Wenzhu didn't know the oppression he brought him, and seeing his pale face without saying a word, he smiled coldly and walked straight into the house.

As he left, the pressure was also removed, Qi Zhou couldn't help but let out a long sigh, his eyes suspicious.

"Master, is this Immortal Venerable?" After a long while, Qi Zhou asked in a low voice.

"No." Meng Wanzi shook his head slowly, and fell into deep thought again, "He is not an Immortal Venerable, he looks a bit similar, and may have some origins with Immortal Venerable."

"I didn't expect that Taoyuan has such a high-level person. Qi Zhou, for the teacher to know your temper, you can be cautious in your actions and words in the future, don't anger them."

Qi Zhou had already withdrawn his contempt for these mortals in his heart. Hearing Master's exhortation, he quickly nodded, "My disciple understands."

Gu Wen thought about it as he changed his clothes one by one.

Xiaoyi now believes in these charlatans wholeheartedly, but I can't confront him directly, it hurts his heart. To subtly and slowly change his mind.

As long as these two liars don't do anything to hurt Xiaoyi, I'll introduce them for now.

Xia Yi took the food outside and went back and forth.

Under the hint of Master's eyes, Qi Zhou also followed into the kitchen, first carefully tucked the corner of his robe into the corner of his clothes, and then pointed his fingers to get chopsticks to help.

When he turned around, he accidentally swept the long white hairband embroidered with gold threads across the firewood by the wall, "Huh." He couldn't help gasping for breath, and hurriedly patted the unstained hair. bring.

"Go out, I'll do it alone." Xia Yi simply kicked him out.

Meng Wanzi was already sitting at the wooden table, and Qi Zhou walked to his lower head.

Although the wooden stool in front of the dining table seemed to be spotless, he still took out the handkerchief from his arms and wiped it again and again. Then he lifted the corner of his robe and bowed his butt, and sat down carefully.

When Gu Wenzhu packed up, the food was all on the table.

Xia Yi put a bowl in front of him first, and then picked up another bowl to serve Meng Wanzi with rice. "Wait," Qi Zhou raised his hand to stop him.

Then he took out a cloth bag from his pocket. The cloth above was opened layer by layer, revealing two white and clear porcelain bowls.

"Use this." Qi Zhou took out the two bowls, and his eyes began to scan the corners of the table like a radar. "Junior Brother Xia, there is dust on the legs of this table, so I need to wipe it off before eating."

After he finished speaking, he stared at Xia Yi without blinking, his face full of stubbornness, as if you didn't wipe it off and I'll just see you as old as hell.

"Ah, 179, I met a clean freak."

"I don't like this brother." 179 replied.

"Huh? Is he a brother?"

"Yes, his red mole is so obvious, haven't you seen it?"

I see.

"Does he know that?"

"I don't know, hee hee."

Just as he was about to get the plastering cloth out, Gu Wenzhu put his rice bowl down on the table and said coldly, "You can leave the table if you are full."

Qi Zhou was shocked by the terrifying aura, so he had to take out the handkerchief from his arms again, and wiped the legs of the table aggrievedly again.

Meng Wanzi quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this disciple of mine has been like this since he was a child.

"Understand, understand." Xia Yi saw that Gu Wenzhu's face was still dark, and hurriedly made a sound.

He has also heard a little about severe cleanliness. Obsessive-compulsive disorder, no way, no self-control.

Qi Zhou first picked a bowl of sharp dishes for himself, and then he never touched the plate again, just lowered his head and ate the food in his bowl.

Xia Yi carefully picked up a piece of fish and put it into Gu Wenzhu's bowl.

Qi Zhou frowned at the pair of chopsticks.

This fish was bought from the villagers who were fishing in the afternoon, and it was very plump. Xia Yi bought two, one was stewed with tofu in a pot, and the other was simply kept in a water tank.

Gu Wenzhu picked up the fish in the bowl and ate it in his mouth, he couldn't help nodding, "It's delicious."

"Well, this soup is delicious." Gu Wenzhu fed Xia Yi another spoonful of fish soup with his own spoon.

Xia Yi swallowed it with a gulp.

Qi Zhou looked at the spoon and couldn't stop his eyebrows twitching.

Xia Yi picked up a piece of fish, put it in his bowl, ate the fish belly, and then threw the rest of the back into Gu Wenzhu's bowl, "It's not tender here, you can eat it." He got up and put it in his mouth.

My god... I can't even eat Qizhou's food.

"By the way, did you collectively act that day to rescue the Sect Master?" Xia Yi suddenly remembered the Qishan disciples who were flying all over the sky before he wore it back.

That scene left a very deep impression on Xia Yi. A group of swords, gourds, etc. were flying in the sky. The scene was very spectacular and shocking, and all the special effects of the movie that were said to be heavily invested in were smashed.

Gu Wenzhu was eating with chopsticks, sighed, and shook his head helplessly.

"Alas." Meng Wanzi couldn't swallow when he mentioned this, and put down the bowl and chopsticks in his hand, "Senior brother was indeed kidnapped by people from the demon world. But not only did we fail to rescue him that day, but we were taken away again. Hundreds of disciples."

"What? Hundreds of disciples were arrested again?" Xia Yi raised his voice in surprise.

Meng Wanzi nodded, slapped the table heavily, and all the bowls jumped along.

"So I have to think about going back quickly. I'm afraid that people in the demon world will still go to the Qishan sect. They kidnapped the head of the sect before, and they kidnapped so many disciples later. Now is the time to be arrogant and arrogant. Take advantage of our morale to drop the sect. Empty, they will come to provoke again."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Xia Yi again, "You are also half a Qishan native, so see if you can find a way to send me back as soon as possible."

"Send it, I'll send it right away. Where do you live, I'll send you back tomorrow." Gu Wenzhu answered in a cold voice, his face expressionless, but Meng Wanzi shuddered in his heart and swallowed the rest of the words.

The author has something to say: I would like to thank Ji Ru Chitaki and the little angel Feng who slid across the river for the nutrient solution for the author.