Carrying a Hoe to Cultivate

Chapter 40


When the dizziness disappeared, Xia Yi slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was look at his feet.

Good, not on any cliffside single bridge.

Look at the surrounding scene, it is very real, it should not be a different dimension killing formation.

Surrounded by lush green trees, I was in the middle of it, standing on a winding mountain road.

In the distance, halfway up the mountain, an elegant and classical pavilion was born.

kindness? Isn't this the same place where he crashed into the Cangyi Barrier last time

It seems that the game is logged out when the dungeon is being downloaded, and when it goes online again, the character stops at the door of the dungeon.

Xia Yi took a few steps forward in the direction of the copy in his memory, to see if he could still break into Cang Yi's barrier.

Looked around carefully, nothing changed.

Forest trees, mountain roads, and small pavilions are still there.

Forget it, go back, this ghost place is very weird. Xia Yi thought to himself and turned around.

As soon as he turned around, he looked into a pair of big orange-yellow golden eyes, like two faint lanterns.

In the center of the lantern, a pair of vertical pupils stared at him without blinking.

Xia Yi's bones were stunned, and the hair all over his body exploded instantly. After screaming, he quickly backed away.

When he saw the thing in front of him, he took a deep breath.

I just saw a monster of unknown species standing silently in front of me, tilting its head and looking at him.

The monster looked like a lion and had a single horn. The body is shaped like a deer, with hard and smooth black scales, and its hooves are slightly shiny, like wearing four fluorescent shoes.


These two words flashed in Xia Yi's mind.

Don't panic, don't run, don't act like you're scared.

Xia Yi held her breath, pinched her thighs, and stood straight on the spot.

Don't make eye contact with it and let it mistake you for provocation.

Xia Yi turned his gaze to the side indifferently, as if looking at the weeds by the roadside.

Now, right now, take it slow, yes, take it slow.

The monster was standing on the end of the mountain, so Xia Yi continued to go up the mountain road like a leisurely stroll, towards the small pavilion.

It's over! The monster also followed slowly! And keep the same step rate as him!

Don't panic, take a deep breath, and don't reveal your inner fears.

Xia Yi continued to walk unhurriedly, cold sweat dripping from his palms.

The sensory nerves in his whole body have now moved to his ears, like two radars installed, vigilantly listening to the movements behind him.

There was a rustling sound from the grass on the left, and the monster was digging the grass.

There was another screeching sound from the right, and there was a strange fluorescent stone there, and the monster must be gnashing its teeth now.

"Crack," Bite! broken! !

Xia Yi's heart also trembled.

His head is definitely not as strong as that stone.

After walking about 100 meters in this way, the monster was always hanging behind him, flickering left and right.

Seeing the next paragraph, when Xia Yi breathed a sigh of relief, it looked ahead and followed up.

Suddenly, a hare jumped out of the grass in front of him, staring at Xia Yi ignorantly with a pair of round eyes.

"Go, go," Xia Yi whispered softly, driving calmly.

The rabbit obviously didn't understand Xia Yi's hint, and thought that he had never been driven away before, so he was not afraid, and jumped two more steps in this direction.

The monster behind him obviously found the rabbit too.

It seemed to dash forward with interest, and suddenly let out a low thunderous roar.

Xia Yi was already tense all the way, and his nerves were highly tense. Hearing this roar suddenly, he couldn't control himself any longer, screamed, and dashed forward.

He has never run so fast in his life, plus this body is already in the foundation-building stage, when encountering hurdles, jumping over hurdles, and encountering rivers and streams.

I could only hear the wind whistling in my ears, and in just a few breaths, I flew to the pavilion halfway up the mountain.

He was about to stop to check the situation and see if the monster was still following when he heard the sound of running with four hooves hitting the ground behind him.

It turned out that it had been attached to the back a few meters not far or near.


Xia Yi regained his strength, mobilized his trembling legs, and prepared to run to the top of the mountain in one breath.

Suddenly, I felt a cold wind blowing from behind me. Xia Yi let out a terrified scream, and was instantly thrown to the grass by the monster.

After the monster swooped down on Xia Yi, regardless of his struggles, it turned him over with its claws and held him firmly.

The golden vertical pupils have become round, revealing inexplicable excitement, and opened a bloody mouth at him.

Xia Yi couldn't catch it in one breath, and his head was buzzing. There is only one thought over and over again, I'm going to die, I'm going to die, I'm going to be eaten by aliens.

Seeing that the mouth with white fangs was getting closer, Xia Yi was pressed to the ground and unable to move.

Full of despair, he simply gave up the struggle and turned his face to the side, "Zhu brother, see you in the next life."

The imagined pain did not come as expected, but something moist and warm licked on his face.

Xia Yi trembled with fright.

Then, again.

Then he licked his face like crazy.

Xia Yi was both frightened and surprised, and opened his eyes slightly. I saw the monster in front of him licking himself, waving his heavy tail happily, and humming like a spoiled child.

Although the voice was as low as thunder, Xia Yi strangely could hear the coquettish meaning from it.

It's like a unicorn at home.

Seeing that Xia Yi opened his eyes and looked at him, he stopped licking, took two steps back and squatted on the ground, opening his mouth and gasping for breath.

Are you sure it's an alien and not a dog

"Ding Ding," the monster shook its head and suddenly made a slight sound.

I heard it vaguely when I was running just now, but Xia Yi didn't have time to think about it. Now he looked down the voice and saw what seemed to be a copper bell hanging from the monster's neck.

Look carefully, yes, it is a copper bell.

Brass texture, black leather cord.

Isn't this the bell I bought for Qilin when I was playing the ring in the next village? !

Seeing that the monster on the opposite side was chasing the rabbit on the side of the road again, a guess slowly emerged in Xia Yi's mind.

So he opened his mouth and called out hesitantly, "Kirin?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the running monster stopped, turned his head to look at him, came over again, and rubbed his head affectionately against his body.

It was just the horn on his forehead that turned Xia Yi upside down.

Xia Yi looked at it's overwhelmed appearance, and pointed to a broom in the small pavilion next to it, "Go and bring me the broom."

I saw it rushed out quickly, like a black light, and then trotted back with a broom.

That's right, my own son.

"My unicorn, why did you become like this!" Xia Yi hugged the unicorn, kissing and touching, still very sad, "My dear son, why did you become an alien."

"It's all the fault of the 179 systems that have made you look like this." Xia Yi kissed again on the corner of the unicorn, "But Daddy doesn't despise you."

"Why do you blame me? I'm not a technical system, I'm just your task release system." 179's resentful voice sounded in his mind.

"179! You're here too!" Xia Yi was really surprised and happy.

"I've always been there."

As soon as Xia Yi thought about it, his face turned gloomy, "So you've been there all the time, so you didn't tell me aloud when you saw me being frightened by the unicorn?"

"How do I know that you were frightened by him? I thought you were playing with him." 179 felt very wronged, "Don't you recognize that it is a unicorn?"

"It's not a species at all, how could I recognize him?" Xia Yi felt that he was wronged. "Look at it for yourself, does it have the slightest resemblance to before?"

"Is there any change? Isn't it still the same?" 179 was quite righteous.