Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 34


When he woke up, the sky was already bright, Xia Yi raised his hand to block the sunlight in front of him, and looked around with his eyes blinded.

The side is empty, and the sound of pots and spoons coming from the kitchen. Wasn't Zhuge a dead dog before he went to bed last night? He had already got up this morning.

After all, Gu Wenzhu had a strong physique, and after only one night of grooming, he recovered his spirits.

When Xia Yi walked into the kitchen, he saw a casserole on the stove, simmering the fragrant Eucommia and Codonopsis chicken soup.

Seeing Xia Yi twitching his nose and walking in to lift the lid of the pot, Gu Wen said in a soft and gentle voice, "I'll make up for your body."

In fact, I think that you are the one who needs to make up for it!

Gu Wenzhu filled a bowl of soup and put it aside, "I'll keep you cold." Then he picked up two chicken legs and put them in another bowl and handed it to Xia Yi.

The drumsticks are big and fat, with an alluring meaty aroma. Xia Yi picked up one and shoved it into Gu Wenzhu's mouth, and then nibbled the other one.

"Where's the unicorn? Cook some rice with chicken soup for the unicorn." Xia Yi then remembered that he hadn't seen the unicorn for several days, and he didn't know what it was eating.

"Qilin is in the old house, living with Meng Lao and the others."

Xia Yi put a chicken leg in his mouth and was stunned, "Can they cook?"

"You can't starve to death." Gu Wenzhu replied lightly.

Who says you can't starve to death? Does Master Meng Wanzi look like someone who can cook? Maybe after this time, the two corpses were frozen.

"I'll take a look at them." Xia Yi chewed off the chicken legs in two bites, and said vaguely, "Give me some chicken soup, and I'll send it to them."

Gu Wenzhu frowned, this was a chicken that was killed specifically for Xiaoyi's body, and he really didn't want to share it with the immortal Taoists.

After hesitating for a while, he still took a food box and filled it with chicken soup.

He hurried to the front of the old house and pushed open the courtyard door. At that moment, Xia Yi's food box was almost unsteady, and he suspected that he had gone to the wrong place.

I saw that the courtyard was spotless, and the blue brick floor shone slightly under the sun. The rotten baskets and the like in the corners were long gone, and a few pots of green plants were placed there, and the open well was covered with a clean wooden board.

"Let me go, let me go." An unfamiliar male voice came from behind, which didn't sound like Meng Wanzi and Qi Zhou.

Xia Yi looked back and saw a large slate in front of him, and quickly got out of the way.

The slate was carried to the courtyard and slowly lowered, revealing a naive face.

Erniu grinned at Xia Yi while wiping the sweat from his face with his clothes.

"Er Niu?" Xia Yi asked suspiciously, "Why are you here? Where are Elder Meng and Qi Zhou?"

Qi Zhou's voice came from the house, "I'm building a rockery." As the sound fell, Qi Zhou put his hands behind his back and walked out leisurely.

Xia Yi asked in shock, "You still want to build a rockery in the yard?"

"Yes, no matter where you live or how long you have to live, you can't lower your requirements for life." Qi Zhou stretched out a wrinkle on the corner of his clean robe, "Not only do I have to build rockeries, I also want to plant them. Some flowers and plants, and some birds and fish."

After speaking, he nodded reservedly at Erniu, "Gu Beicheng, you did a good job, let's continue tomorrow."

Er Niu looked at Qi Zhou, his eyes were shining, and he smiled and said: "Then I will build it for you tomorrow." After speaking, he turned and walked out.

Seeing that Er Niu had just walked out of the yard, the unicorn with two small stone slabs tied to his back also walked in.

When Xia Yi saw Qilin like this, he was immediately angry.

Good you, Qizhou, to pursue the quality of life, you should pursue it yourself. As a result, you do nothing, and you are leisurely. Not only do you send Erniu to do things for you, but you even treat my unicorn as a coolie.

"Son, come here." Xia Yi called out to Qilin with a gloomy face.

