Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 32


The next morning, the door that had been closed overnight was opened, and Gu Wen was expelled from the room refreshed. It can be seen that he is in a good mood, his whole face is radiant, and he is humming a trivial tune to make breakfast.

On the bed, Xia Yi, with a sullen face, huddled under the covers, crying bitterly to 179.

"Really, he's really not a human being. You see, I'm so miserable. I don't have a piece of good skin all over my body, and I even have teeth marks on the back of my feet." Xia Yiyu sobbed sadly.

"I told you not to be blind, what's wrong with being a mother? Seeing how comfortable I am, I don't want to listen to you, and I don't want to sympathize with you." Lemon System said gloatingly.

179 Can't you really hear that I'm showing off


Hearing footsteps outside the door, Xia Yi quickly closed his eyes and pretended to sleep.

Gu Wenzhu walked in with the porridge in one hand and the steamed buns in the other. Seeing that Xia Yi was still sleeping, he put the things in his hands on the bedside cabinet.

Leaning over slightly, he found that although Xia Yi closed his eyes, his eyelashes were shaking slightly, and the eyeballs under his eyelids were also rolling.

He was clearly awake and still pretending to be asleep.

Gu Wenzhu couldn't help but let out a low laugh, sat down beside the bed, reached out and took Xia Yi and the quilt into his arms. He kissed the furry hair and said lovingly, "Little pig, get up for breakfast."

Xia Yi still closed his eyes and said nothing, and then felt the aroma of meat porridge lingering on the tip of his nose.

Quietly opened a slit, and found a spoonful of porridge stopped by his mouth.

The strong smell of meat porridge entered the nasal cavity, and then I felt that I was already hungry, and my stomach suddenly made a few rumblings.

Xia Yi couldn't take it anymore, "Ouch" swallowed the porridge in one bite.

The hot meat porridge slides into the esophagus, and the whole person is ironed and comfortable.

Gu Wen fed Xia Yi spoonfuls of gruel and buns one by one, and ate all the food that came in after a while.

Xia Yi enjoyed his meal, but did not notice that Gu Wenzhu stared at the tip of his pink tongue, and the bottom of his eyes began to churn again.

After eating and drinking, Gu Wenzhu took out the empty bowls and dishes, and Xia Yi sat back in the bed with satisfaction. I didn't sleep well last night, and I'm going to make up for a good night's sleep now.

Hearing the sound of the door being pushed open again, Xia Yi didn't bother to open his eyes, and only snorted lazily from his nose.

The quilt was lifted, and a firm and warm chest came over, hugging Xia Yi again.

Xia Yi suddenly felt that something was wrong, his whole body jolted, and the alarm bell rang in his head, and his drowsiness disappeared.

"No, no, no, go away, go away..."

"Help me..."


At noon, Qi Zhou, whose hair was neatly combed, was standing in the yard with a long body, with Meng Wanzi holding his hands in front of him.

Looking around, the door was closed, and it seemed that there was no one there, only the unicorn raised his head lazily, saw the two of them, and lay back in the nest to continue sleeping soundly.

Anyway, the whole family doesn't get up, and the dog has to sleep.

"Is there anyone? Are you ready for dinner?" After a long while, Qi Zhou's voice sounded, with a hint of suffocation.

No way, I and my master are both hungry.

"Squeak." The door opened, and Gu Wenzhu walked out. His face was so happy that Qi Zhou thought he saw a groom, but he didn't wear a big red flower on his chest.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to cook now." Gu Wenzhu gave these two Fang Xian Taoist congregation a good look, and walked to the kitchen with a smile on his face.

Meng Wanzi looked behind him and didn't see Xia Yi, so he couldn't help but ask curiously, "Where is Xiaoyou Xia? Why didn't you see him?"

Gu Wen paused step by step, an unnatural look appeared on his face, "He's sick."

"Sick? Is it serious? I'll take a look." Meng Wanzi was about to walk into the room, "I've got some medical skills, so I can help him prepare a prescription."

"It's okay, it's just a small cold, and it'll be fine for a day." Gu Wenzhu hurriedly stopped.

"Xiao Fenghan should also look at him. He is a mortal person, no better than us immortal cultivators. He can't be delayed when he is ill." Meng Wanzi continued walking towards the house as he muttered.

Suddenly, it was dark in front of him, and a figure flashed in front of him, blocking his way.

Meng Wanzi stopped and looked in surprise.

"I said he would be fine, but now he can't see the wind, he's covering his sweat." Gu Wenzhu stood in front of him, his voice sounded cool, his eyes were a bit hostile, his eyes were slightly raised, and his expression was indifferent.

At that moment, Meng Wanzi's heart skipped a beat, and a strange feeling occurred. The ordinary mortal farmer standing in front of him actually brought him an invisible pressure.

"Alright, alright, don't watch it anymore, I won't watch it anymore." Meng Wanzi felt a chill in his heart and did not dare to move forward.