Qilin hadn't seen Xia Yi for several days, and was embarrassed by the slate. Seeing the master this time, he ran over happily, licked and rubbed against Xia Yi, and turned around to show him his back.

Xia Yi hurried to unload the slate, raised his eyes and glared at Qi Zhou.

The Qishan faction is said to be all dog slaves? Do you treat your master like this

"Don't worry, the unicorn is a divine beast and can move mountains and mountains. These two slates are completely irrelevant." Qi Zhou waved his hands indifferently.

But go to your divine beast, Xia Yi hurriedly hugged the unicorn and looked around, seeing that there was nothing unusual about it, and then he was relieved.

Look at the box of chicken soup that I put on the courtyard wall, I don't give it to this person, and I bring it back later.

"Yo, Xiao Xia is here." With a burst of laughter, a person dressed as an ordinary villager walked in from outside the courtyard.

I saw that he was wearing a brown coarse blouse, his long hair was tied up in a bun on top of his head, and he was carrying a bamboo basket on his back.

Looking at those eyebrows, isn't this Meng Wanzi or who

Xia Yi suddenly felt in a trance. If it wasn't for Qi Zhou calling out Master from behind, he wouldn't have dared to recognize it.

I haven't seen each other for a few days, and the immortal Meng Wanzi is so down-to-earth

Meng Wanzi put down the basket behind him, took two sips of the tea handed by Qi Zhou, and said to Xia Yi, "By the way, today, Brother Cai, the carrots in your field are almost ready."

"Who is Brother Cai?" Xia Yi asked blankly.

"You don't even know Wang Cai, isn't it your guardian?" Meng Wanzi glanced at him strangely, with a look of condemnation in his eyes, "Brother Cai cares about you so much, he's going to see you every day when you're sick, and he thinks you're both of you. into the city."

"I always call him Uncle Wang, how can I know what his original name was." Xia Yi defended himself.

Did Meng Wanzi get along with the villagers so quickly? Actually and Uncle Wang are called brothers.

"What are you holding in your hand?" Meng Wanzi's eyes lit up when he found the food box in Xia Yi's hand.

"Chicken soup for you." Xia Yi didn't want to give it to Qi Zhou, but Meng Wanzi didn't care.

So he put the food box in front of him, "Go wash your hands first, then bring your porcelain bowl, and I'll serve you soup."

"It doesn't matter so much," Meng Wanzi said, grabbed his sleeves and wiped the sweat, then rubbed his hands on his clothes, took the food box from Xia Yi's hand, and went into the kitchen.

After a while, I saw him walking out with two porcelain bowls.

A bowl was placed in front of Qilin, with a smile on his face, "Qilin eat quickly." A bowl was handed to Qi Zhou.

After he finished speaking, he took the food box and ate the rest.

Qi Zhou stood aside, his face full of pain and unbearable to look directly, the bowl was brought to his mouth several times, unable to open his mouth.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, frowning and pouring in.

"By the way, are you all cured?" Meng Wanzi asked after drinking the soup and wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

"Well, it's alright." Mentioning this, Xia Yi's face had a trace of unnaturalness, but Meng Wanzi didn't notice it either.

"Then I'll go to the field and take a look first." Xia Yi waved his hand indiscriminately, and hurriedly went out to the field with the unicorn, lest Meng Wanzi had to ask.

Just after walking out of the courtyard, 179's beaming voice was accompanied by firecrackers, "Congratulations to the host, congratulations to the host, the winter melon has matured, and you have successfully completed the fourth task."

"Task introduction: Awaken Cangyi Immortal Venerable

Completion: 1/1

Reward: The mission rewards a rare spree”

"What's the use of these rewards? By the way, I haven't received the rewards for my first quest, that is, the foundation building liquid and the pill for washing the marrow." Xia Yi began to complain dissatisfiedly, "There are also rare gift packages, I don't care about them. ."

"Can you drink the foundation building liquid? If you can, bring it to me now. If you are a little thirsty, drink two bottles."

"Is it okay to drink?" 179 replied uncertainly.

"If you can't drink it, say no, if you can drink it, say yes. Why do you add it?"

"I can drink it." 179 answered succinctly this time.

"Then get me a bottle and I'll taste it."

As soon as he finished speaking, a white pottery bottle the size of Wahaha's calcium milk appeared in Xia Yi's hand.

The shape is simple and simple, and at first glance, it looks like those in the TV series that are filled with magic pills, or poisons such as Hedinghong.

Anyway, 179 said that he could drink it, so Xia Yi unceremoniously lifted the lid, raised his head and poured a sip into his mouth.

Smacking the mouth, sweet and sweet, the taste is a bit like fruit beer, not bad.

The bottle is not big, so I drank it in a few seconds, "179, get me two more bottles."

"I've never had a drink since I came to this world, and I haven't even tasted a sweet one." Xia Yi complained while lifting the lids of the other two bottles, "I've been drinking Coke in my dreams, and my saliva is flowing out."

"Host, if you have a child, you can drink brown sugar water and eat eggs with brown sugar water."

"179 You are so annoying."

Looking at Qilin sticking out his tongue and panting, he looked at himself without blinking. Xia Yi hesitated, opened a bottle and handed it to Qilin, "Son, open your mouth, Daddy will give you a bottle."

Qilin opened his mouth obediently, and Xia Yi slowly fed it.

After a while, one person and one dog drank all the foundation-building liquid, and burped contentedly, "Let's go and see the winter melon."

"Wait, host, you haven't received a new mission yet." 179 reminded.

"Tell me, what do you want me to plant." Xia Yi didn't care.

179 cleared his throat, raised his voice and said aloud: "Now, please accept the new task for the host."

"Task introduction: Get a magic weapon and summon your own divine beast

Completion: 0/1

Reward: The mission rewards a rare spree”

"Then what is it this time?"

"This time, lettuce."

It's not planting across seasons, it's okay, you can plant it openly, and then sell it openly.

"Okay, let's grow lettuce. Now let's go and see my winter melon."

Wow, such a big winter melon, Xia Yi was stunned when she walked into the field and saw it.

"My winter melon grows so well? It's so obvious that others still look like carrots?"


"Then if I sell it on the street, is it the price of winter melon or the price of carrots?"

"This..." The system was in trouble.

Forget it, let me receive it all in the system space.

"All received, what do you say when Gu Wenzhu asks?"

"Let's just say that the carrots all over the place are rotten." Xia Yi patted the winter melons, "Put them all away."

When he got home, before Xia Yi entered the bedroom, he heard the abnormal sound of furniture moving inside. Going in, Gu Wenzhu was dismantling the bed where he was sleeping.

"Brother Zhu, why did you dismantle the bed?" Xia Yi asked in surprise.

"Anyway, the new bed is ready, so let's replace this one. It's too old, it's small, and there's a lot of movement." Gu Wenzhu remembered the previous few days and couldn't help blushing and beating.

At night, the two slept in a new bed.

The bed was made so carefully and sturdy that there was not even a single burr on the legs of the bed. Gu Wenzhu rubbed it carefully with sandpaper, and painted it layer by layer several times. After a few days of wind blowing in the courtyard, I moved in.

Xia Yi pressed against Gu Wenzhu's firm chest, listening to his strong and gentle heartbeat, and slowly fell asleep.

In my sleep, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, and my chest was empty. Xia Yi closed his eyes and groped for a while in the quilt.

Hey, what about people? The touch of the quilt has also changed, from fabric to soft silk satin.

Xia Yi was jolted, his drowsiness disappeared, and he sat up from the bed.

With the moonlight coming in from the window, the furniture in the house was shadowed.

Under the body is a bed with red sandalwood and lotus patterns, and a black lacquer carved screen stands in front of the bed.

Outside the half-opened window, bamboo shadows swayed.

Isn't this the Qishan School Nawangzhuyuan

I'm wearing it again.