Qi Zhou pouted, thinking arrogantly in his heart, these ordinary people just don't know what to do.

Gu Wenzhu moved quickly, and in a while, lunch was ready, and there was a large table of dishes. He took out an empty plate first, put a part of each dish, and put the rest on the dining table, then glanced at Meng Wanzi, "Meng Lao, take it slow."

"Okay, okay, you don't have to worry about me." Meng Wanzi replied quickly, and stood aside with his hands down, watching Gu Wenzhu pick up the food he had taken out, and walked towards the house.

Why do I think this farmer is scary, that look makes him feel familiar.

If he looks like Cang Yi, his expression just now reminded him of another person.

It wasn't until Gu Wenzhu walked into the room and closed the door that Qi Zhou took out his handkerchief to wipe the stool, took out his porcelain bowl to serve the rice, and ate it in small bites.

In the room, Xia Yi was sitting on the head of the bed with unkempt hair, his eyes fierce, "I won't eat! If you can't say no, you won't eat! Take it away!"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Xiaoyi, it's all my fault, I didn't control myself." Gu Wenzhu apologized in a low voice, seeing the quilt slide down and Xia Yi showing bruises, even more guilty and distressed.

"Just a few mouthfuls, okay? Just a few mouthfuls." Gu Wenzhu coaxed softly and handed the spoon full of food to Xia Yi's mouth.

"Are you wrong? I ask you, have you recognized your mistake and reflected on it?" Xia Yi moved his aching body and complained.

"I was wrong, really wrong, I shouldn't be with you %@%%&*&*... &... &—" Gu Wenzhu's mouth was covered by Xia Yi, and he roared anxiously: " They're still outside, so be quiet."

Gu Wenzhu looked at him with innocent eyes and nodded again and again.

Xia Yi let go of Gu Wenzhu's mouth and glanced at him sideways, "Feed me."

After the food was swept away, Meng Wanzi and his disciples outside the yard also finished eating and left, and Gu Wenzhu started to clean up the dishes.

Xia Yi felt sore all over and wanted to lie down again. Just this action made him grin, slowly like a patient with a broken body.

After finally laying down, he stared at the ceiling inexorably, "179, really, he's really not a human being."

179 didn't want to answer this time and wanted to slap him twice.

Just when he was about to fall asleep in a daze, Xia Yi suddenly felt a burst of heat rising from his abdomen. Immediately, the blood boiled immediately, and the heartbeat accelerated at the same time, while the hands and feet were lazily weak.

What's wrong with me? Are you going to wear it? Not like ah. Xia Yi looked around, the air didn't float, and the furniture didn't twist. sick? Heatstroke? influenza? Or what emergency

"179, 179 is coming out soon, something big has happened. Without you, I feel that my whole body is not right." Xia Yi shouted to the system in a panic, "Did I have any emergency?"

"Host, don't panic, I'll test it for you." 179 is calm and professional, like a mature system. Xia Yi took a deep breath, trying to suppress the inexplicable heat in his heart, waiting for the system's test results.

"179, if I am terminally ill, don't tell me, at least let me and brother Zhu marry happily first."

"Forget it, tell me, I won't get married with Brother Zhu, so as not to delay him, it will become a second marriage."

179 didn't reply for a while, and the situation didn't seem very good.

Xia Yi felt more and more bad in his heart. He said that the more Baidu, the more he felt that he had a terminal illness, but this is not all based on wild thoughts, and even the cemetery was pondering where it was built.

He began to imagine the scene where Gu Wenzhu watched him lose weight day by day, hid on the side and hammered the wall in pain alone, but had to force a smile when facing him, and couldn't help but feel astringent in his eyes.

The body seems to be getting hotter and hotter, is it about to explode

"179, haven't you checked it out yet?"

"Host, after a sophisticated test, it shows that you are not suffering from any disease, but your boom period has come suddenly." 179's voice suddenly sounded, "It may be caused by your hormone fluctuations last night."

"Hot... boom period?" Xia Yi had a thunderous expression on his face.

"Yes, hee hee." 179's laughter revealed a schadenfreude that could not be concealed.

But I'm not a single dog now, I don't know how happy you are.

Xia Yi calmed down after thinking about it, and sneered at 179.

At this moment, Gu Wenzhu was pushing the door with a bowl in his hand, and he was still calling softly, "Xiaoyi, come and drink the chicken soup, and then rest."

As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Wenzhu stopped and stared blankly ahead.

I saw Xia Yi had already sat up, holding the quilt and looking at him. His cheeks were flushed, and his almond eyes were filled with water vapor, as if a small hook had grown out...

"Brother Zhu, come here quickly." Xia Yi's voice also seemed to grow a small hook, soft and glutinous...

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who threw mines for me to irrigate the nutrient solution: Oops, Vivi, the wind that slips across the river;

I will continue to work hard!